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75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

96f91646 Phenol- and thiocyanate-based wastewater treat- toluene as mobile phase on active carbon-silica gel, 99.9% ChO is obtained.
ment in RBC reactor The yield of pure C6a is affected by the microstructure of active carbon and
Banerjee, G. J. Environ. Eng., 1996, 122, (lo), 941-948. the length of column chromatography.
The applicability of a four-stage, across-the-flow rotating biological
contactor (RBC) reactor for treatment of synthetic wastewater containing
phenol and thiocyanate was investigated in a laboratory-scale study. The
96iO1652 Procedure and apparatus for dust removal from
composition was so maintained that the phenol to thiocyanate ratio
fuel gas exiting gasification reactor
Meurer, F.-J. Ger. Offen. DE 19,536,920 (Cl. C1013/84), 10 Apr 1997,
approximated that usually found in coal carbonization effluent. It was
Appl. 19,536,920, 4 Ott 1995, 6 pp. (In German)
observed that the toxicants were removed in sequence in the combined
Connected to a gasification reactor, a gas-purification system contains a
treatment of the compounds. Phenol was mostly removed in the earlier
cyclone placed in an intermediate storage tank and surrounded by a solid
stages, while thiocyanate-fed microbes acted more efficiently in the latter
fuel which is continuously fed into the reactor. The product gas exiting the
stages. The effect of operating and process parameters such as disk
reactor is passed through the cyclone and through the solid feed in the
rotational speed, reactor liquid temperature, and substrate load on phenol
storage tank. Dust and tar entrained by the fuel gas are separated and
and thiocyanate removal were also examined. Microbes, predominantly in
deposited on the solid fuel surface. The solid fuel is simultaneously dried
the earlier stages, were identified as Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas
and pre-heated and the product gas is cooled prior to passing through a
stutzeri, and Candida tropicalis, whereas in the latter stages, Thiobacillus
rotary filter. Gasification of wood, coffee roasting residues, waste paper,
thioparus and Nocardia species populations predominated.
and wastewater treatment sludge are all suited to this treatment.

96101647 Pilot scale experience on IGCC hot gas cleanup

Lehtovaara. A. and Konttinen. J. Proc. Annu. ht. f’ittsburph Coal Conf.. , 98/01653 Processing and recovery of high ash-containing
1995, 12, lti65-1072. slurry products
The paper reports pilot-scale experiences for 1994 with hot gas cleanup in Beskrovnyi, A. P. Ugol’Llkr., 1996, (12). 39-40. (In Russian)
integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) processes for power gen- The application of flocculants in dewatering of coal flotation sludges is
eration with a sulfur removal system using a lSZnO-TiOz regenerable
sorbent and a filter unit having ceramic candle filter eIem&ts. The
experiences come from Enviropower (a joint venture-of Tampella Power 98/01654 Processing of acid resins from waste oil and tar
Inc. and Vattenfall AB), with a Cooperative Research and Development distillation residues
Agreement (CEADA) with the US Department of Energy. The pressurized Schmidt, F. J. Ger. Offen. DE 19,536,934 (Cl. A62D$OO), 10 Apr 1997,
fluidized-bed gasification pilot plant has a maximum thermal input of 10 Appl. 19,536,934, 4 Ott 1995, 4 pp. (In German)
MW for coal and 15 MW for biomass. The pilot plant includes a complete The residues are suspended in a sulfuric acid solution, and oxidant is added
hot gas cleanup train which operates at up to 30 bar and up to 650°C. to convert the sulfides and sulfites to sulfates. The sulfates are then
During coal gasification test runs, the major emphasis was focused on removed to remove all metal ions and the remaining suspension is
testing of the sulfur removal system. The filter cleaning strategy was mainly separated into organic and inorganic components. Gypsum or bleaching
based on a constant cycle time using on-line pulsing with pressurized Nz. earth are used to improve separation.
The filter unit is completely integrated with the control system of the pilot
plant. Values measured for dust loadings and vapour-phase alkali were
below the levels generally required by gas turbine manufacturers and well 98/01655 Purification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
below the environmental standards. Very high sulfur removal efficiency in coal tar by using pressure induced crystallization.with solvent
the sulfider with both sorbents was achieved, as well as continuous Yamamoto, Y. et al. Nippon Enerugi Gakkaishi, 1997, 76, (11) 1063-1073.
production of SO+ontaining off gas from the regenerator. (In Japanese)
The pressure induced crystallization method was modified to use solvent to
separate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal tar, which have very
96101646 Plant biochemical responses and biomonitoring of high melting points and are difficult to purify, and it was applied to the
;;a$~ol~on around thermal power plants at Korba, Madhya separation of anthracene from model mixture and real anthracene cake. At
the condition of 333 K, 150 MPa, high purity anthracene crystal with 99.1
Williams, A. J. et al. Ecol., Environ. Consew., 1996, 2, (l-2). 67-77. wt% was recovered from the model mixture by this method. The
Combustion of coal yields gaseous as well as particulate products which purification of real anthracene cake was also achieved by this method,
pollute the ecosystem. The biochemical responses of plants grown in and but the purity of recovered anthracene crystal was affected slightly by the
around Korba power plants were studied. The intensity of air pollution and minor compounds in real anthracene cake.
various forms of manifestations of different plant species growing in the
area were found to correlate strongly. An overall reduction in chlorophyll,
ascorbic acid, carotenoid and protein contents and an increase in sugar and 98/01656 Purification of reclaimed acid of cokipg plant in
sulfate contents of 12 plant species studied was observed. The biochemical Ma’anshan Steel Co.
changes in plants due to pollution provide information for detection, Fang, C. Huadong Yejin Xueyuan Xuebao, 1996, 13, (2), 139-142. (In
recognition and monitoring of air pollutants and sensitive plants may be Chinese)
used as indicators for future plants biomonitoring programmes. Resistant Reclaimed acid from a coking plant can be treated through extraction with
species may be selected for a forestation programme to combat the crude phenol and adsorption by activated carbon. The process can recover
environmental pollution in areas of thermal power emission pollution. HzS04 with high purity, and the spent crude phenol and activated carbon
can be reused.
98/01649 Polishing H2S from coal gasification streams using
a high temperature electrochemical membrane separation pro- 98/01657 Reburning methods for high-efficiency reduction of
cess (hydrogen sulfide) NO, in combustion flue gas
Robinson, J. S. et al. 1996, 221 pp. Avail. Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No. Zamansky, V. M. et al. PCT Int. Appl. WO 97 25,134 (Cl. BOlJ8/00), 17
DA9714759. From Diss. Abstr. Int., B, 1997, 57, (11) 7098. Jul 1997, US Appl. 584,035, 11 Jan 1996, 36 pp.
The paper describes a process for preventing the release of nitrogen oxides
96101650 Potential of gas chromatography isotope ratio such as nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and nitrous oxide with combustion
mass spectrometry to source polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon flue gases emitted to the atmosphere. A reburning fuel is injected at 1900-
emissions 3000°F into a reburning zone containing combustion flue gas and the
McRae, C. et al. Anal. Commun., 1996, 33, (9), 331-333. resulting mixture is passed into an overfire air zone. A reducing agent
The paper describes the potential of gas chromatography isotope ratio mass capable of providing a source of nitrogenous reducing species and a
spectrometry (CC-IRMS) to apportion the source of polycyclic aromatic promoter compound is injected to allow the reduction of the nitrogen
hydrocarbons (PAH) emissions. Stable carbon isotopic (613C) compositions oxides in the combustion flue gas. The promoters are metal-containing
are reported for individual PAH compounds arising from utilization of coal, compounds and reducing agent can be injected in either one or two stages
biomass and diesel feedstocks. The 613C signatures of product PAHs from for the NO, control.
each of the three feedstocks are significantly different to provide a basis for
the application of GC-IRMS to unequivocally source PAH pollutants, 96lO1656 Recent trends in Mexican industrial energy use and
particularly those produced from coal carbonization. their impact on carbon dioxide emissions
Sheinbaum, C. and Rodriguez, L. Energy Policy, 1997, 25, (7-9). 825-831.
96/01651 Preparation and purification of fullerenes from Recent trends in energy use and their impact on carbon dioxide emissions
metallurgical coke in the Mexican industrial sector are analysed in this work to estimate the
Qiu, J. et al. Huagong Xuebao, 1997, 48, (2), 252-256. (In Chinese) relative contributions of structural, fuel switching and real intensity changes
Four commercial cokes were used to prepare fullerenes by electric arcing in between 1987 and 1993. During this period, carbon dioxide emissions from
a helium atmosphere and purified by column chromatography using industrial primary energy use increased by 2%, while industrial real value
activated carbons as the stationary phase. The crude and pure fullerene added rose by 22%. The results suggest that the factors which increased
products were characterized by HPLC, mass spectrometry and LV-visible carbon dioxide emissions were industrial output, structural change and the
spectrometry. The results are discussed in terms of the carbon arc primary fuel mix effect (accounting for changes in the share of final energy
evaporation process parameters and the properties of coke. The yield of as well as the fuels used to produce electricity). The largest role in energy
crude fullerenes decreased as the volatile matter content of coke increases consumption was played by intensity changes in a few industrial subsectors:
and the composition of crude fullerenes depends on the volatile matter iron and steel, petrochemical, sugar, basic chemicals, cement, pulp and
content of coke. After column chromatography separation with pure paper and glass.

144 Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1996

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