Of A OF IN: The Need Petroleum Institute in The Development The Petroleum Industry Indonesia

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© IPA, 2006 - 1st Annual Convention Proceedings, 1972

First Annual Convention, June 1972




Abstract Petroleum development has become commodities will become more important
one of, Indonesia's requirements in achieving its every day.
economic prosperity.
In facing the challenges the govern- The development of the petroleum industry
ment (through the national oil company) has
invited oil contractors to work in Indonesia. to date
Tremendous approaches to modern Roughly speaking, since the pre-war time,
technology, scientific application as well as research,
are, among other things, the basic, supports to Indonesia remains one of the largest crude oil
progress and succes in the industry; however, abun- producing and exporting country in the Far
dance of problems that may come along need also East.
immediate solution. After the political complications of recent
The provision of skilled manpower years, oil explotation is now in full swing
ready for assignment is also the basic need to the
development of the industry. again. Extensive areas awaiting for exploration
To meet these objectives, an institution was have been taken over. Serious development
created in 1965 organized under the Department has been encouraged. The country lacks the
of Mines. It serves the Directorate General of
Oil and Gas and Pertamina. technical and financial resources essential for
As to the oil contractors operating oil exploration which have been much secured
in the areas throughout Indonesia, Lemigas makes to some extent by means of welcoming
itself available in providing the necessary services foreign investment to work in cooperation
needed at hand.
with the state-owned oil company, Pertamina.
As broad a scale as pdssible of foreign partici-
PARTNER IN PROGRESS pation in the development or oil resources has
also been guaranteed. This will accordingly
Since the new government of Indonesia came benefit the country economically.
into office in 1966, economic development
has become one main topic among the govern- Oil policy iri Indonesia
ment over-all planning for 25 years. The first A few years ago, as early as 1960, the Indo-
stage of the national development plan known nesian government sought to change the entire
as REPELITA was introduced, and has been structure of the commercial system including
in the process of implementation since 1969. the oil industry operating in Indonesia.
In short, economic development in one Following the introduction of new legislation
country needs certain basic conditions to in 1960 and other negotiations, in the field
start, besides political stability in the country of petroleum development, the government
and the existence of a sound, stable govern- (in this case) the Department of Mines and
ment as well. the state-owned oil company, Pertamina,
In facing the challenges, the government has invited oil companies to operate in certain
encouraged foreign investment to work in areas of Indonesia. Through mutual agreement's
Indonesia as partner in progress. and agreed terms, the companies work as
contractors to Pertamina. To date we have
The many uses of oil witnessed about 50 companies working off-
Today there are few places in the world where shore and onshore throughout the Indonesian
one can not buy oil products. As the world archipelago.
turns more and more to petroleum to provide The latest development in Indonesian politics,
energy, lubricants, raw materials for chemical however, suggests that a more broadly based
md countless essentials for modern life, oil industrial system may develop and make for
and natural gas have given a great deal to *) LEMIGAS, Lembaga M:nyak dan Gas Bumi
benefit the civilization we live in. The two (Indonesian Institute of Petroleum).
direct foreign investment in the country's oil The head office is in Cipulir, Kebayoran,
operations. Jakarta. It has a field training center in Cepu,
Central Java. Lemigas employs about 100
Many needs in oil operations university graduates of which t h e majority
The developments in the discovery, producti- are engineers, geologists and chemists.
on, refining and transport of oil and t h e
extent to which it has entered into modem Research
civilization within a comparatively short span That is t o carry out research, survey or other
of time are of tremendous importance. scientific investigation which may answer the
Yet surprisingly little is generally known about problems faced by t h e industry. The institute
the origin of oil and the methods employed also acts as the national standard laboratory
t o find, to produce and to refine and to refine in oil and natural gas.
it. Even with an army of highly skilled
specialists and t h e latest scientific devices, it Training
is still a long business looking for oil. That is to perform or organize the training of
In oil operations, providing various skilled engineers, workmen and executives in order
manpower for various level of jobs ready for t o maintain a high level of development in
assignment is a very Urgent need. the industry.
Tremendous approaches t o modern technolo-
gy, scientific application as well as research, Documentation & Publications
are among other things, the basic essential That is to organize a complete documentation
supports t o progress and succes in oil operati- and information centre on the science and
on. In the meantime, one can imagine the technology of petroleum to disseminate
abundance of various problems that need information on new development and dis-
immediate solution. coveries to the interested section of the
To solve these complex problems, research community which participate in the oil
activities have been initiated t o cover many development 11-1 the country.
aspects in oil pperational activities: discover-
ing, refining, distributing, marketing petroleum
products, at the right time, t h e right place and
at the lowest possible cost, have been the Research activities in Lemigas have been
objectives remained un-altered since. maintained t o conduct research and projects
The need of an institute is evident; a petroleum in the fields of :
research institute has been a focal point in the
development of t h e petroleum industry, this * kixpioration & PFoduction
also holds true in Indonesia. * Refining 81 C'hemistry
* .Economics & Planning.
To meet the objectives the government long
considered the creation ot a research and These works are carried out in laboratories
training institution specializing in oil and available in ('ipulir, Kebayoran Lama. At
gas t o support such development. The institute present, L.emigas has the following laboratories
was formed in 1965 under the organization available.
of the Department of Mines. * Paleontology Laboratory
It serves the government (Department of * Petrography Laboratory
Mines, Directorate General of Oil and Gas) * Sedimentol0g.y Laboratory
and Pert amina. * Core Analysis Laboratory
As to the oil contractors operatingin the areas * PVT Laboratory
throughout Indonesia, t h e institute provides * General Standard Test Laboratory
its valuable services as needed. * Crude Oil Evaluation Laboratory
This Institute is officially called Lembaga * Process Laboratory
Minyak dan Gas Bumi or Lemigas. * Analytical Laboratory
l t has three fold responsibility
* Engine Testing Laboratory (being set up).

Studies carried out are :

- research
- training * Basin Studies
- documentation and publication (infor- * Techno-Economic Studies
mation). * Reservoir Studies
EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Production laboratory for the study of
The Department of Exploration and Producti- secondary recovery process such as thermic
on is organized to conduct research of special method,. miscible gas, injection of polymers,
studies. These studies has been actively carried etc. will be constructed; however, this will be
out by a Basin Study Group in close cooperati- further defined in the next stages of our
on with Pertamina's geology department. development.
The group undertakes the study of various REFINING AND CHEMISTRY
parts of sedimentary basins in Indonesia.
The work includes gathering, interpreting, GENERAL TEST LABORATORY
compiling and making analysis of all available
data ; some field work t o check and t o find The laboratory cames out such service as :
out more recent additional data are also being * Quality Control
done. Sedimentology, production geology, * Product Evaluation
geochemistry and exploration economics will
soon be started. for samples of:
Petroleum products : * aviation fuel
These studies are based on micro-pdeontology *kerosine
analysis (benthonic, pelagic and larger forami-
* diesel oil
nifera) and rock descriptions. Studies on nan-
* fuel oil
noplankton will be set up in 1973. * asphalt
* wax
Other Geological Activities *lube oil grease-in-
The geological activities carried out by the sulated compound,
Lemigas team are : etc.
* geological mapping - Water : * drinking water
* well-site geology and *well water
* structures reevaluation. * formation fluid, etc.
The team is available t o provide the above Chemicals : *methmol
services for the companies. acetane
* solvent
GEOPHYSICS * additives, etc.
This department is setting up a small inter-
pretation centre, while a gravity survey is The General Laboratory of Lemigas is equipp
being done at present. ed with Standard Test Apparatus according
to ASTM, IP and SMS Standard.
Research in production will be started this Lemigas provides four classes of crude oil
year and by the beginning of 1973, when analysis which the laboratory has available.
two laboratories will be completed, e.g,
A Core Analysis laboratory End a PVT - Rapid analysis
laboratory. for analysis well by well during the
drilling period of a field
With these laboratories, Lemigas will be fully
enabled t o conduct routine, semi research and
* for controlling the production of a
service work for the oil industry operating * as an orientation step in further study
over a wide area in Inenesia. analysis.
The PVT laboratory will carry out the follow-
ing activities. - Simplified Analysis
* Thermodynamic study of effluent: * as a preliminary analysis in connecti-
crude oil, dry gas, gas condensates, on with the possibility of doing more
hydrates. complete analysis.
* Gas and Oil analysis molecular mass * for rapid comparison of some crudes
* Gauging of the different apparatus for in respect of yields and qualities of
pressure measurements. some products.
- Mean importance analysis tory is equipped with:
* as information of crude oils for sale. * Perkin Elmer
Type 403 Atomic Absorption Spec-
- Detailed analysis trophotometer
* international commercial crude oils. * Beckman GLG Type Gc-5 Chroma-
* to give detailed information tor tograph
processing and refining purpose. * Varian Aerograph Type 90 P4 Gas
The Crude Oil Evaluation Laboratory i s * Bausch and Lomb Spectrophotometer
equipped with : * and various other instruments.
* Podbielnkk Hypercal 3.800 Distillati- For further development, the following equip
on IJnit ment will be installed in the Analytical
* Oldershaw columns of various sizes Laboratory:
* QVF columns * Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
* and various other types of equip- * Mass Spectrometer
ments. * Infra Red Spectrophotometer
* Ultra Violet Spectrophotometer
LUBE OIL EVALUATION * Elemental Analyser
Lemigas also conducts laboratory evaluation PROCESS LABORATORY
for lube oil base stock.
This is available in two classes : Lemigas CAT - A Test Catalyst Activiqy Test
Apparatus enables it to compare actiyity of
* Preliminary Analysis cracking catalysts.
* Detailed Analysis. Research such as the study of the properties
At present, preliminary analysis and detailed of Indonesian clays are also conducted in this
analysis for lube oil is being done with laboratory.
batchwise and counter current solvent extrac-
tion deasphalting units ( 40 1. capacity). ENGINE TESTING LABORATORY
The laboratory is equipped with the following One of the main objectives of the Engine
apparatus: Laboratory is to assess the quality of the fuels
* Continuous Vacuum Flash Unit and lubricants made or sold in the country.
* Counter Current Extraction Unit Indeed, it is well-known that physical and
(Micro-extraction) chemical laboratory tests on engine fuels and
* Dewaxing Unit, lubricants are useful for product identifications
and for ensuring uniform quality for market
production; the performance level of products
in service have to be ascertained by extensive
Asphalt analysis has also been carried out. use of bench and road tests on engines, par-
This is also available in two classes : ticularly since additives for fuels and lubricants
* Preliminary Analysis have become universally used.
* Detailed Analysis. To provide customers with facilities in order
to cope with the varying quality of fuels and
ANALYTICAL LABORATORY lubricants, Lemigas is currently setting up
engine testing facilities in cooperatiop with
Lemigas Analytical Laboratory conducts the Engine Testing Application Divisio~of the
chemical analysis of: French Petroleum Institute, to be completed
* metals in petroleum products, cata- in the beginning of 1973.
lysts, polymer, clay and clay minerals, The scope of this laboratory will extend over
etc. the following range:
* gas: natural gas and gaseous hydro- - Automotive and Diesel Fuels
carbons - Lubricating Oils
* petroleum and petroleum products - I.C. Engine
* water analysls: oilfield water, indus- - Atmospheric Pollution
trial/industrial waste water. - Industrial Oil/Greases
For this purpose Lemigas Analytical Labora- - Fleet Supervision
2 08


- * Refinery Maintenance
* Supply
The Planning and economics Department is
organized to conduct techno-economic studies It is a crash programme course t o meet the
such as: need of skilled people according to the
development of the national oil industry at
- Analysis of demand for Petroleum that time. The students are taken from the
Products Universities and Academies, most of them
- Analysis of existing refining facilities having graduated as Bachelors of Science from
and study of their development to meet a University/Academy.
the demand in Indonesia as well as the
- Studies on Petrochemistry VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF OIL AND
- Analysis of industries using petroleum GAS
- Studies of transport facilities for oil These training courses are held to provide the
- Techno economic evaluation of projects industry with skilled labour. The former is
in the field of petroleum activities conducted for two years (for secondary school
- Studies of importlexport regulations graduates), in the oil operation centers such
concerning petroleum as Pangkalan Brandan, Plaju, Cepu and Balik-
- Carrying out/following the planning for papan. The latter is a one year training (for
development of refining facilities High School graduates) organized in Jambi,
- Supervisinglconsulting the construction Plaju, and Balkpapan with a Welding - and
of refining facilities. General fitting department.
Lemigas performs and coordinates all training Throughout, the year LEMICAS organizes
activities in the form of a petroleum academy specific seminars and courses. These are
(Akamigas), upgrading courses, orientation refresher courses arranged for the scientific
courses and seminars. and technical staff already in employment
within the oil industry.
It includes specific courses on such subjects
* Stratigraphy
Akamigas (Academy of Oil and Gas) is a
regularly 3-year course of college level, held at Sediment ology
its campus in Cepu, Central Java. Full courses * Basin Study
are given for students specializing in the * Geophysical Exploration Methods and
following subjects.
other specific discipline in Geology.
Exploration and Production * Production
Drilling * Refining
Refining * Marketing and Distribution
Sales Engineering and Marketing * Transportation andAtorage
Surveying * Administration.
Instruments and Electronics.
CRASH PROGRAM COURSE OF OIL AND Overseas training for the whole oil industry
GAS is organized by the institute, which uses all
available means and courses for training, such
Crash Programme Course officially inaugurated as special schools, training programmes of
in June 7, 1971 comprising 4 departments : international organization, as well as seminars
* Drilling and conferences on petroleum and petro-
* Refinery Operation chemical industry.

COURSES ON PETROLEUM INDUSTRY, and associated industry a t the national level

MANAGEMENT TRAINING In seminars and symposia at international
level LEMIGAS represents the industry or the
These are orientation or special courses Directorate General o f Oil and Gas.
conducted at various times of t h e year for
officials in such departments as custom, bank
and foreign exchange bureau, department of CONCLUSION
trade etc. who in their daily work deal with
the oil industry. These courses are intended The role and function of this Institute will
to give them a better appreciation of the increase from day to day in the developments
petroleum industry. Courses have also been of' scientific studies, research, training and
held for the armed forces in order to form preparation of skilled personnel f6r supporting
a corps of oil specialists. the rapid growth of the oil sector of the
To keep up better management of various Indonesian economic development.
levels i n the industry, LEMIGAS organizes Recogniiing its limitations, due t o age,
regular courses in the centress of operation. experience, etc, the institute is now starting
to assist the oil activities in the field of services
SEMINAR AND SYMPOSIUM and technical studies mentioned above, for
mutual benefit and at the same time to
LEMIGAS organizes seminars and symposia enhance a sphere of mutual understanding for
for discussion of problems in the petroleum the development of oil industry in this region.


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