Gen Ed Lesson 5 - 094701

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Lesson Objectives:
You should be able to:

1. define fertilization, conception and pregnancy;

2. explain how pregnancy occurs and its prevention; and
3. identify the complications of early pregnancy in the growing adolescent.

 Ovulation- the process when a mature ovum is released from the ovary and travels
to the fallopian tube for possible fertilization.
 Fertilization- union of the sperm and the ovum
 Pregnancy- the process when an offspring develops within the mother’s womb

Although human beings are fully sexually differentiated at birth, the differences between males ans
females are accentuated at puberty. This is when the reproductive system matures, secondary sexual
characteristics develop, and the bodies of males and females appear more distinctive.

Female puberty 8-13 years

Male puberty Lags about two years behind that of girls

How does one ovulate?

How does pregnancy occur?

 Pregnancy happens 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse

 Once the embryo( fertilized egg) attaches to the inner lining of the uterus, a fetus develops
within 5-7 days.-official pregnancy
 Normal pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks(nine months)
 After 8 weeks, the embryo is officially referred to as fetus

What can be done to prevent teenage pregnancy?

 Teen pregnancy has a tremendous impact on the educational, social, and economic status of young
 Early parenting reduces likelihood that a young woman will complete high school and pursue the
necessary post- secondary education

 Equipping the youth with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to protect themselves
against unwanted pregnancy
 Provide them access to reproductive healthcare
What are the health effects of early pregnancy in the growing adolescent?
 Woman under 20, the pelvic area is still growing and may not be large enough to allow the baby
to easily pass through the birth canal. –may result to “obstructed labor”
 Fistula

The long-term consequences of teenage pregnacy include;

 lowered educational achievement,

 medical complications,
 higher subsequent fertility,
 low labor force participation,
 reduced earnings,
 a lifetime of economic stress and
 limited opportunity,
 and marital failure.
Lesson 5|Risky Behaviors of Adolescents

Lesson Objectives:
You should be able to;

1. understand the risky behaviors of the growing adolescent;

2. identify trouble signs that can lead to risky behaviors and its complications; and
3. discuss how to avoid risky behaviors.

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