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Arranged To Fulfill One of The Assignments For English

Syntax Lecturer : Samsul Amri, M.Pd

Created By :
Group II

1. Adi Wiluyo (502211010003)

2. Muhammad Yusril (502211010011)

3. Maulia Fadhila (502211010016)






In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. First of all the writer's
deepest thank To Allah SWT, the lord of the universe and to our prophet Muhammad
SAW, may peace and blessing be upon him, his family and his followers.

Thank you for Mr. Samsul Amri, S.Pd., M.Pd as the English lecturer for who
always help her students and give a lot of useful knowledge. we also would like to express
our deepest gratitude to all of our friends .Thank you for always giving inspiration an
motivating us to finish this assignments may Allah blesses them all.

It is one of the assignments in English Syntax subject. It is composed of the

explanation of the word (adjective, adverb, and preposition). This is not a perfect model so
the writer expects the critic and suggestion in order to make it better. Hopefully this paper
can be used as a reference for learning about word (adjective, adverb, and preposition).

Tembilahan, March 19th 2023

Group II



TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................ii

A. Background................................................................................................................1
B. Formulation of the Problem.....................................................................................1

A. Adjective.....................................................................................................................2
B. Preposition.................................................................................................................4
C. Adverb........................................................................................................................6


A. Conclusion..................................................................................................................9
B. Suggestion..................................................................................................................9




A. Background

Adjectives and adverbs are colorful words that can make sentences in any language
interesting and informative. Indeed, without them, our conversations would be limited and
all we would experience are people's actions. Adjectives are used to describe nouns:
people, places, things or ideas. Adjective are divided into two namely limiting adjective
and descriptive adjective, limiting adjective is limiting the meaning of noun by making
them more specific so we can figure them out and Descriptive adjective is an adjective that
describes a noun by describing it .

Adverbs tell us how an action is performed, and they are used to modify verbs,
adjectives, or other adverbs. Adjectives, adverbs, can all be used to make comparisons.

Prepositions are words that connect elements in a sentence: noun to noun, verb to
verb. They can be modifiers and are often used before and after certain nouns and verbs.
Prepositions can be used to indicate locations and are very useful when traveling or searching.

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. To know and understanding adjective
2. To know and understanding preposition
3. To know and understanding adverb



A. Adjective
Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns or pronouns. Adjectives can
be used to describe the qualities of someone or something by themselves or in comparison
to other things.
The adjective is divided into 2 parts namely Limiting Adjective and Descriptive
1. Limiting Adjective
Limiting adjective is limiting the meaning of noun by making them more specific so
we can figure them out. Which is included in the limiting adjective is:
a. Article ( A, An, The)
A and An used for singular nouns examples: a lemon, an apple
The used for singular, plural and uncountable noun examples: the lemon, the
apples, the milk.
b. Demonstrative adjective (This, These, That, Those)
Demonstrative adjective is adjectives that show the position of an object as well
as explain which noun is meant. Examples: This fried rice is delicious, These books
are about education, That car is very expensive, Those flowers are beautiful.
c. Possessive adjective (My, Your, Our, Their, Her, His, and Its)
Possessive adjective is adjectives that show, describe ownership examples: My bag
is expensive, Its food is delicious.
d. Indefinite adjective (Many\Much, Few\Little, Some\Any)
Indefinite adjective is describe nouns in terms of number or numbers and do not
know for sure (a lot or a little) examples: you have Many motorcycles, I have Much
money, alex has Few followers on tik tok, there is only little sugar in the jar, there
are some tomatoes in the refrigerator.

e. Numeral
Numeral is explain that an object can be counted specifically and we know how
many it is, there are 2 kinds numeral namely cardinal and ordinal.
a. Cardinal (1,2,3,4,5 etc)
Describes the amount of an object in integer form, example: I have two
brothers and no sister.
b. Ordinal 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th etc
Describe the amount of an object in the form of multilevel numbers 1 st first,
2nd second, 3rdthird, 4thfourth, 5thfifth etc, examples: Rara is the first grade, my
sister worked on the second floor. 1stcentury, 2ndcentury.

2. Descriptive Adjective
Descriptive adjective is an adjective that describes a noun by describing it. Which is
included in the descriptive adjective is:
a. Opinion (Smart, Diligent, Delicious, etc)
Opinion is describe nouns with opinion, examples: my brother is smart, my mother
cooks delicious food every day.
b. Size (Big, Small, Long, Short, etc)
Size is describe nouns with describe the size, examples: she has long hair, my
uncle has a large house.
c. Age (young, old, new, ancient, antique etc)
Describe a noun by explaining its age, examples: Its's an old piano, she looks
young for her age.
d. Shape (Round, Triangle, Square, Rectangular, etc)
Describe a noun by explaining its shape example: one of the triangle foods in
Indonesia is risoles.
e. Color (Red, yellow, green etc)
Describe a noun by explaining its color examples: my favorite color is green, her
face turns red when she get embarrassed

f. Origin ( Japanese, chinese, korean, American etc)
Describe a noun by explaining its origin example: sushi is one of the best known
japanese foods around the world,we can find many chinese restaurant here
g. Material (iron, cotton, silk, clay, etc.)
Describe a noun by explaining its material, example: cotton t-shirt can be prone
to shrinking when they are washed and dried.

B. Preposition
Prepositions are words used to connect a noun, pronoun, or phrase with other
words in a sentence. They serve to connect people, things, times, and places in
sentences. Prepositions are usually short words that usually come before nouns. In some
cases, you will find a preposition before a gerund verb.
a. Prepositions of Time
Prepositions of time are prepositions used to indicate when a particular action
occurs. The most common prepositions of time are at, in, and on.
At : for a specific
time Examples:
We are going to wacth a movie at night
I get up at 6 o’clock
Come and visit us at
noon On : day and date
I’ll see you On Sunday

I was born On 21st December 2007

don’t forget to come On my birthday

In : month, year, century, time, season and long period


My birthday is In September

I was born In 2017

Let’s meet In the evening

b. Preposition of Place
Prepositions of place usually indicate position and they are easily discernible. The
three most common prepositions of place are on, at or in. etc
What makes this interesting is that these three prepositions are used to indicate
both time and place. But as I said before, they are easily discernible.

At : for a specific place

Examples :

I work at the bank

See you at the bus stop

I live at nasional street no 13

On : for a horizontal and vertical

surface Examples :

My book is on the table

There is a beautiful picture on the wall

My office is on the left

In : being in an enclosed space, country or a large

area Examples :

My cat is In the badroom

I live In indonesia

I have some money in my pocket

c. Preposition of Instrument
Prepositions of agent or instrument indicate action conducted on something or
someone by something or someone. These prepositions include, by and with

Examples :

He was hit by a ball

I open the door with the key

d. Preposition of Direction
Prepositions of direction indicate direction or destination in which something or
someone is moving towards.
In other words, they show movement from one place to another place and these
propositions of movement usually use them with verbs of motion. For example:
“He went to the hotel.”
The most common preposition of movement are to, into and from.
Examples :
I kick the ball into a box
I took something from my
pocket I go to school everyday

C. Adverb
Adverbs explain more about other words. Usually, adverbs tell us how, how often, when,
or where something happened or was done. Adverbs are usually placed after the verb.
a. Relative Adverb
It is used for combining two sentences or clauses. (where, when, why)
Examples: I remember the day when we first met. Tell me the reason why you came
home late
b. Interrogative Adverb (why, how, where, when)
Examples: why are you so late?, How are you?, when does the train arrive?.
Using “how”
1. Used for “how” = how can I get to your house?
2. Used with adjective = how tall are you?

3. Used with much and many = how much are these tomatoes?, how many people are
coming to the party
4. Used with adverb = how often do you go to London?
c. Adverb of Place
It is showed us where something happen. It is normally put after main verb or main
clause (here, around, outside, everywhere, nearby)
Examples: she took the child outside, I look around but I could not see my phone.
d. Adverb of Time
When, example: I will call you later, I saw that movie last year, I am going to tidy
my room tomorrow.
How long, examples: I am going on vacation for a week, I stayed in Surabaya for
three day, I have not seen her since Monday.
How often, examples: I am seldom sleep, he never drinks coffee, I often eat jengkol,
we saw that movie three times.
If it must use more than one adverb of time in one sentence, the arrangement is: 1.
How long 2. How often 3. When. Examples:
1+2 = I work for five hours every day
2+3 =The magazine was published weekly last
year 1+3 = I dance for two days every week
1+2+3 = He worked in a hospital for two days every week last year
e. Adverb of Manner
It is showed us how something happen. Examples: I ran quickly, she speaks softly, he
swims well
Adverb of manner ca not be put between verb and object, it must be put before verb
or after clause, examples:
He ate greedily the chocolate cake =
false He ate the chocolate cake greedily
= true He greedily ate the chocolate cake
= true
f. Adverb of Degree

Adverb of degree tells us about the intensity of something.
Examples: you are walking too slowly, she is running very fast, you are running fast
enough, the water was extremely hot.
g. Adverb of Certainly
It shows how confident we are that an action will occur
- It is put before main verb of after tobe, examples: I surely won’t forget, she is
certainly a beautiful girl
- If there is auxiliary verb, adverb of certainly is put between auxiliary verb and
main verb, examples: he is definitely running late; I will probably forget
- Sometimes, adverb of certainly is put at the beginning of sentence, example:
certainly, I will be there
- Adverb of certainly “surely” is put at the beginning of sentence for looking
information, example: surely you are not going to wear that to the party.
h. Viewpoint and Commenting Adverb
Tell us about the speaker's viewpoint or opinion about an action, or make some
comment on the action. Examples:
Clearly, he doesn't know what he is doing.
He clearly doesn't know what he is doing.
He doesn't know what he is doing,

A. Conclusion

Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns or pronouns. Limiting

adjective (article, demonstrative adjective, possessive adjective, indefinite adjective,
numeral). Descriptive adjective (opinion size age shape color origin material).
Prepositions are words used to connect a noun, pronoun, or phrase with other words in a
sentence (prepositions of time, preposition of place, preposition of instrument, preposition
of direction). Adverbs explain more about other words. Usually, adverbs tell us how, how
often, when, or where something happened or was done (relative adverb, interrogative
adverb, adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of manner, adverb of degree, adverb of
certainly, viewpoint and commenting adverb)

B. Suggestion
This is not a perfect model so the writer expects the critic and suggestion in
order to make it better. Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference for learning
about word (adjective, adverb, and preposition).

prepositions/adjectives-adverbs-prepositions time/#:~:text=A%20preposition%20of%20time
%20is,are%20at%2C%20in%20and% 20on.

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