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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region- IVA
Division of Batangas

Lesson Plan

Figures of Speech

Submitted by:
Ms. Cristine Joyce I. Talabis
AY 2022 – 2023


I. Objectives:
A. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
 Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given
II. Developmental Activities
A. Preliminary Activity/ Oral Language
Pronounce the following pair of words correctly.

flower- bower delight-night

play-away lie- eye

What have you observed on the following pairs of words?

B. Pre-Reading
1. Motivation
Game: Pass the Message through a limerick
Each group will form a line. Every group will be given the same limerick. The leader will be the
first one to read it and relay to his /her members. The group that can relay the message accurately
with the shortest period of time will be the winner.
There was an old person of fold
Who shrank from sensations of cold;
So he purchased some muffs,
Some furs, and some fluffs,
And wrapped himself from the cold.

2. Motive Question
Are you fond of reading poems? Today we will read some poems .Take note of some
comparisons used
C. During Reading Activities
Read the poem with the pupils.


The moon, like a flower

In heaven’s high bower
With silent delight
Sits and smiles in the night
- William Blake
My turtle is a tidy boy!

When he is tired of play,

He folds himself up carefully

And puts himself away.

From “ Tidy Turtle”

-Polly Chase

Little sampaguita

Little sampaguita

With the wondering eye,

Did a tiny fairy

Drop you where you lie?

In the witching hour

Of a tropic night,

Did a careless moonbeam

Leave you in its flight?

- Natividad Marquez

He watched till his eyes were frozen wide,

And his bottom grew in his chair,

And his chin turned into a tuning dial,

And antennae grew out of his hair.

From “ Jimmy Jet and the TV Set”

-Shel Silverstein
D. Post Reading Activities
1. Engagement Activities
Group the class into four and give each group a task card.
GROUP 1 Poem No.1
Direction: Write the letter of the best answer.
1. What two things are compared in the poem?
A. moon and night B. moon and flower C. moon and heaven
2. Which of the following words show direct comparison of moon to an object?
A. like a flower B. heaven’s high power C. silent delight

GROUP 2 Poem No.2

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer.
1. What is the turtle compared to?
A. a tidy boy B. a playboy boy C. a lazy boy
2. Do you agree with the poet in making this comparison about the turtle? Give your reason.
A. Yes. B. No. C. Maybe.

Group 3 Poem No.3

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer.
1. What human quality is given to the sampaguita?
A. a tiny fairy B. a wondering eye C. a tropic night
2. Why does sampaguita always ask why the flowers are tiny.
A. Its flowers look like eyes that are full of questions.
b. Anyone who sees a sampaguita always asks why the flowers are tiny
c. A fairy’s favorite flower is the sampaguita.
3. What word is used to describe a moonbeam?
A. tiny B. careless C. witching

GROUP 4- Poem No.4

1. What happened to Jimmy Jet as he watched TV?
2. What are the words being exaggerated in the poem?
2. Discussion

Each group will report their finished activities.

3. Skill Development
A. Introduction/Presentation
 What is figure of speech?
 What are the different types of figure of speech? Give some examples of each.
B. Teaching/ Modelling
 What are the different of figure of speech?
 Why do writers in many poems and stories used figures of speech?


In a simile, two things are compared by using the words like or as.

In a metaphor , two things are compared by saying one thing is another.

Personification is giving an object or animal human qualities.

Hyperbole is one type of figurative language in which the writer stretches the truth in order to
make a point.
4. Guided Practice
Divide the pupils into four groups. Each group will be given an activity card.
Direction: Read the sentences and underline the things that are being compared.
1. That boy can run like a rabbit if he wants to.
2. My hands felt as cold as ice.
3. Sarah Geronimo sings like a nightingale.
4. The children were as quiet as mice.
5. Her teeth were as white as pearls.

Direction: Complete the following sentences with the right word in the box to make up
comparisons using metaphors.

1. Mother is indeed an ________.She’s always there to give me love, place

care and support. nightingale

2. Love is resting _________. dragon

3. Jesus, our lord is the _________ who makes angel

us lie down in green pastures and restore our soul. shepherd

4. When she sings, Charice Pempengco is a __________. bull

5. A train is a_________ that roars through the night.

Direction: Read the poem excerpt from “Kitchen Scandal”. Find some examples of
The clock help up her long thin hands
And tick-tocked in dismay
The corn tucked her hair behind an ear
And didn’t know what to say
The running water gurgled and choked
The onion drop a ring
The cabbage scratched bewildered head
The bean grew limp as a string

Direction: Identify which parts of the sentence contain exaggeration.
1. About 500 trillion stars are shining tonight.
2. Ayla cannot go with us because she has tons of homework to do.
3. It would take an atomic bomb to wake father up.

Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Identify the figure of speech used. Write S for simile, M
for metaphor, and P for personification, H for hyperbole in your notebook.
1. The stars are jewels strung in a golden chain across the dark sky.
2. The hanging bridge is like a giant hammock swaying wildly during the storm.
3. The guest of honor’s message was a mile long.
4. The moonbeams smiled sweetly.
5. The street dancers wore costumes as colorful as rainbows.

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