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Topic: Employee Attrition Analysis Report

Thesis: This essay analyzes the various reasons for attrition in a company that wishes to merge

with another. The focal point of the study is to outline the various ways in which talent retention

is attained in the company once another acquires it. Retention analysis offers

I. Introduction

A. Overview

B. Thesis statement

II. Current Employee Demographics

A. Demographic Data

1. Figure 1: demographic data

2. Figure 2: Marital Status

III. Attrition Analysis

A. Top Reason for Attrition

1. Inadequate Promotional Opportunities

2. Ineffective Managers

3. Job Responsibilities

4. Compensation

5. Poor Recognition

B. Employee Job Retention

1. Figure 3: Job Satisfaction

2. Period Since Last Promotion

3. Figure 4: Last Promotion

4. Average Age of Exit

C. Connection Between Training, Duration, and Exit from the Company

1. Figure 5: Training Times

IV. Retention

A. Likelihood of Current Employees to exit the company

1. Figure 7: Job Role duration

B. Employee Stability in the Organization

1. Figure 7: Education and Salary

V. Actionable Steps

A. Availability of New Future Prospects

B. Conducive Working Environment.

C. Appreciation and Motivation

VI. Conclusion

A. Summary of the points

VII. References

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