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Christian Living Education 10

Pre-assessment for preliminary lessons.

Essay: answer the following questions briefly and concisely. (5 points each)

1.What is the real definition of love?

Love can be selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional, and it can also involve compromise and the
willingness to put the needs of the loved one before your own. Ultimately, love is a deep, multifaceted
emotion that can bring great joy and happiness, but also pain and heartache.

2. What is love definition in a relationship?

Love in a relationship is a deep affection, care, and connection between two people. It involves mutual
respect, trust, and support, as well as a willingness to compromise and work through challenges

3. Enumerate the four types of love and describe each.

Agape love is often associated with divine or spiritual love, and it is often associated with religious
practices or beliefs. This type of love is often seen as the highest form of love, as it is selfless and

Filial love is a deep and strong affection that is felt towards one's parents. Filial love is often seen as a
cornerstone of healthy family dynamics and is highly valued in many cultures around the world.

Storge is a type of love that refers to the affectionate, protective love that parents have for their children.

Eros love is a type of love characterized by strong feelings of passion, desire, and attraction. It is an
intense and all-consuming love that often feels like a physical craving or hunger

4. What is the meaning of family?

The meaning of family is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and who
share a common bond and often live together. It is a support system that provides love, care, and
guidance to its members.

5. What is the essence of a Christian family?

The essence of a Christian family is centered on the belief in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and
living a life guided by the teachings of the Bible. This includes loving and serving others, practicing
forgiveness and compassion, and striving to grow in faith and righteousness.

6. What are the duties and obligations of parents to the society?

The duties and obligations of parents to society are about creating a better world for our children and
future generations. By raising and educating our children to be responsible and contributing members of
society, and by actively supporting and contributing to our communities, we can create a brighter future
for everyone.

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