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In my artwork, I emphasize how wonderful the government goal was for farmers to have land to grow crops, but it

appears they are not attaining it; the challenge is that implementation is not taking place. Some farmers cannot afford to
own their own lands, even if they inherited it from their ancestors, since they lack the necessary formal credentials. What
occurs is that the government collects taxes from farmers in order for them to have the right to plow their land, which
causes the farmer to become poorer and poorer. It seems person who tills the land does not own it and the person o
owns the land does not till it. Regardless of the fact that some farmers receive assistance such as programs for building
irrigation systems, machinery, and tools, their income is unequal since commercial interests profit more than farmers.
The subsidy is insufficient for the farmers. This is based on my observations for the present century; for example, a cup of
rice at a restaurant is expensive, and it already costs the same as a farmer's pound of grains.

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