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FACILITIES AVAILABLE WITH SOIL AND WATER TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH EASTERN, [REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT, TEZPUR ‘The Soll and Water Testing Laboratory, NERWALM proves the state ofthe at facts of arate! instrumentation for crying out als, imparting hands on traning an esearch inthe 335 of si, water and plant sample analy for agit, urgitional purpose. and dining. water Charaterizatons ata nominal and competitive at The laboratory the torch Bearer inthe studies of {ound water arsenic contamination and iver gusty monitoring nd assessment inthe north est nda betidespronding laboratory supports to a number of DPR preparations on wigan projects and command areas, The laboratory provides wstrumantatins and analysis followed [A SOIL ANALYSIS ‘no. | Parameter Tnsrumentations or [pa —Tptelearode - ‘2 | elec Conduct Condy mater - ‘03 | So Texture Univeral Pipette mthod 08 [Sountosture ~Feravimenic metiod 05 [Organic eben Wet oxidation method {Watey and Sac) [05 | Avalable Nitrogen ‘Automated Mice Kjeldahl method 07 [Tol narogen ‘Automated Mico Kedah method —[avalabie Potassium —— “ibe Pass | Bryan Kr US Specrephoronetc eho “ota osphos [si estion od Taraton ethos Flume Prtoomet Method ‘uaible Sulphate [Turideti method (Kime and Wea) Mlronutens tne “ric Risrpton Speaeopheomaiey etn — _Atmi sorption Spectophtometr agri [Rr Abortion Soectrophotometer anges “omic Absorption Specrophotometr Copp ~ ‘omic tsorpion Spetonnetometer [wo [toric absorption pectophotometer Ber vas Speatophatometic meted Maybdenam ‘GUIS Spectophotometic method Sodium - Fae Potometie metho Contaminant ~ ~ ee “Rorsic RizrptonSpeaoptomeier ‘somin -Aomi sorption Spectre “omic Absorption Spetrophotometer ‘omic AbrorptionSpectrophatometer ‘Atomic Absorption Spetrophotoneter ‘rns Absorpton Spetvophotometer ation Exchange ose, lami Photometric by saturation with sium Bower. nchangeable bases ( Na, KG Me) PBlicerettod Ge [ue Requiem’ | Shad, and mater method 17 | Sodium Adsorption ration __| Richards method 18 [nitration cate Black method [39 a capacy Fiid ethod (Vara and ease) 20 | Pemanert wing pa ‘ehieyer ad Fendriken tod (Hor project work ony [0 [etionde ravine meio 15 | Residaleiorine Tirenetric method 16 [suoriae TSE method (ion meter 17 [avsene - ‘Aor Abzortion Speaophotonter | 1 | Cale “oie Absorpen Spectrophotometer - 19 | Magnesium ‘Atomic AbjorpuonSpecrophotometer ] 20 | Monganese ‘Aomie Absorption Specrophotomete ni | copper [omic Absorption Spectroohotometer 22 | ron ‘Mamic Absorption Specrophotometer 23 | Chromium ‘Arnie Absorption Specrophotoreter 2a [teed — atoms AorptionSpecttophotomerer 25 eum rv Abortion Specrophotometer - [25 [ wicker — “omic Absorption Spearophotoreter | Aluminio ‘omic Absorption Specrophotometer arom ‘omic Absorption Spetrophotometer 29_| sania ‘Arnie Absorption Specrophotometer— 31 Potassiam —[ Fame Photometric metnod 32 Solum Adsorption Ration [SAR] Flame Prometric and AAS method (C, PLANT SAMPLE ANALYSIS: [Sia w ~~ Tinsrumetations —_ a1 | Total trogen Futonated Mero Hebi weihod — [02 | Prosonars ~ | Bayan ore UV Specrophoronetnc ao ax [Potassium —— Flame Phtomtie Method (4 [Suphor ‘Gravnetri rtisimeie mod [05 Sosa [Rome Piotometie Wethod 06 | Ceride imei ethos or [Sica Gravimete method 08 [ane | tri Rerpion spearonbotometer 05 | lean atomic Absorption Specophotometer 10 | Mages —— [toc AbcorptonSpecrophotomster | Manganese ~ [toric AnorptonSpectophotometer | [iz —[eopper ——— [smi Abzrtonspesrophotemeter a 3 [on - [tic Absorption spetopotometer [Boron - ‘ves Specvaphotometic method 15 | Molden Tis Specrphotoretrcmetiod - 36 | Sodom fae Photometr method = Feontaminants i [teas | src AbsoraonSpectrophotameter 1a [eam omic abortion spectrophotometer 19 [Wiel - Atomic AbserptonSpetophotometer 720 | esenie ‘omic Absorption Spectophotometer [on Atomic AbscptonSpectophotometer 22 | Aluminio ‘one Absorption Spectrophotomete_ [FACILITIES AVAILABLE WITH SOIL AND WATER TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH EASTERN [REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT, TEZPUR “he Soll and Wate Testing Laboratory, NERINALM provides the tate ofthe at facies canal “nstromentations fr caring ov ana, mpating hard on ring a restorhin the aes of ol. ‘water and plant sample analyst for apraiual, iigational purpose and ctinng. water Chracterzatons at a nominal and competitive ate The aboratry is the tren bearer in he tues of ‘round water arene contamination nd ver quay montrin and assessment inthe northeast nda besides providing laboratory supports to a number of DPR preparations on iigaton jets and command areas. The laboratory prove instramentations and arasis as followed: A SOIL ANALYSIS - - SNe, | Parameters Insrumenttons| - ox [om pielectode On| fecal Conductivity 03 [Sol Texture 8 [SoiMonture 05 [Organic arbor Conduct mater Universal pete method Gravimaric method — Wet oxidation method {Walley and cB (6 Available Nitrogen ‘Aomated Mc Risdahimethod 17 | Touinitrogen —[avtomotea Mir esa method | ‘8 | Available Phosphonss | eay and Kurtz UWA Spectrophotometic Method 0 | Tout Phosphous ‘Aci sigeston na Ttvation Method 10 [avaiable Ptassian ame Pattometr Method - 1 uridmetre method {Knead Wearais) 26 “ome Absorption Specvophetomater =] 1206) ‘Atomic Absorption Spectroprotometer 12 (6) [Magnesiom Ftv tbzorotionSpectraphatometer 12(@)_[ Manganese ‘oc Abortion Spetropratometer “onic Absorption Specrophotometer _torie AbsorgenSpectrophotometer is Specrophatometric method I Specophotometic method ‘omic AbirptionSpecivophetometer Atomic Abiorptionspectrophotometer ‘oie Absorption Spetophatometer ‘ic Absorption Spetrophatometer “omic Absorption Spectropratometer ‘ioe Absorption Specrophotomter ™ [eatin Exchange coaciy [Flame Photometric stration wth sodium Bower) ‘changeable bases (Na, Gay Back meted |__| a = _ = [36 [ine Reaiement — | ead wodfand Showmaker method 17 [ Sedum adsorption raion chars method inition ate eck method - Feld apc Prd method (Weimer ad ender Permanent Wing pant Vethmeye ad erdrlsen method [or project work ony)

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