CEFI Scales

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ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING: Executive functioning consists of

one’s ability to attend, problem-solving, plan, organize, and execute goal-directed

behavior. It also includes inhibiting impulses and sustaining effort and attention through
task completion. Most often, individual with attention disorders show impairments with
executive functioning.
Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory: The Comprehensive Executive
Function Inventory is a questionnaire for parents and teachers of school-age children
that enable professionals to assess executive functioning behaviors across settings.
Results from the CEFI are used to calibrate an individual’s level of executive functioning
in the following areas: attention, emotional regulation, flexibility, inhibitory control,
initiation, organization, planning, self-monitoring, and working memory. A description of
each scale is as follows:

Attention: how well an individual can avoid distractions, concentrate on tasks, and sustain
Organization: ability to manage personal effects, work, or multiple tasks, including organizing
tasks and thoughts well, managing time effectively, and working neatly
Working Memory: how well an individual can keep information in mind that is important in
knowing what to do and how to do it, including remembering important things, instructions, and
Inhibitory Control: reflects an individual’s ability to control behavior or impulses, including
thinking about consequences before acting, maintaining self-control, and keeping
Self-Monitoring: ability to evaluate one’s own behavior in order to determine when a different
approach is necessary, including noticing and fixing mistakes, knowing when help in required,
and understanding when a task is completed.
Initiation: describes how an individual begins tasks or projects on his or her own, including
starting tasks easily, being motivate, and taking the initiative when needed.
Emotional Regulation: reflects an individual’s control and management of emotions, including
staying calm when handling small problems and reacting with the right level of emotion.

Planning: reflects how well an individual can develop and implement strategies to accomplish
tasks, including planning ahead and making good decisions.
Scales Parent Classification Teacher Classification
Attention 89 Low Average 88 Low Average

Emotional Regulation 84 Average 71 Below Average

Flexibility 80 Low Average 74 Below Average

Inhibitory Control 90 Average 79 Below Average

Initiation 86 Low Average 76 Below Average

Organization 96 Average 82 Low Average

Planning 84 Low Average 76 Below Average

Self-Monitoring 90 Average 88 Low Average

Working Memory 92 Average 79 Below Average

Full Scale 89 Low Average 78 Below Average

Based upon information provided by Ms. Smith, Susie’s Full-Scale standard score of 89
falls in the Low Average range and is ranked at the 23 rd percentile. In the area of
Working Memory, Susie obtained low ratings on items endorsing the following:
knowing how to do something from memory, needing instructions to be repeated and
remembering important things. In the area of Organization, she scored low on handling
several tasks at once and completing homework or tasks on time. In the area of
Inhibitory Control, Susie scored low on maintaining self-control and being patient for
her turn. In the area of Self-Monitoring, Susie was rated as low in changing a plan that
isn’t working. In the area of Initiation, she scored low on getting started on a task
without help and appearing motivated. In the area of Emotional Regulation, Susie
scored low on controlling her emotions, managing stress without getting emotional, and
displaying the appropriate level of emotion. In the area of Planning, Susie scored low
on anticipating future events, working through problems, and preparing for school. In the
area of Flexibility, Susie scored low on coming up with a new way to reach a goal and
generating ideas on how to do things.

Based upon Susie’s teacher, Susie obtained a Full-Scale standard score of 78 which
falls in the Below Average range and is ranked at the 7th percentile. In the area of
Attention, Susie obtained low ratings on items endorsing the following: working well for
a long time, paying attention for an extended period and avoiding distraction. In the area
of Organization, she was scored low on handing several tasks at once, and appearing
organized. In the area of Inhibitory Control, Susie scored low on controlling her
actions, considering the consequences before acting, and completing a task that takes
a long time. In the area of Self-Monitoring, Susie was rated as low on avoiding
careless errors, changing a plan that isn’t working, and noticing her mistakes. In the
area of Working Memory, ratings were low on holding in mind instructions with many
steps, having many things in mind at one time, and keeping track of her goals when
making decisions. In the area of Initiation, she scored low on initiating conversations,
cueing herself to get started on things and taking initiative/being a self-starter. In the
area of Emotional Regulation, Susie scored low on managing stress without getting
emotional, staying calm when handling small problems, and controlling her emotions. In
the area of Planning, Susie scored low on solving problems creatively, planning ahead
and knowing what to do first. In the area of Flexibility, Susie scored low on generating
ideas for how to do things, finding different ways to solve problems, and solving a
problem in different ways.

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