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1 Data collection To establish staffing needs of the schools across Week beginning
Ministry of Education; the Country; Ministry of Education
Consultative meetings To agree on the modalities to be used during the 09. Nov. 2021
with ZAMPOST 2022 recruitment; to Teaching Service Commission
Review meetings with To share the challenges and successes of the 2021 12. Nov. 2021 . N/A N/A
the 116 HRMCs; net recruitment and the chart the way forward
for the 2022 net recruitment; Teaching Service Commission Done
2 Report on HRMCs Review For the Commission to undestand and appreciate Week beginning
meeting to the Commission; hoe effective the HRMCS model has been in executing TSC Secretariat N/A N/A
Human Resource assignments; 15. Nov. 2021 Done
Stakeholder Engagement: To discuss the possibility of using aptitude tests; to
* Ministry of Labour and How to effectively and effeciently conduct the 2022 28. Nov. 2021
Smart Zambia; teacher recruitment; SZI, TSC and Ministry of Labour 11,500.00
* Psychometric tests consultative Venue and
meetings and assessment; refreshments
To discuss the possibility of using the system for
Teacher tracking System- TCZ monitoring the movement of teachers and Teaching Council of Zambia
acountability; Done

3 TSC and MOE Meeting To agree on the modalities for the 2022 teacher Week beginning TSC and MOE N/A N/A
recruitment; 01. Feb. 2022 Done

* TSC, MOE, Stakeholders meeting 19. Jan. 2022

* PSMD; To appreciate the views of other stakeholders on
* TCZ; how best to conduct the 2022 teacher recruitment; Every Wednesday Technical Committee N/A N/A
* Teacher Union Reps. Ongoing

4 Presentation to the Steering To update the Steering Committee on the 2022

Committee; recruitment road map and seek guidance; 22. Feb. 2022 Technical Committee N/A N/A
Update and seek for aproval; Done

5 Treasury Authority To request MoFNP for Treasury Authority; Week beginning Ministry of Education
21. Feb. 2022 PSMD (HRIP, PSSD) N/A
11. Mar. 2022 Done

6 Information Cabinet Memorandum To inform Cabinet on the recruitment roadmap; Week beginning
21. Mar. 2022 MOE N/A
Ministerial Statement To inform members of Parliament; to
31. Mar. 2022
7 Sittings To process promotions/upgrades in order to create Week beginning
Processing of Cases; vacanciies at the lower level; 11. Feb. 2022 TSC, MOE
22. Mar. 2022

Swearing in of PHRMCs and new

Members of the DHRMCs (Virtual); 24. Feb. 2022 Done

8 Training of ECZ Agents who are Orient members of the HRMCs to carry out ECZ Week beginning TSC, TCZ, ECZ
HRMC Members; verification of Academic Qualifications; 25. Mar. 2022

9 HRMC Orientation To orient members of the Human Resource Week beginning

(10 Provincial) Management Committees (HRMCs); 21. Mar. 2022 TSC, MOE, TCZ, Unions 562,402.16 562,402.16 DONE
* Orientation on the recruitment to
process and use of the New system; 8. April. 2022
* Training all HRMC members
Week beginning
10 Creation of PMEC Positions To create positions on the PMEC for new teachers 01. Mar. 2022
to be placed after deployment; to PSMD - (HRIP, PSSD)
14. Mar. 2022
11 Advertisement (Modes)
* Website(TSC,TCZ and MOE); Week beginning
* Electronic and Print Media; 05. April. 2022
* Community Radio Stations; To invite applications from suitably qualified teachers; to Teaching Service Commission 50,000.00 50,000.00 DONE
* Bulk SMS; 19. April. 2022
* Notice Boards (DCs, DEBS, PEO);
* Social Media;
* Ward Development Committees;
* Churches
12 ZAMPOST To effectively and effeciently capture onto the system Week beginning
* Receiving and delivering applications and deliver applications to the DEBS' offices; 05. April. 2022 ZAMPOST N/A N/A DONE
* HRMCs receiving applications in to
respective Districts; 21. April. 2022
13 Appointment and swering-in of To appoint and swear in PHMCs that will consolidate Week beginning
Provincial Human Resource and validate the selctions submitted by the DHRMCs 14. Feb. 2022 N/A N/A DONE
Teaching Service Commission
Management Committees (PHRMCs) in the respective provinces; to
28. Feb. 2022
14 HRMCs Sittings To capture all applications, screen, shorlist and select 742,000.00
* Data capturing; screening successful candidates; 24. Apr. 2022 Human Resource Management Allowance for
* Shortlisting; to Committees (HRMCs) 650,000.00 external members;
* Selection, and 08. May. 2022
* Submission to PHRMCs 292,000.00 DONE
Provincial Consolidation and
15 Validation
by PHRMCs, TCZ, ZAQA, ECZ To consolidate and validate the submissions made 09. May. 2022 24,000.00
Consolidateb data and by the DHRMCs; to PHRMCs Stationary DONE
Validate the submissions and copy 18. May. 2022
MOE- PS- Admin 34,020.00

16 PHRMCs submissions to the TSC and 19. May. 2022

copy MOE PS- Admin To prepare for National consolidation and validation; to PHRMCs N/A
20. May. 2022
National Consolidation and
17 Validation Week Beginning
* Consolidation Provincial submisions To consolidate and validate the submissions made 21. May. 2022 Technical Committee 170,100.00 40,000.00
* Verification of Names with HRMCs by the PHRMCs; to (TSC,MOE and PSMD) Allowance(DSA) Conference DONE
* Validation by the Commission 21. Jun. 2022 Each institution to spend
18 Approval of the consolidated, validated To approve the consolidated and validated list of 27. JUN. 2022 Teaching Service Commission
and selected candidates selected candidates; to N/A
05. July. 2022

19 Press Briefing To announce to the Nation the conclusion of the 14.July. 2022 MOE, TSC N/A
recruitment process; DONE

21 Publication of successful candidates To publish the list of successful candidates; 15. July. 2022 Teaching Service Commission N/A
Week beginning
22 Conveying of Directives to: To allow the Ministry to Convey the Directives; 18. July. 2022 TSC, MOE, PEOs 50,000.00 DONE
MOE PS- Admin; to PEOs; to DEBS to Stationary (headed paper,
22. July. 2022 Tonner);
Issuance of Letters of Appointment by Week beginning Responsible Officers
23 DEBS;(Responsible Officers) to Processing Appointment Documents 25. July. 2022 HRMCs DONE
Receiving new teachers and preparing to
29. July. 2022

Week beginning
24 Engagement of Stakeholders to Develop to develop content for the orientation of New 11. July. 2022 MOE, TSC, UNIONS, TCZ
orientation Packages Teachers to
29. July. 2022

ORIENTATIONS OF HRMCs Week beginning 150,000.00

to orient Provincial and District Teams (Trainer of
25 (Package for New teachers) Trainers) 01. August. 2022 TSC, MOE AND TCZ Stationary (appointment DONE
to forms and tonners) for 116
10. August. 2022 Districts

Week beginning
27 ORIENTATIONS OF NEW TEACHERS Preparation of Districts Orientations 12 .August, 2022 Responsible Officers DONE
(DISTRICTS) Union matters to HRMCs, UNIONS
Receiving Documents from New Teachers 31 .August, 2022
Verification of Documents

28 Newly Appointed Teachers To place the teachers on PMEC; Week beginning HR/PSMD 108,000.00
Reporting for Duty 01.Sept, 2022 Super users traveling to
onwards Provincial centers and fuels;
Payrol Process DONE
End users traveling to
Provincial centers and
transport fares;
1 Data collection To establish staffing needs of the schools across Week beginning
Ministry of Education; the Country; 01. Jan. 2023 Ministry of Education
Consultative meetings To agree on the modalities to be used during the to
with ZAMPOST 2022 recruitment; 31. Jan. 2023 Teaching Service Commission
Review Meetings with 116 HRMCs to review the 2022 Teacher Recruitment Week beginning . N/A N/A
to assess the need for Training in case of New Members 01. Feb. 2023
to detemine how many need to be appointed and sworn-in TSC DESK OFFICERS
2 Report on HRMCs Review For the Commission to undestand and appreciate Week beginning
meeting to the Commission; how intact the HRMCs are in all districts 06.FEB. 2023 TSC Secretariat N/A N/A
Human Resource assignments;
3 Stakeholder Engagement: Week beginning

Appointment of the Technical Committee To appoint members from different Institutions to sit on the 13. FEB. 2023
Technical Committee in the 2023 teacher recruitment; Teaching Service Commission N/A N/A
Ministry of Education


to appoint and Swear-in New members of the HRMCs and
PHRMCs 13.FEB. 2023 Teaching Service Commission N/A N/A

to present the 2023 Teacher Recruitment Roadmap Week beginning

5 MEETING to discuss Modalities 2023 Teacher Recruitment 13. FEB. 2023 TO TSC and MOE N/A N/A
to share roles and responsibilities with all stakeholders
6 MEETINGS Week beginning
* TSC, MOE, Stakeholders meeting 20. FEB. 2023
* PSMD; To appreciate the views of other stakeholders on
* TCZ; how best to conduct the 2023 teacher recruitment; Then once Week Technical Committee N/A N/A
* Teacher Union Reps. Ongoing
Week beginning
7 Presentation to the Steering To update the Steering Committee on the 2023
Committee; recruitment roadmap and seek guidance; 22. Feb. 2023 Technical Committee N/A N/A
Update and seek for approval;

5 Treasury Authority To request MoFNP for Treasury Authority; Week beginning Ministry of Education
21. Feb. 2023 PSMD (HRIP, PSSD) N/A
11. Mar. 2023
6 Information Cabinet Memorandum To inform Cabinet on the recruitment roadmap; Week beginning
21. Mar. 2023 MOE N/A
Ministerial Statement To inform members of Parliament; to
31. Mar. 2022
7 Sittings to process transfers Week beginning
Processing of transfers to RE-UNIT Couples; vacanciies at the lower level; 11. Feb. 2023 TSC, MOE 400,000.00
22. Mar. 2023

Sittings To process promotions/upgrades in order to create Week beginning

8 Processing of UPGRADES and PROMOTIONs;vacanciies at the lower level; 25. Mar. 2023 TSC, TCZ, ECZ 50,000.00

Week beginning
9 HRMC Orientation To orient members of the Human Resource 21. Mar. 2023
(10 Provincial) Management Committees (HRMCs); to TSC, MOE, TCZ, Unions 562,402.16 562,402.16 DONE
* Orientation on the recruitment 8. April. 2023
process and use of the New system;
* Training all HRMC members
Week beginning
10 Creation of PMEC Positions To create positions on the PMEC for new teachers 01. Mar. 2023
to be placed after deployment; to PSMD - (HRIP, PSSD)
14. Mar. 2023
11 Advertisement (Modes)
* Website(TSC,TCZ and MOE); Week Beginning
* Electronic and Print Media; 05. April. 2023
* Community Radio Stations; To invite applications from suitably qualified teachers; to Teaching Service Commission 50,000.00 50,000.00 DONE
* Bulk SMS; 19. April. 2023
* Notice Boards (DCs, DEBS, PEO);
* Social Media;
* Ward Development Committees;
* Churches
12 ZAMPOST To effectively and effeciently capture onto the system Week Beginning
* Receiving and delivering applications and deliver applications to the DEBS' offices; 05. April. 2023 ZAMPOST N/A N/A DONE
* HRMCs receiving applications in to
respective Districts; 21. April. 2022
13 Appointment and swering-in of To appoint and swear in PHMCs that will consolidate Week Beginning
Provincial Human Resource and validate the selctions submitted by the DHRMCs 14. Feb. 2023 N/A N/A DONE
Teaching Service Commission
Management Committees (PHRMCs) in the respective provinces; to
28. Feb. 2023
14 HRMCs Sittings To capture all applications, screen, shorlist and select Week Beginning 742,000.00
* Data capturing; screening successful candidates; 24. Apr. 2023 Human Resource Management Allowance for
* Shortlisting; to Committees (HRMCs) 650,000.00 external members;
* Selection, and 08. May. 2023
* Submission to PHRMCs 292,000.00 DONE
Provincial Consolidation and Stationary
15 Validation Week Beginning
by PHRMCs, TCZ, ZAQA, ECZ To consolidate and validate the submissions made 09. May. 2023 24,000.00
Consolidateb data and by the DHRMCs; to PHRMCs Stationary DONE
Validate the submissions and copy 18. May. 2023
MOE- PS- Admin 34,020.00
16 PHRMCs submissions to the TSC and 19. May. 2023
copy MOE PS- Admin To prepare for National consolidation and validation; to PHRMCs N/A
National Consolidation and 20. May. 2023
17 Validation Week Beginning
* Consolidation Provincial submisions To consolidate and validate the submissions made 21. May. 2023 Technical Committee 170,100.00 40,000.00
* Verification of Names with HRMCs by the PHRMCs; to (TSC,MOE and PSMD) Allowance(DSA) Conference DONE
* Validation by the Commission 21. Jun. 2023 Each institution to spend
18 Approval of the consolidated, validated To approve the consolidated and validated list of 27. JUN. 2023 Teaching Service Commission
and selected candidates selected candidates; to N/A
05. July. 2023

19 Press Briefing To announce to the Nation the conclusion of the 14.July. 2023 MOE, TSC N/A
recruitment process; DONE

21 Publication of successful candidates To publish the list of successful candidates; 15. July. 2023 Teaching Service Commission N/A
Week beginning
22 Conveying of Directives to: To allow the Ministry to Convey the Directives; 18. July. 2023 TSC, MOE, PEOs 50,000.00 DONE
MOE PS- Admin; to PEOs; to DEBS to Stationary (headed paper,
22. July. 2023 Tonner);
Issuance of Letters of Appointment by Week beginning Responsible Officers
23 DEBS;(Responsible Officers) to Processing Appointment Documents 25. July. 2023 HRMCs DONE
Receiving new teachers and preparing to
29. July. 2023

Week beginning
24 Engagement of Stakeholders to Develop to develop content for the orientation of New 11. July. 2023 MOE, TSC, UNIONS, TCZ
orientation Packages Teachers to
29. July. 2023

ORIENTATIONS OF HRMCs Week beginning 150,000.00

25 (Package for New teachers) to orient Provincial and District Teams (Trainer of Trainers) 01. August. 2023 TSC, MOE AND TCZ Stationary (appointment DONE
to forms and tonners) for 116
10. August. 2023 Districts

Week beginning
27 ORIENTATIONS OF NEW TEACHERS Preparation of Districts Orientations 12 .August, 2023 Responsible Officers DONE
(DISTRICTS) Union matters to HRMCs, UNIONS
Receiving Documents from New Teachers 31 .August, 2023
Verification of Documents

28 Newly Appointed Teachers To place the teachers on PMEC; Week beginning HR/PSMD 108,000.00
Reporting for Duty 01.Sept, 2023 Super users traveling to
onwards Provincial centers and fuels;
Payrol Process DONE
End users traveling to
Provincial centers and
transport fares;

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