IMD Environmental MGT Plan

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Environmental Mgt.

Plan IMD/EMP/01

Controlled Copy No.1
Held by the QHSE Department

This is a controlled document and must be issued in whole only. Do not make copies of this
document. All information in this document is confidential and property of IMDAAD Facility
Services Management. Reproduction in any form, either in part or full should be done only
with the written permission of the company Management.

IMD/EMP/01 ver. 001

Prepare: Carlo Estolas 05.04.2021 Prop. Manager Sign:

Review: Eng. Ahmad Masadeh 06.04.2021 Ops. Manager Sign:

QA/QC In- Sign:

Verify: Mohammad Tanweer Alam 06.04.2021

Approval: Eng. Fayez Al-Khatib 06.04.2021 Group CEO Sign:

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Section Sub-Section Title Page
1.0 ----- Purpose 5
2.0 ----- Scope 5
3.0 ----- General 5
3.1 Definitions and Glossary of Terms 5
3.2 Company Background 5
3.3 Issue & Update 5
4.0 ----- EMS requirements 5
4.1 General Requirements 5
4.2 EMS Policy 7
4.3 Planning 7
4.3.1 Planning for Risk and Impact Assessment 8
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements 9
4.3.3 Objectives, targets, and programs 10
4.4 ----- Implementation & Operation 11
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, and Responsibilities 11
4.4.2 Management Representative 11
4.4.3 Infrastructure 12
4.4.4 Work Environment 12
4.4.5 Competence, Training and Awareness 12
4.4.6 Consultation, communication, and participation 14
4.4.7 EMS Documentation 14
4.4.8 Control of Documents 15
4.4.9 Operational Control 16
4.4.10 Emergency Preparedness and Response 17
4.5 ----- Checking 18
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement 18
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance 18
4.5.3 Non-conformance, Corrective and Preventive action 20
4.5.4 Control of records 21
4.5.5 Internal Audit 21
4.5.6 Management Review 22

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Section Sub-Section Title Page
Annexure-A Definitions and Glossary of Terms 23
Annexure-B EMS Policy 25
Annexure-C EMS Responsibilities 26
Annexure-D Process Interaction 29
Annexure-E Company Profile 30
Annexure-F Organization Structure 31
ESP/01 Control of Documents 32
ESP/02 Control of Records 34
ESP/03 Control of Nonconforming Products / Services 36
ESP/04 Internal Audit 38
ESP/05 Corrective Action & Preventive Action 40
ESP/06 Management Review Meeting 42
ESP/07 Operational Control 44
ESP/08 Legal & Other Requirements 47
ESP/09 Communication 50
ESP/10 Competence Training Awareness 53
ESP/11 Monitoring & Measurement 57
ESP/12 Purchasing 60
ESP/13 Preservation of Product 65
ESP/14 Maintenance 67
ESP/15 Waste Collection & Disposition 69
ESP/16 Customer Related Process 71
ESP/17 Environmental Aspects & Impacts 74
ESP/18 Environment Preparedness & Response 77
ADM/F01 Competence / Skill Matrix 79
ADM/F02 Training Need Identification 80
ADM/F03 Training Calendar 81
ADM/F04 Employee Training Register 82
ADM/F05 Employee Performance Appraisal 83

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Section Sub-Section Title Page
ADM/F06 Job Description 84
ADM/F07 Aspects & Impacts 85
LR/F01 Register Regulations 90
LR/F02 Wastage Disposal 91
MKT/F01 Customer Feedback Questionnaire 92
MKT/F02 Analysis of Customer Feedback 93
MNT/F01 Breakdown Register 94
MNT/F02 Calibration Plan & Status 95
MNT/F03 Preventive Maintenance and Execution Record 96
MR/F01 Documents Issue Register 97
MR/F02 Master List of Documents and Records 98
MR/F03 List of External Documents 99
MR/F04 Non-Conformance / Corrective & Preventive Action Form 100
MR/F05 NCR Status Report 101
MR/F06 MRM Notice & Agenda 102
MR/F07 MRM Minutes 103
MR/F08 Annual Internal Audit Plan 104
MR/F09 Internal Audit Schedule 105
MR/F10 Internal Audit Report 106
MR/F11 Product/Service Non-Conformance Report 107
MR/F12 Document Change Register 108
OPN/F01 Facility Maintenance Checklist 109
PUR/F01 Supplier Registration Form 110
PUR/F02 Supplier Evaluation and Approval 111
PUR/F03 List of Approved Suppliers 112
PUR/F04 Annual Supplier Re-Evaluation 113
STR/F04 Stock Register 114

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1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to describe the compliance of IMDAAD Environmental

Management System in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 Standard:

2.0 Scope

2.1 The scope of the Environmental Management System at IMDAAD FM applies


“Providing General Cleaning and Hospitality Services to Office and Industrial

Clients and Providing Building Maintenance and other Related Mechanical
and Electrical Services”

2.2 This manual is applicable to all activities managed by IMDAAD FM and to all
areas of its activities. In case the nature of business changes significantly,
steps are to be taken to redefine the official scope of registration.

3.0 General

3.1 Definitions and Glossary of Terms

Refer to Annexure A

3.2 Company Background

Refer to Annexure F

3.3 Issue and Update

The control of this Manual is in accordance with IMDAAD FM Document

Control Procedure. Updates to this manual will be made by re-issuing the
relevant section of this manual and adapting the issue-level in the index.
Amendments to this manual will be issued by the MR or his designate after
approval by the GCEO.

3.4 Responsibilities

MR shall be responsible for Control & issues of this manual

3.5 Implementation

Procedure for Control of Documents – IMDAAD FM/ESP/01

4.0 EMS Requirements

4.1 General Requirement

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4.1.1. IMDAAD FM has established documented and maintains an EMS and

continually improves its effectiveness following the requirements of ISO

a. Identified processes needed for the EMS and their applications
throughout the organization. These processes are identified in this
Manual (Ref: Process Interaction - Annexure E – IMDAAD FM Process
b. Determined the sequence and interaction of these processes. This
requirement is addressed through documented procedures for each
of the identified processes that are within the scope of IMDAAD FM’s
c. Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the
operation and control of EMS processes are effective
d. Ensured the availability of resources and information necessary to
support the operation of these processes.
e. Monitored, measured, and analyzed these processes
f. Implemented actions necessary to achieve planned results and
continual improvement of these processes. The processes are managed by IMDAAD FM in accordance with

the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. Where IMDAAD FM chooses to outsource processes, it ensures

control over these processes in accordance with contractor
selection, Purchasing Procedures, and Work Instructions.
Controls are such as Regular review of the activities during order
execution, document approval, visit their place, etc. The following processes are identified (but not limited to) as
outsourced processes and details are addressed within the EMS:

a. Management System Consultancy

b. Health & Safety support
c. Calibration Services
d. Fabrication, Civil activities (changing tiles, marbles, granites,
partition walls, fixing gypsum partition, glass partition, wall
e. Maintenance of Generators, Fire Alarms, Firefighting
systems, Passenger Lifts, Building Maintenance Unit (BMU)
and Indoor plants.

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These processes are regularly monitored and controlled by the

competent technical staff within the organization. Responsibilities

MR has the overall responsibility for establishing, implementing,

and maintaining EMS. Implementation

IMDAAD FM Process Sequence Map – Annexure ‘E’ and Process

Criteria as addressed in the Procedures.

4.2 Environmental Policy

4.2.1. IMDAAD FM’s EMS Policy is documented. The policy is signed by the

4.2.2. The policy covers all activities at the facilities. The policy is appropriate
for the needs of IMDAAD FM and includes a commitment to comply with
customer requirements, relevant Occupational Health & Safety, and
Environmental legislation and requirements, continual improvement as
well as prevention of injury and pollution.

4.2.3. The Policies provide the framework for establishing the objectives and
will be reviewed annually by the top management, communicated to all
employees, and made available to the public.

4.2.4. The policy shall be communicated by:

a. Displaying EMS Policy in the English language at selected locations in

the Office and all the places.

b. Training of all staff about EMS Policy and Objectives during an

induction or other appropriate training.

4.2.5. Responsibilities

The GCEO has overall responsibility for establishing, implementing, and

maintaining these activities.

4.2.6. Implementation

 EMS Policy – Annexure B

 Procedure for Competence, Awareness & Training – IMDAAD

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4.3 Planning

4.3.1. Planning for Environmental Aspects and Impacts IMDAAD FM has established procedures to identify

environmental aspects and impacts, which IMDAAD FM controls
and over which it may be expected to have an influence and
determines which of those aspects & risks are considered
significant. The assessment includes routine and non-routine activities, of

all personnel including contractors, suppliers, and visitors having
access to the workplace and facilities provided by either
IMDAAD FM or others. IMDAAD FM will identify, evaluate, and control its

Environmental impacts on an ongoing basis based on the
outcome of the aspect and impact assessment. In all cases of
impact assessment, consideration is given to normal, abnormal
operations within IMDAAD FM and potential emergency
conditions. Impact assessments for all operational & office activities are
carried out and classified based on the criteria as outlined in the
procedures. IMDAAD FM will review its risk and impact assessments at a

predetermined period (once every 3 years) or at a time pre-
determined by the management. This period can vary depending
on the following considerations

a. after an incident
b. when there is a significant change in work processes that
could affect the safety and health of the workers, e.g., the
introduction of new equipment, machinery, or products
c. the nature of hazard and aspect
d. The magnitude of the risk and impact
e. Changes from normal operations The above-mentioned review will also take place if changes

within IMDAAD FM call into question the validity of the existing
assessments. Such changes can include the following elements:

a. Expansion, contraction, restructuring.

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b. Reappointing of responsibilities.
c. Changes to methods of working or patterns of behavior IMDAAD FM will also review its significant risk and impact
register at a predetermined period (once every 3 years) or at a
time pre-determined by the management. IMDAAD FM will implement necessary control measures for risk

and impact reduction before the changes are introduced to
ensure that risk levels are maintained to as low as reasonably
practicable (ALARP) IMDAAD FM will maintain clear evidence that any corrective or

preventive actions identified as necessary to control or reduce
the risk level are monitored for their timely completion (these
may require that further hazard identification and risk
assessment be conducted, to reflect proposed changes to risk
control measures and to determine revised estimates of the
residual risks). The integrity of the Management System is maintained when

changes to the Environment management system are planned
and implemented by MR. The MR maintains documentation, data, and records concerning

the identification of hazards & aspects and the assessment and
control of impacts up to date. Responsibilities

The MR has the overall responsibility for establishing,

implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Environmental Aspect and Impact Assessment Procedure –


4.3.2. Legal and Other Requirements IMDAAD FM has established a procedure for the purpose of

identifying, accessing, and communicating legal, statutory,
regulatory, and other requirements that are applicable to
IMDAAD FM activities and products.

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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01 Additional information is also available through legal

publications. Local regulations are identified, accessed, and
communicated by the MR. IMDAAD FM maintains a legal compliance evaluation register to

ensure applicable requirements are implemented in the
respective workplaces. At the minimum, MR reviews the most current national,

international, and other requirements as applicable to IMDAAD
FM and maintains up-to-date. Responsibilities

The MR has overall responsibility for establishing,

implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Legal and Other Requirements Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/08

4.3.3. Objectives, Targets, and Programs Objectives are defined by the Department Managers. Targets

are defined for all objectives and established at relevant
functions and levels within IMDAAD FM. IMDAAD FM has identified and documented measurable

objectives and targets for Environment. Each significant aspect
is based on the aspects and impacts assessment. The documented objectives are developed considering the

significant environmental aspects, business, legal requirements,
continual improvement, technological options, financial, and
operational business plans, and the views of interested parties.
These objectives are consistent with EMS Policy of IMDAAD FM. The MR has established Environmental management action

plans as a means for achieving objectives and targets. These action plans define the principal actions to be taken,

those responsible for undertaking those actions, and the
scheduled times for their implementation. Responsibilities

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The staff as identified in the program has overall responsibility

for establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

 Objectives and Targets

 Management Review Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/06

4.4 Implementation and Operation

4.4.1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability, and Authority Resources will be identified and supplied to ensure that the

EMS of IMDAAD FM is implemented and maintained and its
effectiveness improved with the overall objective of ensuring
customer satisfaction and EHS performance. IMDAAD FM has defined and documented roles, responsibilities,

and authorities at relevant functions and levels within the
organization. The inter-relationships between various
departments and lines of reporting are illustrated in the form of
an organization chart and communicated to all. In addition to
this EHS responsibilities are documented and communicated to
all (Annexure-D).

4.4.2. Management Representative (MR) Roles and Responsibilities

GCEO has appointed the Development Manager as MR, who is a

member of the Senior Management. Irrespective of his other
responsibilities he shall have defined authority as below:

 Establish, implement, and maintain the EMS and continually

improve its effectiveness.
 Coordinate Management Review Meetings.
 Ensure timely corrective actions, follow-up visits, and review
 Maintain awareness of customer needs and requirements.
 Monitor customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
 Report the performance of the EMS, including the level of
achievements against Environment objectives to the GCEO.
 Identifying opportunities for improvement in coordination with
Department Managers

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 Liaison with Certification Bodies, customers, contractors, and

authorities on EMS matters.
 Promote customer awareness within IMDAAD FM

The MR is supported by the Management to carry out full

implementation of the EMS.

4.4.3. Infrastructure IMDAAD FM has determined to provide and maintain

infrastructure, from time to time on a need basis, to achieve
EMS requirements regarding (but not limited to) the following:

i) Buildings, workspace, and associated facilities

ii) Hardware and software
iii) Devices and equipment
iv) Communication facilities
v) Supporting services HSE Department ensures suitable maintenance of these

infrastructures so that it continues to meet EMS requirements.
Service, Measurement, and Maintenance equipment are
appropriately stored and adequately protected between uses
and verified or recalibrated at appropriate intervals.

4.4.4. Work environment IMDAAD FM has defined and managed those human and

physical factors of the work environment needed to achieve
conformity of the services, which include:

 Health and safety conditions

 Work methods
 Working Conditions Responsibilities

Management, MR, and Department Managers have overall

responsibility for establishing, implementing, and maintaining
these activities. Implementation

 Organization Chart (Annexure-G)

 Job Descriptions (Annexure-D)

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 Environmental responsibilities (Annexure –D)

 Competence, Awareness & Training Procedure – IMDAAD

4.4.5. Competence, Training, and Awareness All staff within IMDAAD FM will undergo induction and

orientation programs through which they will become familiar
with the history, culture, values, and organizational structure of
the company. The induction program will also include
awareness training about Business Policies, delivery processes,
reporting systems, and EHS-related processes. IMDAAD FM determines and ensures that any staff

performing a task for or on behalf of IMDAAD FM, that has the
potential to cause a significant EMS risk are having appropriate
competence based on education, training, or experience. IMDAAD FM identifies, plans, monitors, and records training

needs for personnel whose work may create a significant EMS
impact. IMDAAD FM has developed a process of identifying the training

needs of employees at each relevant function and level through
the performance appraisal system. During this process, gaps
between competency requirements and competency identified
are supplemented with adequate training. The employee’s
manager is the one who determines competency requirements.
Employee competency is assessed jointly by Department
Manager and HR Manager. Employees are made aware of the EMS Policy, significant

environmental aspects, processes, and their roles and
responsibilities in achieving conformance with the policies and
procedures. The potential consequence that may arise from
deviation from specified procedures and with the requirements
of the EMS is also communicated to all employees through
various channels. MR and Department Managers are responsible for maintaining

employee-training records and these are reviewed regularly. Responsibilities

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Management, Department Managers, and HR Manager have

overall responsibility for establishing, implementing, and
maintaining these activities. Implementation

Procedure for Competence, Awareness & Training – IMDAAD


4.4.6. Consultation, Communication, and Participation IMDAAD FM places a high level of importance on effective

internal and external communication & consultation within and
between facilities and between individuals. Internal communication between the hierarchies of

management is also critical to the success of the organization.
To enable this, numerous processes have been identified in the
procedure to facilitate effective, clear, and open consultation
and communication with the stakeholders. IMDAAD FM has decided not to communicate externally about

the significant environmental aspects and impacts. IMDAAD FM maintains a documented system for

communicating with customers about project information,
inquiries, order handling including amendments, and customer
feedback including customer complaints. The media for communication, participation, and consultation

include safety meetings, management reviews, Notice boards,
Intranet, EMS performance recognition, etc. Responsibilities

Department Managers and MR have overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Communications, Participation, and Consultations Procedure –


4.4.7. EMS Documentation

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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01 IMDAAD FM has a documented EMS which is structured in 3

levels as follows:

Level 1
EMS Manual

Level 2
EMS Procedures/Process

Level 3
EMS Forms/Records

EMS Manual (Level 1)

This manual contains the EMS Policy and Guiding principles of IMDAAD
FM. The EMS Manual also describes how IMDAAD FM addresses the
requirements of ISO 14001:2015. The manual also includes the top-level
organizational structure and description of the IMDAAD FM processes
and their sequencing and interaction.

EMS Procedures / Process (Level 2)

The purpose of these procedures is to provide an overview of how

IMDAAD FM operates and executes its Customer Orders. It includes all
the key processes of Core, Management, and Support processes and
responsibilities for each activity and EMS.

Forms / Records (Level 3)

IMDAAD FM also incorporates standard forms and templates, which

should be used to record actions completed in all the operations and
management of EMS. Responsibilities

MR and Department Managers have overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities.

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EMS Policy Manual and Procedures

4.4.8. Control of Documents IMDAAD FM has established a procedure for controlling all

documents and data related to the EMS. This procedure
describes where documents can be located and how and when
they are reviewed. The procedure ensures that current versions
are available and that obsolete documents are promptly
removed from use or are suitably identified. Controlled documents are posted in the intranet

(Server) if possible and obtainable from the MR or designee. Responsibilities

MR and all staff have overall responsibility for establishing,

implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Document Control Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/01

4.4.9. Operational Control General

a. The MR is responsible for identifying activities associated

with risks and significant environmental aspects.
b. The documents about aspects and impacts define the
mechanism for the establishment, implementation, and
maintenance of the operational control. Line Management
ensures that the operational control is maintained following
EMS Policy, Objectives, and Targets; and is communicated to
suppliers and contractors.
c. IMDAAD FM has planned these activities including
maintenance, to ensure that they are carried out under
specified conditions:

i) Establishing and maintaining documented procedures to

cover the situations where their absence could lead to
deviations from the EMS Policy and Objectives.
ii) Stipulating operating criteria in the procedures.

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iii) Establishing and maintaining procedures related to the

identified Environmental aspects, equipment and service
purchased and/or used by the organization and
communicating relevant procedures and requirements to
suppliers and contractors.
iv) Establishing procedures for the design of the workplace,
process, installations, machinery, operating procedures,
and work organization, including their adaptation to
human capabilities, to eliminate or reduce impacts at
their source. Responsibilities

Department Managers and MR have overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Operational Control Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/07

4.4.10. Emergency Preparedness and Response IMDAAD FM has established procedures to identify potential

and respond to EMS-related incidents and emergencies, and for
preventing and mitigating the risks and impacts that may be
associated with them. Emergency response planning is a structured process, that

requires arrangements to be in place, which is related to a
credible or likely emergency scenario. The steps in this process
can be described as the identification of events, which could
give rise to a major accident that may involve fire or explosion or
any environmental impact of great magnitude, and the
identification of other events, which may require the evacuation
or escape of personnel. Emergency methods are reviewed by the MR and Team after the
occurrence of accidents or emergencies. Responsibilities

MR has overall responsibility for establishing, implementing,

and maintaining these activities. Implementation

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Emergency Preparedness & Response Procedure – IMDAAD


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4.5 Checking

4.5.1. Monitoring and Measurement General

IMDAAD FM has established a procedure to monitor and

measure EMS performance regularly and the key characteristics
of its operations and activities that can have a significant
impact on product quality, customer requirements, health &
safety of employees, and the environment. Responsibilities

MR has overall responsibility for establishing, implementing,

and maintaining these activities. Implementation

 Legal and Other Requirements Procedure – IMDAAD

 EMS Monitoring and Measurement – IMDAAD FM/P/11 Calibration

Calibration applies to all instruments that are used to monitor or

measure indicators of EMS performance. Instruments used in
building and facility maintenance are serviced, maintained, and
calibrated by IMDAAD FM / Sub-contractors. Calibration Records
are maintained by the Operators. Responsibilities

The operator has overall responsibility for establishing,

implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Procedure for Maintenance – IMDAAD FM/ESP/14

4.5.2. Evaluation of Compliance Legal and Other Requirements

i) In line with its commitment to comply with legal

requirements, IMDAAD FM has developed a Legal & Other

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Requirements procedure for periodically evaluating

compliance with applicable legal and other requirements
every year.
ii) MR periodically reviews project-related and EHS regulatory
compliance and reports the results to management as part
of the audit system. Responsibilities

MR has the overall responsibility for establishing, implementing,

and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Legal and Other Requirements Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/08 Analysis of Data

a. IMDAAD FM determines, collects, and analyses appropriate

data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the
EMS and to evaluate where continual improvement of the
Systems can be made. This includes data generated because
of monitoring and measurement of the various activities
within the organization.
b. The analysis of data provides information relating to:

 Financial analysis
 Customer feedback
 Research and market intelligence
 Internal audit
 Competitor analysis
 Characteristics and trends of processes including
opportunities for preventive action.
 Supplier Evaluation
 Environmental Performance Responsibilities

Dept. Managers and MR has the overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

 Analysis of Data

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4.5.3. Non-Conformances, Corrective and Preventive Action IMDAAD FM has established a procedure for defining

responsibility and authority for the handling and investigating
accidents, incidents, and non-conformance, for taking action to
mitigate impacts, and for initiating and completing corrective
and preventive actions. IMDAAD FM focuses on improvement by preventing

nonconforming products from reaching the customer. It is the responsibility of all employees to report observed or

potential nonconformities at any stage of the process to
prevent nonconforming products. IMDAAD FM has assigned personnel, including process owners

responsible for:

i) Responding to nonconformities.
ii) Taking correction and corrective actions.
iii) Monitoring of related activities. Procedures require that all proposed corrective and preventive

actions are to be reviewed through the risk assessment process
before implementation. Appropriate inputs such as nonconformity reports, audit

reports, customer complaints, and process reports are analyzed
to identify effective corrective actions. It is ensured that appropriate organizational functions are

involved in the corrective action process. IMDAAD FM identifies root causes and preventive actions are

taken to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities, as well as
to avoid potential causes of nonconformities being developed,
based on the non-conformance reports, internal audit reports,
and customer complaints. The feasibility of the proposed
actions is assessed and implemented according to a plan.
Suitable resources are allocated, and effectiveness is verified. Responsibilities

Department and MR have overall responsibility for establishing,

implementing, and maintaining these activities.

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 Procedure for Incident Reporting and Investigation –

 Non-conformances, Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure

4.5.4. Control of Records IMDAAD FM has established a procedure for the identification,

maintenance, and disposal of EMS records as well as the results
of audits and reviews. These records include training records and the results of audits
and reviews. They are readily retrievable and protected against
damage, deterioration, and loss. The Departments maintain
their own EMS records. Record and document retention are also
specified in the procedure. Responsibilities

Department Manager and MR have overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Control of Records Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/02

4.5.5. Internal Audit Periodic system audits are conducted to ensure that the EMS
has been properly implemented maintained and is effective. The
results of these audits are provided to management. Audits are performed according to a plan prepared by MR which

is based on management instruction, the importance of an
activity, the results of previous audits, and any special
circumstances that warrant an internal audit. All auditors are trained, and audit records are kept with MR. Responsibilities

MR has overall responsibility for establishing, implementing,

and maintaining these activities.

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Internal Auditing Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/04

4.5.6. Management Review IMDAAD FM Management reviews EMS annually to ensure its

continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. Meeting
Minutes record these reviews and are maintained by the MR or
designee. An agreed agenda is followed which identifies the input data on

which the system performance is evaluated. Agreed action
points for improvements are identified. Responsibilities

MR/Management Team has overall responsibility for

establishing, implementing, and maintaining these activities. Implementation

Management Review Procedure – IMDAAD FM/ESP/06

Revision History:

  Date Rev. No. Revised by Amendment Effective Date Authorization


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The ability of an organization, system, or process, to realize a

Capability product /service that will fulfill the requirements for that

Conformity Fulfillment of a requirement

Continual Improvement Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfill requirements

Correction Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity

Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or

Corrective Action
other undesirable situation

Company Imdaad Facility Services Management (IMDAAD FM)

Document Information and its supporting medium

The extent to which planned activities are realized and planned

results achieved

Relationship between the result achieved and the resources


HSE Health & Safety and Environmental

EMS Integrated Management System

An undesired event or chain of events that results in, or could

have resulted in, physical harm (ill health, injury, or fatality) to
people, damage (or loss) of the company or third-party assets,
damage (or loss) of company reputation, or damage (or loss) to
environmental resources (recordable spill or exceeding
environmental limits)

Person or group having an interest in the performance or

Interested Party
success of an organization

Information Meaningful data

ISO International Organization for Standardization

Management System System to establish policy, objectives and achieve objectives

MR Management Representative

Non-Conformance Any deviation from work standards, practices, procedures,

regulations, management system performance, etc. could

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either directly or indirectly lead to injury or illness, property

damage, damage to the workplace environment, or a
combination of these.

Non-fulfillment of a requirement related to an intended or

specified use

Group of people and facilities with an arrangement of

responsibilities, authorities, and relationships

Arrangement of responsibilities, authorities, and relationships

Organizational Structure
between people

Goals, in terms of Environmental performance, that an

organization acts itself to achieve

Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or

other undesirable potential situation
Preventive Action
Note 1 there can be more than one cause for a potential

Specified way to carry out an activity or a process

NOTE 1 procedure can be documented or not
Procedure NOTE 2 when the procedure has been documented the term
“written procedure”, or “documented procedure” is frequently
used. The document that contains a procedure can be called a
“procedure document”

Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of

activities performed
Note 1 records can be used, for example, to document
traceability and to provide evidence of verification, preventive
action, and corrective action
NOTE 2 generally records need not be under revision control

Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied, or


System Set of interrelated or interacting Clauses

The person or a group of people who directs and controls an

Top Management
organization at the highest level

Ability to trace the history, application, or location of that

which is under consideration

Work Environment Set of conditions under which work is performed

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Environmental Protection Policy

Imdaad Facility Services Management (IMDAAD FM) is engaged in “Providing General

Cleaning and Hospitality Services to Office and Industrial Clients and Providing Building
Maintenance and other Related Mechanical & Electrical Services” in the State of Qatar. We
are therefore committed to reducing the environmental impact and continually improving
our environmental performance as an integral and fundamental part of our business
strategy and operating methods.

It is our priority to encourage our customers, suppliers, and all business associates to do
the same. Not only this is a sound commercial sense for all, but it is also a matter of
delivering our duty of care towards future generations.

Our policy is to

 To ensure compliance with relevant environmental legislation and other

requirements related to our operations.
 To set and achieve our environmental objectives and targets.
 Minimize our consumption of natural resources.
 Ensure that all employees understand our environmental policy and conform to the
high standards it requires through communication and training.
 Address complaints about any breach of our Environmental Policy promptly and to
the satisfaction of all concerned.
 Update our Environmental Policy annually in consultation with staff, associates, and
 Make sure the policy is accessible to the public through our website.

Group Chief Executive Officer
February 01, 2016

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General Manager

1. To establish an overall sense of direction and sets the principles of action toward good
EMS management
2. Ultimate responsible for EMS management system within IMDAAD FM
3. Instruct managers to monitor EMS activities to ensure that all activities are carried out
4. Lead the investigation team when any fatal accident happens.
5. Monitor overall EMS activities

Department Managers

1. To deploy the GCEO’s directions and principles toward the EMS management system
down the line for effective implementation
2. Periodically monitor the EMS management system performance and guidance to
improve continually
3. To communicate EMS policies and objectives to employees clearly, to enable them to
have a framework against which they can measure their performance
4. Lead the investigation team when any fatal accident happens.
5. Monitor EMS within the Dept.
6. Review EMS Audits and Inspection Reports and give instructions to the concerned to
take corrective actions against identified non-conformances.

Management Representative

1. Educate IMDAAD FM Employees on EMS Policies, Manuals, Guidelines, Specifications,

Standards, Procedures, and checklists
2. Develop, implement, and monitor EMS Plans on annual basis. Review the compliance
and improve the EMS Management System for continual improvement with the
participation of line Managers and area coordinators.
3. Develop, maintain, update, and implement EMS Training Plan. Identify training needs
and impart training inclusive of Third-Party Training
4. Advise senior management on EMS Related issues.

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5. Conduct EMS Audits and Inspection of Facilities, Assets, Main Office, Contractors' works
and follow up on non-conformance and corrective action
6. Advise management and employees on emergency response. Develop, update, educate
and implement Emergency Response Plans through Drills
7. Conduct a high-potential incident investigation and disseminate the learning points to
avert recurrence in future
8. Develop a program for inculcating awareness among employees on EMS-related issues
9. Develop EMS Promotional activities and recommend management for incentives on
achievement of milestones and EMS excellence
10. Review, suggest an improvement, and approve contractor EMS Plans and documents
11. Conduct EMS Audits and Inspections for the approval of contractor's facilities during
mobilization and continual improvement during execution
12. Responsible to obtain EMS Permits and Environmental impact reports as required by
the authorities
13. Liaison with local authorities for legal compliance
14. Investigate LTIs and high potential incidents and report to General Manager with action
items for prevention of recurrence. Implement an effective incident and near-miss
reporting system
15. Monitor the EMS performance and suggest measures for further improvement.
16. Support staff for implementations of EMS within their work area
17. Promote a safety culture in IMDAAD FM.
18. Carry out EMS visits and give reports to Top Management for immediate rectifications.
19. Apart from their normal duty, to carry out EMS activities as required by EMS Procedures.
20. Conduct risk and impact assessment following the procedures

EMS Dept.
Responsibilities GCEO MR
Requirements Heads
Policy Establish Environmental, Health, Safety &
 
Security Policy
Communicate EMS policies to all

Commitment to comply with legal
 
EMS performance review  
Establish an overall sense of direction and  
sets the principles of action toward a

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EMS Dept.
Responsibilities GCEO MR
Requirements Heads
good Management System
Deploy the GCEO’s directions and
principles towards IMS down the line for  
effective implementation
Promote Proactive EMS culture   
Planning EMS Risk and Impact assessment  
Establish and update the legal register 
Compliance with legal requirements   
Establish EMS Objectives & Program (S)  
Review of EMS Objectives Program (S)  
Approval of EMS Objectives Program (S)   
Implementation Provide adequate resources to perform
 
& Operation EMS activities
To manage EMS within their area of
 
Documentation of EMS responsibilities 
Visiting sites, Participation in accident
 
investigation, corrective action, etc.
Understand roles & responsibilities in
achieving conformance to the EMS   
Understand the Consequences, actual or
  
potential in their work activities
Potential consequences of departure from
 
specified operating procedures
Comply with document and data control
 
Comply with applicable operational
 
controls including evacuation procedures
Checking &
Report accidents, incidents, and near-
Corrective   

Note: The above-mentioned responsibilities are generic to EMS. In addition to this, specific
responsibilities are identified and documented in the respective procedures and Operational
Controls, which need to be complied with.

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BDM, Sales Eng,

Operations HR & Admin.
Top Management/MR Planning & Site Engineers Procurement Engineer Quality Manager
Estimation Eng. Manager Manager

Compliance with Environmental Legislation &

MRM & Review
Establish EMS
Policy Preparation
Business Plan,
Aspects & Impacts, Hazards & Risk Enquiry &
Targets &
Assessment Contract
Competence, Procurement, Storage, Physical
Resource Mgt. Provide Resources Awareness & Workshop Inventory Handling, Packaging,
Training Preservation, Transport & Delivery
Infrastructure, Product
Operational Operational Preventive Supplier Selection & Approval, Control of M&M
Work Environment, Emergency Preparedness Identification &
Control Plan, Maintenance Suppliers’ Performance Evaluation Equipment
& Response Traceability
change orders, Process Control,
Product Operations Inspections,
Realization change orders Cust. Complaints
Process Control, Process Control,
Process Control, Inspections,
Inspections, Cust.
Process Control, Complaints Cust. Complaints
Cust. Complaints Handling
Inspections, Handling Handling
Cust. Analyze Data of all the following
Handling Customer
Competence &
Satisfaction / Product Quality
Internal Audits Employees Breakdowns Suppliers’ Performance
Customer Performance Assurance
Corrective Action, Preventive Action, Continual Improvement

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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To detail the procedure to be followed in Control of Integrated Management

System Documentation.

2.0 Scope

2.1. This procedure covers the Methodology for Approval, Issue and Revision of
various Documentation required for the Environmental Management System
and controlling of these Documents.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1. MR shall implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Documentation Preparation, Approval and Issue, under the EMS shall be as

SN Document Title Approved By: Issued By:

1 OHS Manual GCEO MR
2 OHS Procedures GCEO MR
3 OHS or Departmental Flow Charts GCEO MR
4 Departmental Work Instructions GCEO MR

4.2 The distribution of Controlled Documents will be as per the Distribution List
maintained by the MR. These Documents are reviewed and revised as
necessary by authorized Personnel periodically.

4.3 Changes to the documents will be identified as REV 1,2,3, with revision

4.4 It is ensured that Current versions of relevant Documents are available at all
Locations where Operations essential to the effective functioning of the EMS
are performed.

4.5 These Documents are located in the office of MR, but the Procedures are
available with respective HODs / Functional Heads and the Work Instructions
are also exhibited in the Work Locations.

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4.6 Obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue and
points of use. Any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge
purposes are suitably identified.

4.7 Document identification will be as follows:

4.7.1. IMDAAD FM / EMSM / 01 for Manual.

4.7.2. IMDAAD FM / ESP / XXX …… for Procedures.
4.7.3. IMDAAD FM / Department or Process Abbreviation / FC / 01,02,03 for
Flow Charts
4.7.4. IMDAAD FM / EMSW / 01, 02, 03 ……for Work Instructions
4.7.5. IMDAAD FM / F / Department Abbreviation or Process Abbreviation -
01, 02, 03 ……for Forms.

4.8 Documents are prepared in legible manner and are retained till they are

4.9 External Documents such as Laws, Regulations, Statutes, etc. are controlled
by MR, maintaining the Master List, and controlling the updates periodically.

5.0 Records

5.1 Document Issue Register – MR/F01

5.2 Master List of Document & Records – MR/F02
5.3 Document Change Request Form – MR/F13


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To detail the procedure to be followed in Identification, Maintenance and

Disposition of Integrated Management System Records.

2.0 Scope

2.1. Applicable to all Records / Forms referred in EMS.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1. MR and all departmental personnel shall implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1. Identification

4.1.1 All Forms pertaining to EMS will be identified and assigned Document
Numbers, as appropriate.

4.1.2 MR will maintain a Master List / Master Copies of Forms identifying the
current Revision Status.

4.2. Storage, Protection and Retrieval

4.2.1 HODs will ensure that Records generated by Personnel are Legible,
Accurate, complete, and Identifiable and they are stored and

4.2.2 Computer storage of Forms / Records will be protected by password

and backup.

4.2.3 Internal and External Auditors will be given full access to review
Records related to EMS.

4.2.4 Where required by Contract, Customers will be given access to EMS

Records related to their Orders.

4.3. Retention Time and Disposition

4.3.1 HODs will ensure to retain the EMS Records in the Facility / Head Office
for TWO years.

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4.3.2 Disposal of outdated files will be authorized by GCEO. Disposal shall by

way of shredding

4.3.3 or tearing or re-cycling means.

5.0 Records

5.1 Master List of Documents & Records – MR/F02


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To detail the Controls adopted in dealing with Non-conforming Products /


2.0 Scope

2.1. Applicable to Product, Processes, Services and EMS.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1. Development Manager, Sales Engineer, QA/QC and dept. heads will
implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1. Non-conformance in Processes / Services / EMS

4.1.1 For Non-conformances if any, found in Processes, Services or EMS, the

concerned HOD will discuss with MR and ensure that suitable
corrections / corrective actions are initiated.

4.2. Customer Complaints Review

4.2.1 Site Engineer will be responsible to register the Customer Complaint.

Any written complaint from the customer will also be registered and all
complaints will be dealt with suitable correction / corrective action /
preventive action as appropriate.

4.3. Non-conformances Found during Receiving Inspection

4.3.1 The incoming materials are checked for and the acceptance / non
acceptance of results are initially recorded in the Material Receipt Note.
Non-conforming materials are identified and isolated at the designated
areas and records maintained. The Storekeeper communicates to
Purchase In-charge on the non-conforming products for action taken
with respective suppliers.

4.4. Internal Audit

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4.4.1 The NCR’s raised during Internal Audits will be dealt with as per
‘Procedure for Internal Audit’ and corrective Actions will be agreed and
carried out.

5.0 References

5.1 All EMS Procedures

6.0 Records

6.1 Non-conformance / Corrective Action Report – MR/F04

6.2 Product / Service Non-conformance Report – MR/F11
6.3 Customer complaint register – MKT/F05


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To detail the procedure to be followed for Internal Audits.

1.2. To ensure that a system for evaluating the effectiveness, suitability and the
degree of implementation of the company’s Integrated Management System
is initiated and maintained.

2.0 Scope

2.1. This procedure applies to all Internal Audits performed on Integrated

Management System for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health &

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1. Internal auditors and MR shall implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1. General

4.1.1 MR will be responsible for the co-ordination of all Internal Audits, and
for submitting to Management, an Internal Annual Schedule of Audits
for review and approval.

4.1.2 Audits can be carried out on a departmental basis or by procedure, but

MR will be responsible for ensuring that all areas of the Quality System
are audited at least once in six months.

4.1.3 Internal audits will be performed by one or more Qualified Internal

Auditors independent of the function being audited.

4.2. Audit Preparation

4.2.1 MR will appoint an auditor, responsible for performing the audit in

accordance with audit schedule; the auditor is responsible for informing
the Head of Department to be audited.

4.2.2 The Auditor will use the procedures to be audited as a checklist for
carrying out the audit.

4.2.3 A check list may be prepared for performing the audit.

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4.3. The Audit

4.3.1 The auditor will use the procedures / checklist and collect objective
evidence to determine compliance of the implementation of the
Management System.

4.3.2 The auditor will record the following findings in the Audit Check list

a. Objective evidence(s) for activities that are complying (one or two

b. Objective evidence(s) for non-compliances found.
c. Observations with objective evidence(s).

4.3.3 The Auditor will confirm from the Auditee / HOD when the NCR’s will be
completed and issued for review. A time scale will be agreed between
the Auditor and Auditee to respond to the NCR’s and proposes the
Corrective Actions required for rectifying the deficiency.

4.3.4 MR will be responsible for updating the Corrective Action Register.

4.4. Close-out of CARs

4.4.1 MR will be responsible for following up all NCRs to ensure that they are
actioned within the specified time scale. Any open NCR’s will be
brought to the attention of the GCEO for action.

5.0 5.0 References

5.1 The following Documents may be referenced: -

 Integrated Management System Manual, Procedures, Flow charts and

Work Instructions

6.0 6.0 Records

6.1 Internal Audit Plan – MR/F08

6.2 Internal Audit Schedule – MR/F09
6.3 Non-conformance Report – MR/F04
6.4 Audit Check List


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To detail the Controls adopted in carrying out Corrective and Preventive Action.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Applicable to Product, Processes, Services and EMS.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 MR, and all dept heads shall implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Corrective Action for Non-conformances Found in Processes / Services / EMS

4.1.1 The NCR raised during the internal audit or external audit, or customer
audit will be verified by concerned HOD to take appropriate Corrective
Action within the time scale agreed by the auditor / MR.

4.1.2 The Corrective Actions proposed will be approved by GCEO before

implementation, wherever practical.

4.2 Corrective Action on Customer Complaints

4.2.1 Every Customer Complaint will be reviewed by Marketing In-charge,

Corrective Action decided with MR, and time scale agreed for
implementing the same.

4.3 Internal Audit

4.3.1 The Corrective Actions taken will be verified by the Auditor and reported
to MR. MR will ensure that the Corrective Actions taken is effective and
close out the NCR.

4.4 Preventive Action

4.4.1 Any potential non-conformance observed during internal audit or

external audit or customer audit or by the any interested party will be
recorded in the NCR form to take suitable preventive action by the HOD

4.4.2 All the NCRs closed out, during every six months will be reviewed by
HODs, MR, GCEO to determine the Preventive Actions to eliminate the

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occurrence of the identified / potential non-conformance, its cause,

implementation time etc.

4.4.3 The details of Preventive Action and its effectiveness will be reviewed
by MR / Operations Manager and reported to GCEO, the same will be
discussed in Management Review Meetings.

5.0 Reference

5.1 All EMS Procedures and Flow Charts

6.0 Records

Non-conformance / Corrective Action Report – MR/F04


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To detail the procedure to be followed for review of Integrated Management

System implemented to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This procedure is applicable for EMS implemented in the company.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 The GCEO, MR and HOD’s will implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 The Management Review Meeting will be conducted once in six months.
4.2 All such meetings will be fully recorded in Minutes of Meeting Format.
4.3 The Meeting will be chaired by GCEO and attended by all HODs, MR, EMS and
any other authorized Personnel.
4.4 The input for the meeting shall include minimum as following:
 Follow-up Actions from previous Management Review Meetings.
 Results of Internal & External Audits.
 Customer Complaints / Feed-back.
 Review of Environmental Policy & Objectives.
 Process Performance and Product Conformity.
 Emergency Situations, accidents, and Withdrawal
 Changing circumstances that could affect the EMS.
 Recommendations for Continual Improvement
 Trends in Non-conformances, Status of Corrective & Preventive Actions.
 Presentation and review of targets set by individual departments for
Continual Improvement.
4.5 The output from Management Review Meetings shall include the following:
 Improvement of the effectiveness of EMS and its processes
 Resource needed to achieve the objectives.
 Improvement of services related to Customer requirements.
 Revision of company policy and objectives if required.

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4.6 The results of the Review will be recorded and signed by GCEO.
4.7 Minutes of Meetings will be maintained by MR to record actions to be taken
and as a record of Management Review.
4.8 It will be the responsibility of MR to monitor and report to the Management on
the status of these items at the next Management Review Meeting.

5.0 References:

5.1 Procedure for Control of Non-conforming Products

5.1 Procedure for Corrective & Preventive Action
5.1 Customer Complaints / Feed-back
5.1 Procedure for Resource Management
5.1 Procedures for Measurement, Analysis & Improvement

6.0 Records

6.1 Notice & Agenda for Management Review Meeting – MR/F06

6.2 Minutes of Management Review Meeting – MR/F07


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To describe the company policy for operational control of activities associated
with identified significant environmental aspects/impacts in line with the
Environmental Policy and the company’s stated objectives and targets.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This procedure covers all operations and activities associated with current,
modified, and future significant environmental aspects and ensure that these
operations and activities are carried out under controlled conditions.

3.0 Definitions

Abnormal Conditions: Departing from normal such as emergency situations.

Expected or usual stage such as day-to-day operating
Normal Conditions:

Procedures for ensuring that operations and activities

Operational Control Procedure do not exceed specified conditions or performance
standards or violate regulatory compliance limits

A document which furnishes objective evidence of
activities performed or results achieved.

Work Instruction: Provides specific steps for accomplishing a task.

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring that the staff / work force are
following the documented procedures provided by the respective clients
pertaining to environmental aspects & impacts Assessment.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Identification of Activities and Products

5.1.1 Each of the operational site is responsible for identifying activities,

products, or services that have or can have a significant impact on the
environment as per the client documents.
5.1.2 Identification of Significant Environmental Aspects / Hazards,
Objectives and Targets, describes the process for identifying activities,

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products, or services that have associated significant environmental

aspects / hazards.

5.2  Operational Control Procedures

5.2.1 Operational control procedures are maintained to ensure adequate

control of operational sites activities, products, and services. A
concerted effort is made to avoid duplication, and to keep these
documents simple, user-friendly, and as effective as possible.
Operational control procedures contain appropriate change controls to
ensure continued, safe, and compliant operation of site’s activities,
products, and services. Operational Control Procedures developed by
this company include, but are not limited to:

i) Safety measures to take in case of emergency.

ii) Equipment and conditions adequately specified and controlled,
including any special safety and environmental requirements.
iii) Suitable maintenance of equipment to ensure continuing process
capability and regulatory compliance.

6.0 Customer Complaints

6.1 Customer Complaints are attended immediately, and appropriate actions taken
by the respective staff. Operations Manager shall monitor the complaints
handling process as per the Procedure P/03 and forward the reports to General

7.0 HSE Procedures

7.1 HSE Officer shall be responsible for ensuring safety norms within the
respective sites. Work Force shall be provided with PPEs to protect themselves
from any unwanted injury during the work.

7.2 IMDAAD FM staff / workers shall follow the safety & environmental procedures
of main contractors of the respective site during the work.

8.0 Records

8.1 Bill of Quantity (BOQ)

8.2 Programme Chart
8.3 Daily Report
8.4 Site Safety Inspection Report


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To details the procedure to be followed in the identification, collection and

updating of Legal requirements applicable to EMS.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Applicable to Legal requirements published by State of Qatar Ministry for

Municipality and Environment for controlled Disposal of Emissions to Land,
Water Supply System, and Sewerage System, Solid Waste Disposal System and
Emissions to Air from the Operations activity.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 HR Manager, EMS team

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Legal Requirements-Disposal to Land

4.1.1 The Municipality Legal Requirement for Excavation of the land for the
construction of office was obtained, as a Building Permit
4.1.2 The Waste Disposal of excavated material during construction was
dumped in the Municipality Dumping Area.

4.2 Solid Waste around the Office / Sites during Operation

4.2.1 HR Manager will collect from the Ministry of Environment, the Legal
Regulation regarding Solid Waste Disposal. This will be reviewed by
GCEO / MR annually for updates.
4.2.2 The Solid Wastage accrued as Raw Materials, Wastage gathered by
Housekeeping, Wastage accrued by Laboratories etc. will be collected
and sent through Trucks for burning / disposing in the Municipality
Dumping Area. The disposal shall be as per the Legal requirements of
Ministry of Environment.
4.2.3 Solid Wastes such as Waste Plastic Bags, Scrap Metal, Waste Paint
Containers, Medical Wastes, etc arising from the operation of the office
or respective sites shall be segregated and the Hazardous and Non-
hazardous Waste shall be disposed of to the Dumping Area.
4.2.4 The EMS team member will maintain a Logbook of Waste disposed.
This Logbook will be reviewed by MR every month.

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4.3 Liquid Waste around the Office / Sites during Operation.

4.3.1 The Sewage System around the office was designed and constructed as
per the Legal Requirements of Ministry of Environment and drawings
indicating the present arrangement of Sewage System will be available
with MR, for identification of Septic Tank, Manholes etc wherever
4.3.2 The Water Supply inside the office is the Controlled Distribution from
Ground Level Water Tanks and Piping System installed as per the
approved Construction Drawings.
4.3.3 The Green-house watering and the office watering requirements are
catered through the Water Supply piping system.
4.3.4 The Wastewater from Water supply will be connected to Sewage
4.3.5 A Logbook of Water supplied to the office will be maintained by the
Maintenance Engineer.

4.4 Emission to Air around the Office / Sites

4.4.1 The Fume-emission arising from the Office / Sites shall be controlled
with the installation of hood and fan extraction system.
4.4.2 The Pollution levels around the Office / Sites shall be monitored. The
concentration of the Dust shall be within the limits as specified by the
Ministry of Environment.
4.4.3 The Fugitive Dust Emission, if any during Material transfer operations
shall be controlled.
4.4.4 Sampling-sockets (Port holes), Platforms and Electrical Power points
shall be provided for each area.

4.5 Noise Pollution

4.5.1 Noise generated during operation shall be controlled and noise level is
recorded at least annually by the Maintenance Manager.

4.6 Register of Legal Regulations

4.6.1 MR will maintain all the Regulations of Ministry of Environment and

where required; the industry codes of Practices shall be maintained. A
Register indexing such Regulations shall be maintained and this
Register will be updated annually.

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5.0 References

51. All the regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources
regarding Pollution, Emissions to Land, Water and Air.

6.0 Records

6.1 Logbook of Solid Wastes – IMDAAD FM/LR/F01

6.2 Register of Regulations - IMDAAD FM/LR/F02
6.3 Sewage disposal and Water Supply Records
6.4 Spillage Records - IMDAAD FM/LR/F03
6.5 Noise Pollution Records - IMDAAD FM/LR/F03


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To establish a procedure for internal and external communications.

2.0 Scope

2.1. This procedure is applicable for all personnel in IMDAAD FM.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1. All staff in IMDAAD FM.

4.0 Procedures

4.1 Internal Communications

Where information for dissemination becomes available to the Line Manger, it

is communicated to employees at the next available team briefing or meeting.
Where employees have a particular requirement for improving their
environmental awareness due to the nature of their activities, suitable
workshops are organized. Internal communication occurs on an on-going basis
and is achieved through various mechanisms that include, but are not limited

a. Team meeting and briefings

b. Training sessions
c. Display boards
d. Computer network / intranet / e-mail
e. Corrective and preventive actions
f. Internal memorandums / letters
g. Minutes of meetings
h. The corporate policies and objectives are documented in the integrated
system manual
i. The corporate policies are internally communicated to via display boards
and training Sessions
j. Integrated system procedures are controlled documents
k. Current version of procedures is communicated to personnel via the
controlled document distribution list
l. The integrated system procedures are communicated through internal
training sessions

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The Management Representative has the overall responsibility for ensuring

that information and data about performance and the effectiveness of the
integrated management system are reported to management. This includes
the distribution of all applicable documents, reports and records to appropriate

a. Performance of integrated management system is reported via audit

b. Audit reports are presented at management review meetings

4.2 External Communications

All formal EMS communications are authorized prior to release. Appropriate

advice is sought on the content and dissemination of all formal external
communications. Consideration is given to attributes of the communication
media. The use of paper for internal and external communications is
minimized in favour of the use of electronic media and the worldwide web.

External communications are categorized as the following from external


a. Emails
b. Telephone calls
c. Letters

In each case the following is recorded and stored as a record:

 Date of communication
 Name of the person
 Address (if relevant)
 Contact details e.g., telephone number and email
 Type of enquiry e.g., complaint
 How the communication was received e.g., letter, email, or phone call
 And brief details of the response

Responses to external communications are recorded if they are transmitted by

email or letter. In each case the response is stored as a record. All external
communication records are stored in accordance with the document and
record control procedures.

4.3 Customer Communication

IMDAAD FM has determined and implemented effective arrangements for

communicating with customers in relation to product information, enquiries,
contracts, or order handling, including amendments, and customer feedback,
including customer complaints. This process ensures adequate understanding

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of the needs and expectations of interested parties, and for translation into
organizational requirements. This process includes the identification and
review of relevant information to actively involve customers and other
interested parties. Examples of relevant process information include but are
not limited to:

a. Requirements of the customer or other interested parties

b. Market research, including sector and end-user data
c. Contract requirements

5.0 Reference

5.1 EMS Procedures

6.0 Records.

6.1 EMS Records


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 This document details the procedure to be followed in providing resources by

the company management for conducting its business to ensure that it is
managed for increasing customer satisfaction and meeting the specified
business goals.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This procedure applies to all departments within IMDAAD FM.

2.2 The resources include competent human resources, facilities, plant,

equipment, finance etc for carrying out the work processes and a proper work

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 HR & Administration Officer and all HODs

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Provision of Resources

4.1.1 In order to address the customer satisfaction, health & safety and
environmental impacts due to IMDAAD FM operations through
implementation and continual Improvement of EMS, IMDAAD FM have
appointed the Management Representative (MR).
4.1.2 The Department Heads are responsible for identifying the resource
requirements for their respective departments. The planning of
resource requirements is reviewed in the Management Review
Meetings and in customer related process procedures.

4.2 Human Resources

4.2.1 IMDAAD FM has put in place a Management Structure that will enable
the processes of the company to deliver an output that will meet
customer requirements and specifications. The assignment of
personnel is shown in the organization Chart.
4.2.2 Personnel are selected and assigned, based on the relevant experience /
skills / qualifications and competency.

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4.3 Competence, Training and Awareness

4.3.1 Competency needs of management or supervisory staff are defined

according to the specific needs of the management function to be
fulfilled. Consideration is given to qualification, experience as well as
the ability in the management and motivation of Personnel.
4.3.2 Copies of staff qualifications and / or training certificates will be kept in
individual personnel record file together with the copies of training
4.3.3 Competency needs of the non-management staff will be evaluated
against the requirements of the function to be performed. Guidelines
for evaluating these requirements are based on available or established
information like job descriptions / work instructions.
4.3.4 Employees appointed with probationary period will be evaluated after
completing the probationary period.
4.3.5 Based on the results of evaluation, their employment will be confirmed,
or probation will be extended for few more months, or the service will
be terminated.
4.3.6 After completing the extended probation, the procedure of evaluation
will be followed as stated above.
4.3.7 All Personnel are assessed against their specific function at the end of
every year. Where an on-the-job evaluation takes place, the assessor
will complete the employee assessment / appraisal form with copy of
the results issued to the Department Head.
4.3.8 Department Heads are responsible for ensuring that they themselves or
nominated management staff assess all personnel in their department
at specific intervals.

4.4 Identification and fulfilment of training needs

4.4.1 As a result of assessment, training needs are identified.

4.4.2 The Department Head concerned will forward the Request for training
to the HR Manager who will source suitable internal / external training
after approval from the GCEO.
4.4.3 On completion of training, it will be recorded in the individuals training
record by the HR department.
4.4.4 The effectiveness of the training will be verified by the Department
Head and authorize on the training record of the individuals concerned.

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4.5 Work Environment

4.5.1 The Facility will provide suitable environment for both physical and
human factors. HODs will review the work environment for adequacy to
meet legal, regulatory, statutory requirements and customer
satisfaction and present these in the Management Review Meetings.
4.5.2 HODs and MR will tour the facility and conduct a survey of the
a. Safety measures those are necessary (Firefighting equipment / fire
monitoring devices)
b. Work environment (safety worthiness of material handling
c. Temperature controlled working conditions for the employees
d. Light & Ventilation
e. Noise levels
f. Dust and Fumes emission, etc.
g. Spillage

4.6 Infrastructure

4.6.1 IMDAAD FM management will ensure to provide the following facilities

and resources for the effective implementation of EMS:
a. Computers, peripherals, and telecommunication facilities.
b. Well laid out Offices.
c. Technical manuals, journals, magazines, handbook, standard and
specifications etc.
d. Transport facilities.

4.7 Health and Safety

4.7.1 The Operational Staff will be provided with personal protective

equipment such as, coverall / goggles / gloves / safety shoes etc. as
4.7.2 Firefighting equipment and fire extinguishers will be provided in the
facility as per requirement.
4.7.3 IMDAAD FM will ensure that personnel are trained in first-aid activities,
as appropriate and that first-aid boxes with required items are kept in
the facility and maintained properly.

5.0 Reference


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6.0 Records

6.1 Manpower Competency Requirement – ADM/F01

6.2 Training Record - ADM/F02
6.3 Annual Employee Appraisal Form - ADM/F03
6.4 Training Plan
6.5 Personnel Record
6.6 Training Needs Identification


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1.0 Purpose:

1.1 To detail the activities to demonstrate the conformity of Product / Services

carried out by implementing through EMS and its continual Improvement.

2.0 Scope:

2.1 Applicable to Measurement and Analysis through Statistical Techniques for

Product and Services Operations.

3.0 Responsibility:

3.1 The Development Manager, Site Engineer, MR and GCEO shall implement this

4.0 Procedure:

4.1 Customer Satisfaction

4.1.1 Sales Engineer will be responsible to obtain feedback from Customers

through ‘Customer Feed-back Questionnaire’.
4.1.2 The Feed-back obtained from customers will be used as an indicator for
improvement of product/services operations. This will be further
analysed for Customer Satisfaction Level.

4.2 Customer Complaints

4.2.1 All Customer Complaints, verbal / written will be recorded by Site

Engineer in the customer complaint register.
4.2.2 In case of written complaint, the communication will be attached to the
original documents.
4.2.3 Development Manager shall review the Customer Complaint and
initiate appropriate Corrective / Preventive Action, if any required.
4.2.4 Site Engineer will ensure that the Customer Complaint Log is
maintained to reflect the status of complaints received from the
4.2.5 The Customer Complaint Log will be closed by Sales Engineer / MR upon
receipt of satisfactory Report from the Customer on the solution
provided by the Company or no reply is received within one month.

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4.3 Analysis of Data

4.3.1 IMDAAD FM’s various Processes will be monitored and the Non-
conformances, if any will be recorded and analyzed, which will reveal
the conformity of the Processes to the Procedures of the EMS for
Environmental performance.
4.3.2 The Data relating to Receiving Inspection Reports / In-process
Inspection Reports & Final Inspection Reports will be analyzed, to
ensure that the conformity of IMDAAD FM’s Products to planned
arrangements and Customers’ requirements.
4.3.3 The Data resulting out of Evaluation of Suppliers will be analyzed to
reveal the deficiencies of Suppliers, if any found.
4.3.4 The Data obtained from Customer Feed-back Surveys and Internal
Audits will also be used for the Analysis.

4.4 Continual Improvement

4.4.1 IMDAAD FM will continually improve the effectiveness of EMS through

the following:
a. Policy
b. Objectives
c. Audit Results
d. Analysis of Data
e. Corrective & preventive Actions
f. Management Review

4.4.2 Each HOD will discuss with their department employees and document
their Departmental Objectives for improvement of EMS. The set
objectives will be practical, measurable, and achievable.
4.4.3 Actions for improvement will include the following:
a. Analyzing the existing situation to identify the areas for
b. Establishing the Objectives for Improvement.
c. Searching for possible solutions to achieve the Objectives.
d. Evaluating these solutions and selecting.
e. Implementing the selected solution.
f. Measuring, Verifying, Analyzing and evaluating the results of the
Implementation to determine that the Objectives have been met.
g. Formalizing the Changes.

4.4.4 The results will be an indicator to measure if the actions taken are
giving the expected improvement in the concerned department.

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4.4.5 Each HOD will make a Presentation in the Management Review

Meetings about the status of achievement of stated objectives and the
improvement activities.
4.4.6 If the objectives are not being achieved by any department within the
time frame, then the HOD concerned will review the situation with the
departmental staff and revise the ‘Plan’.
4.4.7 The results presented in the Management Review Meetings will be
reviewed, to determine further opportunities for improvement, which is
a Continual Activity.

5.0 Reference

5.1 Procedure for Internal Audit

5.2 Procedure for Non-conforming Product
5.3 Procedure for Corrective & Preventive Actions
5.4 Management Review Meeting – Minutes

6.0 Records

6.1 Customer Feedback Questionnaire – MKT/F03

6.2 Customer Feedback Analysis – MKT/F04
6.3 Customer Complaint Register – MKT/F05


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To establish a procedure for purchasing to ensure that purchased products /

service conforms to requirements of IMDAAD FM.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This procedure is applicable for evaluation, selection, re-evaluation and

purchasing process of IMDAAD FM.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Procurement Manager for overall purchasing activities General Manager for

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Evaluation & Selection of Suppliers

4.1.1 All the suppliers are evaluated and approved based on one or more of
the following criteria.
a. Quality Records of previously demonstrated capabilities.
b. Review of product qualification test results.
c. Current valid registration to an ISO 9001 standard by an accredited
agency or certification.
d. Customer approved / recommendation for the supplier.
e. Company registration form / assessment of suppliers’ credentials.
f. Approved based on trial order and evaluation of product / services
on receipt.

The evaluation and approval shall not be applicable for existing

suppliers. However, re-evaluation for performance analysis shall be
done on the existing suppliers once in a year.

4.1.2 Procurement Manager / Storekeeper shall maintain List of Approved

Suppliers. The type and extent of control applied to the supplier and the
purchased product shall be dependent on impact of purchased product
on the final product quality.
4.1.3 The type and extent of control shall be indicated in the purchase orders.
4.1.4 The need for new supplier shall arise during any of the following

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 When existing supplier does not have the capability to meet the
 New product / service
 Alternate source for existing product / service.
4.1.5 Procurement Manager shall identify the new supplier and invite
introduction letters. On receipt of letter, the same is reviewed.
4.1.6 Procurement Manager shall review the same and evaluate based criteria
indicated in para 4.1.1.
4.1.7 Procurement Manager will visit the supplier (if required), wherever
applicable, for an onsite assessment.
4.1.8 Sample orders are released and the study on quality, delivery and
performance are monitored; on successful sample order the supplier is
placed in the Approved Supplier List.
4.1.9 Procurement Manager shall review the performance of suppliers on an
annual basis by evaluation of inspection reports / nonconformity
reports including customer complaints if any.
4.1.10 The suppliers not performing as per the requirements of IMDAAD FM
shall be communicated to initiate necessary Corrective & Preventive
4.1.11 The value of loss shall be evaluated and the same will be deducted from
the supplier’s bill.
4.1.12 If the performance is not acceptable, despite repeated advice (Max of
two times) the supplier shall be de-listed. The Approved supplier list
shall be updated.

4.2 Purchasing

4.2.1 Raw Material

a. Procurement Manager in consultation with Development Manager /
General Manager will prepare minimum stock level for raw materials
only for Regular requirements as defined by the General Manager.
Minimum stock level will be reviewed and amended regularly as per
the suitability. For irregular orders Raw material stock will be
maintained based on the off take given by the respective
b. Stores Keeper will update the stock availability once in a month in
Stock Report and the same is circulated to General Manager and
Procurement Manager.
c. The physical stock of all raw materials is taken once in a year and
the same is updated in the Stock Report.

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d. Based on the stock report, Comparative Quotation is prepared by

the Purchase In-charge and the General Manager will approve the

4.2.2 Capital Purchase

a. Capital Purchases are budgeted before the start of the financial year
based on the requirement from respective department.
b. For capital purchases, respective Head of the department will
prepare the requirements and forward the same to General
Manager for final approval.
c. The need for capital purchase may arise in one of the following

o Technological Upgradation
o Machine / Equipment Renovation
o Expanding the scope of operation
o To meet the specific need of the customer
o To improve productivity etc.,

d. The need is analysed to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of

the capital purchase.
e. In case of any emergency capital purchases, the same is analysed
and appropriate provision is made for the same.

4.2.3 Spares / Consumables Purchase & service activities

a. For Key Equipment spares, inventory is maintained based on the
lead - time for procurement and cost. The re-order levels will be
established by the personnel concerned based on the experience.
b. For production consumables, based on the consumption pattern /
operational requirements, respective departmental head shall
prepare material request note and forward the same to the
Purchase In-charge.
c. The requisition shall be approved by the General Manager.
d. If the materials are available in the Stores, then the same shall be
released for use to the user.
e. If the items are not available in stock, then the Procurement
Manager shall initiate purchasing activity.
f. Procurement Manager will focus on localization of all suppliers as
prime importance and all efforts will be taken to achieve the target.

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g. In case of external agencies such as calibration agencies selection

criteria shall be accreditation to National or International standard.
In case of other service providers market reputation and or
certification systems shall be considered.

4.2.4 Purchasing Process:

a. Respective Department Heads shall send the requisition to the
Procurement Manager of their Material requirement.
b. In case of any clarifications or discrepancy with respect to
specifications, delivery requirements etc. the same is resolved with
concerned department heads.
c. Procurement Manager shall initiate the purchasing activities. The
details of purchase will be recorded in the Purchase Order.
d. Procurement Manager shall float enquiries to the approved
suppliers and receive the quotation wherever required.
e. On receipt of quotation comparative statement shall be prepared.
f. Approval shall be obtained from General Manager for placing the
order on a particular supplier.
g. Procurement Manager shall prepare Purchase Order on the
approved supplier. The Purchase order shall clearly describe the
relevant purchase information. The Purchase order shall be
reviewed for adequacy of information and approved by General
h. Procurement Manager will record the details of PO in the Purchase
order register and follow up with supplier for timely receipt of
i. Finance Officer will ensure the commercial requirements are in line
with the requirements in case of purchase is done through Letter of
j. Procurement Manager in coordination with Stores In-Charge will
evaluate the supplier performance on yearly basis.
k. The Supplier evaluation ratings are categorized as follows.

i) 100% to 91% - Very Good

ii) 90% to 81% - Good
iii) 80% to 70% - Satisfactory

l. < 70% will be considered as Poor and the same shall be

communicated to the supplier to improve the performance and to

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take appropriate corrective action. In case the supplier fails to

improve after two consecutive supplies, Procurement Manager in
consultation with the General Manager will delete the Supplier’s
name from the List of Approved Suppliers. Procurement Manager
will look out for a suitable supplier before deleting the same.
m. In case of any emergency purchase, Procurement Manager shall
approve the same and the material is purchased. The requisition will
be raised later and the same is appraised to General Manager and
approval obtained.
n. When IMDAAD FM or its customer intends to verify the product at
supplier premises, Procurement Manager shall communicate the
same to the supplier and necessary arrangements for inspection /
verification shall be made.

5.0 Records

5.1 Supplier Evaluation & Approval Form – IMDAAD FM/PUR/F01

5.2 List of Approved Supplier – IMDAAD FM/PUR/F02
5.3 Supplier Performance Evaluation – IMDAAD FM/PUR/F03


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To detail the controls in place for preservation of product.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Applicable to all purchased materials and finished product.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Storekeeper (SK), Construction Managers and Maintenance In-charge will

implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Receiving and verification of Purchased Product

4.1.1 The SK shall verify and inspect the product upon delivery from supplier.
4.1.2 The SK shall request the Quality Personal/user to inspect and approve
product on specific cases.

4.1.3 The SK shall stamp the supplier delivery documents for conditional
receipt, and if the material conforms to requirements, stamp inspected,
approved and sign.

4.1.4 The accepted product shall be entered in material inward register/MRN

(Material Receipt Note) and stock updated.

4.2 Storing of materials

4.2.1 All purchased materials shall be stored and monitored by SK.

4.2.2 The storing of materials inside covered store/open space shall conform
to safety and fire hazard requirements.

4.3 Preservation

4.3.1 The raw materials are stored in racks with labeling and for easy
identification & traceability.
4.3.2 Customer supplied materials shall be identified by suitable means.

4.4 Issue of material from stores to company personnel.

4.4.1 Consumables shall be issued to the Maintenance personnel by the

Storekeeper through a material issue slip and stock updated.

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4.5 Control of non-conforming product

4.5.1 The non-conforming product shall be stored in designated

nonconformance product area in the covered /open store.
4.5.2 The QC In-charge shall authorize rework and these reworks shall be
reviewed in the management review meetings.

5.0 Reference

5.1 Material safety data sheets, Product Catalogue & Samples.

6.0 Records

6.1 Delivery Note

6.2 Material Receipt Note (MRN)
6.3 Material Issue Note


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To detail the Controls in place for maintenance of plant and equipment.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Applicable to all mechanical / electrical equipment in the respective sites.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 Operators / Technicians shall implement this procedure.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 List of Mechanical / Electrical Equipment

4.1.1 A master list of all mechanical / electrical equipment shall be

maintained by the Maintenance In-charge detailing the daily / weekly /
fortnightly / monthly / yearly preventive maintenance schedule.

4.2 Maintenance

4.2.1 The list shall consist of fixtures and fittings to the machinery and
4.2.2 Preventive maintenance schedule shall be prepared for the following:
4.2.3 Equipment including fixtures and fittings Electrical equipment Pipelines Air conditioners, chillers, water heater and compressor Building internal and external surfaces, ceiling, walls etc.

4.2.4 Preventive maintenance shall be carried out by the Technicians /

competent personnel and verified by the Maintenance Engineer or if
required outside service people will be engaged.
4.2.5 Records shall be maintained for the same, detailing Name of machine,
Description of maintenance and next due date with remarks.
4.2.6 Break down maintenance shall be attended by the Maintenance
Technicians as and when it is required and records maintained detailing
the date of break down, break down details, details of spare parts
changed, repair carried out and remarks.

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4.2.7 Within a day such materials used shall be replaced with permanent
materials and duration may be extended under special condition where
the material availability is difficult.
4.2.8 Site safety practices shall be strictly followed by the maintenance
personnel during their work inside the premises including protective
4.2.9 A person from the maintenance department shall be nominated to
supervise if any activity is being carried out by a contractor.
4.2.10 Firefighting equipment are calibrated and maintained through external
approved source.
4.2.11 All Measuring & Monitoring Equipment shall be identified and
controlled in Calibration Plan & Status.
4.2.12 Operators shall ensure that all the IMTE’s used are of duly calibrated by
a reputed laboratory.
4.2.13 These IMTE’s shall have label showing the calibration status.
4.2.14 Records of such calibration shall be maintained.

5.0 Reference

5.1 Equipment manual

6.0 Records

6.1 List of Equipment

6.2 Maintenance Schedule
6.3 Maintenance record
6.4 Calibration Plan & Records
6.5 Breakdown Register
6.6 Preventive Maintenance Plan


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To establish a procedure for collection and disposition of waste at IMDAAD FM.

2.0 Scope

2.1. Applicable for IMDAAD FM Office Premises and Operating sites.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1. All Head of Departments

4.0 Procedure

4.1 All the Head of the departments are responsible for managing the waste
collection and disposition in their department.

4.2 Awareness shall be created to all the company personnel for minimizing the
wastage which include water, stationary, solid waste, workshop waste, food
waste, consumables etc.

4.3 Generation of waste shall be controlled by purchasing or consuming the

materials or resources only to the required level.

4.4 Wastewater generated or collected at the company premises, accommodation

or site shall be disposed by transporting the same through company vehicle
and disposed of at the Municipality approved disposal yard / premises.

4.5 No wastewater shall be allowed to overflow out of the pit or tank provided for
the purpose.

4.6 Stationary shall be controlled by minimizing the printing and photocopying and
communicating through electronic media.

4.7 Where necessary, printing and photocopying shall be done.

4.8 Photocopying shall be done double sided where appropriate.

4.9 Cancel junk mails and unwanted publications.

4.10 Avoid purchasing disposable items such as cups, plates, papers etc. to
minimize wastage production.

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4.11 Collect all paper that has been printed on one side and re-use for printing in
draft or for scrap message pad.

4.12 Re-use envelopes where possible, especially for internal communications.

4.13 Stationary waste shall be collected in the bins and disposed off through
Municipality facility.

4.14 Any other solid waste generated at various locations shall be promptly
collected by the concerned personnel and dispose them through appropriate

4.15 Wastes including used oils and lubricants shall be collected separately and
disposed them through Municipality approved means.

5.0 Records

5.1 Wastage Disposal Record


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1.0 Purpose

1.1. To review customer requirements related to projects and communicate the

changes if any, prior to acceptance.

2.0 Scope

2.1. It shall cover general enquiry, submission of tenders, acceptance of contracts

or orders, acceptance of changes to contracts or orders.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 General Manager for approval

3.2 Marketing Manager for review
3.3 Development Manager

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Tender / Enquiry Sourcing & Collection of Tender Documents

4.1.1 Marketing Manager / Marketing Manager Identifies opportunities to

tender for projects from the various media available e.g., Web Sites,
Newspapers (Invitation to tender ads) etc. and/or receives an RFQ from
a prospective client (private or government department or authority).
4.1.2 General Manager gives approval to go ahead and procure tender
documentation from prospective clients.
4.1.3 Finance Officer shall arrange Tender Bond for procuring tender

4.2 Review of Tender Documents / Enquiries

4.2.1 Enquiry / Tender / Drawing received from the customers, shall be

recorded on the Enquiry Register.
4.2.2 Marketing Manager / Marketing Manager conducts a detailed
examination of tender documentation with discussion of all significant
points with the General Manager and inputs from relevant engineering
disciplines with previous client experience or project type work
4.2.3 The information related to project requirement shall be reviewed by the
Marketing Manager / Development Manager, Quantity Surveyors, in
consultation with Project Manager to fulfil them.

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4.2.4 Unstated requirement shall be identified, determined, & communicated

to the customers.
4.2.5 If the organisation is unable to quote, then customer shall be notified
the reason and an alternative supplier shall be suggested to the
4.2.6 Upon thorough study of client’s document, site visit shall be made, and
appropriate information is collected.
4.2.7 Enquiry to suppliers / subcontractors shall be forwarded in coordination
with Procurement Engineer.
4.2.8 Estimation shall be made by the Planning & Estimation Engineer in
consultation with General Manager. Due attention shall be paid while
quantifying the material / services involved in the project to avoid any
unwanted errors / miscalculations.
4.2.9 Tenders / Quotations shall be submitted upon approval obtained from
General Manager.

4.3 Contract Review

4.3.1 Order / Contract received from customer shall be recorded in the Order
4.3.2 Order / Contract awarded shall be reviewed carefully to ensure that the
specifications / requirements are in line with Tender / Quotation
submitted by IMDAAD FM.
4.3.3 If any variation is found, the same shall be communicated to client in
consultation with General Manager and the amendment shall be
documented and record maintained.
4.3.4 Such amendments shall be accepted and confirmed by either side.
4.3.5 Marketing Manager / Development Manager shall give necessary
assistance to Operations Manager / Site Engineer for making list of
important items / Programme Chart / Material Approval Sheet (MAS) /
Shop Drawing / Sketch, for smooth execution.

4.4. Customer Satisfaction Survey

4.4.1 Site Engineer shall collect the Feed Back through Customer Feed Back
Questionnaire for the customers.
4.4.2 These Feedbacks shall be analyzed to measure the Customer
Satisfaction through Analysis of Customer Feedback and presented the
data in the Management Review Meeting.

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4.5 Customer Complaints

4.5.1 Customer complaints are recorded, reviewed and appropriate corrective

and preventive action taken. Contract Engineer shall collect the reports
of action taken from the respective department and maintain the
records as Customer Complaint Register.
4.5.2 These records shall be placed in the Management Review Meeting to
identify the trends for continual improvement.

5.0 Records

5.1 Enquiry Register

5.2 Order Register
5.3 Client Order / Order Amendment / Acceptance
5.4 Customer Feed Back Questionnaire
5.5 Analysis of Customer Feed Back
5.6 Customer Complaint Register


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 Methodology for Identification of Environmental Aspects, impacts and

significant impacts of all the process/activities of the Company.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Applicable to air emissions, releases to water, waste management,

contamination of land, raw materials, natural resources (energy, water etc.),
Local issues (noise, dust, odor etc.), in the process/product/services performed
in the company.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 EMS Team

4.0 Procedure

4.1 EMS Team

4.1.1 The MR shall form an EMS team with members from every department
such as Marketing / Sales, Operations, Quality, Stores, Accounts,
Purchase, Maintenance, Human Resources, Public Relation for
identification of EMS aspects, impact and significant impact in all the
process / activities of IMDAAD FM.

4.2 Environmental issues to be considered

4.2.1 The following environmental issues shall be considered by the relevant

team members for identification of EMS aspects / impact / significant

a. Emissions to Air
b. Releases to water
c. Waste management
d. Contamination of land
e. Raw materials, Natural resources (Energy, water, gas etc.)
f. Local issues (noise, dust, odour etc.)
g. Environmental legislation

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4.3 IMDAAD FM processes / activities to be considered

The following IMDAAD FM processes / activities shall be considered by the

relevant team members for identification of EMS aspects / impact / significant
4.3.1 Office / Operational Sites overall consisting of

a. Building structure and visual impact

b. Land
c. Site and plant maintenance including pest control
d. Administration
4.3.2 Services consisting of

a. Water Consumption
b. Inspection & Testing
c. General House Keeping & Cleaning activities by sweeping / vacuum
d. Solid waste
e. Storage of materials / equipment
f. Air conditioning system
g. 9. Water pumps
h. 10. Transport Operation & Maintenance

4.4 Legal requirement

4.4.1 The following State of Qatar legislation for IMDAAD FM processes /

activities shall be considered by the relevant team members for
identification of EMS aspects / impacts / significant impacts.

4.4.2 Legal Requirements: Environmental Regulations published periodically

by the State of Qatar – Ministry of Environment and Doha Municipality
directives for Control of Emissions to Land, Water, and Air.

4.5 Environment aspect / impact / significant impact rating

4.5.1 The EMS team shall follow the rating methodology for identification of
significant rating / significant range as mentioned below:

The rating for Legal requirements shall be

o 1 for No requirement
o 2 for medium requirement
o 3 for High requirement

The rating for severity of the issue shall be

o 1 for Low severity
o 2 for medium severity

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o 3 for High severity

4.6 Environment aspect / impact / significant impact register

4.6.1 The EMS team members shall prepare the environment aspect / impact
/ significant impact rating for their relevant processes / activities and
record in the Environment aspect / impact / significant impact register
and submit to MR.

4.6.2 The MR shall review, and the GCEO shall approve the register for
preparation, review and periodic updates.

4.6.3 The EMS aspect / impact / significant impact register shall form the
basis for development of EMS program for IMDAAD FM.

5.0 References:

5.1 IMDAAD FM process parameters, EMS procedures

6.0 Records

6.1 Environmental Aspect & Impact Register


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1.0 Purpose

1.1 To detail the procedure to be followed in emergency preparedness and

response for environmental and health & safety management system.

1.2 The purpose of this procedure is to minimize / eliminate the impact of

emergency events on employees, the general public and the environment.

2.0 Scope

2.1 Fire hazards, electric shocks, Oil/chemical spillage, natural calamities, etc.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 EMS Team

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Fire hazards / accidents

4.1.1 Fire extinguishers and fire hydrants have been provided in storage areas
where inflammable materials are stored and in production area, with
clear identification and access of such locations.

4.1.2 Emergency fire drill will be organized frequently by the EMS team for
which MR shall co-ordinate and maintain records.

4.2 Electric shock

4.2.1 Earth pits are duly maintained and first aid instruction to be given in the
event of electric shock is displayed in the factory.

4.2.2 Continuous training shall be organized by MR to educate employees

about the first aid to be given in the event of electric shock, once in a

4.3 Natural calamities

4.3.1 Precautionary measures are also to be taken by MR anticipating

weather extremes, dust storms, heavy downpour etc.

4.4 Training on emergency preparedness

4.4.1 Training of employees to handle various situations such as spills, fires,

electric shocks, injuries, and extreme weather problems, is to be

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organized and coordinated by MR. Records of such training are to be


4.5 Communication

4.5.1 Proper communication is vital in emergency situations and keeping this

in mind, there shall be a dedicated office emergency phone number,
easy to remember, which would also have the emergency telephones
numbers of fire, police, ambulance, and others displayed, prominently.

4.6 Emergency impact assessment and reporting

4.6.1 After the disaster / emergency, MR shall make an impact assessment

and take further necessary action as deemed necessary.

4.6.2 All such incidents / accidents are to be recorded in the register

maintained for this purpose, by MR.

5.0 Records

5.1 Register for Incidents & Accidents - MR/F14

5.2 Training Record – ADM/F02


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Required Actual
SN Post/Job Basic Remarks
Experience Skill Qualification Experience Skill

Prepared by: Date: Approved by: Date:

IMD/ADM/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Name Designation Topics Approved By

IMD/ADM/F02 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Topics Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

LEGEND: Planned (P) / Completed (X)

IMD/ADM/F03 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Name of Participants Department

Training given by: Reviewed by:

IMD/ADM/F04 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Appraisal Period:

Employee No: Name:

Designation: Date of Joining: Nationality: Department:


1 2 3 4 5 Z
Quantity of work
Quality of work
Team work
Attendance & punctuality

Initiative & Creativity
1 2 3 4 5
0-39 40-49 50-75 76-90 91-100
1=Unacceptable 2=Needs to Improve 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent Z=Could not be assessed


Assessed by: Approved by:

IMD/ADM/F05 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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[job title]

A. Department: Job code:

B. Reports to:

C. Qualifications:

D. Skills:

E. Experience:

F. Duties and responsibilities:


Read, understood & agreed by: Signed by:

Signature & date: Signature & date:

IMD/ADM/F06 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Prior to Controls After Controls
Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating Company Controls / Comment Probability Severity Risk Rating
(P) (S) (P&S) (P) (S) (P&S)

Increase in landfill sites due to increase in Waste controls are dependent on-site
waste. This, therefore, leads to the requirements and space (i.e., not enough
takeover of land and reduced available space on all sites to segregate waste).
General Waste 4 2 8 3 1 3
living or farming availability. Inappropriate Company holds a current waste carriers
disposal may lead to legislative non- license for the transportation of own
compliance waste
Waste controls are dependent on-site
requirements. Company holds a current
waste carriers license for the
transportation of own waste. Hazardous
Ground & water contamination because of
waste is stored safely and securely prior
Hazardous incorrect hazardous waste disposal.
4 3 12 to collection (i.e., fluorescent tubes are 1 3 3
Waste Inappropriate disposal may lead to
handled carefully to ensure that they
legislative non-compliance
don't break and are placed into a coffin
prior to collection by an approved,
specialized contractor for removal from
site and disposal)
Light Pollution Light impact to residents and local Restricted working hours (i.e., during the
4 2 8 2 1 2
(24hr operation) wildlife day) as determined by the client
Due to the environment in which the
organisation operates, noise control is
typically limited to Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), control of operation
Noise Pollution Noise impact to local residents and local
4 2 8 hours (i.e., during daylight hours), acoustic 1 2 2
(24hr operation) wildlife
barriers if required, and the most up-to-
date tooling is used and regularly
inspected / maintained on site to ensure
they are operating safely and efficiently
Vehicle Storage Ground / water / air pollution as a result 4 4 16 Designated areas to park vehicles 1 2 2
& Use of spillages and releases from poorly identified by the client. Regularly inspect
maintained vehicles. and maintain vehicle(s) to prevent

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Prior to Controls After Controls

Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating
Company Controls / Comment Probability Severity Risk Rating
(P) (S) (P&S) (P) (S) (P&S)

leakages. Reduce air emissions, wherever

Inappropriately parked vehicles may lead possible by encouraging telephone
to restricted access for emergency conference calls for meetings as opposed
services or evacuation. Increased mileage to travelling. Long cross offer a 'Cycle to
and driving resulting in increased fuel Work Scheme' to all staff to encourage
consumption and reduced air quality. the reduction of carbon emissions (air
Ground / water / air pollution because of
spillages and releases from All plant and equipment regularly
inappropriately stored or poorly inspected and maintained to reduce
Plant & Material
maintained plant. Also resulting in 4 3 12 spillages and leaks. Designated parking 1 2 2
possible access restrictions for emergency areas / storage areas for plant & material
services / evacuation. Poorly stored plant / storage as identified at start of project
materials can increase fire risk
Materials purchased from local suppliers
Increase in air emissions as a result of
and consolidated into 1 big order,
sourcing materials from suppliers based a
wherever possible to reduce the carbon
significant distance from the project and
Purchasing emissions used during deliveries. Any
by placing numerous small orders instead 5 3 15 2 1 2
Materials materials no longer required for the
of one big order. Increased waste stream
project to be stored in the office storage
(excess materials) as a result of over
yard (if possible) and used on future
Disturbance of flora & fauna during
Identified primarily by client and survey
project activities. Potential spillages of
Disturbance to carried out if an issue arises during
chemicals / fuel from tools / plant 3 3 9 1 1 1
Flora & Fauna project. Competent contractors used if
used. Potential interaction with non-
removal required
indigenous species
Disturbance to wildlife during project Identified primarily by client and survey
Disturbance to activities due to poorly controlled works carried out if an issue arises during
3 3 9 1 1 1
Wildlife resulting indirect influence on protected project. Competent contractors used if
species (such as badgers & bats). removal required
Contamination caused from leaks and Survey carried out to identify areas of
spillages that are allowed / left to soak 4 4 16 concern, competent contractors used if 1 2 2
of Land
into the ground removal is required
Archaeological Disturbance / damage of items of 3 4 12 Areas of archaeological / historical 2 2 4

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Prior to Controls After Controls

Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating
Company Controls / Comment Probability Severity Risk Rating
(P) (S) (P&S) (P) (S) (P&S)

interest are identified prior to

commencement of works. Areas are
surrounded with barriers and in certain
cases protected with plastic sheeting
historical interest caused by noise & air
Disturbance whilst works are carried out to the
pollution and collision
surrounding areas. Regular monitoring of
air quality and noise are carried out to
ensure that contaminants and vibration
do not cause damage to the archaeology
All plant and equipment are maintained or
Air Emissions Degradation of local air quality from use
4 3 12 hired with appropriate certification; Local 1 1 1
from Plant Use of diesel plant
Exhaust Ventilation used as required
Use of modern energy efficient
Increased air pollution from production
equipment, switch off lights or have lights
Electricity use (Co2). (NB: Adds to the long-term effect 4 3 12 1 1 1
on motion sensors, switch off computers
of climate change)
when not in use
Increased air pollution (CO2) from the use
of a gas boiler to heat water in the Gas boiler limited to the boiling of water
Gas use welfare area. (NB: Adds to the long-term 4 2 8 for welfare requirements. Boiler routinely 1 1 1
effect of climate change by using a non- serviced and inspected
sustainable resource)
Increased use of paper has direct effect
on waste amounts and high energy Paper use encouraged to be kept at a
consumption from printing. (NB: Use of minimum due to the type of business,
Paper use 4 2 8 2 2 4
non-sustainable resources and paper use is unavoidable because of
deforestation leads to global climate project plans, safety files, etc
Purchasing of Increased energy consumption and / air 4 2 8 Lease / purchase a hybrid and / or low 1 3 3
equipment / pollution, etc. due to the incorrect emission vehicle. Ensure that regular
vehicles selection of type / size / age and inspection & maintenance of the vehicle is
performance of vehicle / equipment (i.e. carried out. Purchase new, more energy
an old style computer could use more efficient equipment and switch off when
energy as less energy efficient than newer not in use to assist in the reduction of
models / an older energy consumption

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Prior to Controls After Controls

Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating
Company Controls / Comment Probability Severity Risk Rating
(P) (S) (P&S) (P) (S) (P&S)

vehicle would release more carbon

emissions than new vehicles)
Increase in landfill sites due to increase in
waste. This therefore leads to the
General waste is limited to cardboard,
takeover of land and reduced available
General Waste 4 2 8 wood, paper, etc. which is segregated for 1 1 1
living or farming availability.
recycling and therefore not sent to landfill
Inappropriate disposal may lead to
legislative non-compliance
Hazardous waste is limited to Waste
Ground & water contamination as a result
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Hazardous of incorrect hazardous waste disposal.
4 3 12 (WEEE) and fluorescent tubes. Specialized 1 1 1
Waste Inappropriate disposal may lead to
licenced contractors used for the removal
legislative noncompliance
and disposal
Increased use of air conditioning system
resulting in an increased electricity Air conditioning system is on a timer to
consumption. Incorrect/inappropriate reduce usage and electrical consumption.
Air Conditioning 4 3 12 1 1 1
work carried out may cause leaks and Regularly maintained by an approved
unintended release of refrigerant to the company
air, therefore reducing the air quality
Reduction of water resource through Water use is minimal (limited to welfare
Water Use 4 2 8 1 1 1
increased usage requirements)
Minimal impact due to business activities
Light impact to local residents and local
Light Pollution 4 2 8 being carried out during daylight hours 1 1 1
and not situated in a residential area
Minimal impact due to business activities
Noise impact to local residents and local
Noise Pollution 4 2 8 being carried out during daylight hours 1 2 2
and not situated in a residential area
Landscaping Disturbance of wildlife / flora / fauna due 3 3 9 Works carried out by a competent sub- 2 2 4
to landscaping activities. Potential contractor that has assessed the risks and
spillages of chemicals / fuel from produced Risk Assessment and Method
tools used. Potential interaction with non- Statements prior to work commencing.
indigenous species. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) tools used for
the works to ensure fewer emissions
released to the atmosphere. Where

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Prior to Controls After Controls

Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating
Company Controls / Comment Probability Severity Risk Rating
(P) (S) (P&S) (P) (S) (P&S)

chemical usage is required, the Eco-

friendly type are used
Ground & water pollution caused by
All vehicles are subject to regular
spillages and releases from poorly
inspection & maintenance. Designated
Car Parking maintained vehicles. Restricted access for 4 3 12 2 2 4
parking areas are identified for
emergency services by parking in
considerate and safe parking
unauthorised areas

IMD/ADM/F07 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Updated on: ____________________ Updated by: ____________________

SN Law/Regulation No: Description: Location: Status (Year)

Environmental Regulations
Occupational Health and Safety
Other Requirements

IMD/LR/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Method of Disposal (e.g.,

recycled, Haz Waste incinerator, Manifest or Receipt
Date of Disposal Description of Waste Quantity Disposal Company
or landfill) Number

IMD/LR/F02 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Performance Measure

SN Parameter Neither Remarks

Extremely Extremely
Dissatisfied Satisfied nor Satisfied
Dissatisfied Satisfied
1 Work Quality/Conformance to specification and requirement

2 Price

3 Product / Work performance on use

4 Reliability

5 Promptness in delivery

6 Documents submission

7 Company service & support

8 Action on complaints when reported

Name and address of the customer: Comments if any:

Signature and seal of the customer

IMD/MKT/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Performance Measure Analysis
Total Extremely Neither Satisfied
Dissatisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
SN Parameter customer Dissatisfied Nor Dissatisfied
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
% % % % %
customer customer customer customer customer
Work Quality/Conformance to
specification and requirement
2 Price
Product / Work performance on
4 Reliability

5 Promptness in delivery

6 Documents submission

7 Company service & support

Action on complaints when

Action plan:

Proposed by: Approved by:

IMD/MKT/F02 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Nature of
SN Date & Time Name of Machine Action Taken w/Time Remarks Initial of Maint.I/C

IMD/MNT/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Calibrated Reviewed
SN Item Description Model/Type Frequency Calibration
Date by:

IMD/MNT/F02 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Name of Machine:


Daily Check:

Weekly Check:

Monthly Check:

Yearly Check:

Date of Maintenance Work Done

Daily Check Weekly Check Monthly Check Yearly Check

SN Date Initial SN Date Initial SN Date Initial SN Date Initial

IMD/MNT/F03 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Document Description Version/Copy No. Issued Date Issued to Issuing Authority Receiver’s Sign

IMD/MR/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Documents – Last Updated Date: 01/01/2021

Disposal Effective Revision Revision

Doc/Form No. Title Location Retention Period
Authority Date No. Date

IMD/MR/F02 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Original Date Renewed
SN Document Name Reference No. No. of Pages Duration for
of Issue Dates

IMD/MR/F03 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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NC Reference No: Date:
Auditee: Auditor:
Non-conformance Noticed:

Auditor Sign/Date Auditee Sign/Date

Root Cause of Non-conformance:

Auditor Sign/Date Auditee Sign/Date

Correction & Corrective Action Proposed:

Response Time Required:

Auditor Sign/Date Auditee Sign/Date
Preventive Action:

Auditor Sign/Date Auditee Sign/Date

Corrective/Preventive Action Verified Effectiveness of Corrective Action verified

Auditor Sign/Date Auditee Sign/Date

IMD/MR/F04 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Date NC Details CA Planned Responsibility CA Due Date of Completion Remarks

IMD/MR/F05 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Dear All,
This is to inform you that as per our Plan, the Management Review Meeting will be held as detailed
below. All are advised to participate in the meeting to review and resolve various issues within the


Review to be held on:

The following topics are to be reviewed. Please produce necessary data for presentation.
SN Topics to be discussed To be presented by
1 Results of Audit MR
2 Customer Feedback PROJECTS
3 Process Performance and Product Conformity PROCESS OWNERS
4 Status of Corrective and Preventive Action OPERATIONS, INSPECTIONS
5 Follow Up Actions of Previous MRM M.R
6 Change That Could Affect QMS ALL
7 Recommendations for Improvement ALL
8 Review of Quality Policy and Objectives M.R, PROCESS OWNERS

Date: Management Representative:

IMD/MR/F06 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Date :
Venue :
Chaired by :
Participants :

SN Agenda Discussed, Conclusions Taken, Action Planned Target Date Responsible Person

1 Results of Audit:

2 Customer Feedback:

3 Process Performance and Product Conformity:

4 Status of Corrective and Preventive Actions:

5 Follow up Actions of Previous MRM:

6 Change That Could Affect QMS:

7 Recommendations for Improvement:

8 Review of Quality Policy and Objectives:

SN Name Signature

Date: Management Representative:

IMD/MR/F07 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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(Planned Interval: Once in Six (6) months)


LEGEND: Planned (P) / Completed (X)

IMD/MR/F08 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Audit Number: Audit Date:

Time Auditor Auditee Area Documents to Refer

Prepared on: Management Representative:

IMD/MR/F09 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Internal Audit Reference: Auditor: Page 1 of _____ Date of Audit:


Names of Personnel interviewed: Key documents viewed:

Summary of findings by auditor: (list or cross refer to attached forms)

Auditor Signature: Date:

Conclusion and agreed next steps:

Management Representative Signature Date:

Review completed by original auditor of effective implementation of corrective actions:

Auditor Signature: Date:

IMD/MR/F10 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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SN Date NC Details CA Planned Responsibility Completion Date Remarks

IMD/MR/F11 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Request from: (Department)

Name of the Official:

Title of the Document:

Section/item/clause reference number:

Contents to be changed:

Contents to read after change:

Prepared by: Recommended by:

Date: Date:

IMD/MR/F12 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Inspector: ____________________ Date: _________________
Parking Lot and Exterior Entrance Areas:

SN Check Points Yes No Action Taken

1 Lights are in working order, all bulbs on

2 Light covers are not cracked and missing
3 Flagpole is in working condition
Pavement, curb, walkway areas are free of
weeds and grass
5 Parking area and walkway area are free of debris
6 Sidewalks are free of graffiti and cracks

Centre Entry Areas

SN Check Points Yes No Action Taken

1 Lights are in working order, all bulbs on

2 Light covers are not cracked and missing
3 Entry is free of trip hazard
Entry area Floor, Walls, glass are clean and free
of odours
Entry area is free of debris and unnecessary
6 Doors close securely and are in good repair
7 Doors surfaces and glass are clean

Rest Rooms

SN Check Points Yes No Action Taken

1 Lights are in working order, all bulbs on

2 Light covers are not cracked and missing
3 Sinks have running water
Sinks are free of leaks, corrosion, stoppage and
5 Toilets / Urinals are in working order
Toilets / Urinals are leaks, corrosion, stoppage
and odours
7 Floor is clean, dry and free of debris

IMD/OPN/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Existing Supplier:
New Supplier:
Method of Inclusion Year of Inclusion:
Date of Registration:
1. Full Name
Office: Works:
Phone: Phone:
Fax: Fax:
1. Address
Email ID: Email ID:
Contact Person: Contact Person:
Designation: Designation:
2. Address for Correspondence: Office: Works:
3. Type of Company
4. Year of Establishment & Registration No.
5. Name & Address of Bankers
A. No. Of Shifts
B. Weekly Off Day
Office: Factory:
C. Area of Factory & Built-up Area of Factory
6. PRODUCTION FACILITIES (Details of major machinery and equipment)
SN Description Number Make Capacity


a. Measuring & Testing Equipment:
b. B. Please give details of your Quality Control department: (Personnel, Calibration facilities etc)
c. Any other special features of your QC department:
10. Please attach Annexure showing details of the following:
a. List of your Customers with a) Address b) Items supplied c) Number of years of association.
b. List of your Products
c. Copies of your ISO Certificate, Quality Policy and Quality Objectives, if available.
d. Copies of your Organizational Structure
e. List of Machinery with Capacities
f. List of Material Handling Equipment / Facilities you have in your factory
g. List of Inspection & Testing Equipment with (current) Calibration Status
h. Brief write-up about your company highlighting your Shop floor Area as well as any special and
unique arrangements you have that augment your processes and productivity.

Place: Signature:
Date: Name & Designation with Seal:

IMD/PUR/F01 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01


Name & Address of Supplier:
Whether site visit is required: Yes / No
Name of official authorized to visit and report:
Date: Signature:
Details with/without site visit (Strike out which is irrelevant)
Report (if needed attach separate sheet) on capacity/capability of firm:
Price:  Very Good  Good  Satisfactory  Poor
Quality:  Very Good  Good  Satisfactory  Poor
Delivery:  Very Good  Good  Satisfactory  Poor
Support:  Very Good  Good  Satisfactory  Poor
Response:  Very Good  Good  Satisfactory  Poor
Based on the above information the firm can be considered for approval for activities / supply of items listed

a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: Signature:
The firm cannot be considered for approval due to following reasons:

a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: Signature:
Basis of approval:
Scope of approval:
Validity of approval:
Signature of authorized personnel:

Date: Signature:
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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01


SN Name of the Supplier Phone / Fax No. Contact Person E-mail ID Scope of Supply

Prepared by: Approved by:

Date: Date:

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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01


Name of Supplier incl. Performance OVERALL

Contact Information Performance (%)
Quality (%) Delivery (%) Service (%)


Performance to be rated as below:

Above 91% 90%-81% 80%-70% Below 70%

Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

IMD/PUR/F04 Rev:00 01/01/2021

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Environmental Mgt. Plan IMD/EMP/01

Date of Qty Qty Item Issued Balance
Supplier Descriptio PO No. Qty Issued Sign
Receipt Ordered Received issued to Date Qty

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