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To: Ms.

Salma Baabbad

From: Raheel AlAlshakr

Date: January 1st, 2022

Subject: Progress Report on the Status of Co-op Training with Amazon – Yanbu Branch


I am pleased to write this progress report on my collaborative training at Amazon – Yanbu

Branch, which focused on accounting tasks for the organization. I have been working with
Amazon since January 1st, 2022. I am in charge of the Finance and Administration Department,
where my learning objectives include to acquire knowledge, skills, and experience in strategic
budgeting, cash flow management, cost containment, and book keeping. My immediate manager
is Mr. Mohammed Ali, and he is the Deputy Manager and Head of the Finance & Administration

Work completed:

I have prepared the monthly budgets for the department and submitted them for approval. Also, I
have prepared and reviewed the monthly reports for our department’s income and expenses, sales
performance reports, stock inventory reports, purchase order reports and many more. Moreover, I
have prepared monthly payrolls for all personnel in our department, including myself. Finally, I
have reviewed all invoices to ensure that they were received from suppliers before approving
them for payment. All the payments were also made according to the payment terms.

Work remaining:

There are two significant tasks remaining: updating the employee database and compiling an
annual report of activity within the department for submission to the Corporate Office in Seattle
by June 1st, 2022.

Work Ongoing:

I am currently working on updating the employee database. This is an essential task, and I am
doing my best to complete it by May 1st, 2022. The database will include all the information
about employees, including name, address, marital status, children's names and ages, and duties
and responsibilities within the department.

Problems encountered:

My immediate manager Mr. Mohammed is not happy with my work. He thinks I am inefficient
and need improvement. That is because some employees in the department are not working hard
and asking me to cover their places. I will talk to my manager about these reasons, and I hope he
will assist me in solving this problem. We cannot afford to lose another employee at this point
when we already have enough issues and need all hands-on deck.


The department should hire a reliable person to do the job of updating the employee database.
All employees in the department should be trained on how to use the updated database and what
information they should input into it. Several employees are not performing their duties
satisfactorily. We need to find a way to solve this problem, so I recommend giving them a six-
month probationary period. If they do not show improvement, they will be fired immediately.
Employees who have completed one year with Amazon – Yanbu Branch are eligible for an
annual bonus of a given percentage of their monthly salary. We need to inform them about this
benefit so that they will work harder and complete any unfinished work before June 1st, 2022,
which is the deadline for submitting the annual report.


I appreciate the opportunity I have had so far to work in such a reputable company. I will work
toward regaining my manager's trust by sticking to my assigned duties and giving my best. I will
also work closely with other more experienced and permanent employees to get insights on how
to manage some of the challenges that I face at my workstation. Ultimately, I look forward to
being a resourceful team player who can get a recall for a job offer upon completing my

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