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The Thing at the Foot of the Bed

An old man stayed up late one night watching a horror

movie. He finds something sneaking from the foot of his
bed. It looked like two big eyes staring at him. He takes
a rash step of shooting at it without investigating, only to
discover his big toe is gone!

2. Hide and Seek

This story is about two brothers who were playing hide
and seek in their home while their parents were visiting
their friends nearby. As the older boy turned towards the
wall and began counting, he heard his brother
scampering around searching for a place to hide. He
searched everywhere but couldn’t locate his brother,
when he heard a scraping sound from the cupboard. He
called out to his younger brother but there was no
response; only an eerie silence. He opened the cupboard
slowly and bent down to peer closer, when a white, icy
cold hand pulled him back. He then heard his younger
brother calling out to him from behind, and frightened,
the boy tried to break free from the grip of the icy cold
hand. Both the brothers then rushed out of the room and
out of the house, screaming. What if the hand had pulled
the boy inside the cupboard?
1. The Cursed Doll

A young girl was extremely fond of dolls and had a huge

collection of a variety of dolls at home. Once while she was
browsing at a toy store, she found the most beautiful doll ever
and was keen to add it to her collection. When she asked the
store owner, she was told that the doll was cursed. But the girl
insisted, and the owner reluctantly sold it to her. When she
reached her home, she got into the elevator, and the doors
closed behind her. The lift did not move, and the girl began
wondering if this was because of the cursed doll. Suddenly the
doll moved, turned her jet-black eyes towards her and opened
her mouth to say, “Push the floor button, you silly fool.”

2. The Underpants

There was once a man who always wore two pairs of underpants.
When he died, his wife buried him with only one pair of
underpants. After the funeral, the man’s ghost kept coming back
at the stroke of every midnight. The woman moved houses many
times in the hope of getting away from the ghost. But, he
followed her wherever she went. Eventually, she couldn’t take it
anymore, so she asked him, “What do you want from me? Why
do you keep coming back?” He looked at her for a long time and
said, “Honey, please give me another pair of underpants.” She
gave him another pair of underpants, and since that day, he
never returned.

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