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Silvia Fernández.


1. I used to smoke a pack of cigarrettes a day, but I don’t smoke now.

2. I used to go to the beach every summer , but I go diferent places now.

3. I din’t used to travel for Europe , but I travel to Europe once a year now.

4. I used to play soccer with my brother , but I don’t play soccer anytime.

5. I didn’t used to like broccoli, but I love it now.

6. I used to hate eating spinachs, but I eat a lot of them.

7. I used to play with my friends , but I don´t play with them for years.

8. I used to ride a bike , but I don’t ride a bike for years.

9. I didn´t use to do houseworks, but I do houseworks everyday.

10. I didn't used to listen to my mother's advice, but l Iisten everything my mother tells

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