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Names of Students _______________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________       

Summative Assessment: Teen Health (Health Unit)

Statement of Inquiry: People express themselves through their choices, emotions, and feelings through body movement in
their lives.

Grade 9 PHE Time to complete assessment:

Criteria assessed in this assessment are: A

Date: Jan 2023 Quarter:2

Pages: 2
Criterion A Communicating Maximum 8

Learning Standards (Content and Skills)

● Moving our body

○ Provide and apply feedback to develop and refine specialized movement skills in a range of challenging
movement situations (ACPMP099)
● Understanding movement
○ Design, implement and evaluate personalized plans for improving or maintaining their own and others’
physical activity and fitness levels (ACPMP102)
○ Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing movement
sequences (ACPMP103)

Assessment Criteria
Criterion: A Knowing & Understanding
Level Level Descriptors Task Clarifications Self-

0 The student does not reach a standard described The group did not achieve any description below
by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student: The student is able to:

i. states physical and health education factual, State in responses to Questions 1, and 2 and
procedural and conceptual knowledge Infographic relevant factual, procedural, and
conceptual knowledge about Teen problems, including
iii. applies physical and health terminology to knowledge on topics like
communicate understanding with limited success. ❏
● Screen Time,

● Talking to Councilor /Friends, and trusted


● Dealing with problems

● Body Image

3-4 The student: The student is able to:

i. outlines physical and health education factual, Outlines in responses to Questions 1, and 2 and
procedural and conceptual knowledge Infographic relevant factual, procedural, and
conceptual knowledge about Teen problems, including ❏
knowledge on topics like
iii. applies physical and health terminology to ● Screen Time,
communicate understanding.
● Talking to Councilor /Friends and trusted ❏

● Dealing with problems

● Body Image

5-6 The student: The student is able to:

i. identifies physical and health education factual, Identify and apply in responses to Questions 1, 2, ❏
procedural and conceptual knowledge and 3 and Infographic relevant factual, procedural,
and conceptual knowledge about Teen problems,
iii. applies physical and health terminology including knowledge on topics like
consistently to communicate understanding.
● Screen Time,

● Talking to Councilor /Friends and trusted

● Dealing with problems

● Body Image

7-8 The student: The student is able to:

i. explains physical and health education factual, Explain and apply in responses to Questions 3 and ❏
procedural and conceptual knowledge 4 and Infographic relevant factual, procedural, and
conceptual knowledge about Teen problems, including
knowledge on topics like
iii. applies physical and health terminology ● Screen Time,
consistently and effectively to communicate ❏
understanding. ● Talking to Councilor /Friends, and trusted

● Dealing with problems

● Body Image

Student Reflection:


Teacher’s comments:

● For this task, collect the information you need from resources shared in class and get as much information you
need to answer the questions below.

You may refer to Problems at School and Dealing with Problems ( from Teen Health ) as your main source

● You can also refer to the managebac task resources for more information. Also, recall the class discussions on
teen problems and solutions from the health unit.
● In your responses to the questions below, you should be able to
○ Investigate the information about teen health and safety issues.
○ Demonstrate the ability to influence and support others in positive teen problem health and safety
○ Utilize strategies to overcome barriers in communicating information, ideas, feelings, and opinions
concerning teen health and safety issues.

Q1.What is the nature of the teenager's problem? The term nature refers to the causes of the problem
and factors affecting teenagers' health and behavior.

Q2.What are the common problems of teenagers? List at most 3. Explain how you personally deal with
those problems.

Q3. How can teen problems be fixed, in your opinion? Who are the persons or groups of people
involved in fixing these problems? What steps should be taken? Apply relevant terminologies or
concepts learned in class to support your answer.
Q4.React to the statement.
“How you view yourself, and others affect your well-being and often causes or least to teen
Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. Apply relevant terminologies or concepts learned in
class to support your answer.


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