Procure Tool Invoice Process SOP

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Invoice process in Procure tool

6th April 2023

Currently vendor invoices are validated & processed manually under a few steps followed between
the required stakeholders. This proposal outlines the benefits of an systematic invoicing system
and provides a plan for its implementation

1. Increased Efficiency in TAT for closure.
2. Enhanced Reporting system for invoices.
3. Systemised process in procure tool.

Process flow & Documentation

1. Vendor (Oakter) handovers devices to Paytm and uploads invoice and QC report on Procure

Vendor handovers the devices to paytm Inventory team and shares/upload the invoice along with the
Oakter QC report in the Procure tool.
Serial Number, IMEI level data will be updated in the QC report.

Sample QC report:

Invoice sample:
2. Inventory team uploads signed invoice copy, SN details & QC reports on Procure tool

Inventory team acknowledges the device handover & monitors dispatch / inward activities at WH

Upon completion of inward - uploads the signed invoice copy in the Procure tool against the invoice
received from the vendor.

Receiving confirmation - Inventory team to pull the data from the ATS (SN level inventory report
downloaded from ATS) and upload the reports in the Procure tool.

(Either WMS report synced with PR tool / ATS report sync)

Signed invoice copy:

3.Business user fetches pending invoice and validate receiving against Invoice on Procure tool

Paytm business user (Nikhil Sharma) fetches the reports and pending invoice from the procure tool.

Validates the invoice with the receiving confirmation from Inventory team and assigns the invoice to QC team for
seeking approval in the tool.

4. Business user forwards Invoice to QC team for QC confirmation (in procure tool)

Business user (after receiving confirmation validation) forward / assign the invoices to QC team in the
procure tool for QC confirmation.

5. Confirms QC report & Uploads paytm Internal QC acceptance form/ checklist

Paytm QC team (Shriyansh & team) validates the QC assigned invoices and confirms the QC check basis
the defined QC checklist.

Uploads the QC reports against the invoice in the procure tool and forwards the invoice to Business team in
the procure tool

Sample QC report:
Defined QC Checklist:

6. Business team (Ganesh) Review receiving and QC validation and send to Business Lead for

Business / supply planning team (Ganesh Acharya) - reviews / Validates the assigned invoices for receiving
confirmation by inventory tram & the QC reports.

After review - forwards the invoices to Business Lead (Amit/Vivek - TBD as per approval policy) for

7. Validates & authorize Invoice in procure tool

Business lead authorizes / Approves the invoice for payment process

8. Authorized invoices are then sent to finance payout approval

Business user (Nikhil Sharma) upon Business Lead approval, will forward the invoice details for Finance

Technical requirements in the Procure tool: (Limitation in Procure tool - Sunny kumar singh)

● User ID details update in the tool for each step (User access at each stage of the process)
● TAT alignment within the tool for each stage of the process
● Document uploading options in the steps required for.
● Auto email notification to assignee once the invoice is assigned to
● Report fetching option in the tool as per requirement.

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