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Limos, Lerry Claire

BSN – 301


Question 1: How do you see yourself as a potential leader in the future? In the society? In
the community? In the family? Or as individual?

- I see myself as someone who is confident, a leader who believes in herself that whatever
she puts into mind, it will happen because she will put it into work. As a leader in the
society, I want them to see me as their role model and not as someone who gives orders. I
want them to see me as an equal partner, who motivates and cheers them to become the
best versions of themselves. Being a leader is not just a title, it is a responsibility that
each person has to fulfill. You are appointed in that position because someone saw the
potential in you, that you could lead people into success. However, success will not
happen if you are the only one working and has a goal for it, thus in a community setting,
you need the help of the people. and the key component here is to have a good
communication skill, to communicate your goals and visions to them. In order to get
them to listen, you need to come out as someone reliable who knows what she is doing
and that the goal is somehow attainable. If I were to become a leader in the future, I want
to leave a great impact to the people whom I will lead, and they will remember me as
someone who made their lives for the better.

Question 2: What are your personal qualities that could affect others? And be an
effective leader?

- The personal qualities that I possess that I believe could affect others is that I am a great
listener and I can empathize. To be a great leader and for them to follow you, you must
listen to them first. Because trust is what binds you together, and when you listen to them
and understand them, it shows that you respect their ideas and opinions. It also builds
trusts and strengthens relationships. In that sense, it shows their importance to you as
their leader. And when they feel that way, it gives them that kind of motivation to do
better because they know they have a role to fulfill. That is not the only benefit that you
can take advantage when you listen first, it also resolves conflicts and problems with one

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