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Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.

74 87, January 2008

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/asjc.008


Min Wang and Donghua Zhou


Fault tolerant control of feedback linearizable systems with stuck actua-

tors is studied in this paper. Once stuck, the faulty actuators cannot respond to
the control inputs and have fixed constant outputs. The fault considered here
is severe in the sense that the faulty system is no longer feedback linearizable.
By constructing a nonlinear transformation and extending Chen’s disturbance
observer to a multi-dimensional case, a generalized disturbance observer is
developed for estimating the unknown constant outputs of the faulty actua-
tors. Then, through integrating the generalized disturbance observer with a
controller constructed by the famous cascade design method, a fault tolerant
controller is obtained. It is proven that the fault tolerant controller ensures
not only boundedness of the state of the faulty system but also satisfactory
output performance. Finally, computer simulations are done using an inverted
pendulum model to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key Words: Feedback linearizable systems, stuck actuators, fault tolerant

control, disturbance observer.

I. INTRODUCTION Developed in the 1970s, FTC has experienced

great progress in the past three decades [1]. Generally,
Increasing safety and performance requirements the fault information, such as where the fault is and
in modern industry lead to more and more complex how bad the fault is, can be very useful information in
control systems, which make faults inevitable. When a designing a fault tolerant controller. According to how
fault occurs in a control system such as a malfunction this fault information is used, there are two types of
in some actuator or sensor, the controller may not act as FTC methods: passive and active methods [1]. Assum-
expected, which usually causes performance degrada- ing the possible faults are known a priori, the passive
tion of the system or even makes the system unstable. method takes into account of all these possible faults
So it is of practical interest to design controllers that in the design stage and does not change the controller
can guarantee the system stability and maintain satis- when the fault occurs [2–7]. An active method usually
factory performance when the fault occurs. This is the uses a fault detection and isolation (FDI) unit to collect
main objective of fault tolerant control (FTC) [1]. the fault information and changes the controller accord-
ing to the fault [8–28]. Intuitively, the active method
uses more information, thus, can achieve better perfor-
mance than the passive method. One typical active FTC
Manuscript received 20 January 2006; revised 15 September system widely used in the literature contains a normal
2006; accepted 26 December 2006. controller, a FDI unit, and a fault estimation and con-
Min Wang and Donghua Zhou (e-mail: zdh@mail.tsinghua.
troller redesign module [8, 9, 11–15, 19, 20, 23–28] as are with the Department of Automation, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 100084, China.
illustrated in Fig. 1. When a fault is detected, the FDI
This work was supported by NSFC (Grant No. 60736026, unit determines where the fault is, i.e. fault isolation,
60574084), 863 program (Grant No. 2006AA04Z428), and Na- then the online fault estimation algorithm is activated.
tional 973 program (Grant No. 2002CB312200) of China. Based on this estimation, the controller is redesigned

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Fault electric machines, autopilot control, and flight mechan-

Setpoint u y
ics [30]. Thus, the FTC problem for FLS with stuck
Controller Plant actuators is of practical interest. To solve this problem,
Tao [22] presented an adaptive compensation frame-
Controller Fault detection work which required no FDI unit. Global stability is
redesign and isolation
guaranteed by adjusting the controller’s parameters on-
Online fault line. Liang [4] proposed a passive approach. Separating
the actuators into a potentially faulty part and non-faulty
part, the main idea is to design a basic controller by the
use of the non-faulty ones. When the potentially faulty
Fig. 1. A typical active FTC system. actuators are healthy, they improve the performance;
and when they are stuck, their effects can be compen-
to compensate for the effect of the fault. In this paper, sated for by the basic controller. Another method for
we also adopt this typical active FTC system. resolving the same problem using optimization tech-
One important fault scenario is that of stuck niques was also investigated in [10]. However, none of
actuators, which is common in flight control and chem- these methods considered the two above mentioned dif-
ical processes. Once stuck, the faulty actuators can no ficulties simultaneously. Reference [10] assumed that
longer respond to the control inputs and have fixed the stuck positions were known, which made the first
constant outputs. Thus, the faulty actuators not only difficulty trivial, while references [4] and [22] assumed
reduce some freedom in the control ability but also act as that the faulty system is still feedback linearizable, i.e.
persistent external disturbances [9]. The related FTC satisfies the matching condition, making the second dif-
problem is very challenging in the sense that the remain- ficulty trivial. Therefore, further work on this problem
ing healthy actuators must compensate for the effect of is necessary.
the faulty ones and maintain the original performance In this paper, we consider an FTC problem for
as much as possible at the same time. Generally speak- FLS with stuck actuators. The two above mentioned
ing, there are mainly two difficulties in the related FTC difficulties are considered simultaneously, i.e., we as-
problem. Due to the additional cost for extra compo- sume that the stuck positions are unknown and the faulty
nents, in practice, the outputs of actuators are usually system is no longer feedback linearizable. The typical
not measured. Thus, the constant outputs of the stuck ac- active FTC system depicted in Fig. 1 is used. Due to
tuators, i.e. stuck positions, are difficult to obtain. This the great development of fault detection and diagnosis
is the first difficulty. The second one is: given the stuck techniques, in this paper, we assume that the FDI unit
positions, designing a fault tolerant controller is still has been successfully designed. The aim of this paper
not an easy task. This is especially true when the struc- is to design the online fault estimation algorithm and
ture of the original system is dramatically changed by redesign the controller for the faulty system to com-
the faulty actuators. Boskovic [8] and Tao [21] solved pensate for the effect of the stuck actuators. Since the
the FTC problem by adaptive control techniques. Chen faulty system is not feedback linearizable, the controller
[9] presented an iterative learning observer to esti- design becomes difficult. To deal with the difficulty, a
mate the unknown stuck positions. All of them assume nonlinear transformation is first constructed using ge-
a matching condition, i.e., the correct outputs of the ometric methods, which can transform the faulty sys-
stuck actuators can be completely generated by the tem into a cascade system. Under an assumption of the
remaining healthy ones, which makes the fault tolerant feasibility of the famous cascade design method [31],
controller design very easy when the stuck positions a controller is then designed for the faulty system. On
are available. When this matching condition does not the other hand, based on the nonlinear transformation,
hold, their methods cannot be applied. a generalized disturbance observer (GDO) is presented
Feedback linearizable systems (FLS) are a simple by the nonlinear observer design techniques to estimate
class of nonlinear systems, which can be turned into lin- the unknown stuck positions. Finally, integrating the
ear systems by appropriate feedback control [29]. Based controller with the GDO, a fault tolerant controller is
on the linear systems, the conventional linear controller obtained. Compared with the existing work already re-
design techniques can be used. Therefore, the control ported in the literature, the contribution of this paper is
problem of FLS is relatively easier compared with that mainly in the following three aspects:
of the general nonlinear systems. Although simple, FLS
is a very important class of nonlinear systems, which is 1. A GDO is newly developed which can estimate
common in physical nonlinear systems such as robotics, the stuck positions accurately. Moreover, its de-

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76 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74 87, January 2008

sign is systematic and simple. As a matter of fact, B = diag(B1 , B2 , . . . , Bm )

the proposed GDO is a multi-dimensional exten- C = diag(C1 , C2 , . . . , Cm ).
sion of Chen’s disturbance observer [32]. This
extension is nontrivial and greatly enlarges the ap- The linear subsystem (Ai , Bi , Ci ) (1≤i≤m) takes the
plication field of Chen’s result. Brunovsky canonical form [29]:
⎡ ⎤
2. The two difficulties in FTC for control systems with 0 1 0 ··· 0
stuck actuators are considered simultaneously, which ⎢0 0 1 ··· 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
makes the proposed approach less conservative and ⎢. . . . . ⎥
⎢ .
Ai = ⎢ . . .. . . . .⎥.
more practical for real systems. ⎥
3. The boundedness of the state and the satisfactory ⎢ ⎥
⎣0 0 0 ··· 1⎦
output performance of the resultant FTC system are
rigorously proved. 0 0 0 ··· 0 ri ×ri
⎡ ⎤
The remaining parts of this paper are organized ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥
as follows. Section II introduces the problem formula- ⎢.⎥
tion. Section III contains the main results of this paper Bi = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥
including the construction of the nonlinear transforma- ⎢ ⎥
tion, the design of the GDO, the controller design by
the cascade design method with the true stuck positions 1 ri ×1
and the fault tolerant controller design as well as the 
Ci = [1 0 0 · · · 0]1×ri , ri = n.
theoretical proofs of its performance. Section IV i=1
presents simulation results while Section V concludes
the paper with final remarks. The canonical form (1) can also be written in a
Notations. A T and A−1 are, respectively, the more compact form:
transpose and the inverse of a matrix A. In denotes ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u
an identity matrix of dimension n. 0m×n stands for an (2)
y = Cx
m × n zero matrix.  ·  denotes the Euclidean norm
or its induced norm. col(x, y) implies that the two where f (x) = Ax + Bb(x) and g(x) = Ba(x) = (g1 (x),
vectors x and y are stacked to produce a new vector. . . . , gm (x)).
diag(A1 , . . . , Ak ) represents a block diagonal matrix Note that y is the output to be controlled. It doesn’t
with k matrices Ai (1≤i≤k) on its main diagonal. mean that only y is measurable. Throughout the present
paper, the following condition is assumed.
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION Assumption 1. The state x of system (1) is measurable.
Given the normal system (1), the normal control
2.1 A canonical form of FLS and the normal objective is to design a controller such that:
control objective
1. The state of the closed-loop system consisting of the
As is commonly known, FLS can be transformed
controller and the normal system (1) is bounded; The
to a canonical form by a standard nonlinear transforma-
controlled output of the closed-loop system satisfies
tion [29]. Thus, in this paper, we consider the canonical
limt→∞ y(t) = yc .
form as follows:
ẋ = Ax + B[b(x) + a(x)u] yc = col(y1c , . . . , ymc ) is the constant setpoint. The sub-
(1) script c means ‘constant’. The normal control objective
y = Cx
can be easily achieved by the feedback linearization
where x ∈ D0 ⊆ R n is the state, u = col(u 1 , . . . , u m ) ∈ techniques. Thus, no details of the normal controller
R m is the control input, and y = col(y1 , . . . , ym ) ∈ R m design will be given in this paper.
is the controlled output. b(x) : D0 → R m and a(x) : D0
→ R m×m are sufficiently smooth over an open set D0 2.2 The faulty system description and the FTC
with 0 ∈ D0 . b(0) = 0 and a(x) is nonsingular for all objective
x ∈ D0 . Hence, the origin x = 0 is an equilibrium of the The aim of this paper is to design the fault esti-
open-loop system (1) when u = 0. A ∈ R n×n , B ∈ R n×m mation and controller redesign module. Throughout the
and C ∈ R m×n have the following structure, paper, the FDI unit is assumed to be successfully de-
A = diag(A1 , A2 , . . . , Am ) signed. Without loss of generality, we suppose that the

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first p (1≤ p<m) actuators are stuck at the time t = t f where yi () : R p → R (1≤i≤ p) is any function such
while the remaining (m − p) actuators are healthy. The that xe () is an equilibrium. If a controller is designed
faulty system can be modeled as: such that the state of the closed-loop system consisting
of the controller and the faulty system (3) is bounded
ẋ = f (x) + g F (x) + g H (x)u H and limt→∞ x(t) = xe (), then the FTC objective will
y = Cx be achieved. Motivated by this observation, all the ef-
forts in the sequence are devoted to achieving this goal.
where  = col(1 , . . . ,  p ) ∈  ⊆ R p is an unknown
constant vector which represents the constant outputs
of the stuck actuators. g F (x) = (g1 (x), . . . , g p (x)),
g H (x) = (g p+1 (x), . . . , gm (x)) and u H = col(u p+1 ,
. . . , u m ). The subscript F means ‘faulty’ while H
3.1 Construction of a nonlinear transformation
means ‘healthy’.
One necessary condition of a nonlinear system In this subsection, under an involutive condition,
to be feedback linearizable is that the number of the a nonlinear transformation is constructed, which can
independent control inputs equals the number of the transform the faulty system (3) to a cascade system.
independent controlled outputs [29]. When the first p The aim of this transformation is twofold. First, based
actuators are stuck, the number of the independent con- on the transformation, Chen’s disturbance observer [32]
trol inputs is less than m. Therefore, the faulty system is can be extended to a multi-dimensional situation for
no longer feedback linearizable with the m independent constant disturbance, which plays a key role in the active
controlled outputs. The normal control objective is no FTC system. Second, the faulty system is no longer
longer achievable due to this dramatic structure change. feedback linearizable, which makes the controller de-
Only most (m − p) priority outputs can be arbitrarily sign difficult. A cascade form makes the cascade design
controlled while p secondary outputs have to be given possible, thus facilitates the controller design. To begin
up as analyzed in [10]. Without loss of generality, we with, an involutive condition on g(x) is supposed.
suppose that the last (m − p) outputs of system (3) are
priority outputs. Assumption 2. The distribution i = span{gi (x), . . . ,
Given the faulty system (3), the FTC objective is gm (x)} is involutive over D0 for all i (2≤i≤ p +1). (For
to design a controller such that: the definition of involutive, see A1.)

1. The state of the closed-loop system consisting of the Lemma 1. If Assumption 2 holds, then there exists
controller and the faulty system (3) is bounded; The a nonlinear transformation z = col(z 1 , z 2 ) = (x) =
last (m − p) controlled outputs y H of the closed- col(1 (x), 2 (x)) defined on a compact set D ⊆ D0 ,
loop system satisfies limt→∞ y H (t) = y H c where which transforms the faulty system (3) to a cascade
y H c = col(y( p+1)c , . . . , ymc ). system:

Remark 1. The number of the stuck actuators greatly ż 1 = f 1 (z) + g1 (z)

influences the feasibility of the FTC objective. Partic- ż 2 = f 2 (z) + g2F (z) + g2H (z)u H (5)
ularly, when all the actuators are stuck, the faulty sys-
tem is no longer controllable and no FTC methods will y = h(z)
be feasible. Setting the FTC objective as the above, we
where z 1 = 1 (x) ∈ R n−m+ p and z 2 = 2 (x) ∈ R m− p .
do not mean that the objective can always be achieved.
f 1 (z) ∈ R n−m+ p , f 2 (z) ∈ R m− p , g1 (z) ∈ R (n−m+ p)× p ,
Alternatively, we just aim to find out when the FTC
g2F (z) ∈ R (m− p)× p and g2H (z) ∈ R (m− p)×(m− p) are as
objective is achievable and how to achieve it. Con-
trollers that can achieve this FTC objective are said to
be fault tolerant. 

f 1 (z) *(x)

If the FTC objective is achieved, the equilibrium = f (x)

of the closed-loop system consisting of the fault toler- f 2 (z) *x x=−1 (z)
ant controller and the faulty system (3) must be in the ⎡ ⎤

following form: *1 (x)

f (x)

⎢ *x ⎥

xe () = col(y1 (), 0r1 −1 , . . . , y p (), 0r p −1 , =⎢

⎣ * (x)


f (x)

y( p+1)c , 0r p+1 −1 , . . . , ymc , 0rm −1 ) (4) *x x=−1 (z)

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78 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74 87, January 2008

g1 (z) 0 Let x ∈ R n−m denote all the entries of x except
the last state of every subsystem (Ai , Bi , Ci ) (1≤i≤m)
g2F (z) g2H (z) of system (1). By the special structure of system (1),

we have:

= g(x)

*x x=−1 (z) [g1 (x), . . . , gm (x)] = 0. (12)
⎡ ⎤
*1 (x) *1 (x)
Hence, the entries of x are (n − m) solutions to the first
g (x) g (x)

⎢ *x F
H ⎥
equation in (11).
=⎣⎢ ⎥

*2 (x) *2 (x) ⎦

Next, for the second equation in (11), 2 is invo-

g F (x) g H (x)
lutive and nonsingular with rank (m −1). From Froben-
*x *x x=−1 (z)
nius theorem (see A3), the equation has (n − m + 1)
independent solutions (For independent functions, see
A3). Note that the entries of x are its (n − m) indepen-
h(z)=C x|x=−1 (z) . (8) dent solutions. One more independent solution T1 (x)
exists over a set D1 ⊆ D0 .
Moreover, g2H (z) is nonsingular for all z ∈ (D) and Continue in this way until the last equation in (11).
g1 (z) has the following form: Since i is involutive and nonsingular with rank (m −

*1 (x)
0 i + 1), the ith equation in (11) must have (n − m + i −
g1 (z) =

g F (x)
= 1) independent solutions. One more solution Ti−1 (x)
*x x=−1 (z) gT F (z) (3≤i≤ p+1), which is independent of the (n−m+i −2)
(9) solutions to the (i − 1)th equation, i.e., the entries of x
and T1 (x), . . . , Ti−2 (x), exists over a set Di−1 ⊆ Di−2 .
where gT F (z) ∈ R p× p is a low triangular nonsingular Define T (x) =: col(T1 (x), . . . , T p (x)). By con-
matrix over (D). struction, the entries of T (x) are independent over D p .
Proof. To prove the first part of the lemma, a nonlinear
transformation (x) satisfying the following equation *Ti (x)
g j (x) = 0 (∀i, j, 1≤i≤ p, i + 1≤ j≤m).
is constructed. *x
*1 (x) (13)
g H (x) = 0 (10)
*x On the other hand, a function S(x) : R n → R m− p
can always be found such that the derivative of
Since a(x) is nonsingular, g(x) is full column
(x) = col(x, T (x), S(x)) ∈ R n is nonsingular over a
rank. By the definition of nonsingular distributions
compact set D ⊆ D p . Define a nonlinear transforma-
(see A2; note the difference from nonsingular matri-
tion z = col(z 1 , z 2 ) = (x) = col(1 (x), 2 (x)) over
ces), i (2≤i≤ p + 1) is nonsingular. Together with
D where z 1 = 1 (x) = col(x, T (x)) ∈ R n−m+ p and
Assumption 2, we conclude that i is involutive and
z 2 = 2 (x) = S(x) ∈ R m− p . Then, (10) holds by (12)
nonsingular with rank (m − i + 1) over D0 for all
and (13). Thus, the first part of the lemma is proved.
i (2≤i≤ p + 1).
By the full column rank of g(x) as well as the
Consider the following equations with an un-
low triangular form of the left part in (7), g1 (z) and
known function T (x) : R n → R.
g2H (z) are full column rank over (D). Hence, g2H (z)

⎪ *T (x) is nonsingular. As for g1 (z), the zero submatrix of g1 (z)

⎪ [g1 (x), . . . , gm (x)] = 0

⎪ *x in (9) can be confirmed by (12). Together with the full

⎪ column rank of g1 (z), the nonsingularity of gT F (z) can

⎪ *T (x)
⎨ [g2 (x), . . . , gm (x)] = 0 be inferred. Moreover, notice that
*x (11)

⎪ *T (x)

⎪ .. gT F (z) = g F (x)

⎪ . *x

⎪ x=−1 (z)

⎩ *T (x) [g p+1 (x), . . . , gm (x)] = 0.
⎪ *Ti (x)

*x = g j (x)
. (14)
*x p× p

x= −1
It is obvious that the solutions to the ith equation in
(11) are also solutions to the (i + 1)th equation. Its low triangularity can be verified by (13). 

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3.2 Design of the generalized disturbance observer Define gTi· F (z) =: col(gTi1F (z), . . . , gT F (z)) ∈
Chen [32] proposed a disturbance observer for R i−1 and i =: diag(1 , . . . , i ), 1≤i≤ p. Let gTi F (z)
one-dimensional disturbance. In this subsection, based (1≤i≤ p) denote the ith principal submatrix of gT F (z).
on the cascade system (5) in Section 3.1, we extend his Thus, gT F (z) and Q can be rewritten as follows:
result to a multi-dimensional situation and propose a ⎡ p−1

GDO to estimate the stuck positions of the faulty actu- gT F (z) 0
ators. This extension is nontrivial, as will be shown in gT F (z) = ⎣ ⎦
p· pp
what follows. (gT F (z))T gT F (z)
Let z T denote the vector consisting of the last p ⎡ ⎤

entries of z 1 in (5). Its dynamics is: Q p−1  p gT F (z)
Q=⎣ ⎦ (20)
ż T = f T (z) + gT F (z) (15) p·
 p (gT F (z))T
2 p gT F (z)
where f T (z) is the vector consisting of the last p entries
of f 1 (z) and gT F (z) is given by (9). p−1
where Q p−1 =  p−1 gT F (z) + ( p−1 gT F (z))T .
Design the GDO as follows: Using Schur complements (see A4) for (20), we
˙ = −gT F (z) − [gT F (z)z T + f T (z)] pp
(16) Q >  p I p ⇔ 2 p gT F (z)> p

ˆ =  + z T
p· p· (21)
where  ∈ R p is the state of the GDO,  ˆ ∈ R p is the gT F (z)(gT F (z))T
Q p−1 >  p I p−1 + 2p .
estimate of  and  ∈ R p× p is a constant observer pp
2 p gT F (z) −  p
gain which will be designed later. The estimation error

˜ =:  − ˆ satisfies: Choosing  p =  p /d 0p , from (19) we have:
˙˜ = −gT F (z)
 ˜ (17) pp
 p gT F (z)≥ p . (22)
Lemma 2. If Assumptions 1–2 hold and the state z of
the cascade system (5) is bounded by (D), then a By  p =  p /d 0p and (22), the following sufficient con-
constant observer gain  exists such that the estimation dition can be obtained:
error of the GDO (16) exponentially converges to zero.
Q> p I p ⇐ Q p−1 > p I p−1
Proof. If a constant matrix  exists such that:
p p· p·
Q =: gT F (z) + gTT F (z)T > p I p (18) + gT F (z)(gT F (z))T . (23)
(d 0p )2
where  p >0 is a pre-chosen positive constant, then
the error system (17) will be exponentially convergent p·
From the boundedness of gT F (z) on (D), a constant
to zero. To prove Lemma 2, such a constant matrix p·
 p−1 exists such that  p−1 I p−1 > p /(d 0p )2 gT F (z)
 is constructed. In the rest of the proof, we only p·
consider the case of constant diagonal matrices, i.e., (gT F (z))T . Consequently,
 = diag(1 , 2 , . . . ,  p ).
ij Q> p I p ⇐ Q p−1 >( p−1 +  p )I p−1 . (24)
Let gT F (z) (1≤i≤ p, 1≤ j≤ p) denote the (i, j)th
element of gT F (z). Since gT F (z) is a low triangular Hence, to make (18) hold, it is sufficient to design  p−1
nonsingular matrix on (D), as pointed out in Lemma such that Q p−1 >( p−1 +  p )I p−1 .
1, its diagonal elements are nonzero on (D). Without Continue in this way until Q 1 = 21 gT11F (z) ∈ R.
loss of generality, suppose gTii F (z)>0. Thus, they can p
Taking i = (1/di0 ) k=i k (2≤i≤ p), we have:
be divided as:

gTii F (z) = di0 + di1 (z), 1≤i≤ p (19) 

Qi > k Ii ⇐ Q i−1
where the constant di0 >0 and di1 (z)≥0. di0 can be chosen
as the minimum of gTii F (z) on (D), which cannot be 
> k Ii−1 , 2≤i≤ p (25)
zero due to the compactness of (D). k=i−1

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where Q i = i gTi F (z) + (i gTi F (z))T . {i } (1≤i≤ p) Assumption 3. There exist a continuous function
is a constant sequence satisfying (z̃ 1 , ) : R n−m+ p × R p → R m− p and two continu-
ously differentiable functions W (z̃ 1 , ) : R n−m+ p ×
gTi· F (z)(gTi· F (z))T 
R p → R and K (z̃ 1 , ) : R n−m+ p × R p → R m− p with
i−1 Ii−1 > × k , 2≤i≤ p
(di0 )2 k=i K (0, ) = 0 for all {z̃ 1 |col(z̃ 1 + z 1e (), z̃ 2 + z 2e ()) ∈
(D)} and all  ∈  such that the following inequali-
(26) ties hold:
c1 z̃ 1 2 ≤ W (z̃ 1 , )≤c2 z̃ 1 2 (28)
From (25), it follows that Q> p I p holds if  
p  *W (z̃ 1 , ) 
Q 1 > k=1 k . The latter can always be satisfied by   ≤ c3 z̃ 1  (29)
 *z̃ 1 
choosing 1 sufficiently large. Thus, an observer gain  
 has been constructed such that (18) holds, which  *W (z̃ 1 , ) 
  ≤ c4 z̃ 1  (30)
completes the proof.   * 

Remark 2. *W (z̃ 1 , )
[ f 1 (z) + g1 (z)]
*z̃ 1
(i) It can be verified that the GDO’s estimation error
≤ −c5 z̃ 1 2 + z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )(z̃ 1 , )
satisfies (t)≤
˜ (0)
˜ exp(− p t/2). A larger  p
leads to faster convergence speed. On the other (31)
hand, it also leads to a larger i (1≤i≤ p), which where c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 and c5 are all positive constants.
results in high sensitivity to the measurement noise.
Remark 3.
Therefore, a trade-off should be made when choos-
ing  p . (i) Equations (28), (29) and (31) in Assumption 3
(ii) In the proof, the existence of a feasible observer mean that the subsystem z̃ 1 of (27) can be expo-
gain is proved by constructing a diagonal one. Nev- nentially stabilized to zero regarding z̃ 2 as a virtual
ertheless, better performance may be achieved by control
relaxing the diagonal form restriction, which de- input. This assumption is widely used with a lin-
serves further research. ear growth assumption of interconnection terms
as a feasibility condition of the cascade design
3.3 Controller design with the true stuck positions [31]. Nevertheless, (31) replaces the linear growth
and stability analysis assumption with a generalized matching condi-
tion [33]. Actually, there are many other feasibil-
Consider the cascade system (5). Define z e () =: ity conditions for cascade design. We point out
col(z 1e (), z 2e ()) = (xe ()) where z 1e () ∈ that how to design a better controller based on
R n−m+ p and z 2e () ∈ R m− p . Throughout this paper, the cascade form (5) is out of the scope of this
we assume that z e () is in the interior of (D). If the research; on the contrary, here, we just use the
state z of the cascade system (5) is controlled to z e () existing methods. The main topics of this paper
and is bounded, then the state x of the faulty system are how to transform the faulty system (3) to a
(3) is controlled to xe (), and the FTC objective will cascade form, how to estimate the stuck positions
be achieved as analyzed in Section II. In this subsec- and how to use the estimates to design a fault
tion, based on the cascade system (5), a controller is tolerant controller.
designed to achieve this goal under an assumption of (ii) Equations (28), (29) and (31) are reasonable in the
the feasibility of the cascade design method [31]. The sense that if subsystem z̃ 1 cannot be controlled by
true stuck positions are used which will be replaced by z̃ 2 , then it will become uncontrollable. If this is
their estimates in Section 3.4. true, no FTC scheme is feasible. The main restric-
Define z̃ =: z − z e () = col(z̃ 1 , z̃ 2 ) where z̃ 1 = tion imposed by this is that z̃ 2 not only exponen-
z 1 − z 1e () and z̃ 2 = z 2 − z 2e (). The transformed tially stabilizes z̃ 1 but also satisfies a generalized
faulty system (5) can be rewritten as: matching condition. Despite the conservativeness,
it covers many applications [31], e.g., (28), (29)
z̃˙ 1 = f 1 (z̃ + z e ()) + g1 (z̃ + z e ())
and (31) always hold if system (27) is linear and
z̃˙ 2 = f 2 (z̃ + z e ()) + g2F (z̃ + z e ()) (27) controllable.
(iii) Equation (30) is a condition we need to guaran-
+ g2H (z̃ + z e ())u H . tee the stability of the closed-loop system when

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society
M. Wang and D. Zhou: Fault Tolerant Control of Feedback Linearizable Systems with Stuck Actuators 81

replacing the true stuck positions with their esti- derivative of V (z̃) along the trajectory of (27) and (32)
mates in the controller designed by the cascade is given below.
design method. It seems restrictive. Nevertheless,
when introducing an unknown parameter to the *W (z̃ 1 , )
V̇ (z̃) = [ f 1 (z) + g1 (z)]
Lyapunov function to reduce conservativeness (see *z̃ 1
(28)), the controller design becomes much more  
*K (z̃ 1 , ) ˙
difficult. (30) is meaningful for it clarifies when + (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))T z̃˙ 2 − z̃ 1
the replacement is feasible. *z̃ 1
(iv) Due to the difficulty of nonlinearity, it may be too (35)
ambitious to give a general method of finding the
functions W (z̃ 1 , ) and K (z̃ 1 , ) satisfying the By (27), (31) and (32), we have:
assumption. However, in some cases, they can be
found by the existing nonlinear control techniques. V̇ (z̃) ≤ −c5 z̃ 1 2 + z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )(z̃ 1 , )
How to find them is beyond the scope of this re- − (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))T (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))
(z̃ 2 −K (z̃ 1 ,))T (z̃ 2 −K (z̃ 1 ,))(z̃ 1 ,)2
By combing the cascade design method with Qu’s −
z̃ 2 −K (z̃ 1 ,)(z̃ 1 ,)+(t)
method [33], a controller for the faulty system (27) is
= −c5 z̃ 1 2 − (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))T (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))
u H (z̃, )
 z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )(z̃ 1 , )(t)
+ . (36)
=g2H (z) −(z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )) − f 2 (z) z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )(z̃ 1 , ) + (t)

It can be verified that the last term in (36) is less than

*K (z̃ 1 , )
− g2F (z) + ( f 1 (z) + g1 (z)) (t). Therefore,
*z̃ 1
 V̇ (z̃) ≤ −c5 z̃ 1 2 − (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))T
(z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))(z̃ 1 , )2
− (32)
z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )(z̃ 1 , ) + (t) × (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )) + (t). (37)
where >0 is a constant and (t) = exp(−t). The term
(t) is introduced to avoid singularity [33]. On the boundary of M, z̃ 1  and z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ) can-
For the closed-loop system (27) and (32), a Lya- not be zero at the same time. By choosing  sufficiently
punov function candidate can be taken as: small, V̇ (z̃)<0 can be obtained on the boundary of M.
This implies that any trajectory starting from within M
V (z̃) = W (z̃ 1 , ) + 12 (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , ))T will remain in it afterwards (for more details, see [29]).
Thus, the corresponding trajectory is bounded. By (37)
× (z̃ 2 − K (z̃ 1 , )). (33) and Lemma 4 (in the appendix), the attractiveness prop-
erty holds, i.e., z(t) → z e () as t → ∞. 
Remark 4. The stability result in Lemma 3 is a local
Mb =: {z̃ + z e ()|V (z̃)≤b, b>0, b ∈ R} one. Actually, M is an estimate of the region of attrac-
M =: max{Mb |Mb ⊆ (D)}. tion. That is, at the switching time ts , if the state z(ts )
is beyond the set M, then the boundedness and attrac-
Lemma 3. Suppose, for the normal system (1), the first tiveness of the closed-loop system (27) and (32) may
p (1≤ p<m) actuators are stuck at the time t f , Assump- not be guaranteed.
tions 1–3 hold and the normal controller switches to
the controller (32) at the time ts (ts ≥t f ). If  is chosen 3.4 Fault tolerant controller design with the
sufficiently small and z(ts ) ∈ M, then the correspond- estimates of the stuck positions and stability
ing trajectory of the closed-loop system (27) and (32) analysis
is bounded. Moreover, z(t) → z e () as t → ∞.
The controller (32) cannot be implemented since
Proof. The proof is similar to the one in Qu [33]. We true stuck positions  are unknown. To solve this prob-
include it here for the completeness of the paper. The lem, we replace  with its estimate ˆ in (32).

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society
82 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74 87, January 2008

Define z̃ˆ =: z − z e () ˆ = col(z̃ˆ 1 , z̃ˆ 2 ) where z̃ˆ 1 = z 1 ˆ )

where P(z̃, ˆ is given as follows:
− z 1e () ˆ and z̃ˆ 2 = z 2 − z 2e ().
ˆ The cascade system (5)
ˆ )
P(z̃, ˆ
can also be rewritten as:
˙ *z 1e ()
ˆ ˙
z̃ˆ 1 = f 1 (z) + g1 (z) ˆ + g1 (z) ˜ − ˆ *W (z̃ˆ 1 , )

*z 1e ()

*ˆ = g1 (z) − gT F (z)
z̃ˆ 2 = f 2 (z) + g2F (z) ˆ + g2F (z) ˜ (38) *z̃ˆ 1 *ˆ

*z 2e ()
ˆ ˙ *W (z̃ˆ 1 , )ˆ
+ g2H (z)u H − .
ˆ + gT F (z) + (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
ˆ T
*ˆ * ˆ
The resultant fault tolerant controller is: 
ˆ ) ˆ ). *K (z̃ˆ 1 , )ˆ *z 1e ()
u F T C (z̃, ˆ = u H (z̃, ˆ (39) × gT F (z)
*z̃ˆ 1 *ˆ
A Lyapunov function candidate can be taken as
follows for the closed-loop system (16), (38) and (39). *K (z̃ˆ 1 , )
ˆ *K (z̃ˆ 1 , )
− g1 (z) − gT F (z)
1 *z̃ˆ 1 * ˆ
ˆ )
V1 (z̃, ˆ + (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
˜ = W (z̃ˆ 1 , ) ˆ T
+ (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
ˆ T
× (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , )) ˜ T .
ˆ +  ˜ (40)
*z 2e ()
where >0 is a constant to be chosen. Define: × g2F (z) − gT F (z) . (43)
M1b =: {(z̃ˆ + z e (),
ˆ  − )|V ˆ )≤b,
˜ 1 (z̃, ˜
By (29) and (30) in Assumption 3, over the
b>0, b ∈ R} (41) bounded set M1 , it follows that

M1 =: max{M1b |M1b ⊆ (D) × }. ˆ )

P(z̃, ˆ 
The following theorem gives a stability analysis ≤c6 z̃ˆ 1 
˜ + c7
of the closed-loop system consisting of the cascade sys-
tem, the GDO and the fault tolerant controller. × z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , )
ˆ ,
˜ ˆ )
∀(z̃, ˜ ∈ M1(44)
Theorem 1. Suppose that, for the normal system (1), for some positive constants c6 and c7 . Using Lemma 5
the first p (1≤ p<m) actuators are stuck at the time t f , (in the appendix) yields:
Assumptions 1–3 hold, the GDO is properly designed,
ˆ ) c6
and the normal controller switches to the fault toler- P(z̃, ˜ ≤ c6 1 z̃ˆ 1 2 + 
ˆ  ˜ 2 + c7 2
ant controller (39) at time ts (ts ≥t f ). If  is chosen 1
sufficiently small and (z(ts ), (t
ˆ s )) ∈ M1 , then the cor- c7
responding trajectory of the closed-loop system (16), × z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , )
ˆ 2 + 
˜ 2
(38) and (39) is bounded. Furthermore, z → z e () and (45)
ˆ →  as t → ∞.
for positive constants 1 and 2 . Choosing 1 and 2
Proof. Since Assumption 3 is supposed to hold for all
sufficiently small while  sufficiently large such that
{z̃ 1 |(z̃ 1 + z 1e (), z̃ 2 + z 2e ()) ∈ (D)} and all  ∈ ,
it necessarily holds for (z, ) ˆ ∈ M1 ⊆ (D) × . If the c5 1 c6 c7  p
observer gain  of the GDO is properly designed such c6 1 ≤ , c7 2 ≤ , + ≤
2 2 1 2 2
that (18) holds, by Lemma 1 and Assumption 3, the
ˆ ) we have
derivative of V1 (z̃, ˜ along the trajectory of the closed-
loop system (16), (38) and (39) will satisfy the following ˆ ) c5 1
V̇1 (z̃, ˜ ≤ − z̃ˆ 1 2 − (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
ˆ T
inequality: 2 2
ˆ )
V̇1 (z̃, ˜ ≤ −c5 z̃ˆ 1 2 − (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
ˆ T  p
× (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , ))
ˆ − ˜T
 ˜ + (t)
× (z̃ˆ 2 − K (z̃ˆ 1 , )) ˆ )
ˆ + P(z̃, ˆ 
˜ 2
ˆ )
∀(z̃, ˜ ∈ M1 (46)
−  p  ˜ + (t) (42)

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If  sufficiently small, by Lemma 4 (in the ap- u1 u2

pendix), the boundedness and attractiveness properties m m
can be proven.  θ1 θ2




An inverted pendulum system [34] as shown in

p1 b p2
Fig. 2 is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of
the proposed FTC method. It consists of two identical
Fig. 2. Inverted pendulums.
inverted pendulums with length l coupled by a spring
and subject to two distinct inputs u 1 and u 2 . The spring
constant is k and the position of the spring is a. The y1

Output 1
normal length of the spring equals the distance of the
two pivots p1 and p2 .
Choosing the states x1 =
1 , x2 =
˙ 1 , x3 =
2 , 0

x4 =
˙ 2 , the dynamics of the system can be modeled as (a)
0 5 10
15 20

follows in a neighborhood of zero with some approxi-

mation: Output 2

ẋ1 = x2 0.05

g ka 2 0 5 10 15 20
ẋ2 = sin x1 + 2 (− sin x1 + sin x3 ) (b) Time(s)
l ml
cos x1 0.1 u1
+ u1

(47) 0
ẋ3 = x4
0 5 10 15 20
g ka 2
ẋ4 = sin x3 + 2 (sin x1 − sin x3 ) (c) Time(s)
l ml
cos x3 Fig. 3. Outputs and inputs of the inverted pendulum model under the
+ u2 normal controller: no fault case.
where g is the gravity constant. As a numerical example,
set Fig. 3 displays the simulation results of the closed-loop
system (48) and (49).
g a 1 k 1
= 0.5, =√ , = 2, = 4. Suppose that the first actuator is stuck at t = t f ,
l l 2 m ml then
Choosing y1 = x1 and y2 = x3 the controlled outputs, u 1 (t) = , t≥t f (50)
the numerical model is
where  is an unknown constant.
ẋ1 = x2
After the fault (50) occurs, only one output can
ẋ2 = −0.5 sin x1 + sin x3 + 4u 1 cos x1 be arbitrarily controlled. Thus, the normal control
ẋ3 = x4 (48) objective must degrade. The FTC objective here is to
control y2 to zero while maintaining the boundedness
ẋ4 = −0.5 sin x3 + sin x1 + 4u 2 cos x3 of the faulty system (48) and (50). This can be achieved
y1 = x1 , y2 = x3 . by steering its state to xe () = (tan−1 (8), 0, 0, 0)T
which is the equilibrium of the faulty system. Define
The normal control objective is to control the out- x̃1 =: x1 − tan−1 (8).
puts y1 and y2 to zero, which can be easily achieved by Notice that the faulty system is already a cascade
the following controller: system. Partition the faulty system (48) and (50) into
two subsystems (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and x4 . A Lyapunov func-
u 1 = (4 cos x1 )−1 (− sin x2 − sin x3 ) tion candidate can be taken as below for the subsys-
u 2 = (4 cos x3 )−1 (− sin x1 − sin x4 ) tem (x1 , x2 , x3 ) over a neighborhood of zero. It can be

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society
84 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74 87, January 2008

verified that the function is positive definite: 0.5


Output 1
V (x̃1 , x2 , x3 , ) 0

+ 1)(1 − cos x̃1 ) + 3x22 -0.6
0 1 5 10 15 20
(a) Time(s)
+ x2 sin x̃1 + 0.5(x2 + sin x3 )2 (51) 0.2

Output 2
= (1/ 1 + 642 )(0.5 + 322 )>0.
Regarding x4 as a virtual control input, by the 0

well known backstepping technique, a virtual con- 0 1 5 10 15 20

troller K (x̃1 , x2 , x3 , ) = −(1/cos x3 )[7x2 + 2 sin x3 + (b)


(1 −
) sin x̃1 ] can be designed for the subsystem u1

(x1 , x2 , x3 ). Moreover, 0.2 u2

V̇ (x̃1 , x2 , x3 )
0 1 5 10 15 20
≤ −
sin2 x̃1 − 5x22 − (x2 + sin x3 )2 Time(s)

+ (x4 − K )(x2 + sin x3 ) cos x3 . (52) Fig. 4. Outputs and inputs of the inverted pendulum model under the
normal controller: the first actuator is stuck at t f = 1s.

It can be verified that the subsystem satisfies Assump-

tion 3. As a result, a controller can be designed follow- 0.4 y1
ing the steps in Section III,

0.2 y2

1 *K 0
u2 = −0.5 sin x3 − sin x1 + x2 -0.2
4 cos x3 *x̃1 0 1 2 5 10 15 20
(a) Time(s)
*K *K 0.5
+ (−
sin x̃1 + sin x3 ) + x4 − 3x4 +3K x2
*x2 *x3

0.2 x4
(x4 − K )(x2 + sin x3 ) cos x3 2
− .

x4 − K (x2 + sin x3 ) cos x3  + 0.2e−t 0 1 2 5 10 15 20

(b) Time(s)
1 u1

The GDO is designed as 0.5


˙ = −4 cos x1 0

0 1 2 5 10 15 20
− (4x2 cos x1 + sin x3 − 0.5 sin x1 ) (54) (c) Time(s)

ˆ =  + x2 .
 Fig. 5. States and inputs of the inverted pendulum model: the first
actuator is stuck at t f = 1 s and the normal controller switches
Replacing  with its estimate  ˆ in (52), a fault to the fault tolerant controller at ts = 2 s.
tolerant controller is obtained:

−0.5 sin x3 − sin x1 +
* K̂
x2 where x̃ˆ1 = x1 − tan−1 (8),
ˆ K̂ = K (x̃ˆ 1 , x2 , x3 , )
ˆ and
4 cos x3 *x̃ˆ 1 ˆ
= (1/ 1 + 64 2
ˆ )(0.5 + 32 2
ˆ ).
For simulation, set the initial state as x(0) =
* K̂ [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1]T . Suppose that the first actuator is
+ (−
ˆ sin x̃ˆ 1 + sin x3 )
*x2 stuck at t = 1 s ( = −0.033). If the controller is not
redesigned after the fault happens, the system will be
* K̂
+ x4 − 3x4 + 3 K̂ unstable due to the non-minimum phase characteristic
*x3 of the model. Fig. 4 shows the inputs and outputs of

(x4 − K̂ )(x2 + sin x3 ) cos x3 2 the faulty system under the normal controller (49). The
− first output y1 oscillates with large amplitude although
x4 − K̂ (x2 + sin x3 ) cos x3 +0.2e−t the second output y2 converges to zero. It implies that
(55) FTC is necessary.

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M. Wang and D. Zhou: Fault Tolerant Control of Feedback Linearizable Systems with Stuck Actuators 85

Suppose at ts = 2 s, FDI is accomplished. Then, A3. (Frobennius Theorem [29]) Consider a nonsingu-
the GDO (54) is activated with (ts ) = 0 and the nor- lar d-dimensional distribution (x) = span{ f 1 (x), . . . ,
mal controller switches to the fault tolerant one (55). f d (x)}, defined on an open set U of R n . The vector fields
Fig. 5 exhibits the results. The first output y1 is con- f 1 (x), . . . , f d (x) are independent. There exist (n − d)
trolled to a new work point and the second output y2 to independent solutions defined on U ◦ ⊆ U to the follow-
zero. All the states are bounded. So the effectiveness of ing differential equation if and only if the distribution
the proposed FTC method is demonstrated. (x) is involutive.

*T (x)
( f 1 (x) · · · f d (x)) = 0
By ‘independent’, we mean that the row vectors
An active FTC method for FLS with stuck actu-
*T1 (x) *Tn−d (x)
ators is proposed in this paper. The considered fault is ,...,
severe in the sense that the faulty system is no longer *x *x
feedback linearizable, which makes the controller are independent at each x.
design difficult. Under an involutive assumption, a non-
linear transformation is first constructed, which trans- A4. (Schur [35]) For a symmetric ma-

forms the faulty system into a cascade system. Under S S12 r ×r and S =
trix S = S11
T S where S11 = S11 ∈ R
an assumption of the feasibility of the famous cascade 1222
T ∈ R (n−r )×(n−r ) , the following inequalities are equiv-
design method, a controller is designed for the faulty
system. On the other hand, a GDO is presented to alent.
estimate the unknown stuck positions. Integrating the
(i) S>0
GDO with the controller constructed by the cascade −1 T
(ii) S22 >0, S11 − S12 S22 S12 >0
design method, a fault tolerant controller is obtained.
The resultant fault tolerant controller guarantees not Consider a nonlinear system:
only boundedness of the state of the faulty system
but also satisfactory output performance. The design ẋ = f (x, t), x(t0 ) = x0
details of the nonlinear transformation and the GDO are
where f (x, t) : D × R + → R n is piecewise continuous
given. An illustrative example verifies the effectiveness
with respect to x and t. Moreover, f (0, t) = 0.
of the method. Due to the difficulty of nonlinearity,
the feasibility of the cascade design method which is Lemma 4. For the above system, suppose that, for any
supposed in Assumption 3 is crucial to the proposed bounded set D ⊂ R n , the range of function f (x, t)
method. Perhaps with further developments in non- is a bounded set in R n . If there exists a continuously
linear control, the conservativeness introduced by the differentiable positive definite function V2 (x) : D → R
assumption can be reduced. satisfying:

V̇2 (x) = f (x, t)

≤ −W2 (x) + (t) ∀(x, t) ∈ D × R +

A1. A distribution (x) is involutive if the Lie bracket
[ 1 , 2 ] of any pair vector fields 1 and 2 belonging
to (x) is a vector field which belongs to (x), i.e., where W2 (x) is a positive definite continuous function
1 ∈ (x), 2 ∈ (x) ⇒ [ 1 , 2 ] ∈ (x) [29]. over D and (t) is a nonnegative ∞ continuous function
Lie bracket is defined as for all t ∈ [t0 , ∞) satisfying t0 (s) ds< which is
sufficiently small, and define M2b =: {x|V2 (x)≤b, b>0,
* 2 * 1 b ∈ R} and M2 =: max{M2b |M2b ⊆ D}, then for any ini-
[ 1 , 2 ] = 1 − 2 . tial value x0 ∈ M2 , the corresponding trajectory x(t) is
*x *x
bounded. Furthermore, x(t) is attractive, i.e., x(t) → 0
A2. A distribution (x), defined on an open set U , as t → ∞.
is nonsingular if there exists an integer d such that
dim((x)) = d for all x in U [29]. Note the difference Proof. The lemma can be directly deduced from corol-
from nonsingular matrices. lary 2.18 in [33]. Thus, the details are omitted. 

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society
86 Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74 87, January 2008

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7. Zhou, K. M. and Z. Ren, “A new controller 20. Qu, Z. H., C. M. Ihlefeld, Y. F. Jin, and
architecture for high performance, robust, and fault A. Saengdeejing, “Robust fault-tolerant self-
tolerant control,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. recovering control of nonlinear uncertain systems,”
46, No. 10, pp. 1613–1618 (2001). Automatica, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 1763–1771 (2003).
8. Boskovic, J. D., S. M. Li, and R. K. Mehra, 21. Tao, G., S. H. Shen, and S. M. Joshi, “An adaptive
“Intelligent control of spacecraft in the actuator failure compensation controller using
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Decis. Contr., Phoenix, AZ, pp. 4472–4477 (1999). 47, No. 3, pp. 506–511 (2002).
9. Chen, W. and J. Jiang, “Fault-Tolerant Control 22. Tao, G., S. B. Chen, X. D. Tang, and S. M. Joshi,
against Stuck Actuator Faults,” IEE Proc. Contr. Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures,
Theory Applicat., Vol. 152, No. 2, pp. 138–146 Springer, London (2004).
(2005). 23. Thomas, S., B. C. Chang, and H. G. Kwatny,
10. Dardinier-Maron, V., F. Hamelin, and H. Noura, “Controller reconfiguration for nonlinear systems
“A fault-tolerant control design against actuator using composite observer,” Proc. Amer. Contr.
failures: Application to a three-tank system,” Conf., Denver, CO, pp. 4779–4784 (2003).
Proc. 38th Conf. Decis. Contr., Phoenix, AZ, pp. 24. Wu, N. E. Y. Zhang, and K. Zhou, “Detection,
3569–3574 (1999). estimation and accommodation of loss of control
11. Diao, Y. X. and K. M. Passino, “Intelligent effectiveness,” Int. J. Adaptive Contr. Signal
fault-tolerant control using adaptive and learning Processing, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 775–795 (2000).
methods,” Contr. Eng. Practice, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 25. Yen, G. G. and L. W. Ho, “Online multiple-model-
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12. Jiang, B., J. L. Wang, and Y. C. Soh, “An Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 296–312
adaptive technique for robust diagnosis of faults (2003).

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society
M. Wang and D. Zhou: Fault Tolerant Control of Feedback Linearizable Systems with Stuck Actuators 87

26. Zhang, X. D., T. Parisini, and M. M. Polycarpou, Min Wang received her B.Eng.
“Adaptive fault-tolerant control of nonlinear degree in automation from Tianjin
uncertain systems: An information-based diagnostic University in 2002. Since 2002,
approach,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. 49, she has been studying in the De-
partment of Automation, Tsinghua
No. 8, pp. 1259–1274 (2004). University, pursuing her Ph.D. de-
27. Zhang, Y. M. and J. Jiang, “Fault tolerant gree. Her current research interest
control system design with explicit consideration of is fault tolerant control.
performance degradation,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace
Electron. Syst., Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 838–848 (2003).
28. Zhou, D. H. and P. M. Frank, “Fault diagnostics
and fault tolerant control,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace
Electron. Syst., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 420–427 (1998).
29. Isidori, A., Nonlinear Control Systems, 3rd Ed, Dr. Donghua Zhou received his
B.Eng., M.Sci., and Ph.D. de-
Springer, New York (1995). grees all from the Department of
30. Esfandiari, F. and H. K. Khalil, “Output feedback Electrical Engineering, Shanghai
stabilization of fully linearizable systems,” Jiaotong University, in 1985,
Int. J. Contr., Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 1007–1037 (1992). 1988 and 1990, respectively. He
31. Sepulchre, R., M. Jankovic, and P. V. Kokotovic, was an Alexander von Humboldt
Research Fellow (1995–1996)
Constructive Nonlinear Control, Springer, London in the University of Duisburg,
(1997). Germany, and a visiting professo
32. Chen, W. H., “Disturbance observer based in Yale University (July 2001–
control for nonlinear systems,” IEEE-ASME Trans. Jan 2002). Dr. Zhou is currently
Mechatron., Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 706–710 (2004). a professor in the Department
33. Qu, Z. H., Robust Control of Nonlinear Uncertain of Automation, and the Director of the Institute of Pro-
cess Control Engineering, Tsinghua University.
Systems, Wiley Interscience, New York (1999). Dr. Zhou has published over 140 journal papers and
34. Gavel, T. D. and D. D. Siljak, “Decentralized three monographs in the areas of process identification,
adaptive control: Structural conditions for stability,” diagnosis and control. He serves the profession in many
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. capacities such as IFAC Technical Committee on Fault
413–426 (1989). Diagnosis and Safety, Deputy General Secretary of
Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), and Coun-
35. Boyd, S., L. E. Ghaoui, E. Feron, and V. cil of CAA. He was also the NOC Chair of the 6th
Balakrishnan, Linear Matrix Inequalities in System IFAC Symposium on SAFEPROCESS, 2006.
and Control Theory, SIAM Studies in Applied
Mathematics, Philadelphia (1994).

q 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society

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