THESIS - Aulia Amalia Ainun Nisa - 201710100311091

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This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana

Degree in English Language Education








This thesis was written by Aulia Amalia Ainun Nisa and was approved on

10th of January 2022



Advisor II Advisor I

Aninda Nidhommil Hima, M.Pd Nina Inayati, M.Ed






This study focuses on improving students' poem writing skills with discovery
learning strategies at SMA Negeri 3 East Kalimantan. The purpose of this study
was to determine whether discovery learning strategies can improve students'
English poem writing skills. The method used in this research is classroom action
research and data collection techniques using written test assessments and
observation. In this study, the researcher used 2 indicators of success and each
indicator has its own instrument to solve problems that occur in class. The first
indicator is student performance which is divided into 2, namely comprehension
tests and poem writing skills tests with the theme "Nature" and the second
indicator is students involvement, namely increasing student activity with student
activity observation sheets as instruments. The subjects of this study consisted of
32 students in grade 12 MIPA 2. The percentage of initial success before taking
the action was 28.12% in the (low) category. In the application of discovery
learning strategies, there are changes in learning outcomes and student activities.
This is evidenced by the percentage of success in the first cycle of 78.12% (high)
on the comprehension test, but in the poem writing skill test the percentage of
success is 40.62% (medium). And the activity sheet for students who are still
passive in learning in the first cycle. While in the second cycle the poem writing
skill test reaches a success percentage of 90.62% (very high). As well as changes
in student behavior that became more active and creative after treatment, so that
the second cycle was declared successful because it had reached the indicator. The
implication of this research is the use of discovery learning strategies can be used
to help students overcome difficulties in the teaching-learning process and can
foster student interest in learning to write poems. For students, discovery learning
strategies have been proven to be used to improve English poem writing skills.
This is evidenced by the percentage of learning outcomes and changes in student
behavior changes. So there is no need to take action in the next cycle and this
research was completed until the second cycle with the results of the study that the
use of discovery learning strategies can improve poem writing skills in learning
English. While the implication for teachers is that discovery learning strategies
can be used as a way to help students write poems in English in order to create an
active and creative learning process.

Keywords: Improve, Strategies, Poem

Advisor I The Researcher

Nina Inayati, M. Ed Aulia Amalia Ainun Nisa


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, all praise belongs
to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. There is no god but Him. Praise and gratitude to
Allah SWT, who has given researchers strength and guidance, so this thesis can
be completed with the title "Improving Students' Poem Writing Skills With
Discovery Learning Strategies In The Third Grade Of Senior High School."
Sholawat and greetings I extend to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has
brought us from the dark age to the bright era.

The researcher would like to thank all parties involved in the work of this
thesis so that the researcher can complete this thesis to complete his final
assignment as a student at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, the
researcher thanks in particular to:

1. Nina Inayati, M.Ed as my 1st supervisor for this thesis who always checks
and revises my thesis quickly so that it can make my thesis complete.
Thank you for being my mentor who has guided and provided support for
my success.
2. Aninda Nidhommil Hima, M.Pd as the 2nd supervisor, guided and made it
easier for me to compile my thesis to finish.
3. Mr. Suwono, S.Pd as my teacher of SMAN 3 PPU who has given the
opportunity to researchers to conduct research at the school.
4. My beloved family, who have given motivation, support, prayers and
blessings so that this thesis can be completed properly.
5. My beloved father who always encourages, and prays for me in all my
conditions during college.
6. Classmates of Big B English Education 2017 who have been willing to
share important information, provide motivation, and enthusiasm during
the process of preparing this thesis.
7. To all residents at the Rega Sultan boarding house, namely Oci, Bugis,
Vio who have been an entertainer when they were tired of writing thesis.

8. For all KAMABA JATIM who have supported and shared their
complaints during college.
9. To all friends of KKN Mentawir, namely Muklas Hamim Arifian, Nur
Insyirah, Alvionita, Sartika Otodu who also encouraged the spirit to
complete this thesis.
10. Thank you to Atoriq Nurriza who has helped guide my thesis to
completion and gave me encouragement.
11. Thank you to Muhammad Dzulfiqar who has helped with funding during
college, and always encouraged in everything.
12. Thanks to my beloved partner Ikhwan Muhammad Ridho, who has
encouraged and became a friend to share complaints until the completion
of this thesis.
13. The last but not least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing
in me, I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me
for having no days off, I wanna thank me for never quitting, for just being
me at all times.

The researcher realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this thesis.
Therefore, suggestions are highly expected by researchers The researcher realizes
that there are still many shortcomings of this thesis. Therefore, suggestions are
highly expected by researchers

The researcher

Aulia Amalia Ainun Nisa


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii

AUTHOR’S DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................ iv

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1

1.1. Background of study ................................................................................ 1

1.2. Research Problems ................................................................................... 3
1.3. Research Objective ................................................................................... 3
1.4. Significance of the Researcher ................................................................. 3
1.5. Scope and Limitation................................................................................ 4
1.6. Definition of The Key Terms ................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................ 5

2.1. Definition of Writing ................................................................................ 5

2.1.1. The Function of Writing.................................................................... 5
2.1.2. Types of Writing .............................................................................. 6
2.2. Poem ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1. Elements of Poem ............................................................................. 7
2.3. Writing Poem ......................................................................................... 11
2.4. Discovery Learning Strategy .................................................................. 12
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 14

3.1. Research Design ..................................................................................... 14

3.1.1. The Process of Cycle I .................................................................... 17
3.1.2. The Process of Cycle II ................................................................... 19
3.2. Research Subject .................................................................................... 21
3.3. Data Collection ....................................................................................... 21

3.4. Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 25

4.1. Findings .................................................................................................. 25

4.1.1. Description before Cycle................................................................. 25
4.1.2. Description of the Results of Cycle I .............................................. 27
4.1.3. Description of the Results of Cycle II ............................................. 34
4.2. Discussion .............................................................................................. 41
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .................................... 44

5.1. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 44

5.2. Suggestions ............................................................................................. 45
5.2.1. Suggestions for Teachers ................................................................ 45
5.2.2. Suggestions for Further Researchers ............................................... 45
REFERENCE ...................................................................................................... 47

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 50


Tabel 4. 1 The Criteria for Students Learning Success Rate in Percentage .......... 30

Tabel 4. 2 The results of Student Behavior ........................................................... 32

Tabel 4. 3 The Result of Students Behavior ......................................................... 39



This chapter covers the background of the study, statement of the problem,

research objective, the significance of the study, scope and limitation, and

definition of key terms.

1.1. Background of study

Writing is an activity of compiling or organizing a opinion or idea by using

a series of integrated sentences in written language (Jaya et al,. 2013). According

to Ramadhani (2020), writing is a language skill that is used to communicate

indirectly, or not face to face with other people. Based on the opinions of these

experts, it can be concluded that writing is a language skill that can be used as a

tool to communicate indirectly and writing is also an act of expressing ideas,

opinions, and feelings as outlined in written form that can be understood by the


One form of writing to express ideas or personal experiences is to write

literary works such as writing short stories, writing poems, writing novels and

writing drama. One of the languages that students of class XII MIPA 2 need to

learn is writing poems. Writing a poem is an activity of expressing ideas, feelings,

or experiences that have been passed into a form of art in the form of writing or a

series of meaningful and rhythmic words (Balqistiningtyas 2019). Meanwhile,

according to Habibi et al., (2019) writing a poem is a language skill needed to

improve the quality of learning. Through this, students are expected to be able to

find new things and rewrite or develop them through writing in the form of


Based on the results of the researcher's interview with the English teacher at

SMA Negeri 3 Sepaku, it can be concluded that students' interest in learning

literature is still low, especially in writing poems. This can be proven by the

evidence from the mean score of students obtained in poem writing activities,

most of them are still below the KKM, which is 75, there are only 9 students who

score above the KKM with a mean score of 59.25 and the percentage of success is

28.12%. Students are also still less active and creative in learning to write poem,

and students do not dare to express their ideas or opinions. Thus, the poem writing

skills of class XII MIPA 2 Sepaku students still have not reached the minimum

score that has been determined.

There have been many previous studies regarding strategies used to teach

poems. In one of the previous studies, according to Suastika et al., (2014) there

are four strategies in the process of learning to write poems. First, the strategies of

individual approach, discovery learning, integrated learning, and varied

approaches. Research from Suastika et al., (2014) focuses on 3 problems, namely,

the teacher's understanding of the strategies for learning to write poems, the

strategies used by the teacher in learning to write poems, and the obstacles faced

by the teacher.

Another study from Chahyanti (2013) with the title Improving Poem

Writing Ability through the Six-M Strategy with Song Media in Class VIII

Students of MTS 01 Mojo, Cluwak. The results of this study are an increase in

poem writing skills using the six-m strategy with song media, changes in student

behavior in learning, and changes in student responses to learning to write poems

using the six-m strategy with song media.

Different from previous research, this research focuses on improving

students' writing skills by using discovery learning strategies, which Suastika et

al., (2014) finds that the right strategies for learning to write poems are individual

approach strategies, discovery learning, integrated learning, and varied

approaches. In this study, researchers only used one strategy to improve student's

writing skills, namely discovery learning strategies.

1.2. Research Problems

1. How can the discovery learning strategies improve poem writing skills in

the twelfth grades students?

1.3. Research Objective

According to the problem above, the purpose of the study is

1. How discovery learning strategies can improve poem writing skills in

twelfth graders.

1.4. Significance of the Researcher

This research on learning to write poems using discovery learning in class

XII MIPA 2 Sepaku is expected to provide benefits, both theoretical and practical

for teachers, students, researchers and educational institutions. Theoretically, the

results of this study are useful for adding insight in learning to write, especially

writing poems for students of class XII MIPA 2 Sepaku.

Practically the results of this study can be used as solutions and input for

teachers in the use of poem writing learning models, so that learning objectives

can be achieved and learning process is more focused, innovative, active and

creative. For students, the results of this study can help students overcome

difficulties in the teaching-learning process and can foster student interest in

learning to write poems. In addition, the results of this study can be used as

reference material to poem writing skills in classroom action research. For

educational institutions, the results of this study are expected to be useful as a

reference for the implementation of writing learning actions the next time and it is

hoped that the school can improve facilities and infrastructure to support the

improvement of poem writing skills.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to determine the improvement of poem writing

skills in class 12 MIPA 2 students, totalling 32 students. The aspect seen in this

study is the strategy used for solving problems that occur in the class. The strategy

used in this research is a discovery learning strategy to improve students' poem

writing skills.

1.6. Definition of The Key Terms

● Writing is one of the skills in a language that is done to communicate

indirectly and not even face to face with other people (Ramadhani 2020)

● A poem is a work of emotion, imagination, thoughts, ideas, tone, rhythm,

sensory impressions, word order, figurative words, density, and mixed

feelings by paying attention to the reader (Suryaman 2013)

● Strategy is an activity or plan to achieve a certain goal, in an effort to

achieve success (Fanshuri 2019)



To gain more understanding about aspects that are discussed within this

research, this chapter will definition of writing, the function of writing, types of

writing, poem, elements of a poem, writing poem and discovery learning


2.1. Definition of Writing

Writing is a language skill that is used to communicate (Ramadhani 2020).

Writing skills are one of the four language skills that students must master. Atar

Semi (2002: 47) defines writing skills as the act of transferring thoughts and

feelings into written language using symbols. Tarigan (2008: 3) also states that

writing skills are productive and expressive language skills that are used to

communicate indirectly and not face to face with other parties. Based on the

opinions of these experts, it can be concluded that writing is a language skill that

can be used as a tool to communicate indirectly and writing is also an act of

expressing ideas, ideas, opinions, and feelings that are expressed in a written form

that can be understood by readers.

2.1.1. The Function of Writing

The main function of writing is as a means of communication that a person

will inform others and can convey through writing (Rosmaya 2018). Writings that

inform someone such as letters, papers, articles, opinions, poems, criticism and

others. These forms of writing are used as a means of indirect communication.

Because the author does not convey information face-to-face or indirectly, the

writing, symbols, graphics, the contents of the writing and the author's intent must

be clear so that the reader can understand it. Based on the description above, the

researcher concludes that writing is a process of delivering information in writing

that can be read and understood by the writer himself and others. Thus there is

indirect communication from a writer to the reader.

2.1.2. Types of Writing

There are many known classifications of writing. This classification can be

influenced by who puts it forward, for what purposes, and who is the target of the

writing. According to Gie (2012: 38), the classification of writing according to the

types of writing is as follows.

a. Factual Writing

Factual writing is writing written according to the facts that exist not based

on engineering made by the author. The forms of writing included in the

factual writing category are scientific writing and informative writing.

b. Fictional Writing

Fictional writing is writing that does not require facts such as factual

writing that presents various facts in the writing. Fictional writing is more

to the imagination of the writer himself, so full rights for him to write what

the writer wants. The fictional forms of writing included in this writing

category are prose and poem. The prose is a literary work in the form of a

free story, not bound by rhythm, rhyme and independence like a poem.

While the poem is a part of literature that uses words, rhymes, rhythms as

a delivery medium to produce expressions, illusions and imagination.

There are many types of writing based on the type, but in the description

above, the researcher describes 2 types of writing that are generally often used in

writing. Based on the types of writing above that have been described, the types of

writing that the researcher discusses in this study are the type of fiction writing in

the form of poems. This fiction writing is very suitable to be used in this research

because a poem is included in the type of fiction writing. In this case, the

researcher wants to use the type of fiction writing to see the poem writing skills of

students at the high school level.

2.2. Poem

A poem is a variety of literary works that use language or a linguistic event

as a medium as an attempt to express the author's personality which may contain a

message or a picture of a certain atmosphere, both physical and mental

(Citraningrum 2016). A poem is a work of emotion, imagination, thoughts, ideas,

tone, rhythm, sensory impressions, word order, figurative words, density, and

mixed feelings by paying attention to the reader (Suryaman 2013). So it can be

concluded that a poem is a literary work in which the writer puts the ideas and

ideas into writing that describes a certain event or incident which is conveyed in

beautiful words made by the author.

2.2.1. Elements of Poem

The poem has elements of development that are intertwined or related to

one another, to form a complete and inseparable unity. According to Citraningrum

(2016), there are two elements of development in a poem, including intrinsic

elements and extrinsic elements.

a. Intrinsic Elements of Poem

The intrinsic elements of a poem are elements that are in literary works

and affect the presence of literary works as works of art. Intrinsic element

reviewers include: (a) diction, (b) image, (c) figure of speech, (d) sound,

(e) rhyme, (f) rhythm, (g) theme. Each of them is described as follows:

1) Diction

The first intrinsic element of the poem is diction or choice of words. In

writing a poem, poets must be careful in choosing words, because the

words that were written must consider their meaning, composition of

sounds in rhyme and rhythm. Therefore the choice of words in writing a

poem is very important to consider the order of the words and the strength

of these words.

2) Image

Image is the concrete and distinctive use of words. Images are divided into

three types, namely, visual images, auditive images and tactile images

(taste). The three of them are depicted in what concrete images we can


3) Figure of Speech

Figurative language (figure of speech) is the language used by poets to say

something unusual, that is, indirectly expressing its true meaning.

Figurative language makes a poem pragmatic, meaning that it radiates

many meanings or is rich in meaning.

4) Sound

Some sounds give us some pleasure, while others do not. Fun sounds are

for example music, while terrible sounds are like a whirlwind. Some

sounds give a sense of calm, but some sounds create the effect of fear or

surprise. To give a poem a certain nuanced effect, the poet uses certain

words to get a different nuance.

5) Rhyme

Rhyme is a sound equation that repeats itself at the end of a line,

beginning or middle whose purpose is to create an aesthetic effect.

6) Rhythm

Rhythm is a series of rising and falling sounds in a poem. Rhythm is also

defined as the repetition of sounds that are continuous and neatly arranged

to resemble the strains of music. In this case, the rhythmic arrangement

will look pleasant if the sound arrangement is not monotonous and gets

emphasized in a certain section to cause pleasure for the reader or the


7) Theme

The theme is the main idea that the author wants to convey. Themes are

also a combination of various experiences, ideas, ideals and various. In the

actual theme, you can find the message or message the poet wants to

convey to the reader.

b. Extrinsic Element of Poem

Extrinsic elements are elements that are outside the literary scene but

affect the presence of literary works as works of art. The study of extrinsic

elements includes historical, sociological, psychological, philosophical,

and religious aspects.

1) Historical Aspects

According to Aminuddin (2000: 176), the effort to understand historical

elements or ideas contained in a poem has several stages. These stages

include (1) understanding the year and month the poem was created, (2)

understanding historical events that occurred at that time, (3)

understanding the role of the poet, (4) reading the poem as a whole, (5)

connecting historical events that underlie its birth the poem and the ideas it


2) Psychological Aspects

Psychological aspects and literary works are closely related because

literature is related to the human psyche. When the author brings out his

imagination, sometimes the author incorporates certain psychological

knowledge, so that his work creates psychological aspects. Therefore, to

understand it, theories in psychology are needed to reveal the character of

the characters and the law of plot causality, to clarify the content of

literary value in the literary work being read.

3) Philosophy

There are two different opinions regarding the relationship between

literature and philosophy. First, it states that literature has nothing to do

with philosophy. Second, it states that there is a reciprocal relationship

between literature and philosophy. Philosophical works can influence

writers and philosophers can be influenced by literary works.

4) Religious

Religious value in literature has been believed for a long time, since the

existence of an oral tradition. Oral literature that is spread in society in

general always emphasizes the religious aspect. This can be seen from the

general themes of the literary work.

2.3. Writing Poem

Writing skills are one of the language skills that can produce work in

written form. Writing is a skill that needs to be trained continuously with a broad

insight into the vocabulary to be written (Balqistiningtyas 2019). Writing is also a

skill that requires writers to master various elements outside the language itself

which can become content in a writing. Writing has a permanent character

because it can be stored and easier to research because it can be researched and

observed repeatedly. Writing activities make writers more active, productive,

complex and integrated into the form of disclosures and those that are manifested

in writing.

According to Balqistiningtyas (2019) writing a poem is an activity of

expressing ideas, feelings, and experiences that have been passed into a form of

art in the form of writing or a series of meaningful and rhythmic words. Writing a

poem is one of the tools or media used by students to communicate their thoughts

and feelings (Habibi et al., 2019). Learning to write poems should allow students

to be able to convey their ideas and ideas according to their experiences in a

poetic manner. In writing poems, students usually find it difficult to express their

ideas and thoughts writing, sometimes students are unable to imagine objects or

things to be conveyed. Based on the above definitions, it is concluded that the

activity of writing a poem is an activity to express ideas, feelings, and the writer's

ideas in the form of writing and arranged to become a poetic meaningful word.

2.4. Discovery Learning Strategy

In essence, writing a poem is an activity to convey something to the reader

through writing that rhymes with beautiful words. According to Habibi et al.,

(2019) the poem is a literary work in which language is condensed and then given

a rhythm with a sound that blends with varied and imaginative words. Thus,

writing poems is the ability to communicate with readers and a place for writers to

freely express themselves. However, most students have difficulty in writing

poems because of the lack of methods or strategies used by the teacher in the

learning process. Discovery learning strategy is one way to practice writing poems

that aims to direct students gradually and systematically to express an idea.

From the factors causing the low student learning outcomes, the researcher

proposes the right method to make it easier for students to understand the

material, through the discovery learning method. By applying the discovery

learning method repeatedly, it can increase the individual's self-discovery ability.

According to Sulfemi and Desi Yuliana (2019), discovery learning is a learning

process in which students analyze existing problems themselves, educators only

present learning materials in non-final form, but students are given the

opportunity to seek and find them themselves. This learning process focuses on

the intellectual mentality of students in solving various problems encountered

through a series of information obtained by observing or experimenting. The use

of the discovery learning method wants to change the passive learning conditions

to be active and creative. Changing teacher-oriented learning to student-oriented.

Changing the expository mode students only receive the overall information from

the teacher to the discovery mode students find information on their own. So it is

hoped that it can improve the ability to identify and demonstrate all the

components contained in the anthology of poems, whether heard or read by

students and can show results that are in accordance with the standard scores set

by the school.

The teaching activities for writing poems with discovery learning

strategies are as follows: 1) determining a theme that will be written by students in

their poems. Determining the theme in this case is quite important because to start

writing poems, Students must first have a source of ideas. The researcher asked

students to look at the surrounding environment, recalling experiences or events

they had experienced that matched the theme. 2) students collect data, such as

facts or opinions to understand the topic. Students collect information related to

the given theme, namely "nature", students collect any data related to the natural

surroundings they have visited such as the beach, what is on the beach, the

atmosphere at the beach and others. 3) students make drafts, students make points

from their ideas according to the specified theme to make it easier for students to

rewrite the poem as a whole. 4) students rewrite the draft they have made and

develop it into poems. At this stage the researcher asked each student to exchange

their writings and asked students to give each other input and correct the sentence




This chapter explains theories that are related to research objectives, all of

which are research design, research subject, research instrument, data collection,

and data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

The research design used in this research is classroom action research.

According to Sumardi (2014), Classroom action research is a study conducted in a

class to determine the effect of the action applied to a research subject in that

class. While according to Ibrahim et al., (2018) Classroom action research is

action-oriented research to improve the quality or solve a problem in a group of

subjects studied and observe the level of success as a result of their actions. So it

can be concluded that this classroom action research is a study that aims to solve a

problem that occurs in a group and improve the quality as a result of the actions

that have been applied.

According to Sumardi (2014), There are several characteristics of classroom

action research such as based on problems faced by teachers in learning,

collaboration through collaboration with other parties, researchers as practitioners

and reflection, solving problems and improving the quality of learning. From

some of the characteristics mentioned it can be concluded that the purpose of

classroom action research is to identify situations or problems that are deemed

worthy of knowing to fix these problems and become a change that is informed

critically and practically (Phakiti and Paltridge 2015).

In this research design, the researcher uses the classroom action research

method. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis techniques where the

purpose of this analysis is to describe the activities of students during the teaching

and learning process. Descriptive analysis conducted in this study is to analyze the

observations of student activities and test analysis of student learning outcomes.

The researcher chose this method because this classroom action research focuses

on improving the quality and solving problems that occur in a class, which in this

class does not yet have a foundation in broad poem learning. Poem lessons are

rarely taught because according to educators, poems is one of the most difficult

subjects to teach, especially in English. So the researcher wants to know whether

poem learning in class that does not have a sufficient basis can help improve

students' poem writing skills by using discovery learning strategies and can make

a poem a forum for expressing ideas or opinion from students in writing.

There are 2 indicators of success that must be achieved in this study, namely

student performance which is assessed from students' knowledge and writing

skills with a percentage of completeness of 75% and students involvement,

namely changes in student behavior during learning 75% of students are active in

class. The implementation of this research went through four stages which were

carried out systematically in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages,

namely (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Before

planning, the researcher carried out an initial study which was used as a reflection,

so that in the preparation of the plan the researcher could use the reflection as

reference material. For this reason, the researcher divides the planning stage into

two, namely initial reflection and planning.

The stages carried out in the research are as follows:

1. Planning

The planning stage is the first stage in the form of activities to determine the

steps/plans that will be carried out by researchers to solve the problems to be

faced. The plan must be well developed to fix the upgrade or change as a solution.

In this research, the plan is in the form of learning to write poems.

2. Action

Action research is the implementation of a plan that has been made

previously. The action taken is learning to write poems through discovery learning

strategies. Actions are taken by the teacher as an effort to improve an increasing

situation or change as a solution..

3. Observation

The observation phase is a researcher's activity in observing all student

behavior during the learning process. Observations were made using the

observation guide sheet. Implementation of observation, recording the things that

students do during the learning process takes place. Observation activities were

carried out from the beginning to the end of the lesson. Through this observation,

data were obtained about student activities during the learning process.

4. Reflection

Reflection is an effort to examine what has been and or happened, what has

been produced with the corrective actions that have been taken. Reflection is done

at the end of the lesson that has been implemented. The results of this reflection

are used to determine further steps as a basis for improvement in the next learning

to achieve the expected learning.

3.1.1. The Process of Cycle I

The action procedure used in the first cycle consisted of four stages. The

four stages are (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection.

1. Planning Cycle I

This planning stage is carried out as an effort to solve the problems found in

the initial reflection. At this stage, this research plans everything that needs to be

done at the action stage. With the planning, the learning actions taken will be

more focused and systematic.

The activities carried out at the planning stage of the first cycle are as follows:

1) The researcher coordinates with the English subject teacher for class XII MIPA

2 regarding the research to be carried out.

2) Researchers develop a learning plan for writing poems through discovery

learning strategies according to the actions to be taken.

3) Researchers prepare research instruments in the form of research rubrics in the

form of tests and observation guidelines.

2. Action Cycle I

During the learning process, the action stage is carried out. This action is

adjusted to the lesson plan that has been prepared. The implementation of the

actions in the first cycle includes apperception, learning process, and evaluation.

At the apperception stage, the researcher gave apperception to students regarding

learning to write poem through discovery learning strategies. The researcher

conveys the objectives to the students regarding the learning that will be carried

out and conveys to the students about the material for writing poems.

As for the things that were done at the implementation stage, namely

(1) Students received an explanation from the teacher about the material for

writing poems;

(2) The teacher gives examples of poem to students;

(3) Students discuss the characteristics of a poem, the structure of a poem, and

types of poem.

(4) Students write poems through discovery learning strategy steps.

(5) Students collect their work from the teacher.

In the closing section, the teacher concludes the learning outcomes to help

students reflect on the learning that has taken place.

3. Observation Cycle I

This observation was carried out during the learning activities. At this stage,

activities are centred on the process and learning outcomes and all that surrounds

them. The aspects that were observed in the observations were (1) activeness in

listening to the teacher's explanation, (2) students' creativity during the learning

process to write poems, (3) the effectiveness of students in doing the tasks given

by the teacher, and (4) student performance in learning. The positive behavior of

students observed in this study included the activeness of students in participating

in learning activities and students' interest in participating in learning to write

poems. Meanwhile, negative behavior is behavior that is opposite to the positive


4. Reflection Cycle I

At the end of the first cycle, reflection is carried out, namely by analyzing

the results of the test and non-test. The analysis of the test was carried out by

analyzing the test scores of students' understanding and poem writing skills. The

analysis of non-test results was carried out by analyzing the results of

observations. Based on the results of this reflection, the researcher can revise the

lesson plan that will be carried out in cycle II, and also at this stage it is found that

the test results have not met the predetermined expectations, then the second cycle

of action will be carried out and the problems that arise in the first cycle will be

solutions are sought while the advantages are maintained and improved.

3.1.2. The Process of Cycle II

The action process in cycle II is the same as in cycle I, namely planning,

action, observation, and reflection. And the reflection in the first cycle is the

planning in the second cycle.

1. Planning Cycle II

The planning prepared in the second cycle is an effort to improve the results

obtained in the first cycle. The activities carried out in the planning are

coordinating with the English class teacher of XII MIPA 2 regarding the research

to be carried out. Next, prepare a learning plan for writing poems through

discovery learning strategies in cycle II. Then the researchers prepared research

instruments in the form of an assessment rubric and observation guidelines.

Researchers also made quality improvements.

2. Action Cycle II

Actions carried out in cycle II are the implementation of the improved

planning. This action is focused on things that are important for improving

students' poem writing skills. Improvements were made in the form of action

changes, including explaining the errors that occurred when carrying out the

learning process in cycle I. The actions taken in cycle II were as follows. First, the

researcher gave an apperception and asked things related to last week's lesson

about writing poems. Second, the researcher explained again about learning to

write poems through discovery learning strategies. Third, the researcher reminded

students so that the shortcomings that occurred last week would not be repeated.

At the implementation stage, the material provided is still the same as in cycle I.

The steps in the implementation stage are

(1) Students are given reinforcement by the teacher to pay more attention to the

errors contained in the cycle and then correct them in the day's learning;

(2) The teacher gives examples of a poem and re-explains the structure of poem so

that students understand more about the form of the poem both in content and

language in writing poems;

(3) Students write poems through discovery learning strategy steps

(4) Some students read their work;

(5) The teacher provides reinforcement;

(6) All poems are collected.

In the closing section, the teacher concludes the learning outcomes in the second

cycle that have been carried out.

3. Observation Cycle II

Observations were made on all changes in student behavior and student

attitudes during the learning process. In cycle II, the researcher paid attention to

students who were not good at being in the teaching and learning process, so that

there was an increase in test results and student behavior in doing assignments,

student activity in asking questions, and answering questions. Researchers also

observed students using observation sheets during the learning process.

4. Reflection Cycle II

Reflection in cycle II is a reflection in this study. All weaknesses regarding

learning to write poems were found from the beginning of planning to the final

results of the first cycle which were then overcome in the second cycle. The

progress that appeared in the second cycle showed an increase in the ability to

write poems through discovery learning strategies and behavior change.

3.2. Research Subject

The subjects in this study were students of class XII specializing in English

language and literature, totalling 32 people, including 27 women and 5 men. The

research setting, this research was conducted at Penajam Paser Utara SMA Negeri

3, especially in high school third grade of senior high school. Determination of the

focus of the research object in class XII MIPA 2 Sepaku is based on the following


1) The results of interviews conducted with English subject teachers at SMAN

3 Penajam Paser Utara, suggested that students' ability to write poems was

still low.

2) Improve the ability and creativity of class XII MIPA 2 Sepaku students in

writing poems because based on observations there were only a few students

who were active, while others were less active in participating in learning.

3.3. Data Collection

Data collection is the process of collecting data by researchers about the

observed variables and answering all research questions. The use of data

collection techniques is one of the most important stages in conducting research,

to maintain the integrity of research, appropriate data collection instruments are

needed (Kabir 2018). In collecting data, it is necessary to pay attention to the

quality of retrieval of data information needed to complete the research. Kabir

(2018) also explained that data collection begins with determining the type of data

needed and using an appropriate instrument for the selected sample.

According to Hendryadi (2014) the data collection method is divided into

two, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by

researchers directly while secondary data is data obtained from existing sources.

In this study, researchers used observation and tests to collect data. In research

activities, this method of obtaining data is known as a method of collecting data.

Data collection methods commonly used in classroom action research are the

method of observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation and tests, all of

which are part of the data collection method (Sumardi 2014).

In this study, the researcher used the test as the first instrument. According

to Adom et al., (2020) test is a method or tool used to measure students' abilities

in completing various tasks, mastering good skills and knowledge. One of the

measuring tools or assessment tools that are most often used in the field of

education is to conduct tests. Tests are considered as a form of standard

instrument and procedure used to measure students' abilities and skills by using

questions that can be in the form of multiple-choice or essays. The researcher

gave one theme of the poem to the students, with the provision that only two

stanzas of the poem were written and four lines of each stanza were sufficient.

For the second instrument, the researcher uses participant observation to

support the first instrument. According to Hasanah (2016) participant observation

is one of the methods used by researchers to investigate individual behaviour

directly in the field, where participant observation is exploratory. This participant

observation will be suitable because it can help researchers describe events

experienced by students and observe student behaviour during the study.

In this study, the researcher set 2 indicators of success with each instrument

to support the success of this research. The indicators of success in the classroom

action research method are as follows; In the field of knowledge, the researcher

gave 10 general knowledge essay questions about poems and in the field of poem

writing skills the researcher gave a theme about "nature". The second success

indicator in the field of involvement, which is 75% of students are active in

learning, researchers use student observation sheets to see any positive changes in

classroom learning

3.4. Data Analysis

After the researcher conducted the research, all the data obtained were

analyzed. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively.

Quantitative techniques were used to analyze the test data. Quantitative data were

obtained by analyzing as a whole and recapitulating the scores of poem writing

tests with discovery learning strategies in cycles I and II. Then calculate the

percentage correction score obtained. For this purpose, the following percentage

formula is used:


S = Score expectation

R = The total score of the item or question that is answered correctly

N = The ideal maximum score of the tests performed

100 = Maximual score

The results of the calculation of student scores from this test were then

compared between the first and second cycles to determine the percentage of

improvement. Qualitative techniques are used to analyze qualitative data. Data is

obtained by describing and classifying data obtained from observations. The data

are taken to analyze qualitative data through non-test data. This description is to

determine the improvement of poem writing skills and to reveal all changes in

student learning actions/behaviors during the learning process in cycles I and II.

The steps for analyzing qualitative data are analyzing the observation sheets that

have been filled out during learning and classifying the themes of researchers who

help in research.



This chapter provides findings and discussion of the results of the answers

derived from research questions about how can discovery learning strategies

improve poem writing skills of students’ class XII MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 3

Sepaku, Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan.

4.1. Findings

The results of this study include test and non-test results. These results were

obtained from the results of the pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II in the form of poem

writing skills after the research action was carried out. The results of the first

cycle test are in the form of poem writing skills after getting learning using

discovery learning strategies, while the non-test results are from observation. This

classroom action research was conducted in class XII MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 3

Sepaku, Penajam Paser Utara. This classroom action research was conducted to

see the increase in students' English writing poems used discovery learning

strategy in class XII MIPA 2. This study focused on seeing the level of students'

understanding and skills in writing poems. The answer to the questions in this

study, the researcher used a classroom action research method using a written test

instrument which was carried out on September 21, 2021. The research subjects in

this study were students of class XII MIPA 2 with a total of 32 students consisting

of 27 female students and 5 male students.

4.1.1. Description before Cycle

The first condition is the condition of students before learning is carried out

using discovery learning strategies in cycles I and II. The first condition of the

research subject that became the basis of the research for class XII MIPA 2

Sepaku was the low skill of writing poems. From the preliminary survey, it is

known that students' interest in writing poems is lacking. This can be seen from

the class mean score is still below the KKM, which is 59.25 and the percentage of

success is 28.12% in poem learning. Information obtained that teachers rarely use

learning strategies that support learning to write poems. The low skill of students

in writing poems is caused by internal and external factors.

Internal factors include the student's assumption that writing poems are a

boring activity so that students are less interested in participating in this lesson,

students are not brave enough to ask questions if they have learning difficulties,

and students are less active in expressing opinions. External factors include

limited time for practice in writing poems, lack of practice in writing poems,

learning strategies applied by teachers are less precise and less attractive. The

researcher took the pre-cycle test by distributing an essay about understanding

poems to students and a poem. Next, students work on 10 comprehension

questions and read examples of the poem. After all the students finished working

on the questions and reading the poem, the researcher asked the students to write a

poem. After students finished writing poems, students were asked to collect the

results of their work to be corrected by the researcher. The results of student work

in the form of tests of understanding and poem writing skills are then entered into

the first test data before the implementation of learning actions using discovery

learning strategies.

4.1.2. Description of the Results of Cycle I

In this section, according to the theory, there are 4 phases in each cycle in

the classroom action research method, namely Planning, Action, Observation, and

Reflection. Each phase is described as follows:

1) Planning

At this stage the researcher planned the actions to be taken by planning as


a. Making Lesson plans, which will be carried out at the meeting according to

the material to be taught.

b. Preparing the material regarding knowledge is generally related to the poem.

c. Preparing teaching materials that can support the implementation of the

learning process, namely books.

d. Making a test format for student learning outcomes, to see student learning

outcomes on the given poem material.

e. Preparing observation sheets about student learning activities.

2) Action

The researcher carried out learning activities based on lesson plans. The

implementation of this action was carried out in 2 meetings. In the first cycle, 1

meeting was held on September 21, 2021, with an allocation of 2x35 minutes for

each meeting. The lesson plan is designed at the planning stage. It is fully

implemented at this implementation stage. The main activities include the


a. Preliminary Activities

The preliminary activity begins with the researcher holding an appreciation

activity for the material. The researcher greets, asks the students' condition, then

prepares a prayer before studying which is led by a student, then the researcher

conveys the material and learning objectives to the students.

b. Main Activities

The implementation of the main activities are as follows:

(1) Students receive an explanation from the teacher about the material for writing


(2) The teacher gives a test about understanding the poem material.

(3) Students work on the questions given.

(4) The teacher gives examples of poems to students;

(5) Students discuss the characteristics of poems, the structure of poems, and

types of poems.

(6) Students write poems through discovery learning strategy steps

(7) Students collect their work from the teacher.

In the closing section, the teacher concludes the learning outcomes to help

students reflect on the learning that has taken place.

c. Closing Activity

The implementation of the closing learning activities are as follows:

1. The researcher provides an assessment in the form of a written test to

students based on the material that has been discussed.

2. The researcher provides an assessment of motivation and direction as well

as advice to students regarding matters relating to learning activities.

3. The researcher and students conclude the material that has been studied.

The result of learning will be implemented by the researcher, and the researcher

takes the learning steps as stated in the lesson plans that have been prepared


3) Observation

Observations were made from the beginning to the end of Cycle I learning

to record student participation (student's behavior in class) including student

enthusiasm, student responsibility, students asking questions, and students

answering questions, students reading poems, students expressing ideas. The

results of changes in student behavior are obtained from observations during

learning. The results of this change in student behavior will describe the behavior

of students in participating in learning to write poems with discovery learning

strategies. The results of changes in student behavior observed by the authors

include 4 aspects, namely 1) student activity 2) student creativity; 3) student

effectiveness; and 4) performance.

4) Reflection

In this study, there are 2 indicators of success used by the researcher to see

students' abilities in a poem. The success of indicators that were used by the

researcher was students' in practice is understanding of the poem material and

students' skills in writing poem, students involvement is students' activity during

the learning process. In this section, the researcher will present the results of the

three indicators in the first cycle.

A. Students’ Practice

a. Understanding of Poem Material

In this section, the researcher gives 10 questions of the understanding poem

in general in the form of an essay to determine the level of understanding of

the poem after learning in the first cycle. From the test given in the first cycle,

it was found that 7 students did not get a complete score and 25 other students

had achieved scores above the KKM. To find out whether the tests carried out

showed positive results or not in the first cycle, the researcher used a formula

to calculate the percentage of student success as :

P= = 78,12%

Tabel 4. 1 The Criteria for Students Learning Success Rate in Percentage

Success Category

>80% Very High

60-79% High

40-59% Medium

20-39% Low

<20% Very Low

From the results of student learning mastery on the indicator of

understanding, the results obtained are 78.12%, with a mean score of 79.5. So the

criteria for the success rate of student learning in the first cycle (comprehension

test) is categorized as high. So it can be concluded that the comprehension test in

the first cycle has reached the category that the researcher wants, namely 75% of

students complete in terms of the understanding poem, in other words, they have

succeeded and have achieved the predetermined KKM score was made by the


b. Poem Writing Skills

In this section, the researcher gave instructions to students to practise

writing English poems with the theme "nature" in cycle I. In writing this poem,

the researcher set 4 assessment criteria that must be possessed by every poem, and

each poem was written by students. The four criteria for assessing poem writing

skills are according to the content with the theme, diction, figurative language,

and message. From these results, the criteria for assessing poem writing skills are

to help the researcher to find out the score of students' skills in writing poems.

From the results of the poem writing skills test, it is known that only 13

students have completed and 19 other students have not reached the score

expected by the researcher. It is known that the mean score of students before

treatment was 59.25 and after treatment in the first cycle the mean score after

treatment in the first cycle was 72.90. From the results of student learning mastery

on the indicators of poem writing skills, the result is 40.62%, so that the criteria

for student learning success rates in cycle I (test of poem writing skills) are

categorized as medium. So, it can be concluded that the poem writing skill test in

cycle I have not been achieved. Then it is not in accordance with the expectations

of researchers, namely 75% of students have not completed the poem writing

skills test. In other words, the score has not been successful and has not reached

the KKM score that has been made by the school. Therefore, the poem writing

skill test will be continued in the second cycle.

B. Students Involvement

In this section, the researcher observes the behavior of students in the poem

learning process that takes place in the classroom. Researchers made student

activity observation sheets that were used to assess student activity in learning.

The activity observation sheet will be used by researchers as an instrument to

determine whether there is a change in student behavior during the learning

process. The results of changes in student behavior observed by researchers

included 4 aspects, namely 1) student activity 2) student creativity; 3) student

effectiveness; and 4) performance. The results of changes in student behavior in

cycle I can be seen in the following table:

Tabel 4. 2 The results of Student Behavior

No Aspect Total of Students Percentage

1 Student activity 19 59,37%

2 Student creativity 22 68,75%

3 Student effectiveness 20 62,5%

4 Performance 27 84,37%

The first aspect, namely the activeness of students in learning. This activity

in learning to write poems includes students actively asking teachers and friends

when they find difficulties in writing poems and expressing their ideas. A total of

19 students or 59.37% actively participated during the learning process to write

poems. Only 13 students or 40.62% of students are still passive when learning

takes place. They still look afraid to ask questions, still look confused, and

embarrassed when asked to express their ideas.

The second aspect is students' creativity in learning to write poems. A total

of 22 students or 68.75% felt happy and interested in learning to write poems

using discovery learning strategies. Students who pay attention to orders and are

able to make good poems, can express their ideas and write them into their poems

with a predetermined theme, namely "Nature". Students are also able to read their

poems using intonation that is in accordance with the poems they have made.

Other students are still not able to put their ideas into a poem and there are also

students who are still plagiarizing other people's poems to be written into their


The third aspect, namely the effectiveness of students in learning to write

poems. A total of 20 students or 62.5% of students who pay attention and respond

to learning well. Some students are already serious about participating in-class

learning and doing something the teacher ordered. Students also use the time

allotted well to follow the lesson. However, some students also looked unprepared

and were still talking to their classmates.

The fourth aspect, namely the performance of students to read the poems

they have made. A total of 27 students or 84.37% of students dared to read their

poems in front of the class well, students also dared to ask questions, express their

opinions and ask their friends' ideas. Other students also paid attention when each

student came forward and asked about the poems that each student made.

Based on the results of the first cycle, it is known that from the 4 aspects

described above, it is still not as expected by the researchers in this study. There

are still students who dare to ask questions, give ideas and answer questions from

their friends' ideas. In student creativity, students have learned to read poems with

the correct intonation and have been able to express their ideas to write poems. In

the effectiveness of students, some students have not been able to use their time

well during the learning process. However, students have taken the learning

process seriously. In the learning process, students have dared to participate in

learning, however, some students still do not dare to read, ask questions, express

ideas and respond to ideas from classmates.

Based on the results of the activity observation sheet above, the researcher

will take further action to make students more focused on learning and make the

class more conducive. As well providing motivation, giving reinforcement, and

giving awards to students must also be done so that students are more motivated

to focus on learning, for that research will continue in cycle II.

4.1.3. Description of the Results of Cycle II

1) Planning

In the student learning outcomes found by the researcher, it can be seen that

there were still actions that needed to be taken to overcome problems in the

classroom. Therefore, the researcher made alternative plans for actions to be taken

to overcome the problems that were still found in cycle I, as for the steps as


a. Making a Lesson Plan (RPP) that is different from cycle I with continuing


b. Preparing teaching materials related to poem writing skills

c. Preparing teaching materials that can support the implementation of the

learning process.

d. Preparing students’ worksheets.

e. Making a test to find out student learning outcomes in cycle II.

f. Preparing students’ observation sheets.

2) Action

The implementation of the actions in cycle II was held in 1 meeting on

September 28, 2021 for 2x35 minutes with the material of Poem Writing Skills.

The lesson plan is designed at the planning stage. It is fully implemented at this

implementation stage. The main activities include the following:

a. Preliminary Activities

In the preliminary activity, the researcher begins with an appreciation activity

for the material. Greeting, asking the condition of the students, praying

together before starting the lesson which is led by a student, then the researcher

conveys the material and learning objective to the students.

b. Main Activities

The implementation of main activities is as follows:

1. Students are given reinforcement by the teacher to pay more attention to the

errors contained in cycle I and then correct them in the learning that day;

2. The teacher gives an example of a poem and re-explains the structure of the

poem so that students have a better understanding of the form of poetry both in

content and linguistically in writing a poem

3. Students write poems through discovery learning strategy steps

4. Some students read their work;

5. The teacher provides reinforcement;

6. All poems are collected.

In the closing section, the teacher concludes the learning outcomes in cycle II that

have been carried out.

c. Closing Activities

The implementation of closing activities is as follows:

1. The researcher provides an assessment in the form of a written test to students

based on the material that has been discussed.

2. The researcher provides an assessment of motivation, direction, and advice to

students regarding matters related to the learning process.

3. The researcher and students conclude the material that has been studied.

In presenting the learning that will be implemented, the researcher takes the

learning steps as stated in the lesson plan that has been prepared previously.

3) Observation

Observations were made from the beginning until the end of Cycle II. this is

intended to get information regarding: students’ enthusiasm, students’

responsibility, students' courage to ask questions, students' courage to answer

questions, students' courage to read their poems, students' courage to express


4) Reflection

In cycle II, the researcher is focused on two indicators by taking action,

namely: poem writing skills and observing students’ activity in participating in

classroom learning. In this section, the researcher will present student learning

outcomes from the two indicators above in cycle II.

A. Poem Writing Skills

In this section, the researcher focuses on teaching materials for poem

writing skills by providing good writing knowledge, using diction in poem

writing, and helping students to express their ideas in writing. The researcher

asked the students to write another poem with the same theme in cycle I, namely

"nature" to see the improvement in the learning carried out. After learning in the

second cycle, it was found that the students' learning outcomes showed that only 3

students had scored below the KKM and 29 other students had achieved the

scores expected by the researcher. From the results of mastery learning obtained

90.62%, then the criteria for the success rate of student learning in cycle II (the

ability to write poems) is categorized as very high.

It is known in the second cycle that the learning outcomes of 29 students'

writing skills have been completed and the other 3 students have not achieved the

score expected by the researcher. It is known that the mean score of students

before the action was taken was 59.25 and after treatment in the first cycle the

mean score was 72.90 in the medium category. Then the action is carried out

again in cycle II to achieve the success indicators desired by the researcher. The

mean score of students in the second cycle is 81.27 which means that it is

included in the high category. The percentage of success in the second cycle with

the result that 90.62% of students completed the poem writing skill test. So it can

be concluded that the poem writing skill test in cycle II has reached the category

expected by the researchers, namely 75% of students completed the poem writing

skills test. In other words, successful and has achieved the KKM score that has

been made by the school. Therefore, the poem writing skill test was completed in

cycle II.

From the results of the students' poem writing skill test scores, it can be seen

that there is an increase in students' poem writing with the theme "Nature". From

the results of the analysis before the treatment was carried out, students obtained

learning outcomes with a percentage of 28.12% which indicated that student

learning outcomes were in the low category. Then the treatment in the first cycle

obtained student learning outcomes with a percentage of 40.62% in the medium

category. The action was taken again in cycle II to achieve the success indicators

expected by the researcher, the learning outcomes in cycle II were obtained with a

success percentage of 90.62%, which means that it is included in the very high

category. In other words, student learning outcomes after treatment are in the very

high category. From the results of the two students' learning, it can be concluded

that the students experienced an increase in their poem writing skills

B. The Activeness of Students

In this section, the researcher observes the behavior of students in the poem

learning process that takes place in the classroom. The results of this change in

student behavior will describe the behavior of students in participating in learning

to write poem with discovery learning strategies. Researchers made student

activity observation sheets that were used to assess student activity in learning.

The activity observation sheet will be used by researchers as an instrument to

determine whether there is a change in student behavior during the learning

process of each cycle. The results of changes in student behavior observed by

researchers included 4 aspects, namely 1) student activity 2) student creativity; 3)

student effectiveness; and 4) performance. The results of changes in student

behavior in cycle II can be seen in the following table:

Tabel 4. 3 The Result of Students Behavior

No Aspect Total of Students Persentage

1 Student activity 32 100%

2 Student creativity 29 90,62%

3 Student effectiveness 30 93,75%

4 Performance 32 100%

The first aspect, namely the activeness of students in learning. The activity

in learning to write poems includes students actively asking teachers and friends

when they find difficulties in writing poems, and expressing their ideas. A total of

32 students or 100% actively participated during the poem writing learning

process. Students are already actively asking the teacher if they have difficulty in

learning to write poems.

The second aspect is students' creativity in learning to write poems. A total

of 29 students or 90.62% felt happy and interested in learning to write poems

using discovery learning strategies. Students have begun to pay attention to

commands and are able to make good poems. They can express their ideas and

write into their poems with a predetermined theme, namely "Nature". Students are

also able to read their poems using intonation that is in accordance with the poems

they have made. Only 3 students still pay attention to the orders given.

The third aspect, namely the effectiveness of students in learning to write

poems. A total of 30 students or 93.75% of students who pay attention and

respond to learning well. Some students are already serious in participating in

class learning and doing something the teacher ordered. Students also use the time

allotted well to follow the lesson. However, 2 students also looked unprepared and

were still talking to their classmates.

The fourth aspect, namely the performance of students to read the poems

they have made. A total of 32 students or 100% of students dared to read their

poems in front of the class well, students also dared to ask questions, express their

opinions and ask their friends' ideas. Other students also paid attention when each

student came forward, and asked about the poems that each student made.

Based on the results of the second cycle, it is known that the poems writing

skills of the XII MIPA 2 class students get a mean score of 81.27 with a

percentage of completeness 90.62% and is included in the very good category.

There are 29 students who have achieved mastery learning with a score of 75 and

only 3 students who have not achieved the mastery target at least. In addition,

there are changes in student behavior, it can be seen that students show better

behavior changes. Students have been able to follow the learning well and

experience changes in behavior for the better. This can be proven by looking at 4

aspects on the observation sheet which shows the activeness of students

participating in class learning ≥75% of students have shown better behavior.

Students are also able to follow the learning well and experience changes in

behavior for the better.

From the description above, it can be concluded that learning to write poems

using discovery learning strategies in cycle II has increased and shows changes in

student behavior for the better. This research is said to be successful and this

research is completed in cycle II.

4.2. Discussion

In this study, the results of data analysis from classroom action research to

improve students' poem writing skills using discovery learning strategies in class

12 MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 3 Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan showed that

there was an increase in poem writing skills using discovery learning strategies.

The results of data analysis showed that the researchers found that discovery

learning strategies could improve students' poem writing skills. This can be seen

from before the treatment the mean score of students was 59.25 with a success

percentage of 28.12% which was still in the low category in writing poems.

Then treatment was carried out in the first cycle using 2 instruments, namely

student practice and student involvement. The first instrument is students practice

which is divided into 2 tests, namely, 10 questions of understanding and writing

poems, the second instrument is students involvement, namely student activities in

learning. In the first instrument, students practice the comprehension test in cycle

I with a success percentage of 78.12% of students completing the comprehension

test and are included in the high category. Students practice on the poem writing

skills test in the first cycle with a success percentage of 40.62% in the medium

category. In this case, it can be interpreted that the importance of using discovery

learning strategies in learning students' poem writing skills to improve student

learning outcomes. The results of the data analysis above are in line with the

theory put forward (Sulfemi and Desi Yuliana 2019) that the discovery learning

method can improve learning outcomes, interest, attention, and motivation of

students in learning, and students can also understand the material more deeply.

And the second instrument is student activity in learning which shows that there

has been no positive behavior change in students during learning in cycle I. This

cannot be categorized as successful because 75% of students have not reached the

target on the poem writing skills test and student activity.

While in cycle II, the results of data analysis showed that there was an

increase in students' poem writing skills learning outcomes using discovery

learning strategies. This can be seen in student learning outcomes and student

participation in class; where there is a change in behavior and an increase in

student learning outcomes when they write poems using discovery learning

strategies. The results of data analysis in cycle II showed that there were 3

students whose scores were still below the KKM and 29 students who had scores

above the KKM and were declared complete with a mean score of 81.27 students

and a success percentage of 90.62%, with a very high category. Then on the last

indicator, namely student activity, there was a change in behavior in learning in

class, with students found to be more active than before the treatment until cycle I

and cycle II ended.

Based on the results of data analysis shows that discovery learning strategies

can improve students' poem writing skills. This is because in the teaching and

learning process, the teacher must have a strategy so that students can learn

effectively and efficiently for the expected goals. This result agrees with (Suastika

et al., 2014) that the strategy used by the teacher can show the level of student

success in the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, the use of the

discovery learning model provides real experience, critical and creative thinking,

changes in behavior, knowledge, and student learning outcomes can increase

(Sulfemi and Desi Yuliana 2019).

Based on the results of classroom action research data, writing poems in

grade 12 MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 3 students received a good response, even students

also showed seriousness in participating in learning and writing poems in English.

In addition, students are also able to express what they want to convey in the form

of poems. Students also better understand the importance of literary works and

dare to try to express themselves in front of the class by reading their poems. This

is because the use of discovery learning strategies involves all students' abilities to

search and investigate systematically, critically, and logically, so that they can

find their own knowledge, attitudes and skills as a form of behavior change. In

line with the theory put forward (Purba 2020) that discovery learning strategies

can improve the ability to identify and demonstrate all components contained in

the anthology of poem, both listened to and read by students. The results of this

analysis can be seen from the results of the increase in the mean score of student

and the percentage of success from before the treatment was carried out until the

second cycle ended. Then the results of student activity observation sheets in

cycle I and cycle II are changes in behavior in the learning process.



In this chapter, the researcher provides conclusion and suggestions based on

the findings and discussion described in the previous chapter.

5.1. Conclusion

Based on the results of data analysis in chapter IV, the researchers

concluded that the use of discovery learning strategies can improve poem writing

skills and get a good response from students at SMA Negeri 3 Sepaku, East

Kalimantan. This study uses a classroom action research method using 2

indicators of success, the first indicator is student practice, namely students'

general knowledge of poems and students' poem writing skills reaching 75%, and

the second indicator is student involvement, namely student activities in learning

with positive behavioral changes. From the two indicators above, the first

indicator of student practice is the student's poems comprehension test with a

success score of 78.12% in the "high" category, writing skills before the cycle of

28.12% (low) to 40.62% in the first cycle test (medium) and increased to 90.62%

(very high) in the second cycle.

In the second indicator, namely student activity, it was found that there was

a positive change in behavior in each cycle in class XII MIPA 2 students after

participating in learning to write poems using discovery learning strategies. In the

first cycle, the students' readiness to take part in learning did not look full, some

students paid less attention and were less active during learning, and during the

implementation of learning there were students who carried out activities that

were not necessary and not related to learning. In cycle II students are ready to

receive lessons. Students pay attention to the lesson enthusiastically and the

activeness of students in participating in learning also increases. Students are

more daring and not shy to ask questions. In addition, student activities that

interfere with the implementation of learning are no longer visible in cycle II.

Students become more attentive, active, enthusiastic, enthusiastic, and happy in

learning to write poems. Based on the two indicators that have been explained that

there is an increase in each cycle, and this research was completed in cycle II.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the results of the study, the researcher gave some suggestions for

teachers and further researchers. This suggestion is expected to be a consideration

for them to improve the quality of teaching English.

5.2.1. Suggestions for Teachers

1. For English teachers, can use discovery learning strategies in carrying out

poem writing lessons.

2. Teachers must be able to increase self-confidence, especially in teaching


3. For teachers, in learning to write poems, teachers should continue to be able

to develop strategies used in learning to write poems and be able to give

appreciation to students, so that students do not feel bored in participating in

poem writing lessons.

5.2.2. Suggestions for Further Researchers

1. To researchers who want to conduct research on improving poem writing

skills using discovery learning strategies in learning English, researchers

suggest that further researchers can develop learning methods to increase

students' interest in poem writing skills by using various other strategies.

2. For other researchers who want to do the same research, it is recommended

to do this research with different subjects and schools. In order to obtain

wider and useful research results as information material for the world of



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Sekolah : SMAN 3 PPU

Mata Pelajaran : Lintas Minat

Kelas/Semester : XII MIPA 2/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Writing Poem

Alokasi Waktu : 2x35 menit

A Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Disajikan teks puisi dengan menggunakan metode tanya jawab dan
penugasan peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi struktur puisi, unsur-unsur
puisi, dan menggunakannya untuk menuangkan ide atau gagasan yang
dimilikinya kedalam puisi.
B Metode Pembelajaran
1. Discovery Learning
C Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi


Pendahuluan ● Guru menyapa siswa dan melakukan 15 menit

pembukaan dengan salam pembuka,
mengucap syukur, dan berdoa.
● Guru mengecek presensi siswa
● Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
● Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang
hal-hal yang akan dipelajari dan dikuasai
khususnya tentang teks puisi.
Kegiatan Inti ● Stimulasi 45 menit
Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi terkait
materi puisi, pengertian puisi, jenis-jenis
puisi, struktur puisi.
 Identifikasi masalah
Siswa diberikan tugas untuk

mengidentifikasi masalah terkait puisi, jenis-
jenis puisi dan struktur puisi.
 Pengumpulan Informasi
Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis puisi
sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan puisi.
 Pengolahan Informasi
Guru memberikan nilai tugas peserta didik
 Verifikasi hasil
Siswa membacakan hasil menulis puisinya di
depan kelas.
 Generalisasi
Siswa lain dan guru memberikan tanggapan
terhadap puisi yang telah dibacakan didepan
Penutup ● Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan 10 menit
pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
● Guru menutup dengan salam penutup.

D Penilaian Keterampilan
Menulis puisi sederhana mengenai topik yang telah ditentukan dengan
unsur-unsur puisi, kesesuaian tema dengan isi, serta penggunaan beragam
E Penilaian Pengetahuan
Siswa menulis puisi sesuai dengan kaidah, menggunakan kosakata secara
bervariasi dan kesesuaian isi dengan tema yang diberikan.
F Penilaian Sikap
Keaktifan siswa, tanggung jawab, dan kedisiplinan dalam mengikuti




Sekolah : SMAN 3 PPU

Mata Pelajaran : Lintas Minat

Kelas/Semester : XII MIPA 2/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Writing Poem

Alokasi Waktu : 2x35 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Disajikan teks puisi dengan menggunakan metode tanya jawab dan
penugasan, peserta didik dapat menulis puisi dengan kreatif, jujur, dan
penuh rasa tanggung jawab.
B. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Discovery Learning
C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi


Pendahuluan ● Guru menyapa siswa dan melakukan 15 menit

pembukaan dengan salam pembuka,
mengucap syukur, dan berdoa.
● Guru mengecek presensi siswa
● Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
● Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang
hal-hal yang akan dipelajari dan dikuasai
khususnya tentang teks puisi.
Kegiatan Inti ● Stimulasi 45 menit
Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi terkait
penulisan puisi dan tema yang akan di
 Identifikasi masalah
Guru meminta siswa mengamati lingkungan
sekitar dan menuliskan kedalam puisi.

 Pengumpulan Informasi
Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis puisi
dengan tema alam dengan melihat
lingkungan sekitarnya
 Pengolahan Informasi
Guru meminta siswa mengumpulkan
informasi dan mendeskripsikannya ke dalam
 Verifikasi hasil
Siswa merencanakan ide yang telah di
kumpulkan lalu disusun menjadi puisi.
 Generalisasi
Guru meminta siswa untuk bertukar tulisan
dan saling memberi masukan.
Penutup ● Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan 10 menit
pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
● Guru menutup dengan salam penutup.

D. Penilaian Keterampilan
Menulis puisi sederhana mengenai topik yang telah ditentukan dengan
unsur-unsur puisi, kesesuaian tema dengan isi, serta penggunaan beragam
E. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Siswa menulis puisi sesuai dengan kaidah, menggunakan kosakata secara
bervariasi dan kesesuaian isi dengan tema yang diberikan.
F. Penilaian Sikap
Keaktifan siswa, tanggung jawab, dan kedisiplinan dalam mengikuti



Mama Put Me First

You were there for me

Whenever I was down or up
When the skies so blue or grey
You were there to love and to care

I’ll place no one above you

Cause there no one can do but you
Thank you for everything
Everything you’ve given me

1. What is the theme of the poem?

2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?

3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one

above you”

4. How do you feel about this poem?

5. What is the moral value about this poem?

6. What are the characteristics of poem?

7. What are the types of poem?

8. What are the elements of poem?

9. What does diction mean?

10. What is the meaning of message in poem?


Theme: Nature (mountains, beach and more)

Poetry writing rules:

1. The student writes a poem of two stanzas and each line consists of four lines.

2. Students write a poem using their own words.

3. Students are allowed to see books as a reference in writing poems.

4. Students are prohibited from quoting or taking other people's work from the

5. Students are asked to mark each new vocabulary they get.


N Rating Score
O Assessment Aspect 1 2 3 4 Score Max Score
1 Continuity of content with the 6 24
2 Choice of words or diction 7 28
3 Message 5 20
4 Figurative language 7 28
Score 100

To calculate the test on the results of learning to write a poem to increase students'
vocabulary in English, the percentages correction formula is used as follows:

S= X 100


S = Score expectation

R = The total score of the item or question that is answered correctly

N = The ideal maximum score of the tests performed

100 = Maximal Score


NO Statement Yes No

1 Student activities
Students ask
Students express ideas
Questioning other people's ideas
2 Student creativity
Learn to read poem according to intonation
Expressing ideas in writing a poem
3 Student effectiveness
Students are more serious in learning
Students make the best use of time when

4 Learning makes students:

Students dare to try to read
Students dare to ask
Students dare to express opinions
Students dare to question other people's




Name : KA

Score : 100

1. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer: A mother love
2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?
Answer: Modern Poem
3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one above
Answer: No one can replace mother.
4. How do you feel about this poem?
Answer: Feel sad and touched
5. What is the moral value about this poem?
Answer: love your mother more than anything.
6. What are the characteristics of poem?
Answer: using short language and poured in the form of stanzas,
connotative and imaginative, figure of speech, ambiguity.
7. What are the types of poem?
Answer: old and new
8. What are the elements of poem?
Answer: Extrinsic and Intrinsic
9. What does diction mean?
Answer: Diction is the right choice of words to express ideas so that
certain effects are obtained.
10. What is the meaning of message in poem?
Answer: The mandate is the message the author wants to convey through
the story/writing


Name : AWAR

Score : 100

1. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer: A mother love.
2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?
Answer: Modern poem
3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one above
Answer: Because mothers are the most special and no one can replace a
4. How do you feel about this poem?
Answer: feel touched, because the poem tells of a child who pours out his
heart to his mother who is always there in any situation.
5. What is the moral value about this poem?
Answer: We must respect and love mothers who have cared for us since
6. What are the characteristics of poem?
Answer: Writing poem in the form of stanzas consisting of lines instead of
paragraphs, the diction used is figurative, dense and beautiful, the use of
figure of speech, the choice of words that considers rhyme, in the poem
setting, plots and characters are not highlighted in the expression.
7. What are the types of poem?
Answer: old and new
8. What are the elements of poem?
Answer: Extrinsic and Intrinsic
9. What does diction mean?
Answer: Diction is the right choice of words used to arouse the reader's
imagination, clarify the meaning, touch the reader's feelings and bring up
the right ideas to the reader as the author thinks.
10. What is the meaning of message in poem?

Answer: The message is the message that the author wants to convey to
the readers of the poem.

Name: AAL
Score : 100

1. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer: A mother's love
2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?
Answer: Modern Poem
3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one above
Answer: Because the mother is the most important and nothing can
compete with the love of a mother.
4. How do you feel about this poem?
Answer: feel moved
5. What is the moral value about this poem?
Answer: We must respect and love mothers who have cared for us since
6. What are the characteristics of poem?
Answer: Writing poem in the form of stanzas consisting of lines instead of
paragraphs, the diction used is figurative, dense and beautiful, the use of
figure of speech, the choice of words that considers rhyme, in the poem
setting, plots and characters are not highlighted in the expression.
7. What are the types of poem?
Answer: Old poems and new poems
8. What are the elements of poem?
Answer: Extrinsic (historical aspect, psychological aspect, philosophical
aspect and religious aspect) and Intrinsic (diction, images, figure of
speech, sound, rhyme, and rhythm)
9. What does diction mean?

Answer: Diction is the right choice of words used to arouse the reader's
imagination, clarify the meaning, touch the reader's feelings and bring up
the right ideas to the reader as the author thinks..
10. What is the meaning of message in poem?
Answer: The message is the message the author wants to convey to the
readers of the poem.

Name: SIA
Score : 65

1. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer: Mama Put me first
2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?
Answer: Romantic Poem
3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one above
Answer: Nothing can take the place of mother.
4. How do you feel about this poem?
Answer: Moved
5. What is the moral value about this poem?
Answer: devoted and love mother
6. What are the characteristics of poem?
Answer: Sad
7. What are the types of poem?
Answer: Mantra, romantic, rhyme, gurindam.
8. What are the elements of poem?
Answer: figure of speech rhythm connotation words, symbols words, poem
9. What does diction mean?
Answer: Diction is the right choice of words to express ideas so that
certain effects are obtained.
10. What is the meaning of message in poem?
Answer: Mandate is a good motivation or encouragement for the reader.

Name : DNP
Score : 75

1. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer: Mother
2. Is the poem included in the type of poem?
Answer: Descriptive poem
3. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “I’ll place no one above
Answer: The meaning is that is the child will always put his mom first.
4. How do you feel about this poem?
Answer: Feeling touched
5. What is the moral value about this poem?
Answer: Put your mama first because your mama always there for you.
6. What are the characteristics of poem?
Answer: Solid, clear, loving and beautiful.
7. What are the types of poem?
Answer: old, syair and gurindam.
8. What are the elements of poem?
Answer: Intrinsic (diction, images, figure of speech, sound, rhyme, and
Extrinsic (historical aspect, psychological aspect, philosophical aspect
and religious aspect)
9. What does diction mean?
Answer: Diction is the right choice of words to express ideas so that
certain effects are obtained.
10. What is the meaning of message in poem?
Answer: The mandate is a message of kindness that the author wants to
convey through the story.

Name: AFN
Score : 57

Nature is might
Nature is strong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody

Nature is smart
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is true
And nature is you

Name : DAPRD
Score : 63

“My Garden”
In my humble garden
A flower has bloomed
From flower branches
Butterflies and beetles come

Beautiful already blooming

Blooming in spring
I love with all my heart
I water everyday

Name: MAS
Score: 66

“My garden”
My garden...

My garden is very fertile
Full of verious plants
You are so beautiful

My garden...
You mean a lot to us
Your view is no less than the others
I love my garden

Name: AD
Score: 62

“Dawn Reflection”
When dawn comes
When the sun rises
Will bring a lot of life
Can make thousand of whises come true

On the east side

You show the light
But no one notice it
Even just a little

Name: MS
Score : 63

Rainbow oh raibow
What a beautiful color you are
Red, yellow, green, and orange
Always makes me want to see

Oh rainbow...
How beautiful you are
At sunset
With an amazing afternoon gradation


Name: AFN
Score: 74

It’s brand new day
Sun is rising
Birds are singing
Flowers are blooming

I close my eyes
Feeling the cool breeze
Taking a deep breath
And being thankful for this beautiful universe

Score: 80

Like a hidden paradise
Like a lost paradise
Beautiful waterfall surrounded by trees
Absolute beauty created by creator

Clear water splashing

Flowing trough the rocks
It’s fresh there
The air is full of the love the universe

Name: MAS
Score: 78

“Preserve of Nature”
The sun shinee
Clear sky and blue
Very strong breeze

Natural has given the best

Don’t waste the beauty

Let’s preserve this nature
In order to maintain its beauty
For our children later

Name: AD
Score : 80

“In the Morning”

Good morning beautiful sun
I look at the natural surroundings that make me glued
Like the world is only for me
How beautiful is the gif of the creator

Oh creator...
My admiration is hard to hide from day to night
Because the beauty of nature feels perfect
And make everyone stunned

Name : MS
Score : 74

“The moon rubs my wound”

The moon sweet smile greets me
So beautiful blooms my mood
I was silent for a moment
Looking at the beauty that never gets tired

Your light shines trough the darkness

Penetrating the night brings light
I enjoy your light warm my night
Make this heart lavity happy


NO Statement Yes No

1 Student activities
a. Students ask 
b. Students express ideas
c. Questioning other people's ideas 

2 Student creativity
a. Learn to read poem according to 
b. Expressing ideas in writing a poem 

3 Student effectiveness
a. Students are more serious in learning 
b. Students make the best use of time when
studying 

4 Learning makes students:

a. Students dare to try to read 
b. Students dare to ask 
c. Students dare to express opinions 
d. Students dare to question other people's 


NO Statement Yes No

1 Student activities
Students ask 
Students express ideas 
Questioning other people's ideas 
2 Student creativity
Learn to read poem according to intonation 
Expressing ideas in writing a poem 
3 Student effectiveness
Students are more serious in learning 
Students make the best use of time when 

4 Learning makes students:

Students active to try to read 
Students active to ask 
Students active to express opinions 
Students active to question other people's 


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