Coffee Temperature Responses

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Journal of Horticultural Science (1995) 70 (1) 25-34

Temperature affects vegetative growth and flowering of

coffee (Coffea arabica L.).
Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Walkamin Research Station, Walkamin, Qld,
4872, Australia
Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Maroochy Horticultural Research Station, P. 0.
Box 5083, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, Nambour, Qld, 4560, Australia

The effect of temperature was investigated on the vegetative growth and flowering of
nine coffee cultivars (Catuai Rojo, Catuai, Caturra Amarillo, Caturra Rojo, Catimot,
BMK, SL6, K7 and LB) grown in pots under glass. High day/night temperatures (33°/28°
compared with 18°/13°, 23°/18° and 28°/23°C) accelerated stem extension and node
production. Growth was greatest in cvs K7 and SL6 and lowest in cv. Caturra Rojo.
Prolonged exposure to high temperatures of 33°/28°C accelerated leaf loss and induced a
general decline in tree health. All cultivars showed rapid initial growth during summer
and autumn, and slower growth during winter and spring under short days ( <13 h) and
low irradiances ( <6.8 MJ m-2 d- 1). Growth did not recover in spring and summer at the
end of the experiment. Inflorescences were initiated mainly from April to September
under photoperiods <12 h. More floral buds initiated at 23°/l8°C and 18°/13°C than at
28°/23°C and no floral initiation occurred at 33°/28°C. Inflorescence development took
4-6 weeks at 28°/23° compared with 8-10 weeks at 23°/18° and 12-14 weeks at 18°/13°C.
High temperatures also induced floral malformations. Cvs Catuai Rojo, Caturra Rojo
and Caturra Amarillo had most inflorescences per node and cvs K7, BMK and LB fewest.
Temperatures of 33°/28°C during summer will ensure maximum vegetative growth and
potential number of flowering nodes. Temperatures of 23°/18°C during winter will ensure
healthy and synchronized floral bud development and maximize the number of
inflorescences per node.

COFFEE (Coffee arabica L.) is cultivated in a problems and is the key to mechanical harvest,..
range of environments extending 25° north and ing. The environmental regimes which favour a
south of the equator (Wrigley, 1988) and within short prolific flowering are not known.
these environments many growth and flowering The literature on the influence of environ-
patterns are evident. Close to the equator with mental factors on growth and flowering of cof.:.
no well-defined seasons such as Colombia, fee under field conditions is confused.
growth flushes and flowering are observed Depending on location, regularity of wet and
throughout the year (Morales et al., 1951). In dry seasons, temperature, radiation and photo-
contrast, in Brazil and Ethiopia with distinct period, each may be the dominant factor
seasonal climates, there is a single growth and controlling the vegetative/reproductive cycle
flowering season (Barros and Maestri, 1972; (Gopal, 1974). The published work also does
Clowes and Allison, 1982). Flowering and not offer an indication of the variation in culti-
hence fruit ripening extend over several var response to changes in climate.
months even in locations with distinct seasons, Water supply has a strong effect on flowering
which present major problems for efficient and fruiting in coffee possibly through its
mechanical harvesting. Compression of the impact on vegetative growth and floral initia-
flowering season would largely overcome these tion (Morales et al., 1951; Barros and Maestri,
26 Growth and fiowt;ring in coffee

1972; Barros et al., 1978; Alvim, 1985; Cannell, in a heated glasshouse with a maximum tem-
1985 and Rothfos, 1985). Browning (1973) perature of 25°C and a minimum night temper-
reported that shortening the period of vegeta- ature of 15°C. Cultivars SL6, K7, LB and
tive growth decreased the period of floral initia- Catimor were topped to 70 cm, seven months
tion. This would be expected to enhance prior to the experiment and trained to one
synchronized flowering. Under the present sucker during regrowth to match the unpruned
growing conditions in North Queensland, floral trees.
initiation occurs from March to September. If
methods could be found to manipulate vegeta- Treatments
tive growth so as to compress the period of After three years (1 January 1989) plants
floral initiation, synchronizing flowering might were transferred to controlled-temperature
be possible. glasshouses maintained at day/night (12 h
Temperature is the other major factor influ- days) temperatures of 18°/13°, 23°/18°, 28°/23°
ence vegetative growth and floral initiation in and 33°/28°C. These temperatures regimes
coffee (Mes, 1957a; Went, 1957; Nunes et al., represent the range of temperature likely to be
1968; Gopal and Vasudeva, 1973; Clowes et al., experienced in coffee growing regions through-
1989). Went (1957) found temperatures of 23°/ out the world. The plants were grown for 11
17°C to be the optimum for vegetative growth. months and received 10.4-13.8 h of sunlight
Nunes et al. (1968) reported depressed growth and aµ average total irradiance of 9.2 MJ m-2
above 25°C while Clowes et al. (1989) found d- 1 (45% of outside value). Average daily
reduced growth above 33°C. High temper- vapour pressure deficit ranged from 0.8 to
atures (33°/23° and 30°/17°C) also inhibit floral 1.0 kPa.
development (Mes, 1957a). The optimum tem-
peratures for floral initiation are reported Measurements
around 17°C to 23°C, (Mes, 1957a; Gopal and For each of five non-bearing branches per
Vasudeva, 1973). The influence of temperature tree, extension growth, and the numbers of
on the spread of vegetative growth and floral nodes and inflorescences were recorded at
initiation is unknown. monthly intervals. As the inflorescences grew,
This paper reports on the effects of temper- an average stage of development of the floral
ature on the vegetative growth and flowering in buds on each branch was recorded as well'as the
nine coffee cultivars. We proposed that low number of flower buds and any floral abnormal-
temperatures would promote uniform floral ities (see later). The number of leaves absciss-
initiation, in turn promoting uniform flowering. ing per node were also recorded. Diurnal leaf
Low temperatures would shorten the period of water potential [<p1] were recorded over two
vegetative growth, decreasing the period of separate days using a pressure chamber as
floral initiation because initiation occurs pro- described by Drinnan (1993). Single leaves
gressively along the branch. The low temper- were used to determine <p1 of a tree.
atures would also promote the onset of floral
initiation (Mes, 1957a; Gopal and Vasudeva, Floral growth terminology
1973). The system of classification for floral bud
development devised for this experiment sepa-
MATERIALS AND METHODS rates development into five stages which are
Cultivars and tree culture based on unambiguous morphological charac-
The experiment was conducted in Brisbane, ters which are visible to the naked eye
Australia (Lat. 27°S) between January 1989 and (Figure la).
January 1990 using cvs Catuai Rojo, Catuai, Stage 1: Buds 1 mm (first visible), green and
Caturra Amarillo, Caturra Rojo, Catimor, covered by bracts. The type of development
BMK, SL6, K7 and LB to provide a range in cannot be determined at this early stage.
maturity, yield and vigour. Many of these are Stage 2: Buds 2-3 mm, dome shaped, covered
grown commercially in north Queensland. by an amber coloured mucilage secreted from
Seedling trees were grown in 10 1 of peat and the tip of the inflorescence. The buds can be
sand (1:1.5) with added fertilizer (Baker, 1957), determined as potential flowers at this stage.


Stage 1 x50 Stage 2 x25

Stage 3 x9 Stage 4 x7 Stage 5 x~


FIG. 1
a) Five stages of coffee floral development and b) inflorescence with a single star flower x 10. Inflorescences are mounted on
needles. Magnification is shown.
28 Growth and flowering in coffee

Stage 3: Inflorescence 7-9 mm with flower ment were analyzed on"a per branch basis. To
buds tightly packed together and covered by test the effect of cultivar, the data were ana-
mucilage. lyzed separately for each temperature by one-
Stage 4: Inflorescence ca. 9-12 mm with indi- way analysis of variance (cultivar only). To test
vidual flower buds separated and the mucilage the effect of temperature over time, the cultivar
disappearing. Flower buds become lighter means were pooled for each temperature and
green, cease growth and enter dormancy. The the standard error of the gen..~ral mean at each
inflorescences in this stage are sometimes time presented. Data are the means from six
referred to as fully mature, ready to flower, or in trees.
the critical stage. In this report inflorescences
between stage 4 and less than 5 are still dormant RESULTS
and only in the inflorescences at stage 5 has Water relations
floral bud dormancy been broken. Leaf water potential decreased with increas-
Stage 5: Open flower or anthesis, results only ing temperature and were 0.2 to 0.5 MPa lower
after floral bud dormancy is broken. at midday than at dawn (0600 hours) or sunset
These stages are approximate as the develop- (1800 hours). As the <p1 did not vary significantly
ment is continuous rather than in discrete steps between cultivars only the data for cv. Catuai
as illustrated here and hence there is qneed to Rojo are presented (Table I).
use half stages to classify bud develop~ent. In
this experiment all the inflorescences develop- Stem extension and number of nodes
ing on a branch were assigned a stage of Total shoot growth across cultivars was great-
development, and an average stage of develop- est at 33°/28°C (13.5 cm per branch) and
ment calculated for the branch. declined for each drop in temperature to 5.3 cm
The number of star flowers were also per branch at l8°/l3°C (Table II). Shoot growth
counted (see Figure lb). These flower buds in individual cultivars also decreased ·with
appear to open prematurely, the petals remain- decreasing temperature except in cvs SL6 and
ing small and stiff, forming a star shape, the K7 where growth increased slightly at the low-
style and anthers are left exposed. Huxley and est temperature (18°/13° compared with 23°/
Ismail (1969) reported that a range of inter- 18°C) (Table II). Growth in these two cultivars
mediate types of flower buds often exist was also good at the highest temperature. Cvs
between a star flower and a normal flower bud. Catuai and Catuai Rojo grew poorly at low
In some cases the corolla gapes open and the temperatures but growth improved greatly at
anthers and style may protrude through the the highest temperature. Cvs LB and Caturra
opening. In this report any of these inter- Rojo were the least respo~sive to increasing
mediate stages were recorded as star flowers. temperature.
Throughout this paper, the term floral bud Node production generally reflected exten-
refers to an inflorescence which is developing sion growth with the greatest increase at 33°/
(differentiating). Once the floral bud reaches 28°C (6.3 new nodes per branch) and a smaller
stage 4, the term flower bud is used because one increase at 28°/23°C and 23°/l8°C. Node pro-
or more flower buds will have formed. The term duction increased slightly at the lowest temper-
mature flower bud refers to flower buds which ature (Table II). Individual cultivars produced
have fully formed and are in a state of dor- similar numbers of nodes at each temperature,
mancy but which have not reached anthesis. the notable exception being cv. Caturra Rojo
This period of dormancy before anthesis 1s which at the highest temperature produced sig-
referred to as floral bud dormancy. nificantly fewer nodes than all other cultivars
(Table II). lnternode length was generally
Analysis greater during rapid growth and in the vigorous
The number of inflorescences, flower buds, cultivars.
star flowers, dead flower buds, axillary buds and Most extension growth was produced by the
leaves abscinded were analyzed on a per-node cultivars pruned before the start of the experi-
basis. The increase in the number of nodes, ment (cvs SL6, LB, K7 and Catimor). These cul-
extension growth and stage of floral develop- tivars averaged 11.1 cm per branch across
J. E. DRINNAN and C. l\1. MENZEL 29

TABLE I Trees at the highest temperature also devel-

Effect of day/night temperatures on the diurnal leaf water oped soft swollen nodes and prolific axillary
potential (MPa) of cv. Catuai Rojo. Data are the means for six
branching and suckering. Tree growth was
normal and healthy at 23°/l8°C and l8°/13°C.
Time of day
(hours) l8°/13°C 23°/l8°C 28°/23°C 33°/28°C
Leaf drop
0600 0.11 0.22 0.25 0.34 Increased leaf abscission was associated with
1200 0.30 0.47 0.61 0.83 strong vegetative growth at the highest temper-
1800 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.42
atures (33°/28° and 28°/23°C). The average
number of leaves abscinded per node ( ± SE)
temperatures, compared with 5.8 cm extension was 0.66 (0.03) and 0.54 (0.03) at 33°/28° and
growth in the unpruned £¥1tivars. The smallest 28°/23°C compared with 0.18 (0.03) and 0.13
growth rates were produe¢d by the dwarf cvs (0.03) at 23°/18° and l8°/13°C.
Caturra Rojo, Caturra Amarillo and Catuai.
Pruning appeared to be having a strong effect Number of inflorescences
on growth at the start of the experiment as indi- Across cultivars most inflorescences were
cated by the rapid growth of the dwarf cv. Cati- produced at 23°/l8°C followed closely by 18°/
mor. Within the pruned trees however, Catimor l3°C (Table III). Above these temperatures the
grew less than the three vigorous cvs SL6, LB, number of inflorescences produced declined.
K7. Although the pruned trees grew faster, the At 33°/28°C no floral development was
pattern of growth was not affected. observed (Table III). Cv. Caturra Amarillo pro-
duced the highest number of inflorescences per
Pattern of vegetative growth node at all temperatures. Cvs Catimor, LB and
As all cultivars showed similar patterns of K7 produced few inflorescences especially at
growth data were pooled across cultivars. the lowest temperature. In cv. Caturra Rojo the
Growth generally declined from January to number of inflorescences produced increased
May at 23°/18°, 28°/23° and 33°/28° and was uni- at the lowest temperature unlike all other
formly low at l8°/l3°C (Figure 2). Treatment culti vars.
effects were small after June with growth occur-
ring as a series of small flushes. The vegetative Timing of floral initiation
growth cycle of coffee would appear to be For all cultivars, inflorescences were initiated
reasonably continuous throughout the year but from March until September. Initiation was
stronger in summer and autumn. slow at first, reached maximum levels from
April to July and then slowed again. The
Visual observations decline in the number of inflorescences at 28°/
At 28°/23° and especially at 33°/28°C, leaves 23°C after August (Figure 3) was associated
become chlorotic, unusually small, thin and with floral abortion. This pattern of initiation
puckered and the branches thin and elongated. was similar for all cultivars. Cultivars varied
Effect of temperature and cultivar on total extension growth (cm) and number of new nodes per branch (in parenthesis) over
eleven months. Data are the means for five branches over six trees. Temperature means for extension growth (SE = 0.39) and new
nodes (SE= 0.15) are also presented

Cultivar 18°/l3°C 23°/18°C 28°/23°C 33°/28°C

Catimor 6.5 (3.3) 6.9 (3.0) 10.0 (3.7) 15.4 (6.5)

BMK 4.2 (2.0) 4.2 (1.5) 5.8 (2.9) 11.1 (5.3)
Caturra Rojo 2.8 (1.9) 4.3 (2.1) 4.7 (2.6) 8.0 (3.8)
Caturra Amarillo 2.5 (2.1) 2.8 (2.3) 3.6 (2.2) 11.9 (7.0)
LB 8.5 (2.5) 8.7 (2.3) 12.2 (4.3) 12.5 (6.0)
K7 9.8 (3.1) 9.0 (2.5) 12.2 (3.6) 19.0 (7.1)
SL6 8.8 (2.7) 8.0 (2.5) 11.0 (3.3) 18.4 (6.9)
Catuai Rojo 3.0 (2.4) 3.6 (2.4) 7.2 (3.7) 12.1 (7.3)
Catuai 1.3 (1.5) 2.6 (1.4) 6.9 (2.8) 12.8 (6.5)
LSD (P<0.05) 3.3 (1.3) 3.3 (1.3) 3.3 (1.3) 3.3 (1.3)
Mean 5.3 (2.4) 5.6 (2.2) 8.2 (3.2) 13.5 (6.3)

30 Growth and flowering in coffee

-t--' I I I I I I I
c 4
g_ 3
CJ) 1
w 0
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2 FIG.
Effect of temperature on the pattern of lateral branch extension during the experi-
ment. Data are the means for all cultivars (36 trees). Vertical bars indicate SE of the
overall mean.

slightly in the timing of initiation: cvs. Catimor, DISCUSSION

Caturra Rojo and Caturra Amarillo initiated Water relations
floral buds earlier than cvs Catuai Rojo and Leaf water potential measurements indicate
Catuai. a more stressful environment with increasing
temperature. However, tree water status at all
Inflorescence development temperature regimes were well within the
Individual inflorescences took approxi- normal diurnal range for fruit trees (Jones et al.,
mately 4-6 weeks at 28°/23°C, 8-10 weeks at
23°/l8°C and 12-14 weeks at l8°/l3°C to reach
maturity. High rates of inflorescence abscission Stem extension and node number
were observed at 28°/23°C especially during This experiment has shown the large effect of
August and September. Malformed (star) temperature on growth in coffee. The amount
flowers were also observed at 28°/23°C. Cvs of growth (branch extension, new nodes,
Caturra Amarillo, Catuai Rojo and K7 had axillary branches and suckers) increased with
most floral malformations. increasing temperature from 18°/13° to 33°/
TABLE III 28°C. For many cultivars branch extension
Effect of temperature and cultivar on the total number of growth and the increase in the number of nodes
inflorescences initiated per node. Data are the means for five
branches over six trees. Temperature means (SE= 0.14) are was more than three times as great at 33°/28°
also presented. There was no flowering at 33°/28°C compared with l8°/l3°C. Lower optimum tem-
No. of inflorescences per node peratures for vegetative growth have been
established previously by Robinson (1986) 26°/
Cultivar l8°/l3°C 23°/l8°C 28°/23°C 20°c, Willson (1985) 24°/15°C and Went (1957)
Catimor 1.7 2.7 2.0 23°/l 7°C. Willson (1985) reported that the
BMK 2.4 2.4 1.1 photosynthetic rate is reduced above 25°C and
Caturra Rojo 3.5 3.2 1.1
Caturra Amarillo 4.1 5.0 2.0 that leaves are damaged by continual exposure
LB 1.9 2.5 2.0 to temperatures above 30°C. Nunes et al. (1968)
K7 1.7 2.3 1.5 found depressed leaf growth above 25°C.
SL6 1.9 2.9 1.5
Catuai Rojo 3.4 4.9 1.4 In this experiment although total growth was
Catuai 2.8 2.8 0.8 greatest at 33°/28° (mostly due to very high
LSD (P<0.05) 0.7 0.7 0.7
initial rates of growth), continuo~s exposure to
Mean 2.6 3.2 1.5
high temperatures (33°/28° and 28°/23°C to a

u 4

~ 3

a~ 2
ci !......
c 8_
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

FIG. 3
Effect of temperature on the pattern of inflorescence initiation during the experiment.
Floral initiation was inhibited at 33/28°C. Data are the means for all cultivars (36 trees).
Vertical bars indicate SE of the overall mean.

lesser extent) led to reduced rates of growth sitive while extension growth in cvs LB and
and deteriorating plant health. Leaves became Caturra Rojo is fairly unresponsive to changing
chlorotic, small and short lived. Nodes became temperatures. Because of the strong associ-
swollen and malformed and branches became ation between the amount of vegetative growth
long, thin and spindly. Therefore the optimum and yield in coffee, these findings may influence
temperature for tree health ( <28°/23°C) is the choice of cultivar for particular locations.
lower than for branch extension growth. and For example cv. C~tuai or Catuai RojcYmay be
similar to optimum temperatures reported by selected for low-elevation sites with high mean
Went (1957), Willson (1985) and Robinson temperatures while cvs K7 and SL6 may be
(1986). selected for higher elevated sites with cooler
Growth rates of individual cultivars indicates mean temperatures. The low number of nodes
that cvs K7 and SL6 are tolerant of low and high produced by cv. Caturra Rojo at the highest
temperatures, cvs Catuai and Catuai Rojo are temperature would limit the yield potential of
also tolerant of high temperatures but cold sen- this cultivar at this temperature.

14 15 ""•
D 13 ·~hot<iper;od /•-• • J
.-------. • ....__
lrradiance~ / .-·/

0 5
_c -----.~.-
Q_ 10
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

FIG. 4
Average monthly photoperiod and irradiance inside the glasshouse during the experiment.
32 Growth and fi0,wering in coffee

The pattern of vegetative growth found in maximum rate under the short days of mid-
this study is similar to patterns found by Tau- winter and then declined again as day length
send (unpublished) in Hawaii, Barros and increased (Figure 4). Franco (1940) and Pir-
Maestri (1972) in Brazil and Clowes and Alli- inger and Borthwick (1955) found a critical
son (1982) in Ethiopia. The pattern appears to photoperiod for floral initiation in coffee of
be related to changes in photoperiod or 13 h.
irradiance rather than temperature. The The timing of floral initiation in each of the
general decline in growth from January to May cultivars corresponds well with the field matu-
corresponded with a decline in photoperiod rity times found by Winston and O'Farrell
and irradiance (Figure 4). A reduction in veg- (1987 and 1988). Cvs Catuai and Catuai Rojo
etative growth has been observed under short are late maturing and cvs Catimor, Caturra
days by Franco (1940), Piringer and Borthwick Rojo and Caturra Amarillo mature early.
(1955) and Went (1957) and in low irradiances For synchronous flowering, a short period of
by Rayner (1946). A decline in growth at this floral initiation would be advantageous. At 28°/
time has also been related to competition with 23°C, floral development is rapid, so that within
fruit growth by Mcfarlane (1949), Beaumont 3.5 months most of the inflorescences have
and Fukunaga (1958) and Cannell (1971), but developed compared with five to six months at
the decline in this experiment was not associ- 18°/13°C (Figure 3). However, at this temper-
ated with cropping. The reason for the poor ature many star flowers are formed. A temper-
growth in spring and early summer under a ature regime of 23°/l8°C appears to be the best
steadily increasing photoperiod and irradiance compromise between healthy and synchron-
is not known. ized floral bud development. More flower buds
per inflorescence are also formed at 23°/18°C
Number of inflorescences with 1.2 ( ± 0.09) compareq with 0.15 ( ± 0.09) at
This experiment has shown the large effect of 28°/23°C pooled across cultivars. Floral malfor-
temperature on floral development in coffee. mations appear to be related to temperature
Floral initiation is promoted below 28°/23°C and not water deficits as indicated by changes in
and eliminated at 33°/28°C. Development of cp 1 across temperature. Differences between cul-
inflorescences is faster at 28°/23°C compared tivars suggest some genetic control as well.
with 23°/l8°C and 18°/13°C but this leads to High temperatures and water stress have been
floral malformations and inflorescence ~bscis­ suggested as responsible for the formation of
sion. Mes (1957a) found that most floral buds star flowers in earlier studies (Mes, 1957b;
were produced at 23°/17°C with none at 30°/ Went, 1957; Alvim, 1958; Huxley and Ismail,
23°C or 30°/17°C. In other studies Kumar (1979) 1969; Kumar, 1982).
found trees at 27°/17° developed the most floral CONCLUSION
buds. Gopal and Vasudeva (1973) found floral Temperature strongly affected vegetative
initiation was favoured by temperatures and reproductive growth in coffee. High tem-
around 22°-23°C. peratures (33°/28° and 28°/23° compared with
Floral initiation in individual cultivars indi- 23°/18° or l8°/l3°C) increased the amount of
cates that cv. Caturra Amarillo is suitable for a growth but did not influence the timing of
range of temperatures while cvs Catimor, LB flushes. Flushing was generally stronger at the
and K7 appear less suited to low temperatures start of the experiment during summer under a
and that cv. Caturra Rojo is most suited to low photoperiod >13 hand irradiance >9 MJ m- 2
temperatures. These findings will influence the d- 1, declined during winter, but did not recover
choice of cultivar for maximizing potential in the following spring and summer. Cultivars
yield at particular locations. did not vary significantly in the timing of veg-
The similar pattern of floral initiation etative flushes. As yield is related to the amount
between temperatures suggests that floral of extension growth in the previous season
initiation is controlled by an environmental fac- (Beaumont and Fukunaga, 1958; Montoya et
tor other than temperature, possibly photo- al., 1961; Cannell, 1971), temperatures of about
period. Inflorescences appeared only when the 33°/28°C during summer should produce the
photoperiod was < 12-13 h and reached a great~st yields.

Floral initiation did not occur above 28°C or resolved. In south Brazil (Lat. 25°S) floral
when· the photbperiod was longer than 13 h. initiation occurred only during May and June
Floral initiation generally occurred as vegeta- (Alvim, 1958) presumably due to the large
tive growth was declining. Temperatures around seasonal variation in photoperiod. This would
z3°/l8°C during winter will ensure healthy and greatly assist synchronized flowering.
synchronous floral bud development and maxi-
mize the number of inflorescences per node.
Cultivars did not vary significantly in the pattern The assistance of Dr W. Slater with manu-
of floral initiation, which would have a strong script preparation and C. Howitt in analysis and
influence on the synchronization of flowering. interpretation of the data was most appre-
The cultivars with the best potential for high ciated. The authors are also most grateful to
yields will be those which produce high numbers John Mansfield for helping in data collection
of nodes during summer and high numbers of and to the University of Queensland glasshouse
inflorescences per node during winter, for staff for help in looking after the trees. Finan-
example cv. Catuai Rojo. cial support from the Rural Industries
The influence of photoperiod on the vegeta- Research and Development Corporation
tive and reproductive growth cycles is not (RIRDC) is gratefully acknowledged.

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(Accepted 14 June 1994)

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