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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Ref: - CIL/MUMBAI/VG/295 Date: 23-04-2022


The Team Leader,

Artefact Project LTD.
Plot No. 40, Hirai Bungalow, S. No. 882/3
Rajiv Nagar, Nasik-422 009 Maharashtra

Project: “Design & Construction of 6-Lane Stand-Alone Grade Separated Structure at Km 480+140, Km
514+578, Km 520+387 and Km 532+552 in Gonde-vadape Section of NH-3 (New NH-848) in
the state of Maharashtra on EPC Mode.”

Sub: - Adopting Adequate Safety at Site – Reply to AE Letter No. 253

Ref:- 1. APL/V-G/3LVUP+1FLY /2020-21/Site- 014, Dated 02.04.2021,.

2. APL/ V-G/ 3LVUP+1FLY/2020-21. /Site- 017, Dated 08.04.2021.
3. APL/ V -G/ 3 LVUP+1 FLYOVER/2021 -22/ SITE 236 Dated 22.03.2022.
4. AE, Site Visit Dated 22/ 04/2022 and Lr No. APL/V-G/3LVUP+1FLY/2020-21/Site-253 dtd. 23.04.22
5. CIL/MUMBAI/VG/40 dtd. 19-05-2021

Dear Sir,

1. This is with reference to the letter cited under reference (4) wherein you have highlighted certain
discrepancies regarding the Safety provisions at site.

2. We thank you for your continued support and guidance in this regard. Said discrepancies are replied

a. Sir as we have communicated earlier via letter in reference (5) we are continuing to provide
safety at all locations with Deformable barrier Plastic Drum Type in line with IRC SP 55:2014
Section 5.2

b. Further we wished to avoid any hard barricading on the road stretch due to risk of fatality on
account of Drunk Commuters losing control on their vehicles and crashing into the hard
barriers. Therefore, deformable plastic barriers were provided. However due to your repeated
instructions we are proceeding with providing hard barricading in all locations.

c. Further in all locations where we have proceeded to excavate adjacent to RE WALL and
CULVERTS, we have provided safety barricades (photos are enclosed).

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

d. Your reference to excavation being hazardous to existing carriageway does not carry any
meaning and thus may be explained further.

3. This is issued without prejudicing our rights under contract and law.

Thanks & Regards

Thanking You,
For Ceigall India Limited
Authorized Signatory.
CC – Hon’ble Project Director, NHAI, PIU Nashik

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 1-Deformable barriers and Hard Barriers forming layers of protection from deep cutting

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 2 - Hard Barriers and Soft Deformable Barriers creating layers of safety around deep cutting in Kasara

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 3 - Soft Deformable Barriers Providing Safety Protection on Cross roads from Excavated portion

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 4 - Deformable Barriers and Plastic Crash Barriers with Rope and Danger Tape Creating Channelizing Devices for Diverted Traffic

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 5 - Soft Deformable Drum Type Barricading near work zones.

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 6 - Soft Type Barricade Drums near Excavated Portion of RE WALL

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 7 - Soft Type Drum Barricades and Danger Tape Along with Kerb Provision for channelizing traffic near Excavated Work Zone

Page 9 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 8 - Soft Deformable Type Drum Barriers for Safety

Page 10 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 9 - Soft Type Drum Barricades at Asangaon

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 10 - Soft Type Drum Barricading for RE WALL Work

Page 12 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 11 - Soft Type Drum Barricades for RE WALL work

Page 13 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 12 - Deformable Drum Type Barricading at Asangaon

Page 14 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 13 - Provision of Hard Barricades at Asangaon

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An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 14 - Hard Barricading at Kasara in Deep Cut Portion

Page 16 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 15 - Hard Barricading for Deep Cut Excavated Portion in Kasara along with Soft Channelizing Devices

Page 17 of 18
An ISO : 9001-2008 Certified Company

Office: A-898, Tagore Nagar. Ludhiana. 141001

Telefax: +91-1616623666

Figure 16 - Deformable Drum Type Barriers for Channelizing and Diverting Traffic

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