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6.0. Why Study Streams

Streams - most important agents of erosion and
transportation of sediments on Earth’s surface at
this time in Earth’s history
- responsible for generating much of the
topography on that land surfaces
- places of beauty and tranquility
- provide much of the water that is
essential to our existence
- not always peaceful and soothing
- Volume of water in air
- during large storms and rapid
(atmosphere) = 13,000 km3, in
snowmelts can become raging torrents;
form of water vapor and water
destroying roads and bridges
droplets in clouds
- can flood huge areas, devastating
- Rate of evaporation = 1,580
populations and infrastructure
km3/day (nearly same with
6.1. Hydrological Cycle
- Flow rate of water returning water
Water - constantly on the move
sources: Stream flow = 117
- Evaporated from water sources by solar
km3/day; groundwater flow = 6
- Condenses to form clouds of water
- Water stays in atmosphere for
droplets or ice crystals
about 8 days
- Water falls back to Earth’s surface, back
13,000 𝑘𝑚3
to water sources ( 1,580 𝑘𝑚3/𝑑𝑎𝑦 = 8. 22 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 )
- Surface water infiltrates the ground to
become groundwater 6.2. Drainage Basins
- Groundwater flow paths can intersect with Drainage Basin/Watershed - area from which
the surface, back to water sources the water flows to form a stream
Gradient - important characteristic of streams
- rate of change in elevation with
distance along the stream
- steep gradient has a rapid change
in elevation with horizontal
- shallow gradient has a slow
change in elevation with horizontal
Change in Shape of Valley:
Reservoir - space that stores water - shape of the valley has changed through
- can be easy or difficult to visualize time to result in the shape we see now, it
- largest reservoir is ocean (97%) undergoes:
a. Tectonic uplift - first event that occurs,
related to tectonic plate convergence
b. Landscape changed - due to stream Other Types:
erosion and mass wasting (landslides) ● Deranged Patterns - patterns that are
c. Glacial Erosion - several episodes of chaotic
glacial erosion in the area - Develop especially in relatively flat
d. Post-glacial stream erosion - last event areas with thick glacial sediments;
that occurs, up to present time lakes and wetlands are common in
Base Level - lowest elevation this type of environment
- elevation where a stream will no ● Radial Drainage - a pattern that forms
longer erode deeper into the around isolated mountains (such as
bedrock or sediments it flows volcanoes) or hills
through because the elevation of - The individual streams that radiate
the stream does not drop below out from the hill typically have
this level dendritic drainage patterns
- further erosion can only occur if
there is an elevation drop to propel
the water deeper due to the force
of gravity
- ocean is the ultimate base level,
but lakes and other rivers act as
base levels for many smaller
Drainage Patterns - pattern of tributaries within
a drainage basin
- depends largely upon the type of
underlying rock, and on structures
within that rock such as folds,
fractures, and faults
Main Types:
Downcutting - process of a stream eroding
● Dendritic Patterns - by far the most
downward into bedrock
➔ Graded stream - when a stream erode its
- develop in areas where the rock
drainage basin into a smooth profile
(or unconsolidated material)
- steepest in their headwaters and
beneath the stream does not have
their gradient gradually decreases
structures that control the stream
toward their mouths
flow patterns such as folds and
➔ Ungraded stream - still in the process of
rapidly eroding and downcutting their
- materials can be eroded by the
drainage basin, they have steep sections
stream equally easily in all
at various points, and typically have
rapids and waterfalls at numerous
● Trellis Drainage Patterns - develop
locations along their lengths
where sedimentary rocks have been
folded or tilted, and then eroded to
varying degrees depending on their
resistance to erosion
● Rectangular Patterns - develop in areas
that have very little topography and a
system of bedding planes, fractures, or
faults that form a rectangular network
Note: Davis’s work was done long before the idea
of plate tectonics, and he was also not familiar
with the impacts of glacial erosion on streams
and their environments. While some parts of his
Note: A graded stream can become ungraded if idea are out of date, it is still a useful way to
there is renewed tectonic uplift, or if there is a understand streams and their evolution.
change in the base level. Base level changes can Plate tectonic activity and other processes
occur due to tectonic uplift or some other reason such as isostatic rebound after glaciation results
such as construction of a dam downstream. in uplift that alters stream gradients, so streams
are constantly adjusting due to these changing
Cycle of Erosion (Davisian Model, late 19th conditions. It would be relatively rare to find a
Century) stream that is able to mature through all of these
- American geologist William Davis stages without interruption.
proposed that streams and the
surrounding terrain develop in a cycle of 6.3. Stream Erosion and Deposition
erosion Erosion- it is the geological process in which
a. Initial Stage Following Uplift - stream materials are worn away and transported by
patterns are immature natural forces such as wind or water
- Streams erode quickly, developing Deposition- streams deposit sediment where the
deep V-shaped valleys that tend to speed of the water current decreases
follow relatively straight paths
- Gradients are high, and profiles 6.3.1. Stream Velocity Depends on the Shape
are ungraded and Size of the Channel
- Rapids and waterfalls are common ➔ Water Flow - [flowing water] very
b. Mature Stage: Initial Development of important mechanism for both erosion
Flood Plain - the streams erode wider and deposition
valleys and deposited thick sediment - primarily related to the stream’s
layers gradient, but it is also controlled
c. Youthful Stage: Rapid Down-cutting - by the geometry of the stream
gradients are slowly reduced and grading channel
increases ➔ Water Flow Velocity - decreases due to
d. Old Age: Wide Flood Plain, Little friction along stream bed
Erosion - streams are surrounded by In terms of channel location:
rolling hills, and they occupy wide - stream is slowest at the bottom
sediment-filled valleys. Meandering and edges
patterns are common, and erosion now is - stream is fastest near the surface
focussed towards the channel walls, with and in the middle (least amount of
little downcutting friction)
In terms of level/water depth:
- typically a little higher just below
the surface than right at the
surface because of the friction - streams that flow rapidly tend to be
between water and air turbulent (flow paths are chaotic and the
In terms of curve section: water surface appears rough); the water
- flow is fastest on the outside of the may be muddy
curve and slowest on the inside of - streams that flow more slowly tend to
the curve have laminar flow (straight-line flow and
Relative Velocity - depends on whether a smooth water surface); clearer water
the stream channel is straight or curved - Turbulent flow is more effective than
- also dependent on the water depth laminar flow at keeping sediments
suspended within the water
Other factors affecting stream-water Kinds of Sediment Load - particles within a
velocity: stream are transported in different ways
➔ Discharge - another important factor depending on their size
- volume of water passing a point in ● Bedload - large particles which rest on
a unit of time (e.g., m3/second) the stream bed
- water level rises = higher - may only be transported when the
discharge = stream flow velocity flow rate is rapid and under flood
increases conditions
- higher discharge = increase cross - transported by saltation (bouncing
sectional area of stream along, and colliding with other
➔ Size of Sediments on Stream Bed - particles) and by traction (being
large particles tend to slow the flow more pushed along by the force of the
than small ones flow)
● Suspended Load - smaller particles may
6.3.2. Sediment Transport Depends on Stream rest on the bottom occasionally, where
Velocity and Turbulence they can be transported by saltation and
- The rate of settling of a material is traction, but they can also be held in
determined by the balance between suspension in the flowing water,
gravity and friction especially at higher flow velocities
● Dissolved Load - represents (on average)
about 15% of the mass of material
transported, and includes ions such as
calcium (Ca+2) and chloride (Cl-) in
- the solubility of these ions is not
affected by flow velocity

6.3.3. The Hjulström-Sundborg Diagram

Summarizes What Happens to Grains of
Different Sizes at Different Stream Velocities
Key Principles of Sedimentary Geology:
- the ability of a moving medium (air or Filip Hjulström - Swedish geographer
water) to move sedimentary particles and - discovered in the 1940s the relationship
keep them moving is dependent on the between grain size and the likelihood of a
velocity of flow grain being eroded, transported, or
- the faster the medium flows, the larger the deposited is not as simple as one might
particles it can move imagine
- The Hjulström-Sundborg diagram shows the same time. At 100 cm/s, for example,
the relationships between particle size silt, sand, and medium gravel will be
and the tendency to be eroded, eroded from the stream bed and
transported, or deposited, at different transported in suspension, coarse gravel
current velocities will be transported by saltation and
traction, pebbles will be both transported
by saltation and traction, and will also be
deposited, and cobbles and boulders will
remain stationary on the stream bed.

6.3.4. Natural Levees Form Because of

Changes in Stream Velocity

Levee - an elevated bank formed along the

edges of the channel
Formation of Natural Levees:
Interpretations: Bank-full Stage - when a stream reach its
- For a 1 mm grain of sand. If it is resting on greatest velocity when it is close to flooding over
the bottom of the stream, it will remain its banks
there until the flow velocity is high enough Flood Stage - when the water on the stream
to erode it (ca 20 cm/s). But once it is in overtop its bank
suspension, that same 1 mm particle will
remain in suspension as long as the
velocity doesn’t drop below 10 cm/s.
- For a 10 mm gravel grain, the velocity is
105 cm/s to be eroded from the bed but
only 80 cm/s to remain in suspension
- A 0.01 mm silt particle only needs a
velocity of 0.1 cm/s to remain in
suspension, but requires 60 cm/s to be
eroded. In other words, a tiny silt grain
requires a greater velocity to be eroded
than a grain of sand that is 100 times
larger Artificial Levees - people also build levees as
- For clay-sized particles, the discrepancy flood control measures; the idea for this
is even greater. In a stream, the most engineered solution to floods came from the
easily eroded particles are small sand naturally-build levees that form during floods
grains between 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm.
Anything smaller or larger requires a 6.4. Stream Types
higher water velocity to be eroded and - Stream channels can be straight or
entrained in the flow. The reason for this is curved, deep or shallow, cleared or filled
that small particles, especially tiny grains with coarse sediments. The cycle of
of clay, possess a net surface charge, erosion has some influence on the nature
hence experience a strong tendency to of a stream, but there are several other
stick together, and so are difficult to erode factors that are important
from the stream bed. ● Youthful Streams - actively downcutting
- It is important to be aware that a stream their channels tend to be relatively straight
can both erode and deposit sediments at
and are typically ungraded (meaning that triangle facing the ocean or lake
rapids and waterfalls are common) and the point of the triangle facing
- commonly have a step-pool upstream)
morphology, meaning that the
stream consists of a series of 6.5. Flooding
pools connected by rapids and - happens when water overflows or soaks
waterfalls land that is normally dry
- also have steep gradients, and - take hours or even days to develop, giving
steep and narrow V-shaped residents time to prepare or evacuate
valleys. In some cases these valley - sometimes, they develop quickly and with
walls are steep enough to be little warning
called canyons - the second-most widespread natural
● Braided Streams/Pattern - develop disaster on Earth, after wildfires
when the high sediment loads of youthful Discharge Levels - highly variable depending on
streams flow into lower-gradient glacial the time of year and on variations in the weather
valleys where the velocity is no longer from one year to the next
high enough to carry all of the sediment - when a stream’s discharge increases,
- characterized by a series of narrow both the water level and the velocity
channels separated by gravel bars increase as well
- can develop anywhere where there - rapidly flowing streams become muddy,
is more sediment than a stream is and large volumes of sediment are
able to transport transported both in suspension and along
● Sinuous Flow Pattern - a stream that the stream bed
occupies a wide, flat floodplain with a low - in extreme situations, the water level
gradient typically carries only sand-sized reaches the top of the stream’s banks,
and finer sediments and if it rises further, it will overflow the
● Meandering Pattern - forms when the banks and flood the surrounding terrain.
sinuosity of the stream becomes - in the case of mature or old-age streams,
increasingly exaggerated, and the channel this could include a vast area of relatively
migrates throughout its flood plain flat ground known as a flood plain.
Related Terms: Flood plain - this is the area that is typically
Point Bar - when a stream flows around a covered with water during a major flood
bend, the main current of the stream
flows near the outside portion of the - Since fine river sediments are deposited
bend. This leads to erosion of the banks on flood plains, they are ideally suited for
on the outside of the bend, and agriculture, and are thus typically
deposition of a point bar on the inside of occupied by farms and residences, and in
the bend many cases, by towns or cities. Such
Delta - named after the Greek letter delta infrastructure is highly vulnerable to
which is in the shape of a triangle damage from flooding, and the people
- At the point where a stream enters that live and work there are at risk
a body of water, the flow rate
Historical Floods
drops dramatically, and sediment
● The Great Flood of 1993 - the size and
is deposited. Over time, as more
impact of the Great Flood of 1993 was
and more sediments are
unprecedented and has been considered
deposited, the sediments form a
the most costly and devastating flood to
distinctive triangular shape (with
ravage the U.S. in modern history
the bottom broad part of the
- the number of record river levels, - Mapping flood plains and not building
the aerial extent, the number of within them
persons displaced, amount of crop - Building dykes or dams where necessary
and property damage and its - Monitoring the winter snowpack, the
duration surpassed all earlier U.S. weather, and stream discharges
floods in modern times - Creating emergency plans
● Floods in the Philippines: - Educating the public on how to prepare
a. early known places that were for and respond to the threat of flooding
periodically flooded during the ➔ Recurrence interval (Ri) for any
rainy months (July to October) particular flood magnitude
were the low-lying districts of
Santa Cruz, Quiapo, and Tondo, Formula in getting the recurrence interval
among others Ri = (n+1)/r
- the effects on the community at the time n = the number of floods in the record
were not that bad; in many instances, the being considered
flood level was either ankle- or knee-deep r = the rank of the particular flood
- the flooding experienced in Manila
remained tolerable until the late ’60s.
However, everything changed drastically
as the ’70s arrived
b. ‘Great Flood’ of 1972 - the
flooding of greater Manila and
other provinces in Central Luzon
was caused by four successive
typhoons that arrived from the
second week of July to the first
week of August. Typhoons Edeng,
Gloring, Isang, and Huaning made
landfall for weeks, and as the rains
continued unabated, floods
became wider in extent and
deeper in height
c. Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) - the
strongest typhoon to ever hit land,
leaving more than 7,360 people
dead or missing across the central
- created a large volume of water
surge into Tacloban City on the
morning of November 8, 2013. The
city was devastated, as a result

Flood Mitigation

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