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REVENGE OF THE SITH Sr aaa CO SU Se TERETE Sieg Curtis SAXTON od SENN NONE RICHARD CHASEMORE TEs” a REVENGE OF THE SITH INCREDIBLE CROSS-SECTIONS Le Sy BEEN NSS lento RICHARD CHASEMORE INTRODUCTION Si] RSV Ne cpa lop ene i ARC-170 FIGHTER 6 JEDI INTERCEPTOR cy TRI-FIGHTER 10 aD) Xo) PR GIONS 112 12 DNAS) ri CONTENTS INVISIBLE HAND 1) JUGGERNAUT 20 UtaPAUN P-38 FIGHTER 22 Gh TEN e) CMO Atel eS) a oo WOokIEE CATAMARAN wT) PALPATINE’S SHUTTLE WE. Yopa’s Escape Pops 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BY, Ren ee see TECHNOLOGY ‘CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS. Ree ence econ es ne ee Eee a the most savage and unpredictable lien manufacturers, including Colla Designs, Phlae-Arphoce Automata ad Baktoid Industries. The ‘design of these weapons-aden vehicles often reflect the manufacturing Ce ‘shape of Phac-Arphoce's droid gunship. As few organizations choose eee tes ees ‘their prices are lower than regulated factories, satisfying the ‘Separatist powers’ guiding aes ea Sree Cen eee eer ee ees) nee ete tne ee tone ee eo rd ee eee cee tee ne es es een eee ek) Creer nrc “Ternbuell Guppat Corporation, Coe el eee kay rs cee ey to negotiate Cece pone es INTRODUCTION CA ee ee eee en ee eee Oe rn) Geonosis. Most of the Republic’s Jedi Knights and clone troops are engaged in desperate campaigns across the Pee eee er ce one css ac ling strongholds in weak Outer Rim sectors and advancing ever-neater to the star a er eee ee enc ee Ser eRe ‘The Republic’s Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is really the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and his apprentice is Darth ‘Tyranus, otherwise known as Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists. Sidious is merely playing for time until he is ready to replace Tyranus with a new, more powerful apprentice, who will help him to achieve his ultimate aim: eee er a eS nee ee Rene ee een ee Comte Und Sen Ce ee eae ee eee cnet eee Ee ee Ne ea on ee ee Te eee) Cea ee ‘valiant Jed ad clone pilots. Inthe years to come, Kuat will ecure reat eeeeet st er ee een Ds Ss Peete Sear) ores creel ie IR erro pene ee eee ont Ce ee ee et selfmade vehicles. The Utapauns fly tough, well-ermed P.38 ec Dn eed Devices company. The Wookices of Kashyyk defend ther homeworld ee as a eee eae eens eae er ey eee) ed ote ‘enslavement Sen peers STAR DESTROYER-Venaror CLASS ==" Cet ea Rae ee eee een od Pen ene COGS eee ee CRC eae ee eS “ liberation of Utapau. A flotilla of these medium-weight, versatile multi-role warships can blast through the shields of a Trade Federation battleship with ease. The hangars of the vow ue Pee een ea ee esc eee eee) “ support hundreds of fightercraft. The ship is also capable of planetary landings as a military transport and can be an escort for battleships in the Republic armada. However, an the primary function ofthe Venator-class i its role asa fighting ship and staefighter een Cree Oe er eee eee ‘Tue Kuat Legacy Picea ee een ee ets eee Reon ert err erate een Sane ti semen enn ree arn ene ee Peet ae eee neer aes Fare eee aetna a peene ere pent er . paramere ents cm ; perenne seat eee eer ee een Seek eee arenes Seana pronveniee ree eee Semper Dara Fe Sache ear td —— [oe ener et ead fond Pe ene ents cere eae Led i eee eRe ete ane or eta eee tn ee Le eee rn Nec ene ees ard Armament: 8 heavy urbolaerturets;2 mediom dual turbolaser eee ne eee etc te ey ee Aa eee ee PoC eee ene ee etc Cee ee ete ireerieenn ts ome ap enti eer ce HEAvy-Dury FIREPOWER elle eer | = enn ne oe : Ce Cen eres nN aren ets ee erent ee ey ae | a poo Pe et eer Pekan eee E Learearetent areal ieee eee mmc 5 = Peer eters = ] An S : : aE penn Prien earners mean emma sive nie ora oe as > 2 (ae j= Y $ ‘ oat or ee Cae iy , ¢ = . : . fon Perea eres tt Latent ser akira Pecan eee Laren at eee mee Eas ee ae ee RU Oe ee ee Laer rererenenrd Se ecaediea at elee taati trance ren a eerie Ce ee ea eR rere Sere ced een Laat ener earned oem a real pire sertay pr lneersmrl co SANUS ered iy Re ee em een Data Fe ‘Shortly before the Coruscant strike, Invisible Hand’s main communications Pree oer Emeeenernneeren Ce ee eenereerenee epee decent rome ete en roche eee aneyir sere Renee earner eo et eee eemetean ‘NA BOLD STRIKE at the galactic capital Coruscant, raiders from the Separatist ord aot 7-7 eI annnicaeatencestil peerless exponent of manipulative propaganda —he affect a simple and saintly ane ere ecco er ee eer ara trener ne er net ree ts See ee ee nor Proplion: ¢Naban Covel ail on dives Ese net ieeia eget ioe inne al ‘The vessel waits in orbit with the Confederacy fleet as the droid kidnappers Erereret Seer er ener Peete Coe ee eee) Pe ek eee oe meee eos eter’ nner Poe eappipirmn iadiaor anata Penryn lhe ett battleships engage the craft, trapping it in an upper atmospheric combat within oa Fenn Todaal tener irsey aren univ ah : ane the planet’s defensive shield. Invisible Hand is badly damaged by superior ia ely in cones ce nT eT serene erence a he ets : 4 Senet ee 102 proton torpedo tubes See ee ee ae eee pee Roba nero paainie tern nee re eT TT Eee eee Retr ee ee ee eee) 4 ete ty oer enone nic ‘with fluidic coolants and propellants laced with invisible, exotic hypermatter a t ¥ E ott ane : facet ee ee fuels. Artificial gravity, tensor fields, and inertial compensators all begin to fail, Pad Cee ote Fer icrycie nares Sr tad Sc eh ec cE eases ne eet ee ee penn f neers ton piss ee Se ee Loree cen re nenee mrtont Creer tment ed le Hand begins its meteoric fall toward the st Coruses Paaeerer meer Nn cluster protectively around the flagship. When Kenobi and Skywalkcr approach in thei fed an 1 ee Seren Prentinnrey tort mer svipoenetr tier enEtr on petets “nhs orna pee on | paola selves ney mareenarioneery anmrenenenieiary reenter mer onieenti ecm sie id afin ma eee ent ee es aerator ol ers es LS Pe deiemty Perera ' beioe terion en eee en Piraon poten sempre een eed erate era Sopsing| pers eerntary fr i Ms aie a eo gere oceeecd Se ed the Loedorvian Brain Plague tht slew Republi clone semies and paneeees ener ts een one eee tery Sen en ec es ame atte eer remy ere bao ed ee ae as a te see ae ed a an en ere ee ene tas ce Fee re eer one ogee eee eee rar enemy eet coraenced Pe Ne nee TTS pen ‘but Grievous frequent ‘ poner iial eee eee rat ee eee ee Pesce errant ced See Oped UO Has aul Aaa Aaa bermecr sonst id eee ee ered paren eee ceed Pare oo Pe en er ee es Forwinarte BLASTING Juggernauts are designed to deliver tremendous firepower in order to overwhelm well shielded nil some of which can withstand alo for hous, However, wit a unshielded target 3 can blast the heat of nuclear bomb into one smal spot ar creating abla chal, 1 A6 Juggernaut imensions Length 9.4 m (162; with 196 m (642 fh, 30 m 096) andspeed: 160 kph (99 mph) Passengers: 50-200 depending 09 inten eon Consu fuel for 30,00 km (18.64 miles) ‘Armament: I heavy ser eaton turret; rapid repeating laser cannon: 2 medi antipersonnel laser canons; 2 tin 2 rockevgrenade leunchers— vat ‘ld, 30 km (19.6 miles) sma’ barge ROLLING WaR-MAcHINE though wheeled transport may a graceess system frm a prchist a Jaggemaut’sdicet ground contact protects it from elesomagnetic attacks and shield ise JUGGERNAUT Jems The very sme of healing sas calls up memories of crushing defeat forthe galaxy's pate cus drs aquintlions of battle droids and their Separatist masters. Fae ear ee Tae Each of the Galactic Republic’s HAVw A6 Juggernauts is a monstrous, ten-wheeled, armored box, built around a powerful rector core ad engine, wth blasters ad grenade launchers on every side. As well as being a front-line assault vehicle, these hulks provide secure shelter and transport for company of dedicated clone troopers. The rugged and powerful Juggemauts are the well-chosen backbone of the clone armies. Under the command of Jedi Master Yoda they form the most onesies integral part of a dogged campaign to eject battle droid pees" "" invaders from the strategic Wookiee world of Kashyyyk. Nove repulsocif erat, erst AT-RT WALKER The All Terrain Recon Transport (ATRT) isan armed, mobile platform fora single solier ona patrol or reconnaissance mission ons in dense civilian areas, and These walkers suppor policin se also usd in cooling battle zones. lightweight body makes faster than the rarer one-man AT-PT (AI Terain Personal Transport). Lacking an enclosed cabin, the driver enjoys clear View, uti exposed to small-arms fire ‘The ATRT's blaster cannon is devastating against infantry, but eb ia ae DoubLt-HEApED Monster Fach of a Juggemau’s wheels consists of thee ‘eral, independently sping segments, which «enable the hulking vehicle w0 move smoothly across even the most inhospitable terrain The Vehicle can also reves rection easily, moving ‘oqually well in forward and reverse gers. Ether cockpit can assume fll contol, which has led to ‘much debate among Juggernaut c hich cockpit isthe true “ron” end, UTAPAUN P-38 FIGHTER ee ne ee eee eel} (P-38) starfighter for defensive and offensive engagements. These tough, hyperdrive-equipped fightercraft have interstellar range and are fitted with highly effective, long-distance sensor systems that provide early warning of enemy activity. Versatile thrusters, dual-reactor systems, and See eRe eek ee eee ee the Master of Utapau Port Administration, realizes that General Grievous’s Separatist forces are about to land on the planet, he orders his outgunned P-38 forces into hiding. However, with the arrival of General Kenobi and the hope of Loyalist military intervention, Medon recalls his pilots from their concealed hangars and the cold depths of space, in a frantic, fiery bid for freedom. peas eet Pentel Loreen nena on ae betes ced Cee ected ame rh cert SO ad | The Trade Federation protests positon in remote ee eer re eerste oon ener ee Pet ee ‘Batleship. Lacking a heavy navy, Uapauns deploy rugged and pee he ee ae teeter aed Independent hyperspace jumps, which enables them to dofend the eat ae ee ene eee eed ee ee oe es ec is ea eee es 2 Bier ES TC SLY eee eee ert ee ee ee ees ee een the ancient Grand Halls with no regrd for Utepou's ete ens eater ttt] ee ec) re re teed ee ‘The craft i equipped with twin rapid-fire laser eannons peer ee es Ce eer ee eves ear ereeraaa brea RLU) co ed Utapauns live on an eerie world of wind, bones, and caves fr from en oy hub. The plane is shared by two humanoid species, the Uti and Soe eer eon Pe ee ed es ‘knowledge and the P-38's advanced scanner systems give them sharp advantage in high-speed chases through the treacherous Ce ad ee ee een er Within targeting range are isolated and mus ely on their eee eats eis re, elo’ peo tae ie mio be “Sepa Raby Oe ee LY ne ee ete eee ed eee EE ee ote Ee ae ee ee fee eee eee) Dee ees ot ae eae Eo roel Armament: 2 laser eannons PORTO eed oe OCC LLY Len ee tee eed Ce een De ee er es Peer cnet) Se eee ee A ee ae ae ee es Coen eet) rl ese eeres GRIEVOUS’S WHEEL BIKE (Gao fearsome reputation as a merciless military leader is, reinforced by a personal fleet of specialized killing machines and vehicles. On cavernous Utapau, the cyborg General drives a wheel bike—a tumbling twin- wheel that surrounds a central motor. Grievous’s military vehicle is an offshoot of the Banking Clan’s hoop-wheeled Hailfire droids, designed to roll at intimidating speed on hard surfaces. It can also raise itself up on two pairs of legs to walk over the top of battle wrecks and other obstacles. A double laser cannon replaces one side seat, and Grievous can wield either a conveniently placed electrostaff, a blaster, or one Of his Jedi lightsaber trophies when he rolls into Flexing claws skirt the wheels to provide a smoother ride, or clutch the ground Conese Qaetie Scag \ ate, Gaievous’s STARFI Although be prefers hand-to-hand bat, Genera Grievous often ies Bate worn Bebua22 ic designed by Feehan Our Sele ° ‘Assembles, specialists in eltconstctng armament factors Z en , ___limibing teeth, The bike's strong Mate fos in pie ripped crit cr grip allows amazing acrobatics, bulkier and hare thn disposable roid gen. Two, ; R aE J on abityalolayed when rain ion drives enable the Belbullab to Keep pace with sn ‘Utupaun P-38. rearsmountedthrast-veetorng fin and Grievous is pursued by Obi-Wan Kenobi. suilirythrsters built ita the wings sist wih yaw snd rll maneuvers. Rapi-fring tiple laser cannons sustin firepower of equivalent desevctive Force co that ofthe Loyalisis” V-wvingstarfighte ‘New Hrapquanrers erie General Grievous’ invading frees nave consrictd command centers and sett eto celfspliting Teco Union factories Seem at aaa on Uta Te fe rete nev troops, starfihters, wheel bikes, and mel mine other vehicles using IF left unistrted, they will tem ‘Usapau ino yet another ofthe Outer Rim'sfortees words, riddled with ‘gly refineries and assembly lines an ‘combling under the weight of ever nore deadly Separatist war machines, ocal materials RoLtur Racine \ Grievous wheel bikes putt the est N ‘when General Keno stride he ard Ike varey Bogs, poss the cyborg ona \ tne wn tie dangerous chase trough the wins and since © hans of Pau city, Aste Spars mer general spots towed his espe sip, tbe \ deuly whe! bike smashes ove or tvough many obstacles The hoop wheels derive Sern wt mang bts thir stably from he gyroscopic effect cone tn Data Fie Manufacturer: Z-Gomot Terbuell Guppat Corp. Zs system Make: Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike Dimensions: wheel diame 25m (83 £0 length (cling double laser cannon, excluding legs) 3.5 m (11.5 B); height (octuding legs) 3.9 m (128 8) Crew: | . Cezar | Tmoepachmsse caved of massive, counterspianing internal chains. ‘Max, landspeed: 330 kph (205 mph rllig; 10 kph (6 mph) rae costatmtitebaytotesehse The individual links that make up the con legs \ | chains incorporate built-in capacitors, ‘Consumables: fe! for $00 km (311 mp) travel Neen ces eel | which store reserve enery to power the re ters oval Amar espe oven Gv tw ese 25 History or Hostiiry WOOKIEE CATAMARAN ¢ 4 MP 2 Se ope cheng ne invaders now bypass the colonies and attempt a conclusive strike Goes penpaciodsyins of the Wookiee homeworld, Although the Separatist invasion Inneweniicknwie a ikrome flee driven off by General Yoda's Republic taskfore,« huge eaictimatecoiR HEAT army oF tank dros, crab doids, and fying gunships occupy the ‘uopical Wawaatt Archipelago. The Wookiees know tht they ‘must marshal al their brawn, defensive weaponry, and vehicular power to halt the intwder? vance om ‘CATAMARANS are slim, twin-hulled, Wookiee-made watercraft that skid over the waters of Kashyyyk at breakneck speeds. They are lifted by a repulsorlift array and propelled by Podracerstyle jet engines or propeller pods, and are steered by knife-like keels and rudders. ‘Wookiee catamarans are normally used as fishing or sports craft, andl are not equipped with built-in heavy weapons. But when Kashyyyk is invaded, hundreds of these Saupe ‘unarmed craft are conscripted to bear Wookie £ eo pina troops in small-arms attacks, darting through the eee ines of Separatist vehicles. The catamarans’ speed SS and maneuverability are crucial, as Kashyyyk’s defenders know that the enemy must first capture Pecans parm sere the coasts before attempting incursions into the sine a tangled, dense foliation of the inland woods. a ‘Swamp SPEEDER 3 i 3 a f mene et “The Grand Am of the Republic oles the Wookie’ detensive fers wba wide arity of Inport war maces ‘Theligh,twe-man ISP OnfattyStppot Plato) epost s the eee BRD] clone tops closest equivalent of he Wookice’ Oevvaor Catamaran and Rada gh “Gnas fret The cone fry’ anigrvtyrepusoi eiele Not snot Inthe ae ee witht touching land oe water. Its diven by & powertol c enn cred turbofan, which can be reversed to fire a braking airblast when —_o- scole Preise contaledvsoig ofthe iota txt gj tats SPs highly manewverabl linc eile Te ren ake ees ‘mounted pair of twin blaster cannons ae lethal to enemy infanty, ‘cmperaee nst shielded enemy nee NRNOP lank oid, etn, jammed AGILE DEFENDERS ‘The Wookiee watercraft used inthe defence of Kashyyyk are named after the Osvvoar.a predatory marine reptile ofthe Kashyyyk coasts kovin forts agily an teritoral ferocity. The tough hulls ofthese aptly named eatamavans are handeraftd frm wreshyr tibet. This light, strong, and durable wood is heven from Kashyy's fabled ‘wroshyr tees which can grow to hundreds of meters in hoight. Hi port etc ao prove hy eee a ‘gunships. fighters, and Corporate an ume arin fran ae ty ede one ie oer ene tele Totton tie fos ‘Speman me ow Srrarecic WoRLD weit Kashyyyk, ar “Wookiee Planet C" as some humans eal it has Dara Fie aa Jong played a major role in tansgelactc shipping and ‘Manufaeturer: Appazanna Engineering Works communications. For centuries, an elite guild of long-lived Make: Ocvvacr et catamaran rosie won ‘Wookiee cartographers known es the Clastuvac fave maintained | Dimensions: length 15.1 m (462); width 10.2 m 325 Rs " nd updated the hyperspace route surveys that keop the galaxy height 43 m (14.1 0) ‘navigable. tis widely belived thatthe Claatuyac Guild's ancient | Max, waterspeeds 370 kph (230 mph) {aia archives contain many nesr-mythical, long-lost routes that do | Crew: not feature on the Republic's oficial chavs, Conquering Keshyyyk | Passenger would enable the Separatist fo control hyperspace rote planning | Cansumat tnd 1 use the Wookices’ secret route o frustrate and monopolize | Armament: none slate trade and communications. 4} 27 yee AND ABDUCTION have punctuated every stage of Ce ee ee eee ee eee appointed Emperor Palpatine requires a secure personal transport. SCs Ree eR cud officers, Senators, and courtiers between planets and ships in safety. Capable of outgunning most starfighters, the ship is fitted with twin forward-mounted quadlaser cannons and eae ceo earn ke >be computer-controlled or manually operated from a combi ‘communications and gunnery station in the cockpit. The long OR eto ee ee ea pe eee eee eee ene ni cs Pere ae Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks Make: Thea-class T-2e Personnel Transport Pee ee eee ea EL eee CS een) nee en ee ee Ec) PON eee eee eer) eee enn ee eee eer oan ee eee eet) DRO Emperor Palpatine’ shuttle hasbeen Oe eed ees eee oe erent eee et ey ‘Jedi homing devices, The shut is aso ks ners See eet Se Cee ee ee eet es eres eee pha pees SOE oer eee Pes ee es cemetery porary rec cea a ony ee ed es Perret eons og beta instantly eliminate any thet 19 barely ones centre eens Cen ReO ROR ee errs os eer ee eee rete aes ree een ee See ee en at Ce eae ae eee ee ee eet en ees reacts a a eee perentontenny ee etree) cone entreeed yy setae eral Peoerear ee) a carrie Saetnearees Pet ecard tg te RUS Ee \ er Spaceworks will lose the contact WN euros por eens een eteren sis Seed Peer ttre staan re Se nd \ peered fees rete tee enna Theta-class and its descendants will become & symbol of Imperial prestige. Sienar will also produce eee on eer ee ad Ct SL eee Eee et See ee ees YODA’S ESCAPE Pops AS ESCAE PoD is designed for just one thing: to carry a living being away from danger as, quickly as possible. These basic craft roar and shake through the air, propelled by simple ion engines, while the oceupant’s ride is smoothed by inertial compensators and anti- 'y fields. In his escape from the forces of Emperor Palpatine’s newly formed Galactic, faster Yoda resorts to these devices twice in the space of one week Empire, Je Yoda's first pod is a simple, Wookiee-made ‘vessel that lifts him away from danger on Kashyyyk. His second raft, which carries him into exile ‘on Dagobah, is a more sophisticated ander from Polis Massa. The pod can guide itself to an upright landing and touch down on its four folding legs. A Fippen Sanctuary ‘After discovering the disappesrance ofthe planet Kamin from Jed navigational charts athe boginning of the Clone Was, Yoda discredly seanned for other gaps. Throughout the entire galaxy, he detected 37 more “missing” star systems, He found amazing strategie resourees in some, while he met fends foes in others, With the datk sie ofthe Force ever more pervasive, Yoda chose to keep one lost planet, Dagobah, as his private secret. I so doing, he was able to out-manipolate the phantom menace responsible for deleting the Jodi ies. By adopting Dagobsl s bis hiding place, Yoda now ‘awaits new hope forthe galaxy in safe if lonely, olation, ato ae DereLicr TRANSPORT To begin his self-imposed exile on Dagobah, Yoda stowed away aboanl an automated Polis Massan-egistered super feighter. Carrying grain to starving inhabitants ofthe Separatist stronghold of Sluis Van, the ship beefy dropped out of hyperspace jast ‘outside Dagobih's solar system. Launching his escape pod undetected and unrecorded i ei ‘Yoda headed fr his gloomy new home. With no hyperdrive for artur journey. the teeming jungle wil ruin the redundant vehicle within a year. The resourceful Je wil incorporate some pts into a race but homely new dwelling, Hand:-built from mud, gnirltroc, wattle snd stones, the twill make use ofthe pods hull plates asa foundation fr the floor. Thruster rings will form door and window Frames, while ements from the arificial-gravty compensators wil provide illumination /Pewaan — oe Data Fite—Kasnyyyk Pop Manufacturer: Uurbubhahvoovy Joiners & Anisans Make: homemade evacuation pod Dimensions: diameter 23 m (75 0 height 34m (11.1.0) Max. acceleration (Linear in open space): 1406 Max. airspeed (during descent ‘ver 70,000 kph (43,497 mph) Hyperdeive: none Passengers: Consumables: | week's food and ait Escare From KasHyYYK ‘With invading Separatist deoids foverrunning the forests and lagoons of Keshyyyk, Wookiee defenders prepared thousands of hidden escape ods fr last-esort evacuation General Yoda, in victorious yet unforeseeable circumstances, used the frst pod, ts three sublight thrusters cobbled together from three shiporecks—contain just enough fuel to boar him saely ino interplanetary space, Yoda deactivates his pod’ tell tale distress beacon, relying solely on his Jedi emergeacy transmiter. This Pocket gadget reflects a tiny faction ofthe supalight signals beamed betneen te Republic's pb Se HoloNet clays Enrypied en mmddaten ose teed signals | pyar, sms th oer TD a saton Ss thet Dara FiLe—Daconan Pov ‘Manufeturer: His Grace the Duke Gadal-Hern’s Safery Inspectorate Dimensions: diameter 35 m (115 9 length legs retracted) 4m (13.1 8) “Make: E3-standard starship lifeboat Max, aeceleration (linear, fn open space} 3006 Max. airspeed (during descent) over 40.000 kph (24.856 mp) Hyperdrives none Passengers: 3 Consumables: Alderunian agonts searching fr S : 2 i ‘oe surviving. Jeai on Consesnt intercept y > Yods’s cal, eaing Senator Bal Ow ‘ines weeks" foo and air nto his rescue. Pm ieee per ad Ren ee manag ASSISTANT DESIGNER Jon Hall PUBLISHING MANAGER Simon Bescroft PCa a ee eNO ce agi ers CN eet a ey De eh Ci cei toes octane Sire Seen etemenetn tereeesenecerteral et een eee or erate ee tecertcee lone ae Cer ree eet remota Pee et a Nunn a taker seein even ti sr ok Cuma, ed Yot' Exe Po eee tener eran ies Laeger peer ence enn Sea cL ements ee Setter eat Sere eres etree eaten re Perret eee ener eee foment open eeeeter ee an Sango yl BR Ren eer ened ee eee lead Se nc ieted ee ee Serene Perecprierecr ant errand Peteaccat eet oer erat Beenie i arts mr oar ett ated oer errr tere ‘ln Mt Hr ry Gana Poeun er een ee acer ty Reenter reine encarta at comer ener emery Sree eee ec Pater memcnnny eran ants Pree ere eee eet eee ees er erent aoe eIEY eer er cee Gren eet CCC e Recta REVENGE OF THE SITH INCREDIBLE CROSS-SECTIONS STE ee aE Se Re nee Re acer in amazing depth, peeting back the layers to reveal cockpits, engines, hyperdrives, construction secrets, and much more. The fascinating, wide-ranging text provides context, back stories, and history, while informative labels point out all the details in the artwork In addition, a lavish, four-page gatefold supplies a breathtaking overview of the Separatist flagship—the setting for Anakin and Obi-Wan’s thrilling battle to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the evil clutches of the eyborg General Grievous. Es ‘The critically damaged Separatist flagship’s fiery descent toward Coruscant» the Republic's formidable fleet of Jedi Interceptors, Star Destroyers, ARC-170s, and V-wings * ‘Chewbacca’s high-speed catamaran racing into battle on the Wookiee homeworld oe How buzz droids are deployed from Confederacy tri-fighters » the intimidating firepower of the droid gunship * the Sith secrets of Palpatine’s Imperial shuttle Explore Fearsome armored Juggernauts * General Grievous’s deaully wheel bike + Yoda's escape pods * ‘Utapau P-38 fighters + Clone-troop swamp speeders * and much more! cn DK) reer Cee eas

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