Revision Worksheet 2 - 18005676

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1. What are Session cookies?

Session cookies are used in various places, for example a virtual shopping cart. The cookie is
stored in a temporary memory on the computer, it doesn't actually collect any information from
the user's computer, rather it gets deleted the second the session is closed.

2. Explain Persistent cookies in detail.

Permanent cookies remember a user's login details. They are stored on the hard disk of the
user's computer until it reaches its expiry date (a predetermined value) or the user deletes it.
The cookies stay if the assigned website is closed, or not. This is helpful since it speeds up the
process of logging in and other activities when the user creates a new session. Safe websites
encrypt your data for secure transmission, even if the cookies get ‘stolen’. Persistent cookies
allow the websites to remember passwords, and other credentials so that the user will take
lesser time logging in. Persistent cookies serve as a memory, enabling the website to recognize
the user every time they log in. Persistent cookies can save user’s filtered items, and save items
for the next session. Persistent cookies can track internet habits, push personalized ads, add
favorites, and bookmarks accordingly.

3. Mention the uses of persistent cookies.

Persistent cookies can be used for logging in,filters commonly used, and so many other things,
persistent cookies allow the user to have a personalized, quick experience on the session,
eliminating repeated requests on preferences. Persistent cookies can be used in financial
transactions, allowing data to be saved in online games and quizzes. It can also allow social
networking sites to recognize certain preferences while browsing. Persistent cookies can also
help in directly translating text to previously used languages.

4. Summarize what happens when a website is first visited and then what happens in
subsequent visits through an illustration.
5. What is digital currency? Explain

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