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Classroom Management

1. Walk into class quietly.
2. Keep your hands, feet, and possessions to yourself.
3. Raise your hand to ask a question.
4. Be respectful to those around you.
5. Actively participate in class.
1. By walking into class quietly you are respecting the time you have in class.
2. By keeping your hands, feet, and possessions to yourself you are being respectful to
3. By raising your hand to ask questions you are respecting the person who is talking or
4. By being respectful to those around you helps maintain an orderly class.
5. By actively participating in class helps me know what you do or do not understand.
1. If the whole class turns in work on time then each student in the class gets 10 extra points
on their assignment.
2. If a student gets a 95% or higher on a test they get a prize.
3. Students can earn tickets when doing something positive in class and get prizes with
those tickets.
1. 1st offense is a verbal warning.
2. 2nd offense is name on the board.
3. 3rd offense discussion after class.
4. 4th offense detention and a call home.
5. 5th offense call home and a referral.
1. Everyday walk into class quietly.
2. Start on Bell Ringer
3. Raise hand to ask a question.
4. Everyone should participate with instruction.
5. Homework is due on the due date.

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