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October 5, 2005

Today marks the official start of our war with Piltover. During the cover of night, our Navy
shipped out to the small island prison of Still Water. It is our plan to overthrow the guards and
liberate the imprisoned souls. With their newfound freedom, we shall offer them the chance to
fight those who imprisoned them. With them on our side, we shall have an unpredictable foe to
fight the Enforcers.

October 7, 2005

Today, our armed forces on the ground have begun their journey to the stronghold of
Talis. This battle will be grueling, one of the hardest we shall face during this war. They are
expected to arrive on the frontlines within 3 days, during which they will battle head-to-head with
Piltovers Enforcers.
We have successfully overthrown the guards in Still Water; the prison is ours. The cries
of freedom ring throughout the iron walls. This is one small victory that will boost the morale of
our soldiers.

October 8, 2005

Word of our liberation efforts has reached the Elite Council in Piltover. I presume they
are shocked by the news of our newfound allies. While we took the consideration to declare war
officially, we never promised to play fair.
We have entered the phase in our battle where our Navy has split into two different units.
A handful of our vessels have taken our Marines and all the armed prisoners to the shore near
Sevika. Once landed, they will begin their 2-day march to overthrow the city and claim it as our
The remaining unit will make their way to the two sister islands of Vi and Pow. There,
they will face both Piltovers Navy and Marines. We theorize that this battle will not be easy; the
Elite will not want to lose their two islands, thus resulting in losing control of the waters. Our
forces know what is to be expected. We will never surrender!

October 10, 2005

Two of our ground troops have made it to their destination. In the North, our infantry has
arrived at Fort Talis and has been met with the full force of Piltovers Enforcers. As the battle
begins, we await to hear from our frontline soldiers as the war progresses.
In the South, our mixed forces have arrived at the unsuspecting city of Sevika. Taking
this city should be a breeze for our soldiers; the small amount of Enforcers will not be able to
handle what we have planned for them.
October 11, 2005

The city of Sevika has fallen! It took only a day before they were crushed by our forces.
The weakness of the rich will be the key to our victory. Never before have these people had to
fight; never before have they had to struggle on the streets. They do not know what it is like to
live in poverty as so many of the citizens of Zaun have to. Their battle can not be won by
throwing money at it.
Our troops now march victoriously to their next destination. Our forces will split into three
different sections; Charlie will head North West to aid the battle against Fort Talis, Alpha to the
North West to begin the fight on the ground against Fort Vander, and lastly, Lima, a smaller
section, will head North to the city of Mylo. If Sevika could be overthrown within a day, I have no
doubts that Mylo would fall quickly.

October 13, 2005

We have received word from the battle for Talis. It is grim news as our troops struggle to
fight the Enforcers and capture the stronghold. We are taking an alarming amount of casualties
as the troops wait for backup. We only hope that our forces from the South will make haste and
arrive to bring a new wave of fighting.

October 16, 2005

Our brave soldiers at sea have the islands of Pow and Vi in their sights. Ahead, they
have scouted heavy defenses waiting for their arrival. Before they can begin storming the sister
islands' shores, they must battle on the water first. Leading our fight will be our most vital
vessels, our Destroyers. Equipped with heavy 40mm guns, guided missile launchers, and men
armed to the teeth.

October 17, 2005

Alpha team has arrived at Fort Vander. As expected, they are met with a troop of
Enforcers ready to defend their stronghold and control of the waters.

October 18, 2005

Team Lima has arrived at the city of Mylo.

October 20, 2005

Team Alpha has arrived to back up the fight for Fort Talis. This moment could not have
waited another day, or rather another minute. Our troops, who have been fighting since the
beginning, must withdraw. They have suffered heavy casualties, and the wounded need to come
home. Tali's forces are already weak, they should not be able to withstand new troops.
The city of Mylo has been overthrown. It was not as swift as the city of Sevika, but only a
few lives were lost. This is another victory for the future prosperity of Zaun.

February 15, 2005

War is never easy. Countless lives will be lost fighting for a cause, and for us, they have
been. A cause for YOUR people. For a change, for a better life…for a better future. We spent
months fighting in attempts to break through the protections at the Elite city border. All of their
available resources and fighters were stationed at the border to protect themselves. It was no
wonder the other cities fell so quickly. Instead of protecting the people, they chose to abandon
them as they abandoned us years ago. Disgusting. This is why we fought, this is why we
sacrificed everything! Once we broke through the protections, it was over for them. Never have
the Elite Councelrs fought to protect themselves. They fell the instant we stormed into their
chambers. We were destined to win from the beginning, which is what we did. I have liberated
the forgotten people of Piltover, and now they can live in peace as recognized members of The
United Zaun.

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