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MA in Education (Regular) Examination: September 2022 - aasined Day & Date | Semester Subjec Time | Code | Marks th A 10:30 AM seaetgay, | (Fret | Research Mothogsiogy To | 22200¢| 50 Repeater) ae 01:00 PM Instructions;4) All questions are compulsory. $2) All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 An8wer any one of the followifig. g 10 a) A good research is the odftome of an in-depth, comprekénsive review of related literature. Justifythe statement with the help imBortance of a review of related literature. Describe the use of cardg:in the recordi the references. b) “In the field of Eduéation, it should be preferred to'tonduct research using mixed method approach ", Justify the statement'with the help of charactesis & limitations o€{uantitative & qualitative apprgaches of research, > S ay Q.2 Answer any os of the following. a 3 a) A researcher wants to study the effect offegative feedback given By teacheg$'on the emotional developmentof secondary schoo! studénts. Sugg@st an appropriate method of reB@arch with justification. Describe thetharacteristics & steps of that sWeéthod. Y b) Mrs. Sinha wants to find out the gffect of a brain-based | 1g program on the mathematics achievement of eighth-standard students. Suggest an appropriate experimental désign that will be having minimum threats 3 & to internal validity. Justify &describe that design... < s & of 10 Q.3:" Answer any one of the follawing. ; ah - = method. € F a FS b) What is phenoniénological research? Desfribe its characteristics & procedure in ¢ detail with the help of Serta = sy Q4 Answer any ge of the following. 2. : ‘ 10 a) AresearBher wants to conduct a slitvey regarding ue present stuation of libraries in secondary schools in. Maharashtra state. Suggest apprBpriate tool for data collegficn. Describe its characteristics & steps of préParation of that tool. ee ; b) ‘esearcher wants to stud¥the opinions of teachers atBifferent levels in laharashtra state regarding NEP 2020. Suggest & ean ee F appropriate method of, { gampling, and define the population of thi - 10 asfirite short notes. (anyvo) ay 2 a) Different methods of acquiring knowledge & >) Threats to the internal validity of experimental research > c) Use of case study in the education field ee ss Ss 4) The projective technique of data colle ig cd ? gs oo

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