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Kanakapriya Venkatesan

Data Analyst
Dedicated reporting Analyst offering experience effectively creating, evaluating and improving
reporting processes. Driven to support continuous improvement and efficiency.
Experienced and dedicated Data Analyst with years of experience identifying efficiencies and
problem areas within data streams while communicating needs for projects. Adept at receiving and
monitoring data from multiple data streams, including Excel data sources. Ability to synthesize
quantitative information and interact efficiently with colleagues and clients. Proven track record of
generating summary documents for senior management for monthly and quarterly audit and
compliance reporting.

Contact Experience
0877782038 January 2023 - Present
Abbey Hotel, Donegal, Payroll Analyst
Email Payroll Analyst
.Responsible for auditing payroll data each month and submitting
Address quarterly reports to management.
Glebe, LetterKenny Reviewed the cash flows for accuracy, if necessary, regenerated and
Donegal, F92A8X4
saved the cash flows.
Performed calculations for overtime, vacation and sick hours to
Education provide accurate data to payroll processing database.
Assisted in developing a more efficient way to track and maintain
Bachelors in Data Analytics
Anna University, India. January 2019 - December 2022
Durga Switchgears l John Vasu Street, MMC, Chennai 51.
2023-2024 Data Analyst
M.Sc., Supply Chain Analytics Research and transform information from raw data into an easily
Atlantic Technological University
understood analysis (using Pivot table) that identifies trends and
insights for the organization.
Performed data pre-processing to clean, eliminate outliners in the
Expertise data and conducted data exploration to detect correlation, trends
and patterns in the data.
Provided assistance and technical support to end users to research
MS Excel
data anomalies and communicate reporting procedures.
Tableau Assists with the monthly financial close process, including the
preparation of a month end reporting package.
Payroll Management Trained the juniors in data analysis tools in Excel such as: Pivot
charts and Pivot table, conditional formatting, XLOOKUP,
Working Knowledge Of
Teamwork Supported cost accounting to develop, maintain, and update
product standard costs.
SQL Knowledge

Language Reference
English Saravanan Perumal Jill Murphy
French Fellow Student ,ATU International Student Development Director, ATU

Phone: 0830727466 Phone: (074) 918 6000

Email : Email :

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