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Emirate of Abu Dhabi ‘Health Authority - Abu Dhabi Chief Executive Officer Office (niall lami eel - deat ate ht ppt casa Circular No, (CEO 37/12) yeas Dat aly 26%, 2012 ‘Tos All Health Facilites inthe Emirate of ‘Abu Dhabi 1 Vaccination of Adults at High Risk ‘of Infectious Diseases Greetings, We exend you our sincere greeting and appreciation. ingly be informed tha HAAD has identified vacins 0 be ven 10 adits who ace at bigh risk oF contracting Infectious disease and developing related complications, a a) ‘ecommendatons which ental tht [Hesthoare providers are requested to recommend the ‘ccs to the specified targst groupe as sated in snpendix |, in patienlar Preumococeal Polysaccharide Balen vaccine and Seasonal Influenra vain to high Fisk groupe of infstious diseases a sted in append oy ‘Therefore af eaters facilis are rauied to provide the relevant vaccine to healthcare professionals in their facilities in accordance with the recommendations provided in the stached appendix 2. The vaccines fer Haj and Omvah are provided only inough specified Tealticaefaiies which are announced anally by HAAD, The vaccines for contacts are provided through the Defame of Prevention and Serening Centers (DPSC) iy Au Dhahi and Eastern Regions, For Western Retion. ‘acination for contacts is provided though all hospi snd AI Dhaea Family Medeine Comer ite resin We hope that all healthcare faites will adhere to th provisions ofthis Circular 2012 sisi 26 se. sil lad hl inal LE ae ak StL, tad Gal ALY LSI ae Ral ea Sa Sy yp Ha 5 yet gM ya phy Sylad Aavad Raa Clay Hall py gl aaa Ye yas le Ga ADS cp Magia i (1) Sid A Rang JS) fee GD} SS Goad) ay ghey Be kd al i ol Set igs BA hen 9 Ste a MeL On Hs ha hp cs ee al Kemet) Gest ehh Slt nig 40350 (2) Ba Acne a am Heed pa le Foals Qa Salil AS pay DEY Aly pg Rat ae Od Tape ge Ayo aly vl spat fall 855) le Me I gh AE Saas nll Bye od Obs oes tes US aN, gd ial Bs ctl og oie J a an fy al ASIN Raed Ed WE 3 oh at 7.0. Box 8674. Abu Dhabi Unt Tol: 9871 2- 4190007 - Fax: «071 Tan Bap yea OWE ae [RN TEHE AAT Ged AON EASE aL ‘Append ‘The Vaccinations Schedule for Adults at High isk Veccne| Inaeation | schedule intone) Haydn pee Aas yes Sper ar ai ihn “5 immonosomoraning condor: Somat 3 Gone cacorclrdhewelecep hypertension 1 Ghoilung sessing thn) ‘Asse ce splesacomy “Sncoerstertconplenenoroonent ercences) “> Grocer este 3 fn are age renal ace, ‘cpa fhm Sine dose every yor palschnie TARTS Ra wo a HOT auroral once 23 Vent > GrenieCartomcse Semeecept perro 2 cocterimgants Alena ingle spleneomy secu) > tidy fare ond ago rea dase, Sale dase or eons vested ator ease ser Thesecon oe reuited yrs fer ‘fie dost perone reed acting Bas of ape for ary incaton ooops ‘p= TT en arp when nce ie Sect dene 3 skemia 3 inten Forte wo ave iad ect contac with he ‘deer ad 2 ours fective etnias ergy Thefalowing persons single coe they have rt preiuty

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