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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan

Name: Cheyenne Yslava Program: Social Studies Course:
Military History

Lesson Topic / Title: Propaganda All Around Us

Lesson Date: March 23, 2023 Lesson Length: 45 minutes Grade/Age:

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum
goals based on content standards.

Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Students will be able to:

Propaganda is often associated with
Identify the different forms of propaganda. fear, communism, and dictators. In
reality, propaganda is more common
Recognize that propaganda is found all around us. and can be found all around.
The rules regarding POWs are also
Recognize the laws regarding POWs. essential to know. This defines how
we treat those captured during war

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

History Our topic fits the standard, which is

(F2) Analyzing and critiquing major historical eras: major why it was chosen. We are talking about
enduring themes, turning points, events, consequences, war in a critical way, along with other
and people in the history of the United States and the aspects of war.
implications for the present and future.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner

performance and determines best supports for continued learner growth.

Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Journal entries Journal entries almost always relate to

the topic discussed that day.
Class participation Class participation is an easy way for
me to assess if students are paying
Handout attention and are engaged with the
Lastly, we have a handout the students
will work on at the end of class.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise
in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual
learner needs.
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Writing utensil Students will specifically need the

Paper handout and all related papers for the
Handout work they will be doing at the end of
Journals the class period.
Game materials I have created a little game that we
will be playing, so I need the related

Revised 07/19/2018

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance
tasks by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make
learning accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.

Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Greet students as they enter and allow them to settle (2-3 I always make sure to greet students
minutes). as they come into the room. This is a
good way for me to interact with them
Introduce the game we will play to start the class (2 and see how they are doing that day.
minutes). We are going right into the game I
want to play with them. I will have
Begin the game (5-10 minutes). two student volunteers and ensure
they are fully willing to participate.
Start slideshow (10 minutes). We will then play a slightly different
version of charades regarding POWs'
Video (10 minutes). illegal vs. legal treatment.
After, we will move on to the
Handout (10-15 minutes). slideshow and video.
Lastly, I will explain the handout and
allow the student to work on it for the
remainder of class.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

extensions, modifications, accommodations)

Students can choose whether the handout is a Students typically have the option of a
digital or hard copy. digital copy or a hard copy when it
comes to the work given.
Students can have the images for the gallery walk For the gallery walk, students have the
rather than walk around the classroom. option of a stapled copy of the images
rather than walking around the room to
Subtitles are always an option for every video the different stations.
played. Subtitles are always a smart option to
have for any students in your

Field Courses Only – Post lesson


9/13 students met the standard

3 students were absent that day

1 student was kicked out

This lesson started well but slowly crashed and burned. The game went well, and
the students enjoyed watching their classmates in a silly situation. The slideshow
went alright, but when it came to the video intermission, everything collapsed. I
was having technical difficulties, and my mentor was trying to help me. As she was,
I continued to talk to the students. One kid, in particular, took things too far, and my
mentor snapped at him. Things escalated very fast and resulted in an argument and
the kid getting kicked out. It was hard to regain control, so I moved right into
independent work. Some students try to push their luck, but I usually remain calm
and redirect the behavior. I would have loved to complete this lesson, but the
unforeseen interruption did not allow me to do so.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

Standard 4 Content Knowledge 4(o)

As an educator, I understand the importance of realizing that content knowledge is not a fixed
body of facts. Social studies does have solid facts, but more importantly it is a web of complex
ideas that are ever evolving. When talking about war, it is not one solid thing, but rather many
different components and ideas.

Revised 07/19/2018

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