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From the President of Rodauce

Rodauce declares war on Nolavroc

All 16 members of the Rodauce Government Council (RGC) consisting of representatives from each district collected
for an extensive meeting. After each member spoke about potential concerns and questions about the idea of declaring
war, each member submitted their vote. The conclusion of the vote was unanimously towards
officially declaring war against Nolavroc.

In Rodauce our goal is to ensure that our people and our land remain in our control and that no other country or
coalition of countries will seize control. Our military generals and government officials will ensure that this war will be
won so that the country of Rodauce may prosper without any outside force threatening that.

As time goes on we have reason to suspect that a coalition between Nolavroc and Theavalan has been forming. This
coalition would threaten our nation of Rodauce due to the border dividing Rodauce and Nolavroc. For the sake of our
country, we have decided that we must not allow Nolavroc and Theavalan to make the first move against us. On June 9,
2013, Reduce will begin our rightful campaign through Nolavroc to suppress any coalition between Nolavroc and
Theavalan. We shall not allow for another coalition to be formed by Nolavroc that leads to our country being threatened.
We will not stand down when threatened, we will fight until we are victorious.

Yours truly,

Cameron Main

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