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Five Free Ways to Promote Your Courier Business

July 10, 2020 by Craig Wallin

You’d like to get a lot of work coming in. But on the other hand you don’t want
to spend a lot of money on advertising. Are there some free ways you could
promote your courier service business? There sure are. Here are five to get
you started:

1. Networking

Like any business, networking is a great way to promote your courier service.
Get out there and meet people. Let them know about your service. Show up
dressed professionally and act friendly, and people will be more inclined to
hear just what your courier service business can do for them. Meet bankers,
medical professionals, architects, lawyers, shop owners and more. While
you’re at it, meet other couriers. They will often throw business your way if
they get too busy or unable to complete a delivery on a deadline.

2. Press release

Write a press release that tells about your business. There are many web
sites that can tell you how to write a great press release if you need help. In
the press release, talk about what makes your business special. Talk about
the services you offer. Be sure to mention your business’s attributes, the
things that make your courier service business the one to call. Next, send the
press release to your local newspaper, and soon they just might want to do an
article about you and your business. Not only is an article great publicity, but
it’s completely free to you!


There are many web sites online where you can advertise your services
completely free. Plus, many are very easy to use. You can put an ad online in
no time. Popular ones include Take a minute and post an ad.
Make your ad look professional. Aim for proper spelling and grammar. Soon
you’ll see those calls coming in.

4. Web site or blog

You can start your own web site or blog in just a few minutes. There are many
free options available too. Put together a nice looking web site or blog and
refer prospective customers to it. Have contact information, talk about your
services and list your rates. A web site or blog is simply a great way to build
customer trust and let them know what you can do for them.

5. Referrals

Referrals are one of the best, if not the best, way to get business. Simply do a
really great job, and a customer will be more than likely to mention your
courier business to their friends and associates. In fact, you should encourage
referrals. Ask if a customer has a friend or associate that might want your
service. Referrals are simply an easy way to get business. All you have to do
is continue to provide great service. Your customers do the promotion for you!

There are many free ways to promote your courier service business. Post an
ad online, write a press release, start a web site or blog, network with other
people and work hard to get referrals. Soon you’ll have all the business you

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