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Manarat Dhaka International School and College

C.W Class: 7, Chemistry (K.P.T) , Marks: 10 Time: 20 min

1. Sublimation refers to soli Gas
A. conversion of solid directly into gas
Sublimation refers to
- -

B. conversion of gas into liquid I

C. conversion of gas directly into solid
D. conversion of liquid into solid
convertiongid directly
2. Attractive forces between particles is weakest in

A. solids 2. Attractive force between a particles

B. liquids is the weakest.
C. gases
D. all of these

3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) diffuses

⑳y 12 12 32 44
+ +
= =

A. slowly than hydrogen(H2)

lowes molecular 02 16x2 32
B. slowly than oxygen(O2)
= =

C. faster than hydrogen(H2) He 1x2

diffuse D. faster than oxygen(O2)


4. A constant temperature at which a pure solid changes into a pure liquid is called

A. vaporization
B. Condensation solid Liquid
C. melting point
D. boiling point

5. Which property of gas affects the rate at which it spreads throughout a laboratory?
- - - - -

a. boiling point
b. nee
molecular mass
c.colour Gases with loweic molecular mass
in Water diffuse faster than those of
solubility moleculate
higher mass.
d. solubility in water

6. Four identical gas jars are filled with different gases. The lids are taken off the gas jars
and they are left open to the air for a few hours. Which gas jar will then have the most air

in it?


diffuse fasterc

7. Which one of the following conditions increases the rate of movement of particles
in matter?
a. increase in density the
b. decrease in mass The higherthe temperature,
the rate of diffusion.
c. increase in volume
d. increase in temperature
8 Which row shows correct statements about the speed at which a gas diffuses?
un - ne
9. A student set up the apparatus shown below.


Colourless fumes of hydrogen chloride are given off by the hydrochloric acid.
Colourless fumes of ammonia are given off by the aqueous ammonia.

(a) After a few seconds, white fumes were seen at point X in the tube. >°

Name the compound formed at point X.

Ammonium chloride
b)Use the kinetic particle theory to explain this observation.
Molecular mass of Ny is less than Hel. NH3
diffuses faster than He.

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