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Coroson lecvocheicalhev otCorosionCauses

eHtect ts prevention
CorrosIon Ttmay be defined as he 9radual
eating Or disintdhratioon or dektioratton ot a
mel b chend cal "or elechochemcal rcaction
wih its environment
e Rusting, of Iron
Reac of chlonne gas wih magneaium
Or tin.
ause ot corosion Netal exist in nature in he fom
ot oxides sulphi de suphatts 2 Carbonabeshese
Cobined statea of metal ane ore hauinq
ULow enëgy Ahe4modynanically Stable. The mera
OHe ex taeted rom JKeae ores atteu expending dlots
ot eneg & becomeheumodyna mically
has a e ndency to go backto hetmodynanically
Stable state by inteuactiq chenically or echro
& dndeuge CoTTOSíon.
CheiCally wiH its environment
SHecs Corosion
ot metal h u s loss of
a) Loss ot uetul propexy
effidency in production raBt due eticienu
to le eficien
maintenance production cost.
c ) n c r e a s e in
Replacement ot Corrode eqipment is time consuning
Containation ot product
heovies ot orosion

By Direet
Dry Corosion ov cherical Corrosion
1) Chemica attaekK
when metal swtace is in mmediate
PrOXIty to akmosphenic ga4es or anhy
a reat checal inteuaction btween-he
wo leadsto Chemial Corrosion
pes of Dry (orrosion
a) Conosion by O2 Coxid" Corrosion) : Takes place in absence
of moistuHe

2.H+n0 2M 2nO MOn

Hetal ion Oxide Heral oxide
At ew tcmpeatue alkaline c a h metals a
alkali ae
at high tcmpeuatuue extept A9, Au,
Oxidised hi oxi dised. ffollowina
be of
Laye tollowina
Othe metal qet
typs is impevious tightu adheing 4
Stable film -Tt protective
Cu or Al i+ aktsas a
he oxide tilmu is preventtd
fuwhe CorTosion
back to metal and cxgen
oxidation oTro Sion
Corrosion. .

de not
do undenge
A Au, P decampose
02 unstable Hetal
otal metal
Hetal Oxide
it is formed itgers
Volatile HlmThe moment
Sutace aggn
ges exfosed
and metal 4 rafPid
volaillized Coninuaus
for fwhe attack deading to
for tuhe
Corosion truh sdace
volai 3 attack
0 Hetal
Hetad metal oxi de
cey atauk hroush.
Atmospheuic oxyaen
racku Or PorA
coninues hence he
metal is

he entire
Continurs tHll
metal oxide.
Poros lay
02 Can dittuse
Mechanism ot oxid'" CoYTOS10n
2M 2T ne*
2 Ot2ne mo
Metal 9ets oxidised e s So released deads to reduction
place a he point
oo 02
O2, toTmation ot metal oxide metal oxide scale
meeting ot 0- rtsulting
Ntn a
o s he Size
ToYm a baie to hict twheu Oxid".
ot HTD is mueh Smalle han Jhat ot O-- hence tasten
h e scale leads to
Outwa metal hrough
dfusion ot
bansden is
Continuation ot metal oxide
Oxid provi de diffusion of O*hrough
Sulficienty porous Slow inwand
ize ot Or'slage
SCale dalso takes plaee because
hence mobility is less
PiIineduordhrule The smalleu h e speclfic
metal ) qrtate
oume Habio(vol. ot metal oxide /vol ot
formed will
Because Oxideilm
i s h e Oxid Corosion ditkuse bring
be Porous,hrough which oxygen
about fwhey ( CoTrosjon
Specific volume Hakio Vol of metal oxide
Vol ot metad
ii Yol. othe oxide VolpaHen metal= no porous AT.

) Vol. ofhe cxide <Vol ot panent meta Oxide Jayen

Laces shess Shrains & Cra cks P o r u s develop n
its shuetuie ee
Li, Na Ma Incrtases derelop
Hate ot oxid?
h oxi Corosion derasts to Zero in case in i.
incrtases in Case ii.
b) Corrasion by Ohen gases Depending on he cheica
betuween meBa a qashe fofmaHon ot pro-
tecHve OT mon proteetive aueH on metal Swtace

Some qgses ike CA2, HS, Soz, N, ekc. exeu

CoTTO Sive effeer to diteent ex ttnt.
) 2Ag +C2 2 Ag Pilm. is protceivc 4 hus
Prottes h e meteu om twtheH atack of CA On Ag
on Aq
i) Sn+202 S n y CHlm is volaile & Sn
n degpes erceLsive CoTrosion.
c)Ligquld metal Corosion Tt ocuss when dquid
metad is allewea to flow ove solid meBal at kigh
tepY. it
deadsto weakening of the solid metal dueo

i THs dissolution in diquid metcu.

ii) Peneration ot diqud metal in to solid in
CNa melad) deads to Comocion Fo Cd
muelea TCAetor
or Wet heon ot Corrosion
2 Elechro chenical tranute4 otes from
takes place by he
when Corrosionmetal to cahodic panb hrough a
anodic Pouts is called eleehrochencal coTrosion
Soluion, It
Con dactive wet or moist Condi-
takes place mostlyooftShert
Short - - cinittd
ciCited gal-
hrough h e toTmation Cerrosion.
Vanic cel. Wet Corrosion ismore hen dry
OY Wet CoYroLion
Hechanism of Cleebwchemical
leerochemical Corosion involves
'cathodie h e 4
|ameas, between
bnodic ConducHng medium
i Sepatat
Cuent flows hrough
which a t anodic areas uhh
oxidaHon CcoTOSlon
O c c w e n c e ot
qenenates metallic ions. toTmed at
a t
10ns ike OH 20 a e
Cathedic CHeas
ions towad
n o n - m e t a l l i e . ions
non-metallic towauds
Diffusion o meallic and medium Cand toma-
cnd toTma-
iV) hrough conducing
eagh ohe duc Somewhene between
o f Corosion pro
and Cahodic Oeas Fer iv)-oH
ii H0
amaspheHe Caupce
Anode e d
for e Rusting otiron in neutral agueous Soluton
o echrolyte nhe prtAence of ORygen or in acidic
envivonment wih he evolution of hudrogen

Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen absorptionheery

Originate at anode and
ions originate
Fett on han
Cahode. Smalle Fet ionu diffuse more rapidy
he anode
he langen OH ons, So CoTrosion o c c u s at
but Yustt is deposited mea Cohode
Conduced to
The es Heleaed. at he anode aHe
Vaiouu Cahodic
h e Catho de and a e Heiponui ble tor
reactions Sueh as Cathodic Keactions
Oxugen absorptionInhe presence of dissolved
medium HH'+0,+ He 2H0
a I naidic
(b) I n neural or weakly alkaline medium
2H0 +0, 4e HOH
ii Hdrogen evolution In he ahsence atO
Ca In aidic medium
I n neukral or alkaline mediumn

2H0+ 2e H t 20H
metal iond
Athe cathode
it Elechoplaking

deposited on he Cahole
Collee he es and qet
Cu+ac,2 Cu
Cnode he meBal atoms desehei
Hnodic rtaution A+
to he environment 2 pass in to solution.
MCS) a,) + ne Coxid°)
h e es 2 ion aHe Hemovea
This Conti nues a s long au
n c a s e hey aHe not removed
trom he evironment
willmot proceed tuheu.
he coTosion
For mation of Rust
Fe o AA
02+4e+HO3 uOH
FeLoH) (Cathode axa
Anode axea
FeCoH) +0,+ 2M,0 4Felon), or 2Fe0a*3H20
lypes ot eleehwchemical corrosion
Unutorm & Gualvanic Covrosion Tt takes place uwhen
ditfenen metals ane in Contact oining, exposed to
Corosve at mas phete will form anode - undeugo Corrosion
toY n-u,
Zn-Aq) Ln Zn-Gu Gralvanic cell z% behaves
ano de whene Gxid Corrosion oceus 4 u behaves

Cahode is protected Galvanic corrosion can
miniized by
Avoiding. Galvanic couple
"rovidh an in swlating mateial
two Omekals.
2 Pitinq Conrosion I t is due to the breakdaun dY
Craekm ot he Protective fm On a metal a
S peaittc Points. s a decalised acee lenated
ataok rsulting inthe tormatBon ot Cavities
aound which Ke meal is relaively Unattaahed
i s Coroslon nthe metal, it 4ves rise to
anodic 4 Uage cathodie arehs breakdouwm
ot he protective Hlm . Rate ot Corrosion incrased
Wateu line Covosio n

A wateH requlauly
Fathode Cmoue oxygenated)
filed wi4wad 5E anode Cdess oxygenaked)
up to Some mauk
Concenration ot O- above h e wateA Sutace is qreatex
The Suwtace, when watcy is Stagnant
hat undeu h e
in a Steel tank TKis generates dn ygen Concen
meal t h e above he watey
tratton ceuCahodic wTt he meBal belowhe wate
leve is
leNential Acnaion Covosion Or Co ncenhatlon
Cel CoTOSlon I t is a type of corosion, which
OcewHS due to he eleehrochemical attaak on he
metal Sttacee and sbsequent CoTrosion when a
metal is
elecholute ovoi
of VOyin
Concen tratton ov ot yaying aenalon.
T OCCL wheh b metallic stace is parbiall
Immeued in
eleerolyte and pauHally exposed to
Zn od
Paorlyox genate metallic - Cahode
Pou become anodic 4 undegoes
O idaon. anode
At anode' ZnZn"+e Elecrolyte
At Cahede 0+H,O+e 20H CNau)
n'aOnon" ion inteuaet to qive ZnloH), and Conrosion
CCA a anode . Thu A plue metal tad half
ImmeBed in wate staus Coroding a bottom.
Passvity auueivation
Passivoakion is he phenomenon , by which a metal
allo Shows h'g coOTrOsion TCsis tdnte due to
due to
he fovatton ot a highly proteetive veyJhin
Cabout 0004 mmhick) and' quite invisi ble SuAtace
Hm Passivation of metal takes place Only in ceutain
environ ments
which tend to maintaln proteetive fHlm
onhe Suutace for e T ( , Al containing stainless
Steel aloys exhiblt Outstanding Corosion esistance
inhe Ptsence otxygen Kis idue tohe
tomaion ofhn, roteatve oxide ttlm On helsu
Factors iotluencin Corrosion.
a) Natwne of
ol mela Lessen is the , puty ot a metal
este is he ate ot cOrrosion he impwuties prtseatr
na metal Cause heteroqeneity and
hus ti
elechrochemical Cells aue törmed.
Phutical state ot meta The dangen he
Sizë of he mekal alloy,he shale wil qrain
Solubi liFy a hence uesse
be its
will be its corrosion.
Natwe ot he Oxide tilm
The Shalles he specitic
Volume Hatio 9reateu is the oxid" corosion cause
Oxide Hlm tormea will be porOub
H Position in he galvandc Seie he qrcatcu h e
Oxid potential, qreak is its tendency t o become
anodic a hence greaten he ate ot Corosion
5 Relattve aeas ot anode 2 Calhode The ate ot
CoTrosion metal is leas when he anea o he
Cahode is smalles,he demand fov e's is less 4
his resulhs in he deortaae rate ot dissolution otmetal
ano dic regions
6Solwbilitu Corrosion produets Insoluble corroslon
Produet tunction as phuaica bauey, hene by
heue by
SuppreASeS tthen Corodjon.ut It he Coro sion
Jhe metal Proceed twhe.
COTTOSIon products t Corosion
Volaility ot
is Volaki lity , excessive CoTOsion takes place
as Soon a Corosion pro duct is tormed.

Trvolai lizesthee by eavinghe undeulying

metal Swtace for twkhex attdek.
bNatwie of Corroding énvivonment
TeP The Hate ot corrosion incrtases with rise in
tempeatwie Beeauaehe anodic attaak by he
aniona he Cahodic evoluhion of h drogeh 9a
&Soluhlity ot 02 deorcases wh
ris of ttpexakune
CoTrosion due to ditFeuentia aenation cbs
Slowed down at higheHtenpeHatuie as Poory
Oxyaenated areas behaves as anode due to tasto
difuion ot0 in to pits a Ctvices.
Cauatic embritHement a integTanulax corrosive
+akes place only a highen tepP
2 Humidity he greate is humidity he qrtatex ishe
Uate 2extent ot Corrosion beeausAe moistuHe acts
solvent to
foY Seting up a
tuinish he elechrolyte essenial
Corosion ceu for e Comosion
otIron sslouw in dry al compane to moist ai.
EHect of pH Corosion of metals which ae Ttadily
atacked by aelds Can be reduced by incrtasing
he PH ot he ataekin for e
enviYonment tor
ConrO sion Zn Can be inmzed by incrtasinighe
PH to I1.
Natwie et lecbholyte
Ontons eleehrolyte Consists ot silicate ions, *hey
in soluble siliate & prtvent tuheex Corosion
Coraiss ot Cions deshroyshe protectve ttlm4
he stace is exposed tovfwtheu Corrosion.
Cations Corosion ot many metals 1s Tapid in presence
ot NHs" in Corodin
toTmatioo at Oxugen Concenrat ion ceu

esente o l p o u t i e s n ct mosphee Corosive qases

aeid ot leads to incrtased Conductivity of the diqua

aye in Contalt IncraAes Orosion.

Preence Suspended pauicles Enhance corosiO
because hey absorb moiste aet as stong
Protect ion trom CovrOsion
Alloying he culoyno torincrcasing Corrosion resis-
tance e tor
A l , o ,Ti, Ni 4. No as protective oxide layeu
nhibiting As or Sb in braas pitvents dezincification.
NeutalizineTa, Nb ^Ti Combine wih cabon to torm
Teapective Caubides a make &s corrosion
2 Protective Coatings
Sutace Coaings made uP ot (Z0, Sn, Ni) CA) metals
Proteets iron.
Li) Anodised Oxide coatings ane sed for proteetion of
A,Zn H andheu alloys trom Corosion.

d Cenandc pxotcetive Coakings lenamel Coakings

Can protee high tenp eaupmeaks iron equlpmest
Paint aynishes wed.
iv ane

Metallc Coading&
Anodic Coatings"CGualvanizaionot ivon Ihe metal used
Coating is morc anadichan he metal uhich
to be proteektd Ghe base meBal) eq. Coatn of
Al, Cd Zn on Steel Sutace Galvanisaion An >Fe
n Canode) Zn-Zn+e
Cack on Zinc Cinc. being anode is
attacked proiccded, Cohodic iron even f it is
exposed when Pors, brcak Lron or Sttel is not
CoYTOded tHl au he Coating metal is Consmed
i Cahodic Coadinge
These Coaings
Cooking protecthe
ndeyinq base base metal because of hëiu noble -chaxa-
t e ald
higheu CoTOsion rCsistance I Such coaings
efective PrOtection is possible only henhey ane
Copletey Contin uous and fee trom Pots, breaks
if Pore is heue he CoTrosion othe base metalis
Speeded up. Because exposed meBal acks as anode now

SBce Corrosion
Cahodic Prolection Cor Elecrochemicat
M N+ne xidatlon

H'+Re H2
h e Corosion
fmetal stauks behaing dike coshode
will preventes Forcinghe metal
to behave üke a
Cathode is he Principal ot Cathodic proteekion
d SacuticialAnodic roteation
sucte can be Saved Eaveth Swuace
he metal

Coroslon by Connecting it Ha ( Saci ticialanode )
wwte to a more (
active rsulakd
move ano dic) metal , Sohat all Soi Goppe
Ccencentraded wHe
he COrosion is
he more active meBal As
a Iron pipe
Jhe more acve metal is sacrificedron
ot saving meBal trom Corrosion, henue
in h e processs
itis knoon as Saciicial ano de Metal s Commanly
Lsed Saeuticia) anodes a e Zn, Al, Mg and
hei aloys inc is used a Sacuticial anode in 900d
eleerolytesueh as sea waten. tor e Mq is sed
highesistivity elecholytes such as oils due to its
most-ve potentiad
Application Protection ot undeuqround cables2 plpelinea
) Protection of ships dnd. boat hulls trom
mau ne Cowosion (Shees ot Mg or Zn ae
hug MoUnd he ship hul t ceon
9oinq ships
The tormation ot usty watex is prevented
by he
inser tion of Mg shees or rods
in to domesttc waen boiteu or tanks.
t) npreksed Cument Cathodic Protection In ws
Cwent from an exteunau SouCe is impreAsed to nulliHy
he Comrosion Cuent This is done to Conveut Corodinga
metal trom anode to cathode Once the metal become'
Cahodic it
proteeted rom CoTmosion Ihe anode may
, is
be eithe an. inet mattual or one which detio-
Hates and wi || have to beYeplaced peuiodically
The commony Used anodic mattials
Cabon, SS, tcHap ivon
ae graphte,
Platinum, The cnode is buied
in baukk AI Such as yPSum to incrtalehe eleabial
Contact between itselbndhe Suwlounding soi|.
Applicarions i TRis proteetion mehod is ihefud
hen elecholyte eaictvity and CNet rcauiuements
aHe high
IH is well switd for lage smactues and long
tm applicaHons.
ot buried srructunes sueh aspipe. lines
1tt) Used. in case
line towexs 4 laid p ships.
Anode Caho de
Eauth Surface
baek Insulattdwire

Buied pipe. Soil

Cahe de
revention of Cowosion by Halkuial Selechion and Deaign
a) Avoid L, T &U shaped profiles in conauctiona as tay
as possible se beause it becomes more dtticult for
eticdent* Stace treatment
b) Avoid galvanic Corosion
Neve join dtleuent metals 2 alleys especially it hey
c e taH apant in qalvanic Series.
Never use a delign in which relative sizes of e
Canede and anode ane widely diffeuent
Screwsbolts, nuts and weld muwt be made froma
more meble mateuialhan he oine maBeuials.
Continuous welds should be prefeuwed
C) Avord iwprope insulation o-heuwise leakage ot cuwwen
takes plaee .
wh moistue.
d)Avoid he Contact of metallic object

U S Good Poov design GLoo d design

Poor design
Corosion dnhibitors The Suhstances which when addea
in mall Amont to Comrosive enviromet decrtases
Tate o+ CoTosion ae ot follouoing tpes
Anodic ánhibitors k e adalies, molybdates ,phasphakes
ana chvemaleshey ract wHh the 1or ot he anode
and pro duee insoltble precipitaes. The precipitates so
formed ane absovbed on the mekal Suntace. torming
a proteeHive Hlm 01 bale,heue by rtdueinghe
Corosion roate
An case ot arodc inhbitors when an
insufficent Concenhrakton is e d aUhe anodic aueas
may not- be CoveHed he HeAulting combinakion
CS anodic dage cathedic aea ) Corosi ontake
incrtases CausesA Tdpid ocai sed pe foraion of
metal CPItng).
Cauthodic dnhibitoss An aeidic medium, he Cathadic
reaetions HT + e 3 H h e Corosion Can be con-
tro lled by slowBnq doon he iftuulon of Ht ions
Can be done by sing Organic inhibitors ike
ami ne
mencaptont" heavy metal soaps, hiolas
absorbedat Cathodic meta,
ae as a proteative
Vapou- Phase ov Volalile which tadily ublime.
amd tom
+om a protectve uayen on he suwface.
metal or
tor ea
dicue-hexyd ammondum
nJtite is wed o
Sophisticattd eaupments.
ot machineie

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