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Application (9) Monthly installment

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW9, Where the following
information about a loan that Mr.Anas wants to get it from Bank appears

Amount of loan = 10000

Annual interest rate = 13%

Loan period (in Years) = 3


- Use necessary function to calculate the value of monthly payment for this loan (paid at the end
of month)
- Use the Goal Seek option to reduce the value of monthly payment to 250 JOD in order to
recalculate the value of loan.

Application (10) Amortization of a loan and its interest

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW10, Where the following
information about a loan that Mr.Anas received from a bank (which is payable on monthly basis)


- Use necessary functions to calculate the value of monthly premium for this loan (paid at the end
of the month), the principle amount of the monthly premium for all premiums, the interest
amount of the monthly premium for all premiums and the total .

Application (11) Net Present value

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW11, Where the following data
about an investment in project appears.


- Use necessary functions to calculate the net present value for this project.
- Use the “IF” function for the decision to accept or reject the investment in this project.
Application (12) Net Present value

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW12, Where the following data
about an investment in 2 projects appears.


- Use necessary functions to calculate the net present value for both projects.
- Use the “IF” function for the decision to accept or reject the investment for both projects.
- Use the “IF” function to determine the recommended project.

Application (13) internal rate of return

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW13, Where the following data
about an investment in 2 project appears.


- Use necessary functions to calculate the internal rate of return for both projects.
- Use the “IF” function for the decision to accept or reject the investment for both projects.
- Use the “IF” function to determine the recommended project.

Application (14) prediction of expected sales based on experience

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW14, Where the following data
about ABC company sales delegates year of experience and their total sales for 2015 appears.


- Use “FORECAST” functions to predict the expected sales of the new sales delegate Faisal, who
has 16 years of experience (predict expected sales based on experience).

Application (15) prediction of expected Revenues based on actual revenues

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW15, Where the following data of
regular growth (linear regression) revenues for Ahmad Company during its first 12 months work

- Use “TREND” functions to predict the expected revenues for the following 6 months (predict
expected revenues based on actual revenues).

Application (16) prediction of expected sales based on Actual sales

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW16, Where the following data of
regular growth (linear regression) revenues for Emad Company during last 11 years (2005-2015) pears.


- Use both “TREND” and “FORECAST” functions to predict the expected sales for the following 5
years (2016 to 2020) (predict expected revenues based on actual revenues).

Application (17) prediction of expected number of units to be sold based on actual number of unit

Click Excel file Ch4 Managerial Accounting, and select spreadsheet CW17, Where the following data of
exponential growth (curve) of number of units sold by Jordan Medical instruments factory during the
first 6 months of the year 2016 appears.


- Use both “GROWTH” function to predict the expected number of units to be sold during the 6
months of the year 2016 (predict number of unit expected to be sold based on the number of
units actually sold).

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