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Over half a century ago, Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity. He
developed this theory to explain apparent conflicts between the laws of relativity
and the law of gravity. To resolve these conflicts, he developed an entirely new
approach to the concept of gravity, based on the principle of equivalence. Many
people wondered how he could even think up such a great theory and produce a
formula like that. That is why most people call Einstein "The Genius."

What is genius? Is it a salutation for people who invent something new? Or does
it describe a person who produces a great formula that is useful to us? Genius is
a person who has exceptional intelligence or creative power that not everybody
has. It is also the ability to create something new and solve some problems
quickly. This wonderful talent cannot be obtained; it comes naturally to some
people. Sometimes genius can be inherited from one's parents or grandparents.

Most people confuse the meaning of genius with intelligence and creativity. The
definition of genius is different from intelligence and creativity. An intellectual
is someone who possesses a high degree of understanding. In other words, an
intellectual is someone who is clever or smart. Anyone can be intelligent if he or
she learns or studies something, but genius comes naturally without any
learning. Some people can create unique and interesting things. They are called
creative, people who are designed with their own imagination and inventive. It is
different from genius because creativity can be more practical, like inventing the
electronic car, while genius can be both practical and theoretical.

Genius can be divided into two subclasses: artistic and scientific. In terms of
arts, someone is called a genius if he or she designs a thing that nobody could
think of yet. Michelangelo is one of the genius artists who designed a sketch of a
helicopter before it was invented. At a young age, Salvadore Dali had an
exceptional ability and produced paintings that were different from others who
were the same age as him. Moreover, a person who is a genius in science can
produce a theory that changes the world and is beneficial to others. Besides
Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, an American inventor, is one of the
greatest geniuses and inventors of all time. Edison began to work at an early age
and continued to work right up until his death.
 Summary
Genius is a person who has exceptional intelligence or creative power that not
everyone has. It is defined as intelligence and creativity, which are different
from the latter. Genius can be divided into two subclasses: artistic and scientific.
An example of genius is Michelangelo, who designed a sketch of a helicopter
before it was invented, and Thomas Alva Edison, an American inventor who
began working at an early age and continued to work until his death. Albert
Einstein invented the theory of relativity over half a century ago, which explains
apparent conflicts between the laws of relativity and the law of gravity. Genius
is the ability to create something new and solve some problems quickly, and can
be inherited from one's parents or grandparents.
 Vocabulary
apparent /əˈpær.ənt/ able to be seen or understood rõ ràng
conflict /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ an active disagreement between xung đột
people with opposing opinions
or principles:
silutation /sæljəˈteɪʃən a greeting in words or actions, lời chào
or the words used at the
beginning of a letter or speech

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