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Wahyu Kharisma Dirgantara (220030720) ITB Sikom Bali

Gilang Wahyu Eka Ramanda (220030677) ITB Stikom Bali

I Kadek Dwiki Artawan (220030699) ITB Stikom Bali


Information technology focuses its studies and fields of work on how information is spread
using technological means. With so many electronic tools that facilitate all daily activities, the
result is a high dependency that cannot even be separated from information technology. The
present is a time when information technology is developing rapidly, this is marked by the
many up-to-date and up-to-date information technology products. An example of the latest
information technology is smart phones (smartphones) which are hand-held communication
devices where almost all of our personal information data can be stored. it can be a variety of
things from talking remotely or calling other people, realtime video communication to
browsing and looking for directions to a building or destination city.
The technology that will replace books is e-books that are thinner and more environmentally
friendly because books are electronic and stored in devices that are practical to carry anywhere,
in the form of a small and newest tablet from a computer that can easily be carried anywhere,
has a battery with high power long lasting. Humans use technology because they have logic.
Technological progress is something that cannot be avoided in this life, because technological
progress will run in accordance with scientific advances. At this time the development of
information technology, especially in Indonesia is growing. Using information and
communication technology can make it easier for us to learn and receive the information we
need from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone.
In the world of education, the development of information technology has begun to have a
positive impact because with the development of information technology, the world of
education has begun to provide significant changes. The development of information and
communication technology has made a very large contribution to humans in various fields,
including in the field of education. E learning or electronic learning is an effective learning
process that is produced by combining the delivery of material and giving assignments
digitally. E-learning is innovation in the world of education which contributes greatly to the
student learning process. With so many new applications or websites, of course it is not easy
to maintain account privacy or stored data. or the privacy of the account that is stored. Cyber
security is an effort made to protect the system from various threats or illegal access.

Information technology focuses its studies and fields of work on how information is spread
using technological means. With so many electronic tools that facilitate all daily activities, the
result is a high dependency that cannot even be separated from information technology. The
present is a time when information technology is developing rapidly, this is marked by the
many up-to-date and up-to-date information technology products. An example of the latest
information technology is smart phones (smartphones) which are hand-held communication
devices where almost all of our personal information data can be stored. it can be a variety of
things from talking remotely or calling other people, realtime video communication to
browsing and looking for directions to a building or destination city.
The technology that will replace books is e-books that are thinner and more environmentally
friendly because books are in electronic form and are stored in devices that are practically
carried everywhere, in the form of small and newest tablets from a computer that can easily be
carried anywhere, have batteries with power last long. Humans use technology because they
have logic. Technological progress is something that cannot be avoided in this life, because
technological progress will go according to scientific progress. In the current era of
globalization, mastery of technology becomes prestige and an indicator of a country's progress.
A country is said to be advanced if it has a high level of technological domination, while
countries that are unable to adapt to technological advances are often referred to as failed
countries. On the one hand, such good global developments in science and technology have
indeed brought extraordinary benefits to the advancement of human civilization. Types of work
that previously required relatively large physical abilities, are now relatively capable of being
replaced by automatic machines. Likewise, the discovery of new formulations of computer
capacity, seems to have shifted the position of the human brain's ability in various fields of
science and human activities. In short, today's technological advances have really been
recognized and felt to provide a lot of convenience and comfort for human life. Types of work
that previously required relatively large physical abilities, are now relatively capable of being
replaced by automatic machines.Likewise, the discovery of new formulations of computer
capacity, seems to have shifted the position of the human brain's ability in various fields of
science and human activities. In short, today's technological advances have really been
recognized and felt to provide a lot of convenience and comfort for human life. Types of work
that previously required relatively large physical abilities, are now relatively capable of being
replaced by automatic machines. Likewise, the discovery of new formulations of computer
capacity, seems to have shifted the position of the human brain's ability in various fields of
science and human activities. In short today's technological advances have really been
recognized and felt to provide a lot of convenience and comfort for human life.
At the present time the development of information technology, especially in Indonesia is
growing. Using information and communication technology can make it easier for us to learn
and receive the information we need from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone. In the world
of education, the development of information technology is starting to be felt to have a positive
impact because with the development of information technology, the world of education has
begun to make quite significant changes. Many things are felt to be out of alignment and
changed compared to using the method that was developed before. At present, distance and
time are not a problem. which means to receive knowledge, lots of applications have been
created to facilitate it. Information via internet media, being able to be one of the keys to
shaping the world of education in Indonesia has the same standards as other countries.
By using internet media, the government and educational institutions have begun to
implement relatively effective learning patterns to be applied to people who have problems
with distance and when to get information especially information on education. If we look at
other countries, the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia
can be said to be relatively behind. the role of government is needed to increase the growth and
development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The government is
expected to be able to generalize the development of information technology in all regions in
this country. the government and educational institutions have begun to implement relatively
effective learning patterns to be applied to people who have problems with distance and time
to obtain information, especially information on education. If we look at other countries, the
development of information and communication technology in Indonesia can be said to be
relatively behind. the role of government is needed to increase the growth and development of
information and communication technology in Indonesia.
The government is expected to be able to generalize the development of information
technology in all regions in this country. the government and educational institutions have
begun to implement relatively effective learning patterns to be applied to people who have
problems with distance and time to obtain information, especially information on education. If
we look at other countries, the development of information and communication technology in
Indonesia can be said to be relatively behind. the role of government is needed to increase the
growth and development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
government is expected to be able to generalize the development of information technology in
all regions in this country. If we look at other countries, the development of information and
communication technology in Indonesia can be said to be relatively behind. the role of
government is needed to increase the growth and development of information and
communication technology in Indonesia. The government is expected to be able to generalize
the development of information technology in all regions in this country. If we look at other
countries, the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia can be
said to be relatively behind. The role of government is needed to increase the growth and
development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The government is
expected to be able to generalize the development of information technology in all regions in
The development of information and communication technology has contributed greatly to
humans in various fields, including education. E-learning or electronic learning is an effective
learning process that is produced by combining the delivery of material and giving assignments
digitally. E-learning is an innovation in the world of education that contributes greatly to the
student learning process. With so many new applications or websites, of course it is not easy
to maintain account privacy or stored data. There needs to be care in accessing personal account
data privacy. Cyber security one of which can be a portal to protect data or account privacy
that is stored. Cyber security is an effort made to protect the system from various threats or
illegal access.

Objectives and benefits in analyzing the use of e-learning as a

learning medium and awareness of cyber security.
A. Purpose

1.Describe the application of utilization E-learning as a medium of learning and awareness of

cyber security as access security e -learning AT ITB STIKOM BALI.
2. Make additional learning media so that the teaching and learning process can run optimally.
And keep on being aware of cyber security as security.
3. Formulate supporting factors in applying -learning to students to build student enthusiasm
in teaching and learning activities.
4.Design and construction of systems fore-learning Students as web-based online learning.
5. Knowing how to implement the application system design e-learning This web-based is for
ITB Stikom Bali students as an online learning medium.

B. Benefits

1.Improve the quality of education and training materials. Where the material that can be
provided by educators will increase in quality because it can take from various existing sources.
2. It is easier for students to be monitored. Student progress, student improvement and ensuring
that they meet their performance milestones for teachers given the ability to track them from
e-learning this. For example, when there are students who do not pass the online exam, they
will get offers from the instructor with methods that suit the student's personality so that they
can more easily accept the learning material that has been prepared and ultimately make
students improve their performance in learning. There fore teachers can easily evaluate and
make better improvements if needed.
3. Protect e-learning of all data better through cyber security and Maintain productivity because
the system is protected from various threats.



1.E-learning Setting, Population and Research Sample. This research and development is
generally carried out in two stages. The first stage of development is carried out at the ITB
STIKOM Bali Computer Laboratory and the second stage is the testing stage which will be
carried out on campuses in Bali. While the research sample was selected using the Stratified
Random Sampling technique. The sample was selected by determining the high school strata
in Bali, namely the favorite campuses with national and international standards. Then from
each strata, students from which campus would be selected randomly as the research sample.
2. Cyber security This study uses the library research method, which is a series of activities
related to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research
materials. This method was chosen for two considerations. First, quite a lot of data can be
obtained from journals published both in print and online. Second, a literature study is needed
as a way to understand new symptoms that occur that cannot be understood, then with this
literature study it will be possible to understand these symptoms.

1.E-learning Can be accessed easily, that is, it is enough to use a smartphone or other
technological device such as a laptop connected to the internet, students can access the material
they want to learn. By implementing e-learning students can carry out learning activities
anywhere, anytime. Flexible study time usually most students who want to learn more do not
have enough time. One of the reasons may be because the time has been used for daily
activities. Digital-based learning or e-learning is the solution. Time to study can be done at any
time without being tied to study hours.
2.With cyber security, systems and networks can be protected from malware and other threats,
so they can work more productively and safely. If a person or organization experiences a data
breach or other breach, cyber security can speed up the recovery process and prevent some


The meaning of e learning and cyber security - Information technology obtained in the field
of education in the form of a website that can be accessed anywhere. - Can design simple but
high-quality lesson plans. - Can upload and access material that is easily accessible through e-
learning. Such as: videos, ppt, handouts, journals that can be sent via email. - Strengthen
website security systems and comply with applicable regulations. - Carry out e-learning
website checks through cyber security to protect data owned from e learning.


Anyone can make a contribution to using e-learning to be able to use e-learning as a medium
for managing learning. As for some learning activities that can be carried out with E-Learning
media are chatting with friends or teachers, creating discussion forums, conducting learning
consultations and doing assignments given online. Meanwhile, in cyber security the
contribution needs to be someone who understands the world of IT. However, we are all
responsible - collectively or individually. In some organizations, for example, there is a general
view that cyber security is something that only CISOs do, or that privacy is compliance
department matters only. However, in the absence of shared responsibility for cyber security
and privacy.


Reference: educational technology and information by Dr.Muhammad Japar, M.Sc. Published

by The Social Political Laboratory of the Press first printed in January 2018
Utilization of e-learning:https ://
Material and methods:online-learning problems/
Results regarding e-learning:
dandeficiencies in-implementing-e-learning
Cyber Security Results :
Reference : long-distance/


In its use as a distance learning medium, E-Learning Implementation is divided into 3 forms
1. Supplements / additions The form of implementation in the form of additions is carried out
if the e-learning participants have the freedom to choose whether to utilize electronic
learning materials or not.
2. Complement/complement The form of implementation in the form of a complement if the
e-learning material is programmed to complement the learning material received by e-
learning participants in the learning class.
3. Substitution / replacement In the form of implementation as a substitute for/running E-
Learning in full as a substitute for conventional classes is so that e-learning participants
can flexibly manage learning activities according to time and other daily activities.
There are 3 (three) alternative models of learning activities that can be followed by e-learning
participants: : Completely face to face (conventional), :Some face-to-face and some via
the internet, or even : Entirely via the internet Cyber security systems are basically
divided into three types, namely:
1. Network Security It is a security system that protects data traffic among more and more users
through increased network security. The existence of network security is considered
effective in protecting company assets and maintaining network data traffic. Several
methods to enable network security include installing antivirus, firewall, two-factor
authentication to data encryption.
2. Cloud Security Cloud-based services are now widely used by users to store important data.
But unfortunately, this cloud computing system is still vulnerable to attacks from
hackers so that now cloud security campaigns are becoming more intense. Cloud
security threats are usually anticipated by installing a firewall, two-factor authentication
and data encryption.
3. Application Security Today's businessmen do not only rely on websites as a means of
communicating with customers, but also with homemade applications. This application
is expected to make it easier for customers to access and get the latest information about
a product. This is the importance of application security to prevent the risk of data theft.
Application security is usually in the form of authentication, both biometric and identity

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