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On December 16, 2022, our student team visited Hetauda Cement Factory located in Lamsure,
Hetauda and Disaster (Data) Recovery Centre located in Hetauda. the purpose of this village
was to gain an understanding of the production process of cement and observe the workings of
a modern data centre.

The primary objective of the visit was to provide the students with an in-depth understanding
of the manufacturing process of cement and the various measures taken to ensure data
recovery in case of any data loss or system failure. Additionally, the visit aimed to acquaint the
students with the real world challenges and solutions in these two distinct fields.

The research had applied the following methods:
i) Questionnaire: We prepared the questions, open ended and closed ended.
ii) Interview: We had interviews with the technicians, the managers and other people
working in the fields.
iii) From internet, newspaper, articles, etc.
The field visit was conducted in two parts. The first part of the visit was of data centre. The visit
to the data recovery centre was equally informative, and the students were able to observe the
various measures taken by the centre to endure data recovery in case of any data loss or
system failures. The students were given a presentation on the IT infrastructure and operations
of a modern data center. the center personnel explained the various data recovery procedures
implemented by the center, such as backup and restore, data replication, and disaster recovery
planning. the students were also able to witness the various data recovery equipment, such as
data recovery software, hard drive enclosures and backup servers. The students were also given
a tour of the facilities and shown the equipment and tools used in data center operation. The
students learned about the importance of data security, backup and disaster recovery
measures in a data center. The visit was highly informative, and the students were able to gain
a practical understanding of the importance of data recovery procedures.
The second part of the visit was to a cement factory, where students were given a tour of the
entire plant. The visit to the cement factory provided the students with an opportunity to
observer the manufacturing process of cement from raw materials to the final product. The
tour included a visit to the raw materials storage area, the kiln, the grinding mills, and the
packing plant. The students were able to witness the various stages involved in the process,
such as quarrying, crushing, blending and burning. The students were also briefed about the
quality control measures adopted by the factory to ensure the production of high quality
cement. The students were also given a demonstration of the use of technology in the
production process such as automation, control systems, etc. The visit was highly informative
and students were able to gain a practical understanding of the process of cement making.

In conclusion, the field visit to the cement factory and data center was a valuable learning
experience for the students. The visit helped the students to gain practical knowledge and a
better understanding of the functioning of a cement factory and the IT infrastructure of a
modern data center. The students also learned about the use of technology in both cement
production and data center operations. Overall, the field visit was a successful endeavor, and
the students gained a lot from the experience.

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