Teachers Day

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The Teacher

The teacher, there is no words described him either by the writers,

intellectuals or individuals, he is not compensated and his role is as
important as a father completely. His role is no less important than
the role that parents offer at home. Unlike some of the parents who
neglect their children, the teacher is always there, because there are
many teachers in the school and always you find that there is one is
the favorite of the student and find the student was able to get closer
to him and asked for help from him, whether in the academic or
personal problems. The role of the teacher is very important and
more valuable in the development of healthy societies.
The relationship between the student and the teacher goes far
beyond the educational relationship. In the first place, it is a
relationship between two people with all the joy and difficulties
involved. The relationship between the student and the teacher is
not fraught with any collisions such as parents, so the role of the
teacher is very great in guidance and advice, and the student
accepts this advice and follows it without ignoring it. Therefore, the
teacher plays a very important role in building the society which is an
indispensable role.

These are some of the rulings that were said about the teacher:-
1-Whatever we do, we cann't return the teacher’s favor over us. 
2-There are teachers who can change the universe through their students. 
3-Teacher instills in us all values and morals.
4-Sometimes we spend more time with teachers than we do with our parents.
5-All the words of thanks can not describe my feelings towards the teacher. 
6-Being a teacher is a great responsibility and a great duty. 

And I finally say :-

The teacher’s profession is one of my most important professions in the

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