Communication and Technology: Lesson 1

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Communication and Technology individuals think, feel, act and how societies

organize and operate (Wood, n.d.)

“S-M-C-R model of communication evolved
There’s no denying just how technology brought
because of the available pathways for the
drastic changes to our society. Even in the registers
message to travel through.” Communication is
of language, why do you think “snail mails” are
more effective when tools and strategies are used.
called such?
Lesson 1: Role of T technology Communication
Evolution of Human Communication and
Use of tools and strategies in communication
further enhance understanding between
interlocutors. One of the tools and strategies that
Seven Milestones:
enhanced the effectiveness communication is
technology. A child is born ready to communicate
but not to use technology. We learn how to utilize
technology through the help of the “more
•telegraphy and telephony
knowledgeable others”—our parents, guardians,
•photography and motion pictures
teachers, friends, or even through technology itself.
•radio and television
•computers and internet.
Communication and technology…
are used in different fields. Due to its expanding
Lesson 2; Examining Relational Technology and
use, it is deemed to be an essential part in a child’s
Construction of Identities
communication competence and skills
• Duck and McMahan (2009) refer to cell phones,
development. Perhaps, learning how to use
IPods and other technological devices as relational
technological devices comes second after learning
technologies to emphasize the relational functions
how to speak when it comes to children. These
and implications of their use in society and within
advances in technology have influenced how
specific groups
people create, share, use and develop information
in society. Since today’s generation (Generation Z
Use of relational technologies develops unique
or the ‘post-millenials’) is born in an era of
meanings for particular social groups.
advanced technology and easily accessible
information, young people are expected to be
Older people tend to use phones for basic
highly skilled in their information and
purposes (texting and calling), while younger
communication technologies.
generation tend to associate phones with social
However, being born in a technologically rich world
does not guarantee one’s dexterity or expertise in
using technology.
Technology plays a major influence in identifying
the perceptions and experiences of generations.
Gumpert and Cathhart (1985) considers that
Definition; The gap between those who have
generations can be separated not only by time, but
access to or who can benefit from technology and
also by media experience.
those who cannot

Media generations (Duck & McMahan, 2010) are

Marshall McLuhan ’ theory of; TECHNOLOGICAL
differentiated by unique media grammar and media
consciousness based on the technological
environment in which they are born.
McLuhan, in his theory, states that technology
Technology influences people’s thinking,
—specifically, media —decisively shapes how
experiences and perceptions of reality. People who
are born in the print media era perceive the world
differently than those who are born after the
introduction of technology.
TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL NETWORKS Identity development is part through the selection
Generational influence is largely determined by the of screen names which are frequently selected
availability of technology. Also, the people you when participating in chat rooms, online comments
share a particular relationship direct and shape how and games.
you value technology. For example, for people who
use android phones, owning Apple products may Screen names do not provide an accurate
earn them a higher social status. However, for representation of the person in real life. What is
people who use Apple products, it may establish known in internet is, oftentimes, only true in the
group membership and acceptance instead of internet.
gaining higher social status.
Screen names are usually based on genuine
TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICE perceived characteristics of the self or
PROVIDERS uncharacteristic traits they wish to establish online.
Social networks are platforms that enable users
to take advantages of assuming identities apart E-mail Addresses
from the physical truth/reality. Similarly, we can convey multiple aspects of a
Some individuals desire to own the latest relational person through selection of email addresses.
technology and related accessories as means of However you cannot use email/usernames (like
demonstrating savvy or social status. in formal
Particular meanings are associated with the use of documents for it may form undesired impressions.
particular products and service providers within a
social system. For instance, each style of cell Online Content Creation and Identity
phone is symbolically connected to a certain Internet has become an instrument and a site for
lifestyles, activities or media. This also applies to self-expression, especially for younger generations.
service providers. The use of specific networks Personal web pages, posting of original pictures
facilitates social belonging to groups sharing a and videos, etc., enable people to share and
certain value or orientation. display their thoughts, interests, talents and other
characteristics of events.
“Online communication is the new face-to-face Personal Web Pages and Blog
communication.” Upper and lower cases of text In personal web pages and blogs, creator discloses
messages and emojies have carried almost similar only the information he or she wishes. It allows the
meanings and intent. selective expression of the self and the
performances of identity.
The advent of computer-mediated
communication has given man greater freedom Information and materials available on websites
and heavier responsibility to survive in an online and blogs are given due to specific reasons.
Self-presentation strategies frequently in blogs to
According to Duck and McMahan (2010), there are achieve acceptance and approval to appear
several factors that contribute to the construction of socially competent (Bortree, 2005).
identities which help communication styles that take
place in the Internet. Social Networking Sites
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, MySpace,
etc., allow people to connect with friends and
families. Sometimes, these sites are used to Thus, gives this generation a distinct quality of
establish connections and relationships with being able to express like or dislike to someone
people. with just the use of cell phone numbers.

These sites are used to display and create of Constant Connection and Availability
personal relational identities, as well as disclosure Cell phones allow people to be in “perpetual
of personal information. In social networks, self contact” with others. This constant connection with
disclosure stands for establishment of relationship others can provide comfort and security in a
due to the trust a person gives to the other party relationship or can lead to challenges.
—----------------------------------------------------------------- New relational expectations developed as a result
of constant availability of cell phones, i.e., when
Lesson 4: Mediated Communication and Its someone do “Seen” you on Messenger, it implies a
Impact on Personal Relationships violation in your relationship with one another.
A closer look at the pace technology has
revolutionized communication says a lot about Some may think that they are not as important as
human relationships. they thought they were to that person who
“Seen”-zone them on Messenger and/or other
Technology enables us to use emails and e-cards messaging applications.
rather than waiting for snail mails and cards. As
well as with the Phone calls can be a way of Others may even use this deliberately just to show
correspondence instead of the traditional letters. small passive aggressiveness towards someone
Aside from this, technological transformation also else.
changes what can be accomplished, creating new
relational goals and norms. Shared Experience
Actual use of cell phones constitutes shared
Cell Phones and Personal Relationships technological experience. Especially when people
Cell phones have come to represent constant correspond through text messages, the engage in
connection to those who possess your number, and the use of the same technology.
how freely people give out their cell phone numbers
varies. Cell phones also enable people to engage in
shared experience even when physically
This is Liza Soberano. She gives her cell phone separated. The immediate transmission of voice,
number only to her friends and family. When at picture, sound, and video provide people with a
work, she communicates with clients and fellow sense of experiencing an event or occasion
artists through her manager. You do not have a together.
copy of her personal number. Whom she gives her
personal number establishes the personal Online Communication takes a variety of forms:
connection she would like to keep. e-mail, chat groups, message boards, and instant
Giving or denying someone access to your cell messaging. Although varied, these forms share
phone number establishes both the boundaries and apparent similarities among them.
the degree of closeness desired and expected
within the relationship. Characteristics of Online Communication
Providing another person with your cell phone 1. Lack of Nonverbal Cues
number suggests a desire for connection with that Nonverbal communication, such as vocalic and
individual and perhaps an indication of the type kinesics, is incredibly important when crafting and
ofrelationship you wish to establish. interpreting messages. Lack of these diminishes
Therefore, giving out phone numbers can be the determination of the meaning of the message.
symbolically done and can be interpreted as a Misunderstandings will more likely to occur during
meaningful action of humans you encounter. online interactions.
In some instances, the lack of nonverbal cues may As part of their study, Boase, Horrigan, Wellman,
actually be advantageous. People become less and Rainie (2006) distinguished to types of
concerned with such factors as their appearance connection in social networks: core ties which
and less distracted or troubled by the nonverbal include people with whom you have a very close
response of others. It may be more comforting that relationship with and whom you often seek
other forms of interaction and can enhance assistance from when in need and significant ties,
people’s willingness to communicate with others. though more than mere acquaintances represent a
somewhat weaker connection.
2. Asynchronous Nature
It contains slight or prolonged delay, unlike the Lesson 5: Competence and Challenges in
synchronous communication where everything is Mediated Communication
happening in real time. The people involved in
communication must alternate between sending 1. Competence and Challenges in Mediated
and receiving. This nature provides more time to Communication
consider the messages of others and to formulate
messages. Mediated Communication: technologies that
connect people who communicate without being
According to Duck and McMahan (2009) there were face to face. Nobody would downplay the
two observations between online communication challenges of communicating in face-to-face
and other forms of interaction: situations. But communicating via the Internet or
phone has its own set of issues.
1. All forms of interaction have unique benefits and
challenges. Computer-mediated Communication
2. As observed with instant messages, how online ◇ E-mail
communication is used has as much to do with its ◇ Instant messaging
quality as its actual nature. ◇ Social networking websites 4

Personal Relationships and Social Networks Phone-based

◇ Cell phone conversations
One of the fears of online communication or ◇ Text messaging
internet use is that it will diminish social interaction
and lead to a disconnection with social networks. These are forms of mediated communication which
Some research has suggested that the more time a calls for different skills than those necessary in
person spends on the Internet, the less time he or face-to-face communication
she spends with friends, family, and colleagues. As
well as a time displacer; increased time spent using 2. Learner Message
Internet means decreased time in doing other Social scientists use the term richness to describe
activities. the abundance of nonverbal cues that add clarity to
a verbal message.
Online communication enables people to maintain
and enhance existing relationships, as well as This being said, face-to-face communication is rich
create new relationships. because it abounds with nonverbal cues that give
According to Howard, Rainie & Jones, increased communicators cues about the meanings of one
use of Internet allows for increased interaction with another’s word and offers hints about their feelings.
friends and family not only online but also While most mediated communication is a leaner
face-to-face and overtelephone. channel for conveying messages.

-Face-to-face response contain richer array of

cues: facial expressions, vocal tone, etc.
-Telephone calls containing vocal, but no visual, say that today we’re juggling two lives: Real and
falls between face-to-face communication. virtual. But what do basic rules of online etiquette
-A text message contains only words, thus offer look like, and which information and viewpoints are
only what is meant by the words per se. OK to share on these most public of forums? As we
-Irony and attempts at humor can be easily note in the new book Netiquette Essentials: New
misunderstood. Rules for Minding Your Manners in a Digital World,
-As receivers, clarify interpretations before answers are often hard to come by. Below, you’ll
concluding. find essential hints, tips, and guidelines for
-As senders, think about how to send unambiguous maintaining a safe and positive presence on
messages so you are not misunderstood. popular social media sites from Facebook to
Instagram, Snapchat, and beyond.
3. Disinhibition
The tendency to transmit uncensored messages Maintaining a Positive Online Presence
can be especially great in online communication, ➢ Sharing extremely-opinionated viewpoints (e.g.
where we don’t see, hear, or sometimes even know political leanings or thoughts on controversial
the targets of our remarks. topics) can be a lightning rod online. Think twice
before liking supporting status updates or posting
Two forms of inhibition such opinions, which can incite and aggravate
Sometimes, online communicators volunteer others (and live on in perpetuity). If you feel the
personal information that they would prefer to need to express these opinions, consider confining
keep confidential from at least some receivers. such communications to exchanges with individual
friends, or specific Facebook or Google+ groups.
Increased Expressiveness Users are more direct Ultimately though, it’s important to remember: If you
when using mediated channels than face-to-face don’t have anything nice to say, perhaps it’s best
contact. left unsaid.

4. Permanence ➢ Posting embarrassing, revealing or negative

photos of yourself should be avoided at all costs.
The risk of hostile and inappropriate mediated Remember: Images you share may be taken at
messages is their permanence. A regrettable text face value, and/or viewed as representative of your
message, e-mail or web posting can be archived character - not to mention live on forever on the
virtually forever. It can be retrieved and forwarded Internet. What seems cute in high school or college
in ways that can only be imagined in your worst may not seem quite so endearing to potential
dreams. employers.

Social Media Etiquette: What’s Safe To Share On ➢ Never post photos of others without their
Social Networks? By Scott Steinberg express permission.

Social networks - self-contained online forums ➢ Relationship or personal drama is best kept
where users can share their lives and careers and private. If you cannot resist the urge to share, do so
engage in ongoing dialogue with others in the form sparingly - and in the most vague, unspecific terms
of text, photos, videos, comments and other forms possible - for the sake of involved parties, or friends
of high-tech communication - have grown by leaps uninterested or unwilling to participate in the
and bounds over the past decade. Billions of situation. No communications should be shared
people worldwide now regularly turn to social about other individuals and those involved in
networks to provide friends and strangers alike with real-life situations without their advance permission.
snapshots and updates of their daily life and, in
turn, see what friends, family, and acquaintances ➢ As a rule of thumb, uncomfortable or revealing
are doing at any given moment. In fact, it’s fair to personal information, i.e. details of your struggles
with psychological issues or relatives’ fading health, ➢ Demanding that others share your status
should be shared sparingly, if at all, and - unless updates, projects, thoughts or ideas is
acquaintances have indicated that they’re inappropriate.
comfortable viewing this content - only with others
you know in real-life. Note that content shared ➢ Reserve confidential discussions for private
online may further be available for public viewing, message threads or, better yet, phone calls, emails
and inadvertently expose you or your family to INTIMATEor other venues where interactions aren’t
potential risk and/or embarrassment. recorded in perpetuity online.

➢ Never share intimate personal details including ➢ Be advised that conversational nuances and
birthdates, phone numbers, addresses, schools or subtle shifts in tone or personality may be lost in
hometowns online, to minimize risks of crime, translation, and that individual users may interpret
vandalism or identity theft. Never let others know messages differently: Consider how posts will be
when you’ll be away from your home, especially for read and interpreted before sending.
any given length of time, e.g. while on vacation.
➢ Poor spelling, punctuation, grammar and choice
➢ Avoid posting on social networks unless you of words can reflect equally poorly upon the
have a tight grasp over your privacy settings, and individual - proofread all communications before
are completely comfortable with the group of online sending. Shorthand, abbreviations and online slang
friends that your updates will be shared with. should be avoided if possible, and used only in the
most informal of conversations.
Tone of Voice and Attitude
➢ Professionalism is imperative - if you wouldn’t Being a Responsible User
say it in a social or work setting, don’t say it online, ➢ Understand that each social network has its own
in the most public of forums. rules of conduct, social norms and methods of
interaction. Before utilizing one, take a moment to
➢ Politeness and respect are vital: Always be step back and observe how interactions take place,
considerate of others, and treat them the way that so you can discern appropriate rules of posting,
you’d wish to be treated. sharing and behavior.

➢ Avoid bad-mouthing other users as it will ➢ Assume that everything you post online can be
negatively impact your image and casual seen by others, as even major social networks
bystanders may judge you based on these actions. have suffered privacy breaches.

➢ Maintain a positive tone and attitude: Negativity, ➢ Do not share information that online friends have
complaints and condescending messages often shared with you in confidence, i.e. quoting
reflect poorly on the poster. someone’s private tweet to you.

➢ Bragging and self-aggrandizing statements ➢ Log out of all your social networks when finished
should be avoided, and making them may cause using them, and when you are using a computer or
you to lose friends and followers. mobile device that isn’t yours.

➢ Since social networks are shared venues ➢ Realize that everything posted online lives on
enjoyed in mixed company, always avoid using the Internet permanently, and may be available for
vulgar language and making derogatory remarks. “ public viewing. “ 23
➢ Never forget: Despite their seemingly intimacy,
social networks are among the most public of
spaces - it’s important to conduct yourself on them answer right away, writing a letter won’t be much
as you would in any shared setting. help .

➢ You reserve the exclusive right, and it is wholly Control- This pertains to the control you and the
appropriate, to decline friend requests from speaker have. You might put a lot of effort in writing
strangers. a letter and the recipient may just scan it or worse -
not read it atall.
➢ Privacy and personal comfort are paramount: At In face -to -face communication you have
no point should you feel compelled to respond to command on the listener’s attention . Use of
messages or queries from people you don’t know. speaking skills to sustain that attention!

➢ Before posting on others’ profiles or walls, or Personal Quality- Personal meetings are
tagging them in your own posts, consider how your especially important in some cultures, where failure
actions and/or statements may be perceived, and if to visit someone in person is an insult. When
they may potentially cast friends in a negative light people don’ts how up for meeting (intentionally/
and/or embarrass them. unintentionally suggest to others that they are too
important or too busy or too apathetic to be present
➢ Use privacy settings to limit who can view your
posts and shares. Qualities of Face -to -face Communication

➢ When asking someone you don’t know to be Disadvantages

your friend, send a short message explaining who
you are and why you’re attempting to contact them. Difficulty In Arranging
Even when communicators are in the same
Lesson 6: Choosing the Optimal Communication building, scheduling a meeting can be difficult.
Expensive and time -consuming.
Choosing the Optimal Communication Channel When people are separated by greater distances, it
Choosing the right communication channel to use may be expensive. Even just going to another
should not be trivial manner. Usually, a written building within the same campus will take almost
message succeeds when an oral one fails; and the half an hour to fulfill.
other way around when written messages fail.
I prefer face-to-face conversation as opposed to
FACE -TO -FACE COMMUNICATION texting. You need to go out of your way to spend
good time with one another; you need to have a
Here are some forms of face -to -face date night. Whether you have kids or a career or
communication: whatever, for a relationship to thrive, it's about
▹ One-to-one meetings (scheduled or spur of the making time for each other. James Marsden
▹ Small groups (spontaneous or informal meetings) 1. TELECONFERENCING
▹ Large groups (speakers make presentation to an It allows participants in two or more locations to see
audience) and speak with each other. New “desktop”
conferencing allows workers to use
Qualities of Face -to -face Communication teleconferencing where they would normally do
Speed- No time lag between the transmission of a This may not replace face -to -face meetings
message and its reception . When you need an completely in some situations like brainstorming,
negotiations, and persuasion, but many executives
view teleconferencing as a way to eliminate Written communication comes in a variety of forms.
unnecessary travel and improve long distance Letters, memos, bulletins, and reports are familiar
communication. fixtures in almost everybody’s career.

2. TELEPHONE AND VOICE MAIL Qualities of Written Communication

▹ Lacks visual feedback necessary to reveal how Permanent- Once your words are down on paper,
your message is transmitted they are saved for future references, either to your
▹ Harder to hold the attention of the listener. delight or to your undying embarrassment .
▹ Hard to reach people on first try since people are
moving. Easier to understand- Readers can study
complex passages as many times as necessary a
Advantages: luxury that is absent in oral communication.
▹ Lets you contact someone you cannot reach in
person. Can be composed in advance- You can take as
▹ Reach people who are busy. much time as necessary to shape a message just
▹ Audio conferencing allows a group of as you want it, pondering every word if necessary
geographically separated people to speak via
telephones Less prone to errors- Since this is not happening
in real time, the chances of erroneous events are
It’s smart to ask, “Is this a good time?” before lesser than that of oral presentations.
launching into your conversations.
Two Kinds of Written Communication
Voice Mail is a high -tech version of the answering
machine. Sometimes it is hard to use it because the Facsimile are documents that have been
options can take forever, and “clever” greetings can transmitted electronically over the telephone lines.
be annoying. Yet, it allows you to send message at The speed of faxes can be similar to oral messages
any time of the day and you can feel confident that delivered in person or over the phone.
you’ve sent your message in your own voice.
Electronic Mail (E -mail) Is a communication
With voice mail, you can decline an invitation, channel used to send and respond to one another’s
express just the right amount of irritation, or offer an written messages via computer. It may laso be
excuse, all without having the other person talk used in an office thriugh intranet - an infrastructure
back. that allows people within an organization to
exchange information in a digital form.
❑ Know the schedule of the person you’re trying to ▹ Emails, like letters, makes it easier to
reach. comprehend lengthy, detailed messages.
❑ Leave the name of the person for whom the ▹ It also provides astonishing degree of access to
message is directed. people who might not be reached.
❑ Identify yourself. ▹ It is also different from other written
❑ Leave you phone number, especially if you want communication because it is informal, and almost
to be called back quickly. spontaneous nature.
❑ Organize your message in advance. ▹ E -mail as “conveyor belt for ideas” for its ease of
❑ Keep the message as short as possible. use.
❑ Speak slowly and clearly.

E -mails Do’s and Don’ts ❖ Don’t ramble in business-related emails. Keep
your messages clear and brief as possible.
Don’t use email: ❖ Use separate messages when you need to
communicate about more than one issue.
For off -the -record correspondence- “Delete” ❖ Only send copies of your messages to people
may only mean that a message disappears from who are likely to care about it.
your screen, and not from the server’s archives.
What is the best channel to use?
For personal messages, at least not at work.- Oral communication is best for messages that
A misaddressed message can lead to require a personal dimension, while written
embarrassment and humiliation . In addition, a user communication (with the exception of email) works
may send your private thoughts to others without best when you want to create a relatively formal
your permision . tone.

To be critical, sarcastic, or humorous if there is Lesson 7: Multimodal Advocacy

any chance your tone will be misunderstood.
What is an advocacy?
When you’re angry or in a hurry. Most emails It is a strategic series of actions designed to
cannot be retrieved once sent. Do not send words influence those who hold governmental, political,
that you may regret later, economic, or private power to implement public
policies and practices that benefit those with less
To avoid personal discussions that would be political power.
better handled face -to -face or in a cellphone call.
What is an advocacy campaign?
To pass along information you are not sure is It is long term set of activities that includes
accurate. research, planning, and acting, monitoring, and
evaluating advocacy efforts.
Do use email:
Usually, these campaigns are delivered through
To be part of networks that will give you television, print, and radio. Contemporary
important information. To share useful technology has enabled advocates to use digital
information to others as well as seek information media such as Internet, mobile devices, and social
from them. media.

To shrink hierarchy and expedite team projects. Before you start your advocacy work, it is vital that
Email can help you reach important people and you inquire what the real issues or problems are
save time otherwise spent in meetings. and that you explore the reasons why these issues
or problems exist at the deeper social level, not just
To solicit or send information to a large number in your organization or community you belong.
of people quickly and easily.
Jumpstarting Your Advocacy
To create professional image.
Use correct spelling and grammar. Messages can Developing your message
be informal but they should never contain
inaccuracies. Your advocacy message is what you choose to say
about your issue, its solution and who you are. To
Email Etiquette develop this, you should:
❖ Always include a concise, informative heading in ✘ Know your audience
the subject field. ✘ Know your political environment or moments
✘ Keep your message simple but brief Theaters and Songs
✘ Use real life stories and quotes These are useful as the combination of
✘ Use precise, powerful language and active verbs entertainment, real life dramas, and thought
✘ Use clear facts and numbers creatively provoking information and interaction engages
✘ Adapt the message to the medium you’re going people in a way that no other media can.
to use
✘ Allow your audience to reach their own Pamphlets, comic books, photos
conclusions These are cheap, and will likely attract an
✘ Encourage audiences to take action audience, depending on literacy levels. Challenge:
✘ Present a possible solution make the content and design educate and
Delivering Your Message

Message delivery involves careful attention to how

the information will be transmitted and to whom or
what the message will convey. Choices about
delivery differ depending on the audiences and the
community. Choose the method that will surely
reach the target audience, be it electronic or

Choosing the right medium

Your choice of a medium to deliver message

depends on who you are speaking to, what you
want to say, your purpose, and your ability to work
with that medium. Mass media can be a tool and
target of your advocacy. It its powerful to inform and
build support around your issue due to its ability to
reach many people.

Your message must be “newsworthy” for it to

be noticed.
Making your advocacy newsworthy depends on how you
package your message, who delivers it, and whether you
can persuade media that it is newsworthy. You may use
traditional or digital media provided that you have the
resoruces to do so in pursuing your advocacy.

Press Release
This aims to attract journalists to cover an
upcoming event or one that has just occurred.

Radio and Television Programs

Radios can be used to generate citizen dialogue
and debate. TV ads can be a platform for your
advocacy as it enables extended reach as long as
audiences have TV sets.

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