Abe Catacutan Bsit 3G Student 4

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Abe Catacutan


Student 4

1.What is Host-Based Firewalls and Network-Based Firewalls? how to restrict an app,

program or software using firewall?

-a firewall that is installed on a computer directly is known as a host-based firewall (rather than a
network). Viruses, malware, and other malicious scripts that network security may not have caught can be
found and stopped using host-based firewalls.

- network-based firewalls are installed in accordance with the traffic flow, defending the entire network.
Host-based firewalls are managed by software that runs on a single computer's operating system.

2. What are the ways to restrict applications with a host-based firewall?

a. Accept Incoming Traffic from Information Security Office Security ScannersConfigure

your firewalls to permit Information Security Office network-based scanning (ISO). The
campus network will be scanned by ISO to see if any hosts are vulnerable to common
network threats or if any systems appear to have been compromised..

b. Limit Remote Access

Limit remote access to a specific range of IP addresses and/or subnets if remote access to the host is
desired (e.g., via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or ssh). Only permit access from the campus if remote
connectivity is required if the device must be accessed from off-campus.

3. Additional Security

3.1 Restrict Outbound Traffic

Firewalls are frequently set up to only apply rules to incoming traffic while allowing all outgoing traffic.
When necessary, restricting outbound traffic adds another layer of protection against abuse or data loss in
the event that a host is compromised.

3.2 Log Firewall Activity

A firewall can lessen the chance of compromise but it cannot stop all attacks. If enabled, firewall logs can
be used to spot successful attacks. These logs are used in forensic analysis in the event of a system
compromise to establish the level of compromise, extent of the damage, and type of attack. 

3.What are the ways to restrict applications with a Network-Based Firewalls?

As a gateway, a firewall transfers data between networks. When a firewall prevents unrestricted data
transfer to and from the network, it acts as a barrier. To access hosts on remote networks, the firewall
requires a user on the internal network to sign in to the firewall system.
4. Example pictures of Host-Based Firewalls and Network-Based Firewalls:

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