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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Maurizio Forte

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Virt ual Realit y, Cyberaerchaeology, Teleimmersive Archaeology

Maurizio Fort e

3D Modeling in Archaeology and Cult ural Herit age: T heory and Best Pract ices
St efano R L Campana

3D Archaeology: New Perspect ives and Challenges—T he Example of Çat alhöyük

Maurizio Fort e
3D Recording and Modelling in
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Theory and best practices

Edited by

Fabio Remondino
Stefano Campana

BAR International Series 2598

Published by

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Gordon House
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from Hadrian Books or may be downloaded from


Maurizio FORTE

6.1.1 VIRTUAL REALITIES environment: the mind embodied in the environment. A

knowledge created by enaction is constructed on motor
We live in a cyber era: social networks, virtual skills (real or virtual), which in virtual worlds can derive
communities, human avatars, 3D worlds, digital by gestures, haptic interfaces, 1st or 3rd person
applications, immersive and collaborative games are able navigation, multisensorial and multimodal immersion and
to change our perception of the world and, first of all, the so on.
capacity to record, share and transmit information.
Terabyte, Petabyte, Exabyte, Zettabyte of digital data are Digital interactive activities used in our daily life play an
constructing the human knowledge of future societies and essential role in managing and distributing information at
changing the access to the past. If the human knowledge personal and social level. We could say that humans
is rapidly migrating in digital domains and virtual worlds, typically interact with different “virtual realities” whether
what happens to the past? Can we imagine the by personal choice, or by necessity, given the fact that
interpretation process of the past as a digital hermeneutic there is a consistent amount of information digitally born
circle (fig. 1)? The idea that a digital simulation process and available just in digital format. In the 90s many
one day could remake the past has stimulated dreams and writers, artists and scholars (including who is writing this
fantasies of many archaeologists. We know that this is article, (Forte 2000)) discussed for a long time on the
impossible, but new cybernetic ways to approach the definition of virtual reality (VR, immersive, semi-
interpretation process in archaeology are particularly immersive, off line, etc.) mostly in relation with
challenging since they open multiple perspectives of archaeology and cultural heritage. Nowadays the term is
research otherwise not identifiable. quite blurred, hybrid and elusive: virtual realities
represent many social diversifications of the digital Real
In digital archaeology the “cybernetic” factor is and are an essential part of the human life. It is possible
measurable in terms of interaction and feedback, in a to recognize and classify them by technology, brand,
word a “trigger” allowing creation and exploration of purpose, functionality; but all of them are VR, open
virtual worlds. The “trigger” can be considered a domains for users, players and developers. The evolution
metaphor of our embodiment in the cyber world: clicking, of software and digital information in cloud computing is
trigging, interacting is the way to involve our minds in a good example of distributed virtual realities where all
the digital universe. Any environment, digital or real, the performance runs on line in a network and it doesn’t
could be studied in a similar perceptual way (of course require end-user knowledge of the physical location and
with some limitations): analyzing all the relations configuration of the system that delivers the services.
between humans and ecosystems. A remarkable factor in
the evolution of cyber worlds is identifiable in the It is likely unnecessary to describe VR at this point
informational capacities of digital worlds to generate new because there are too many VR and all of them follow
knowledge (fig. 2), an autopoiesis1 (Maturana and Varela different principles of embodiment and digital
1980) of models, data and metadata, which co-evolve in engagement: everything could be VR. In the past decades
the digital environment. Data and models generate new for example VR was mainly recognizable for the degree
data and meanings by interaction and, for example, by of immersion and the real time interaction (at least 30/60
collaborative activities. The core of this process is the frames per second) but nowadays the majority of
enaction (Maturana and Varela 1980), as information applications are in real time and full immersion is just an
achieved by perception-action interaction with the option (and sometimes not really relevant). What really
changes our capacities of digital/virtual perception is the
Capacity to generate new meanings. experience, a cultural presence in a situated environment


Figure 1. Digital Hermeneutic Circle

Figure 2. Domains of digital knowledge

(Champion 2011). According to Subhasish DasGupta reconstruction with a wrong code can increase the
(Dasgupta 2006) cultural presence can be defined as “a distance between present and past disorienting the
feeling in a virtual environment that people with a observer or the interactor and making the models less
different cultural perspective occupy or have occupied “authentic”. The issue of authenticity of virtual worlds is
that virtual environment as a place. Such a definition quite complex and it is strongly linked with our cultural
suggests cultural presence is not just a feeling of “being presence, knowledge and perception of the past. If for
there” but of being in a “there and then” not the cultural instance we perceive the virtual model as fake or too
rules of the “here and now”. To have a sense of a cultural artificial it is because it doesn’t match our cultural
presence when one visits a real site requires the presence. In theory people with different cultural
suggestion of social agency, the feeling that what one is backgrounds can have a different cultural presence with a
visiting is an artifact, created and modified by conscious diverse perception of the past, so that also the vision of
human intention” (Dasgupta 2006). Cultural presence is the past becomes extremely relative.
the interpretation code, the cybernetic map necessary for
interpreting the past in relation with space and time (for This argument unfortunately risks pushing the
Gregory Bateson the “map is not the territory”, (Bateson interpretation at a certain level of relativism because of
1972). In the second cybernetics the study of codes was all the components involved in the interpretation,
aimed at understanding the relation between mind and simulation and reconstruction. For instance, the sense of
information, between objects and environment. This photorealism in a model could be more convincing than a
ecological approach is helpful also in the evaluation of a “scientific” non-realistic reconstruction because of the
virtual reconstruction, since a cyber world has to be aesthetic engagement or for the embodiment of the
considered a digital environment with related rules, observer (for example in the case of interaction with
affordances and features. Ultimately we have to study avatars and other artificial organism). Cultural presences,
these relations for a correct comprehension of a virtual experience, perception, narrative of the digital space
reconstruction or simulation. In fact a virtual create the hermeneutic circle of a cyber environment. The


level of embodiment of any application can determine the 3D devices such as kinect © as interfaces, open new
amount of information acquired by a user or an observer perspectives in the domain of cyber/haptic worlds and
during the exploration of the digital space. For example a simulation environments. The interaction does not come
third person walkthrough across an empty space and from mouse, trackballs, data gloves, head mounted
without receiving an adequate feedback from the system display, but simply by human gestures. In other words all
can’t produce a high level of embodiment since the the interaction is based on natural gestures and not on a
engagement is very low. Human presence in virtual device: the camera and the software recognize an action
spaces determines also the scale of the application and and this is immediately operative within the digital world.
other spatial relations. This kind of kinesthetic technology is able to cancel the
computational frame separating users and software,
If we analyze for example the first virtual reconstructions interaction and feedback; in short the focus is not on the
in archaeology in the 90’s they reproduced mainly empty display of the computer but on 3D software interactions.
architectural spaces, without any further social One day the interpenetration of real and virtual will create
implication or visible life in the space: they were just a sort of hybrid reality able to combine real and virtual
models. The past was represented as snapshot of 3D objects in the same environment.
artificial models deprived by a multivocal and dynamic
sense of time. Yet Dasupta: “So in this sense, cultural Understanding the social and technological context of
presence is a perspective of a past culture to a user, a these virtual realities is a necessary premise for
perspective normally only deduced by trained introducing cyberachaeology and the problem of the
archaeologists and anthropologists from material remains digital reconstruction of the past.
of fossils, pottery shards, ruins, and so forth (Dasgupta, p.
97). Actually cultural presence should not be a
perspective deduced only by archaeologists and 6.1.2 CYBERARCHAEOLOGY
anthropologists, but it should be transparent and
multivocal. In a recent book “Cyberarchaeology” (Forte 2010) I have
discussed the term in the light of the last two decades of
If in the 80s and 90s the term Virtual Reality was very theory and practice of digital archaeology. More
common and identifying a very specific, advanced and specifically, in the 90s “Virtual Archaeology” (Forte
new digital technology (Forte 2000), now it is more 1997) designed the reconstructive process for
appropriate to classify this domain as “virtual realities” communication and interpretation of the past. This digital
where the interaction is the core, but the modalities of archaeology was mainly “reconstructive” because of a
engagement, embodiment, interfaces and devices are deep involvement of computer graphics and high res
diverse and multitasking. According to a retrospective renderings in the generation of virtual worlds. The first
view, VR could be considered a missing revolution, in 3D models of Rome, Tenochtitlan, Beijing, Catalhuyuk
the sense that it didn’t have a relevant social and were generally based on evocative reconstructions rather
technological impact with very few outstanding results in than by a meticulous process of documentation,
the last two decades. Internet for example was a big validation and scientific analysis (Forte 1997). The main
revolution, not VR. outcome was a static, photorealistic model, displayed in a
screen or in a video but not interactive (Barceló, Forte et
Nowadays an interesting example is represented by 3D al., 2000). The photorealism of the scene was the core of
games: very sophisticated virtual environments, with a the process with a special emphasis on computer graphics
superb graphic capacity to engage players in a continuous and rendering rather than the scene interaction. It is
participatory and co-evolving interaction, collaborative interesting to note that an extreme photorealism was a
communication and digital storytelling. They can expand way to validate the models as “authentic”, even if the
the digital territory they occupy according to participatory term can be disputable in the domain of virtuality
interaction. The ultimate scope of a game in fact is the (Bentkowska-Kafel, Denard et al., 2011).
creation of a digital land to explore and settle. In the
game context the role of simple users is transformed in In addition, every model was static and without any inter-
“active players”, that is the players themselves contribute relation with human activities or social behaviors. For
to the construction and evolution of the game. These new example, in the 90s the virtual models of Rome and
trends of co-active embodiment and engagement have Pompei were just architectural empty spaces without any
radically changed the traditional definition of virtual trace of human activity (Cameron and Kenderdine 2010):
environment/virtual reality as a visualization space a sort of 3D temporal snapshot of the main buildings of
peopled by predetermined models and actions. The game the city. At that time of digital reconstructions there was
is an open collaborative performance with specific goals, scarce attention to reproduce dynamic models and to
roles, communication styles and progressive levels of include human life or activities in virtual worlds. Virtual
engagement. The narrative of the game can produce the world were magnificent, realistic and empty digital
highest level of engagement, a “gamification” of the user spaces.
(Kapp 2012).
It is interesting to point out that all these reconstructions
Serious games, cyber games, haptic systems, are were made by collecting and translating archaeological
changing the rules of engagement: the use for example of data from analogue format to digital: for example from


paper maps, drawings, iconographic comparisons, books researchers to go beyond a textual description. Visual
and so on. Here the process of reconstruction mediates interactions and graphic simulations stimulate to afford a
from different data sources of different formats and deeper perceptual approach to the analysis of data. For
shapes. At the dawning of virtual archaeology all the example, a very detailed textual description of a site, a
applications were model-centered and without a monument or an artifact can suggest multiple hypotheses
consistent validation process able to prove the result of but none of them translated in a visual code. In addition
the reconstruction. The effect of “reconstruct the past” the archaeological language is often cryptic, difficult and
was dominant and very attractive: several corporations not easily understandable. Virtual Archaeology started to
and international companies invested in the 90s in the use complex visual codes able to create a specific digital
creation of digital archaeological models, but for most of grammar and to communicate much more information
them the work was focused much more on “advertising than a traditional input.
the past” rather than reconstructing it. In addition, at the
beginning virtual archaeology was not easily accepted in Unfortunately, this great potential was not systematically
the academic world as scientific field but it was used at the beginning for a low involvement of the
considered mainly a tool for a didactic and spectacular communities of archaeologists at interdisciplinary level
communication of the past. Not enough attention was (however with very few digital skills), but also for the
given to new research questions coming up from the difficulties to manage so diverse information sources
virtual reconstruction process or to the importance of new (most of them analogue) in a single digital environment.
software and devices in the archaeological research. In Below a schematic distinction between the digital
this climax virtual archaeology was looking for great workflow generated by virtual archaeology and by
effects, digital dreams able to open new perspectives in cyberarchaeology:
the interpretation and communication process. Most part
of the first applications was more technologically Virtual Archaeology workflow:
oriented than aimed at explaining the multidisciplinary Data capturing (analog)
effort of interpretation behind the graphic scene. The Data processing (analog)
general outcome of the first digital revolution of virtual Digitalization from analog sources (analog-digital)
archaeology was certain skepticism. A big issue was to
recognize in so effective and astonished models a precise, Digital outcome: 3D static or pre-registered rendering
transparent and validated reconstruction of the past but
CyberArchaeology workflow:
which past? The scientific evaluation of many virtual
reconstructions is not possible because of lack of Data capturing (digital)
transparency in the workflow of data used. Moreover the Data processing (digital)
majority of graphic reconstructions seemed too artificial, Digital input (from digital to digital)
with graphic renderings more oriented to show the Digital outcome: virtual reality and interactive
capabilities of the software rather than a correct environments (enactive process)
interpretation of data.
It is important to consider that cyberarchaeology
In a recent article (Forte, 2010) I have named this period elaborates data already born-digital: for example from
the “wow era” because the excitement on the production laser scanners, remote sensing, digital photogrammetry,
of models was in many cases much bigger than an computer vision, high-resolution or stereo cameras.
adequate scientific and cultural discussion. This was and “Cyber Archaeology can represent today a research path
still is a “side effect” in the use of digital technologies in of simulation and communication, whose ecological-
archaeology: a strong technological determinism where cybernetic relations organism-environment and
the technology is the core and the basis of any informative-communicative feedback constitute the core.
application. The cyber process creates affordances and through them
we are able to generate virtual worlds by interactions and
Even if with several limitations and issues, however, the inter-connections” (Forte 2010). The workflow of data
first digital “big bang” in virtual archaeology represented generated by cyber-archaeology is totally digital and can
the beginning of a new era for the methodology of make reversible the interpretation and reconstruction
research in archaeology (Forte 2009). With some process: from the fieldwork to virtual realities. More in
constrains, actually a virtual reconstruction is potentially detail, cyberarchaeology elaborates spatial data during the
able to advance different research questions, hypotheses, fieldwork or generally in any bottom-up phase and re-
or can address the researcher to try unexplored ways of processes them in simulation environments where it is
interpretation and communication. However, this process possible to compare bottom-up and top-down
works just in the case the virtual reconstruction is the interpretation phases. The integration of bottom-up data
product of a complex digital workflow where the (documentation) and top-down (reconstruction)
interpretation is the result of a multivocal scientific hermeneutic phases is the necessary approach for the
analysis (data entry, documentation, simulation, digital interpretation within the same spatial domain. In
comparative studies, metadata). Questions like – how, short the cyber process involves a long digital workflow,
how much, which material, textures, structures, which which crosses all the data in different formulations and
phase, etc. – stimulate new and more advanced simulations in a continuous feedback between existing
discussions about the interpretation because they push the information (data input), produced information (for


example reconstructed models) and potential information the past cannot be reconstructed but simulated. Cyber-
(what is generated by simulation). Potentiality of the archaeology is aimed at the simulation of the past and not
information is the core of the cyber process: different on its reconstruction: the simulation is the core of the
potential interpretations coexist in the same virtual process. For this it is better to think about potential past,
environment and the simulation itself is able to create “a co-evolving subject in the human evolution generated
new and possibly more advanced interpretation. The key by cyber-interaction between worlds” (Forte 2010). In
is the capacity to generate comparable and interactive short cyberarchaeology studies the process of simulation
models in sharable domains integrating bottom-up and of the past and its relations with the present societies. Is
top-down data. In fact during a virtual simulation it is this a revolutionary change in theoretical archaeology?
possible to change and improve several factors and Perhaps a new methodological phase after processualism
different operators/users can obtain diverse and post-processualism? Is cyber archaeology a change in
interpretations and ways to proceed. Cyberarchaeology methodology, a change in paradigm, or a reflection of a
does not look for “the Interpretation” but for achieving broader change? (Zubrow 2010). According to Ezra
possible consistent interpretations and research questions: Zubrow (Zubrow 2011) both processual and post
“how” is more important that “what” according to a processual are now integrated into something new. Cyber
digital hermeneutic approach. archaeology bridges the gap between “scientific” and
“interpretational” archaeology for it provides testable in
For example in the case of the digital project of the the sense of adequacy material representations of either
Roman Villa of Livia (Forte 2007) it was possible to “interpretations” or “scientific hypotheses or
create a complex hermeneutic circle starting with the 3D discoveries.” (Zubrow 2010). And further: “if post-
documentation of the site by laser scanning and then processual archaeology will continue to exist it will exist
proceeding with the potential reconstruction/simulation of through cyber archaeology. It is in cyberarchaeology
different phases of the monument integrated also with the where the interesting issues of cognition, memory,
reconstruction of some social activities displayed by the individual difference, education etc are actually being
use of digital avatars (Livia, Augustus and other researched and actually being used.” (Zubrow 2011).
characters). In this project NPC (non-player-characters)
and PC (player characters) have been used in order to
populate the virtual world of actions, event and 6.1.3 TELEIMMERSIVE ARCHAEOLOGY
behaviors. NPC and PC interact each other stimulating a
dialogue between users and digital environments and Introduction
designing new digital affordances (a digital affordance
identifies the properties of a virtual object). One of the key problems in archaeology is that the
production of data from the fieldwork to the publication,
The Virtual Villa of Livia is a good example of the use of communication and transmission is unbalanced: no
digital affordances: any virtual model is accomplished by matter if data are digital or not, a low percentage of them
multiple properties that describe and validate its creation. is used and distributed. In the long pipeline involving
For example frescos and paintings show which digging, data recording, documentation, archiving and
iconographic comparisons and data sources were used for publication there is a relevant dispersion of information
the reconstruction; in the case of architectural elements and the interpretation process is too much influenced by
the affordances display maps and reliefs of other sites and authorships and scholarships and not by a real multivocal
monuments studied and analyzed for validating the critical perspective. The archaeologist alone arguing in
process of reconstruction. The more there are potential front of his/her data is not just a stereotype: the
simulations, the more it is possible to have multiple circulation of data before the publication is very limited
interpretations. The coexistence of different and it does not involve a deep and interactive analysis
interpretations is one of the key features of the digital with all the information available (from the fieldwork or
domain of virtual realities and in this way it is possible to other sources). In short it is difficult to make available
create new knowledge. How can this knowledge be and transparent the entire pipeline of archaeological data
distributed through virtual realities and which virtual and to share adequately them in the right context. For
realities? (fig. 2). example an artifact or a stratigraphic deposit could be
otherwise interpreted if it is possible to compare in 3D its
How is it possible to approach the problem of contextualization on site and the original functionality
authenticity in a process of virtual reconstruction? How is and properties. Documentation and interpretation are
it possible to manage the link between data in situ and often separated and not overlapping in the same spatial
reconstruction of the original past? The validation of a domain. In fact the usual result is that the interpretation is
digital process can show the consistency of the segmented in different domains, often not mutually
simulation/reconstruction: in other words the digital interacting, and with enormous difficulties in making the
workflow has to be transparent (Bentkowska-Kafel, research work a collaborative research. In archaeology
Denard et al., 2011). collaborative activities start in the field and sometimes
continue in laboratory but with limited capacities of data
The most important distinction between virtual and cyber integration, data sharing and reversibility of the
archaeology is in the relation data entry – feedback/ interpretation process. More specifically in digital
simulation: the interactive factor. From this point of view archaeology it is difficult to integrate for example 2D and


Figure 3. 3D-D
Digging Projecct at Çatalhöyüük

3D data, shaape files and 3D

3 models, olld and new daata. It challlenge the woork in team iss essential and as well thee
is also very difficult
d to miitigate the desstructive impaact of quallity and amouunt of informaation to study and test. Thee
archaeologiccal digging annd to make revversible the viirtual creaation of very advanced
a digital labs is no
ot easy in thee
recompositioon of layers annd units, after the excavation. hummanities and, in addiction, very expenssive and timee
conssuming. The work
w in isolattion does not pay off: it iss TeleA
Arch: a Collaaborative Approach impo ortant to worrk in a network, to share resources
r andd
first of all to multiply
m the faculty of interpretationn
Discussions and argum ments arounnd virtual and worlldwide.
cyberarchaeoology shouldd help to understand the
controversiall relationships between diigital technoloogies Teleeimmersive Archaeology
A can be co onsidered ann
and archaeollogy: risks, trends,
t potenttialities, probllems, advaanced evolutioon of 3D visuualization and simulation inn
but what’s the
t next? WhatW w have digitally
if after we archhaeology: not a simple visuualization tooll but a virtuall
recorded annd simulatedd archaeologgical excavattions, collaaborative spacce for researcch, teaching and
a educationn
reconstructedd hypotheticall models of thhe past integrrating (fig. 3); a netwoork of virtual labs and mo odels able too
documentatioon and interprretation processes? How caan we geneerate and to transmit
t virtuaal knowledgee. It is namedd
imagine the future
f after virtual-cyber arrchaeology? “Telleimmersive” because can involve the use of stereoo
cammeras or kinectt haptic systemms in order to represent thee
Collaborativee research reepresents nowwadays one of the userrs as human avatars and tto visualize 3D 3 models inn
most importaant challenges in any scienntific field. Minds
M immmersive remotee participatorry sessions. Teleimmersive
T e
at work sim multaneously with
w continuoous feedbackk and Arch haeology triess to integrate different dataa sources andd
interaction, able
a to share data in real time
t can co-ccreate provvide real-tim me interactiion tools for remotee
new knowleedge and come with different d reseearch collaaboration of geographically
g y distributed sccholars.
perspectives.. Networking and collaboraative activitiess can
change the methodologgical asset of o archaeoloogical I woould consider Teleimmersivve a simulatio on tool for thee
research andd communicaation. The inttensive interaactive interrpretation andd communicattion of archaeological data..
use of 3D models
m in arcchaeology at different level of The tools alloow for datta decimatio on, analysis,,
immersion hasn’t
h been monitored and analyzed: acttually visu
ualization, archhiving, and coontextualization of any 3D D
we don’t knoow how muchh this can havee an impact on the dbasse in a collaborative space. This kind of activity cann
generation ofo new digitaal and unexpllored hermenneutic startt in the field during the exxcavation and can continuee
circles. in laab in the phasse of post-proocessing and interpretation.
i .
Fielddwork archaeeologists for eexample could d discuss withh
Any significaant progress, any new discovery, can deepend expeerts of pottery,
p geooarchaeologistts, physicall
by the capaccity of scientiific communiities to share their anth
hropologists, conservation
c experts, geop physicists andd
knowledge and
a to analyzee the state of thhe art of a speecific so on: the interpreetation of an oobject, a site or
o a landscapee
research toppic in a very effective manner. In this is allways the ressult of a workk in team. At A the end thee


Figuure 4. Teleimm
mersion System
m in Archaeollogy (UC Merrced, UC Berkkeley)

Figure 5. Viideo capturingg system for teeleimmersive archaeology

most importaant outcome inn Teleimmerssive archaeoloogy is and Kurillo 20100) aimed at creating a 3D immersivee
I other wordds the transmission
the kinesthettic learning. In collaaborative envvironment for research and d education inn
of knowledgge comes frrom the inteeractive emboodied arch
haeology, nam med TeleArch (Teleimmerssive Archaeo--
activity in virtual envirronments and though viirtual logyy, figs. 4-6). TeleArch
T is a teleimmersivee system ablee
models, while traditional learning com mes through linear
l to connect
c remotte users in a 3D cyberspaace by stereoo
systems, suchh as books, texts, reports. cammeras, kinect caameras and m motion tracking g sensors (fig..
4). The
T system iss able to provvide: immersiive visualiza-- The System tion,, data integraation, real-tim
me interactionn and remotee
presence. The sofftware is baseed on OpenGL L-based openn
In 2010 UC C Merced (M. Forte) and UC Berkeleyy (G. sourrce Vrui VR R Toolkit devveloped at University
U off
Kurillo, R. Baycsj)
B startedd a new reseaarch project (F
Forte California, Davis. Last tests saay that it allow
ws a real timee


interrface and conntent (fig. 3, 6). As stand dalone it cann

elaborate all the models in 33D including g GIS layers,,
metaadata and dbases (fig. 7). The digital workflow off
TeleeArch is able to integrate aall the data in
n 3D from thee
dwork to the collaborative
c system with the followingg
‚ Arrchaeological data can be recorded in 3D
3 format byy
lasser scannerss, digital phhotogrammetrry, computerr
vision, image modeling.
‚ Thhe 3D models have to be deecimated and optimized forr
real time simulaations.
‚ 3D
D models havee to be exported in obj form
‚ Th
hey are optiimized in M
Meshlab and uploaded too
Figuure 6. A Teleim
mmersive worrk session
‚ Ulltimately diffferent geograaphically distributed userss
rendering off 1 million triaangles with thhe frame rate ofo 60 multaneously though a 3D network
staart to work sim n
FPS (frames per second) on NVidia GeForce GTX 8800
(typically 200/30 object forr scene). In thhe virtual envviron- 6.1.3
3.4 3D Interaaction
ment, users can
c load, delette, scale, movve objects or attach
them to diffeerent parent noodes. 3D layerrs combine seeveral TeleeArch supporrts different kinds of 3D D interaction::
3D objects that share geeometrical annd contextual pro- humman avatars (11st person intteraction), 3rd d person andd
perties but arre used as a sinngle entity in the environm
ment. standalone. In 1stt person operaability the useer can interactt
like in the real world
w within thhe space mappped by stereoo
The framewoork supports Meshlab
M projeect format (A ALN), cammeras: he/she operates
o like a human avaatar since thee
which definnes object filenames annd their rellative systeem reconstruccts the body m motion in real time (figs. 5--
geometric reelationship. Using
U a sliderr in the propeerties 6). In
I this case users
u can seee each other using naturall
dialog, one can easily uncover
u diffeerent stratigraaphic interrfaces and boody languagee. In 3rd perrson the userr
layers associiated with thee correspondinng units. TeleeArch interracts collaboraatively with ddata and models but withoutt
works as nettwork or standdalone softwaare. In a netwoork it stereeo cameras. Ultimately TeleArch wo orks also ass
can develop all the properrties of the TeeleImmersion, with standalone softw ware, so thaat the user can interactt
t connect reemote users sharing the same
the ability to indivvidually with models and ddata in stereo vision.

Figure 7. Buuilding 77 at Çatalhöyük:

Ç thhe teleimmersiive session shhows the spatiaal integration
of shapee files (layers, units and artiffacts) in the 3D model recoorded by laser scanning


The followinng tools are cuurrently implem

‚ navigation tools: for navvigation througgh 3D space;
‚ graphic user interface toools: for interaction with menus
and other on-screen
o objeects;
‚ measuremeent tools: for acquiring object geometry (e.g.
dimensionaal and angularr measuremennts);
‚ flashlight tool:
t for religghting parts of
o the 3D scenne or
pointing att salient featurres.
‚ annotation and pointiing tools: for f marking and
communicating importaant interestingg features to other
remote useers;
‚ draggers: for
f picking upp, moving and rotating objeccts;
‚ screen locaators: for renddering mode manipulation (e.g. gure 8. 3D Intteraction with Wii in the telleimmersive
mesh, textuure, point clouud) systeem: building 777, Çatalhöyük k
‚ object sellectors: for selecting obj bjects to perrform
different actions relatedd to the local functionality,
f such
as changinng object renndering style (e.g. texturee, no
texture, mesh
m only), retrieving object metaadata,
focusing current
c view to object priincipal planess etc.
(Forte and Kurillo 2010)).

6.1.4 CASE STUDY: 3D

CATA Introoduction

The project “3D Archaeeology at Cattalhuyuk” (figg. 3)

started in 20010 thanks to the collaborattion with Stannford
University (A Archaeology Center) and UC Merced with
the scope too record, document (withh different digital
technologies) and visualize in virtual reality all the phhases
of archaeoloogical excavaation. Phase I (2010) off the Figure
F 9. Clouuds of points bby time of phaase scanner
project was mainly
m orienteed to test diffferent technoloogies (Trimble FX) at Çatalhhöyük: buildin ng 77
during the excavation
e (tiime of flight and optical laser
scanners). Inn phase II (20111) the UC Merced
M team sttarted
from scratch the excavvation of a Neolithic house h perccentage of thee entire area has been ex xcavated. Thee
(building 89) recording all a the layers by time of phase p digittal archeologiical project aaims to virtuaally reproducee
scanners (figg. 9), optical scanners
s (fig. 12) and compputer the entire
e archaeoological proceess of excavattion using 3DD
vision techniiques (image modeling,
m figss. 10-11). In phase
p tech
hnologies (laseer scanners, 3D D photogramm metry) on sitee
III (2012) thhe plan is to document the entire site (East and 3D Virtual Reality
R of the deposits of Catalhoyuk
C ass
Mound) withh the integraation of diffeerent technoloogies they
y are excavateed (fig. 8). Inn this way it isi possible too
(scanners, computer
c vision, stereo cameras) annd to makke the excaavation proccess virtually y reversible,,
continue thee digital recoording of thee Neolithic house h reproducing in laab all the phases of diggiing, layer-by--
focusing on the micro-depposits which backfill the floor. f layer, unit-by-unnit (fig. 7).. Unlike traaditional 2D D
Final aim is to virttually museaalize the entire e tech
hnology, 3D reconstructionn of depositts allows thee
archaeologiccal site for thhe local visittor center andd for arch
heologist to deevelop a morre complex un nderstandingss
TeleArch, thhe Teleimmerrsive system for f archaeologgy at and analyses of the depositss and artifactts excavated..
UC Merced and a UC Berkeeley (fig. 6). Diggging is a deestructive technique: how can we re--
anallyze and interpret whhat we exccavate? Thee
Çatalhöyük is consideredd for many reasons ideaal for interrpretation phaase uses two approaches. OneO approachh
addressing complex
c reseaarch methodoological questtions. invo
olves the interrpretation andd documentation during thee
More than thirty yearrs of studiees, archaeoloogical excaavation; the other approach is related to thee
fieldwork and a research have beeen devotedd to reco
onstruction proocess after thhe excavation.. Both phasess
investigatingg the ideoloogy, religionn, social sttatus, are typically
t separate and not ccontextualizedd in one singlee
architectural structures, art,
a environmeent and landsscape research workfloow. The doocumentation process off
of the site, producing seeveral publicaations, bookss and excaavation is seggmented in ddifferent repo orts, pictures,,
other media
m/), but just a small
s metaa-data and arrchives; the iinterpretation comes from m


The site rapidly became

b famouus internationaally due to thee
largee size and dennse occupationn of the settleement, as welll
as thhe spectaculaar wall paintinngs and otherr art that wass
unco overed insidee the housess. Another distinguishing
d g
featuure of Çatalhööyük was the nature of thee houses: theyy
are complex
c units involving riitual and the interpretationn
of activities in the same sspace. In paarticular, thee
diachronic architeectural develoopment of th he site is stilll
veryy controversial and it needss more studiess and analysess
in reelation with thhe landscape aand the symbo olic, ritual andd
social use of the buildings.

Sincce February 2009, the site is inscrribed in thee

tentaative list of UNESCO W World Heritag ge Sites. Thee
speccific critical conditions oof the housess (mud-brickk
dweellings, earth floors,
f artifactts, etc.) and th
he difficultiess
Figure 10. Image moodeling of thee building 89 to preserve
p all thhe structures in situ urge to documentt
at Çatalhöyük digittally all thee structures before they collapse orr

4.3 Research
h Questions

The project can open new peerspectives att the level off
methhodology of research in archaeology, generating a
more advanced digital
d pipelinne from the fiieldwork to a
more holistic innterpretation process in the use off
grated spatiall datasets inn three dimen
integ nsions. Moree
speccifically, it shhould be ablee to define a new digitall
meneutics of the archaeollogical researrch and new w
research questions. One of the key points off the project inn
fact is the miggration of 3D D data fromm the digitall
docuumentation inn the field to a simulation environmentt
and one day wiith an installlation in a publicp visitorr

In fact,
f in this case
c the 3D ddocumentation n of the new w
Figure 11. Image moodeling of thee building 77
excaavation areas could be linkked and georefferenced withh
at Çatalhöyük
layers and datasetts recorded inn the past, recoonstructing att
the end
e a compleete 3D map of the site and d of the entiree
strattigraphic conttext (figs. 12-13). In that way,
w it will bee
comparative studies and a analysees of all the posssible to redessign the relatiive chronolog gy of the sitee
documentatioon recorded ini different files
f and archhives. and the severall phases of settlement. In fact thee
TeleArch aiims at the integration
i off both phasees of recoonstruction of the Neolithicc site in thoussands years off
documentatioon (bottom-uup) and recconstruction (top- conttinuous occuppation and usee is still very y difficult andd
down) in the same sessionn of work and interpretationn. conttroversial. In addition, the 3D recontextualization off
artiffacts in the viirtual excavattion is otherw
wise importantt The site for the interpretaation of diffeerent areas off any singless
housse or for studying ppossible sociial activitiess
Çatalhöyük lies
l on the Koonya plain on the southern edge perppetuated withinn the site.
a an elevationn of just over 1000
of the Anatolian Plateau at
m above seaa level. The site is made upu of two mouunds: Otheer important research
r quesstions regard the sequencee
Çatalhöyük East and Çattalhöyük Wesst (Hodder 20006). and re-compositioon of wall artt paintings an nd, in generall
Çatalhöyük East consistss of Neolithiic deposits dating
d the decoration off buildings w with scenes of
o social life,,
from 7400-66000 B.C. whhile Çatalhöyüük West is allmost mbols or geom
sym metrical shappes. For exaample in thee
exclusively Chalcolithic (6000-5500 B.C.).
B Çatalhhöyük builddings 77, it was possiblee to recompo ose the entiree
was discoverred in the 19550s by the Brritish archaeollogist sequuence of painntings after ffour years of excavation,,
James Mellaaart (Hodder 2000) and it i was the laargest but this entire seequence is noot visible on site anymoree
known Neoliithic site in thhe Near East at that time. From
F since the paintinngs are veryy fragile and d cannot bee
1993 up todaay the site was excavated by Ian Hodder with preserved in situu (figs. 13-166). In short, thet only wayy
the collabooration of several inteernational teams to sttudy them is inn a virtual envvironment witth all the linkss
experimentinng multivocallity and reflexxivity methodds in to thheir metadata and stratigraaphic contextss (figs. 7, 12,,
archaeology (Hodder 20000). 13).


Figure 12. 3D
3 layers and microstratigraaphy in the telleimmersive system
s (accuraacy < 1 mm):
midden laayers at Çatalhhöyük. This area
a was recorrded by optical scanner (Minnolta 910)

gure 15. Buildding 77 after thhe removal off the painted
T 3D recordiing by image modeling
calf’s head. The
allows too reconstruct thhe entire sequ
of deccoration (by ddifferent layerss)
Figure 13. Virtual straatigraphy of thhe building 899,
Çatalhöyük: all thee layers recordded by time
off phase laser scanner
s (Trimbble FX)

Figure 166. Building 777: all the 3D laayers

with painntings visualizzed in transparrency
Figure 14. Building
B 77 recconstructed byy image modeeling (
(processed in Meshlab)
(Photoscaan). In detailhaand wall paintting and painteed
calf's heaad above niche

3D RECORDING AND MODELLING IN ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Collaborative Research at Catalhuyuk The combined use of the 3D stereo camera and the stereo
video projector have allowed the visualization of 3D
Since the system is still a prototype it is too early for a archaeological data and models day by day, stimulating a
significant analysis of the performance and for discussing debate on site about the possible interpretations of
deeply the first results. Most of the time was invested in buildings, objects and stratigraphy.
the implementation, testing, optimization of data and the
creation of a new beta version of the software running With the time of flight scanner Buildings 80, 77, 96 and
also as standalone version. A bottle-neck is the number of all the general areas of excavation in the North and South
users/operators the system can involve simultaneously: shelter were recorded and documented. With the optical
current experiments were tested with the connection of scanner Nextengine, 35 objects were recorded in 3D
two campuses. The expandability of the system is crucial involving different categories: figurines, ceramics and
for a long-term collaborative research and also for getting stone. Finally all these models were exported for 3D
adequate results in terms of interpretation and validation sessions in TeleArch.
of models and digital processes. In fact in Teleimmersive
archaeology the interpretation is the result of an Fieldwork 2011
embodied participatory activity engaging multiple
users/actors in real time interaction in the same space. The experience acquired in 2010 was able to address
The participation of human avatars in teleimmersion has differently the strategy of data recording in 2011. In fact
the scope to augment the embodiment of the operators, to in 2010 timing was a very critical factor in laser scanning
use natural interfaces during the interaction and to during the archaeological excavation and the use of
perceive all the models on scale. This cyberspace optical scanners (Minolta 910) was not appropriate for
augments then the possibilities to interpret, measure, capturing stratigraphy and layers (optical scanner have
analyze, compare, illuminate, and simulate digital models troubleshooting working outdoor).
according to different research perspectives while sharing
models and data in the same space. In addition the accuracy produced by the use of Minolta
scanner, even if very valuable, was even too much (a
In the case of Catalhuyuk, the Teleimmersive system is range of few microns) for the representation of
aimed to recreate virtually all the archaeological process stratigraphic layers (fig. 12). The Minolta 910 in fact, as
of excavation. Therefore all the data are recorded many other optical scanners, does not work properly in
originally by time-of-flight and optical scanners and then the sunlight, and because of that the use in 2010 was
spatially linked with 3D dbases, alphanumeric and GIS limited under a small surface of 1 sq mt under a dark tent.
data. Two fieldwork seasons, 2010 and 2011 were However the final models produced in 2010 were very
scaled and implemented for TeleArch with all the 3D interesting because of the very detailed features
layers and stratigraphies integrated with dbases and GIS represented in the sequence of stratigraphic units and in
data (figs. 7, 8, 13). All the 3D models have to be aligned relation with the sequence of midden layers.
and scaled first in Meshlab and then exported in
TeleArch. Therefore in 2011 we have opted for an integrated system
able to shorten dramatically the phases of post-processing Fieldwork 2010 and to allow a daily reconstruction in 3D of all the trench
of excavation. It is important in fact to highlight that
The fieldwork activity had the twofold scope of timing is a crucial factor in relation with the daily need to
excavating a multistratified deposit such as a “midden discuss the results of 3D elaboration and the strategy of
area” (East mound, Building 86, Space 344, 329, 445) excavation.
and to document all the excavation by 3D laser scanners,
computer vision and 3D stereoscopy. For this scope we Differently from 2010, we have adopted two new systems
have used a triangulation scanner for the working simultaneously: a new time of phase scanner
microstratigraphy (Minolta 910), an optical scanner for (Trimble FX) and a combination of camera based
the artifacts (Nextengine) and a time of flight/phase software of computer vision and image modeling
scanner for the buildings and the largest areas of (Photoscan, stereoscan, Meshlab). The Trimble FX is a
excavation (Trimble CX). The use of different time of phase shift able to generate 216000 pt/sec and
technologies was necessary for applying a multiscale with a 360 x 270* field of view; it is a very fast and
approach to the documentation process. In fact, scanners effective scanner with the capacity to generate meshes
at different accuracy are able to produce different kinds during the data recording, so that to save time in the
of 3D datasets with various levels of accuracy. More phase of post processing. The strategy in the
specifically a special procedure was adopted for the data documentation process was to record simultaneously all
recording of the stratigraphic units: every single phase the layers/units in the sequence of excavation using laser
and surface of excavation was recorded by the scanning and computer vision. At the end of the season
triangulation scanner after cleaning and the traditional we have generated 8 different models of the phases of
manual archaeological drawing. The contemporaneous excavation by computer vision (3D camera image
use of both methodologies was fundamental in order to modeling) and as well by laser scanning. The scheme
overlap the logic units of the stratigraphic sequence (and below shows the principal features and differences
related perimeter) on their 3D models. between the two systems; laser scanning requires a longer


Table 1. A comparison, based on our experience, between TOF scanner and Computer Vision methods

post-processing but it produces higher quality of data. integrated with all the 2D maps, GIS layers and
Computer vision allows to have immediate results and to archeological data.
follow the excavation process in 3D day by day (but not
with the same geometrical evidence of the laser scanner). Ultimately and differently from 2010, the post processing
The digital workflow used during the excavation was the phase was very quick and effective for laser scanning and
following: computer vision. In fact the models recorded with the
‚ Identification of archaeological layers and recognition
above mentioned technologies were ready and available
for a 3D visualization a few hours after data capturing.
of shapes and edges.
‚ Cleaning of the surface (in the case of computer vision
The speed of this process has allowed a daily discussion
on the interpretation of the archaeological stratigraphy
applications). and on 3D spatial relations between layers, structures and
‚ Registration of targets by total station (so that all the
phases of excavation. The excavation of an entire
models can be georeferenced with the excavation’s building (B89) has allowed testing the system in one
grid). single context so that to produce a 3D multilayered model

‚ Digital photo-recording for computer vision

of stratigraphy related to an entire building. In addition a
3D model of the painted wall of Building 80 was created
‚ Digital photo recording for laser scanning
in 3D computer vision in order to study the relations

‚ Laser scanning
between micro-layers of frescos and the surface of the

The digital workflow for the computer vision processing The last part of the work was the 3D stereo
is based on 1) photos alignment; 2) construction of the implementation of the models for the OgreMax viewer
geometry (meshes) 3) texturing and ortophoto generation. and for Unity 3D in order to display them in stereo
The accuracy by computer vision measured in 2011 projection. For this purpose we have used the DLP
models was around 5 mm. Projector Acer H5360 in association with the NVIDIA
3D vision kit and a set of active stereo glasses. The
The use of georeferenced targets on site was implemented buildings B77 and B89 (during the excavation) were
for the automatic georeferencing of the 3D models with implemented for a stereo visualization in real time
the excavation grid. In that way all the 3D information (walkthrough, flythrough, rotation, zooming and
recorded during the excavation is perfectly oriented and panning). Thanks to the portability of this system, the


stereo projection was available in the seminar room for different feedback if compared with the digital ones. In
all the time of excavation. some circumstances the virtual object has a more “dense”
information, it is comprehensible from different
perspectives, but not necessarily reproducible in the real
6.1.5 CONCLUSIONS world.

The future of digital archaeology is in the interactive Humans, as visual animals, have constructed their
kinesthetic process: enactive embodiments of data, hermeneutic skills throughout several generations of
models, users, human avatars: a continue work in genetic and cultural evolution. Digital materiality is a
progress. If in the past the attention was focused on the new domain of hermeneutic, with different rules, spaces
validation of models and environments, the future of and contexts. The informative content of a complex
archaeological information is in the digital performance digital representation could be more than authentic: it is
between operators in shared environments and cyber hyper-real. This hyper-real archaeology elaborates at the
worlds. We could say: “performing the past” rather end much more data and information than in the past: this
than “reconstructing”. The virtual performance new digital materiality has therefore to be studied with a
represents a new digital frame within which the diverse hermeneutic approach.
archaeological interpretation can be generated and
transmitted. This new digital phase of research and communication
permits to review the entire digital workflow from data
If at the beginning of virtual archaeology the goals were capturing to the final documentation and reconstruction
to reconstruct the past (mainly in computer graphics), at process. The integrated use of different technologies of
the present the past can be simulated in virtual data capturing and post-processing then generates a more
environments, re-elaborated in Internet, transmitted by sophisticated pipeline of digital interpretation, thanks to
different social media. This last digital phase, born- the comparison among models, meshes, geometry and
digital, is completely different: the bottom-up phase clouds of points. In addition, the relevant speed of all the
during the fieldwork, the documentation process, the 3D digital process is able to increase the capacities of
modeling produce an enormous quantity of data, whose interpretation during the excavation and, more
just a low percentage is really used and shared. specifically, to simulate the entire excavation in 3D.
Instruments, tools and software of data capturing have
substantially increase the capacity of digital recording Ultimately Teleimmersive archaeology is still in
and real time renderings, but unfortunately there are not embryonic stage of development, but collaborative minds
yet adequate instruments for interpretation and at work simultaneously in the same immersive
communication. The interpretation is hidden somewhere cyberspace can potentially generate new interpretations
in or through models but we don’t have the key for and simulation scenarios never explored before.
discovering or extrapolating this information from the
digital universe. The research work in the last two
decades was concentrated more on recording tools and Acknowledgements
data entry rather than accurate analyses and interpre-
tations. The result is that too much information or too Teleimmersive archeology project was supported by
little have a similar effect: there is no way to interpret Center for Information Technology Research in the
correctly. Interest of Society (CITRIS) at University of California,
Berkeley. We also acknowledge financial support from
One more thing to consider in this new dimension of NSF grants 0703787 and 0724681, HP Labs, The
virtual interaction in archaeology is the digital European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
materiality. The cyber world is now populated of digital (EADS) for the implementation of the teleimmersion
artifacts and affordances: they create networks of a new software. We thank Ram Vasudevan and Edgar Lobaton
material culture, totally digital. The multiplication of for the stereo reconstruction work at University of
affordances in a virtual environment depends on California, Berkeley. We also thank Tony Bernardin and
interaction design and on the digital usability of the Oliver Kreylos from University of California, Davis for
models. Therefore there are new material contexts to the implementation of the 3D video rendering.
analyze: shall we create specific taxonomic approaches
for this domain? New classes and categories of digital For the project 3D Archaeology at Catalhuyuk, special
materiality? When we analyze for example a 3D model of thanks to all the students and participants involved in the
a statue or a potsherd and we compare it with the original, fieldwork and lab post-processing and in particular
we assume that the 3D model is a detailed copy of a real Fabrizio Galeazzi (2010 season), Justine Issavi (2010-
artifact. Is that true? Actually it is not: a digital artifact is 11), Nicola Lercari (2011), Llonel Onsurez (2010-11).
a representation of objects simulated by different lights,
shadows, contexts and measurable on scale: in other
words it is a simulated model not a copy or a replica. Of Bibliography
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