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Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal is my hero in history. He was born in Sialkot on September 9, 1877.

He was
Sheikh by caste. He learnt Arabic and Persian from Mr Hasan. He did his F.A from Murray College Sialkot.
Then he got admission to Government College Lahore. There, he was greatly impressed by Professor
Arnold. He detected his hidden qualities. He adviced him to developed his poetic talent. Iqbal followed
his advice and start writing poetry.

He did his M.A in philosophy from Government College Lahore. Then he went to England. There he
obtained the degree of law and come back to Lahore. He started practise as an advocate. but he was not
satisfied with this profession. He left it and began to devote his full time to poetry.

Iqbal poetry is full of message for muslim. It is full of philosophy, religion and history. His couplets
are the interpretation of the noble Quran. They evoke man's ego and urge him to action. They pleased
the young and old alike.

Allama Iqbal is our national hero and poet. He is called the poet of east. He aroused the Indian
Muslim from deep slumbers. He made them realized their glorious past. His poetry does not sadden the
reader. It urges him to action. His famous books are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jibril, Zaboor-e-Ajam and Zarb-e-
Kaleem. These books have been translated into many languages.

Allama Iqbal gave us the idea of Pakistan. At that time, people called it the dream of mad man.
Late or, Iqbal transformed that dream into reality and established Pakistan. Allama Iqbal is our great
poet and thinker. He died on April 21, 1938. He is buried near the badshahi mosque Lahore. (Allied
subjects: 1- My national poet. 2- The person i admired the most. 3- My favourite Personality.)

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