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Make a checklist (1-10) of what you think are the characteristics of a good government
● Transparent. To be completely honest with their intentions
● Goal-oriented. Someone who knows what they want for the people and speaks
with a purpose
● With empathy. To be able to put themselves on other people’s shoes
● Trustworthy.
● Humility
● Good decision making and problem solving skills
● In times of need, they are present. They can present themselves in needs of help
● Knowledgeable
● For the people and not for the benefit of themselves
● Has concrete plans wherein they can prevent problems before it can happen.

2. What can we do as citizens to contribute to good government?

- To be more open. To voice out our concerns. Do not be afraid to criticize the
government because we are the ones who have power because we are the ones
who gave them their seats. To see who are the people from the government that
are willing to listen to our plea and will make a change for the betterment of the
people and not just for themselves.

3. How can good governance be promoted in transition to more open and democratic
- To have good governance, we first need to find good leaders. And for that to
happen, we first must possess the qualities of being a good leader for us to
recognize those who have the potential to govern or to lead. We should always be
an example of what we want others to be. By doing so, we are becoming a role
model for other people, and to motivate them to be a good role model to other
people also therefore paying it forward. To use our voice and influence for the
better and that will help the transition to a more open and democratic society.

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