Case Study STUDENT

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Perinatal Case Study Week 6


1. Please answer directly onto this document. Use full sentences and proper grammar/spelling
2. No references required. This is not being graded for APA
3. Submit through Dropbox at the beginning of class in Week 6

Usha, 38 years old, is 12 weeks pregnant (confirmed through a dating Ultra Sound at 10 weeks) and
arrives to her doctor’s appointment nervous about the whitish-colored vaginal discharge she has
experienced x 3 days. Usha was diagnosed with primary infertility and this conception was achieved
through in-vitro fertilization.

What is the cause of primary infertility? (Name one female cause and one male cause)

1 mark

What is the cause of the vaginal discharge and what is the medical term for the discharge?

2 marks

Usha reports that she has morning sickness ‘all day’ and worries that vomiting will harm the baby.

What is ‘thought’ to be the cause of the vomiting in early pregnancy?

1 mark

What is hyperemesis gravidarum and how is it treated?

2 marks

Created by Elizabeth Logaridis

Usha asks the nurse which perinatal tests are completed at 12 weeks gestation and how each test is
completed (i.e. blood test, swabbing, radiology). As well, Usha asks why she needs another ultra sound.

List the tests Usha will receive and indicate how they are completed. Also, describe why Usha needs another Ultra

8 marks

Use an X to indicate whether the nursing actions listed below are Indicated (appropriate or necessary), Not Indicated

6 marks

Nursing Action  Indicated  Not Indicated

Administer antiemetic as prescribed
Prepare for Chorionic Villus sampling
Educate Usha on the resources and supports
in the community for families of infants with
trisomy 18
Swab the cervix and rectum for GBS as part
of the 12 week appointment
Administer sedatives as prescribed for
Usha’s anxiety
Educate Usha on miscarriage and
spontaneous abortion

Total: 20 marks

Created by Elizabeth Logaridis

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