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Bem comment teenies be poet ‘ RAMISO (ricerca, Arieratve Saton HURT ANORE C. RAMOS, | wives) Cares) ‘Omnetnegee Fry Department of Public Works and Highways ‘Contract 10 : 20660032 ‘Contract Name : Rehablitation/ Major Repair of Permanent Bridges - Mentis Br. (800093PW) along Puerto Princesa North Rd, Contract Location : Puerto Princesa City CONTRACT AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FE 0 § isa ‘This CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made ths day of 2020, a emma, sa anny ard betven: ‘The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES through the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) represented herein by ROMMEL P. AGUIRRE, District Engineer, cu authorized for this purpose, with main Office address at DPWH-Palawan 3rd Distct Engineering Office, Fuerto Princesa Clty, hereinafter referred to as the "PROCURING ENTITY"; -and- KONSTRUCTICON BUILDERS AND SUPPLY, a single proprietoship organized and exiting under and by vite of laws of the Republic ofthe Philippines, with main office address at Poblacion, Narra, Palawan represented herein by KURT ANDRE C. RAMOS/ ‘Owner/Manager, duly euthorized for this purpose, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR"; WITNESESETH: WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENTITY is desirous thatthe CONTRACTOR execute the ‘Works under Contract 1D No. 20&G0032 - Rehabilitation/ Major Repair of Permanent Bridges - Mentis Br. (B00093PW) along Puerto Princesa North Rd, Puerto Princesa City hereinafter called the "Works", and the PROCURING ENTITY hhas accepted the Calculated Bid of the CONTRACTOR for the exection and completion ofthe Works at the calculated unit bid prices shown in the attached Bil of Quantities, or ® total Contract price of Three Million Eight Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred One Pesos and Sixty One Centavos (PhP 3,855,501.61) DewnRsi-2016 oe erepengnanomsMoam gpemeror eS Department of Public Works and Highways Contract 1D : 20860032 Contract Name : Rehabilitation Major Repair of Permanent Bridges - Mentis Br. (800093PW) along Puerto Princesa North Rd, Contract Location : Puerto Princesa City § NOW, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereto aree 95 follows: 1. In this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Condtions of Contract hereinafter referred to, ‘tres) 2. ‘The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and ‘construed as pert ofthis CONTRACT AGREEMENT, and shal be interpreted in the following order of priority: 2. This Contract Agreement Documents forming part ofthe Contract Agreement: OterrinGrge Acne San wanes) (1) Notice of Award (NOA) withthe Contractor's signed “conferme'" @) CONTRACTOR’ Bid inthe Form of Bid, including ts Tectrical and Financal (Components, as calculate by the Procuring Entity and conformed to bythe CONTRACTOR through the NOA. (2) Instructions to Bidders (178) and Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (4) Supplemental/Bid Bulletins for Bidding Documents (5) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) (6) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (7) Spectcations (8) Drawings (9) Performance Security (30) Other Documents: Benn — (@) Construction Methods (©) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CEM Dlagram or Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S-Curve, or other approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow. (9 Manpower Schedule (8). Equipment Utlizaton Schedule (©) Construction Safety and Health Program intially approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (CONTRACTOR'S Al Risk Insurance (CARI) 3. tn consideration ofthe payments to be mate by the PROCURING ENTITY tothe CONTRACTOR as heer noe the CONTRACTOR hey eorennts the PROCURING ENTITY to execte and complete the Wows and reedy any

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