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Section 10.

2 Review
1. Describe the liquid state according to the kinetic-molecular theory.
a. Particles closer together, attractive forces, and fluidity.
2. List the properties of liquids.
a. High density, rapid motions, incompressible, definite volume,
and diffusion.
3. How does the kinetic-molecular theory explain the following
properties of liquids: (a) relatively high density, (b) ability to diffuse,
and (c) ability to evaporate?
a. Particles are closer together
b. No definite shape
c. Temperature change affects them
4. Explain why liquids in a test tube form a meniscus.
a. Attached to the surface of the tube, the force pulls it up on
the sides.
5. Compare vaporization and evaporation.
a. Evaporation - from the sun, vaporization- other forms of heat.
6. The evaporation of liquid water from the surface of Earth is an
important step in the water cycle. How do water molecules obtain
enough kinetic energy to escape into the gas state?
a. The sun heats them up very slowly.

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