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Animal Science 333

Why is the knowledge of tiller behaviour patterns important in pasture

grass production?
M.E Ngubane ,University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Scottsville, King Edward

1.The developmental morphology of grasses is based upon the successive differentiation of phytomers
from apical meristems(Briske and Richards, n.d.) . Regardless of the growth unit recognized, the
architecture and productivity of plants is partially determined by the population dynamics of growth
units (i.e., phytomers or tillers).
2. Reduction in radiation intensity and altering the wavelengths arriving on the soil surface have
proven to modulate the growth and tillering of oatgrass (Tiaz and Zieger,2010). A low intensity of
supplemented far red light increased the differences between the oat main stem and tiller masses,
demonstrating the prioritization of resource allocation to the main stem in the detriment of the
tillers (Almeida & Mundstock, 2001). Sufficient radiation ensures successful regrowth ceteris paribas
3. Seeds with an extensive tillering ability should be planted at lower rates ( Santo et al.,2013)
4. Tillering is also affected by interactions among environmental variables, plant age and genotype.
Presumably, the environment interacts with mechanisms of apical dominance to regulate tiller
populations (Briske and Richards, n.d.)
4. Briske and Richards (n.d.) state that density-dependent regulation could possibly be a significant
mechanism of population regulation in specific communities and during certain seasons of the year
when wanting to increase the population of wheatgrass
6.In a study conducted by Mathew et al., in (2013) on seasonal cycles of tiller birth and death, tropical
grasses, Brachiara brizantha that was grown in Brazil showed continuous pattern of tillering
throughout the year even after it exhibited 20cm defoliation, but in June/July (dry and cool months)
the tillering population was reduced and improvement was seen in Nov/Dec. Comparatively, when the
grass exhibited 10cm defoliation, the plant could not replace its tillers hence degradation indication.
7. In response to grazing, 3 factors should be considered ( frequency, intensity and season). Trilica
(2013) suggests that frequency has more influence on grass productivity than intensity and this owes
to the continuous reduction in plant flash which allow photosynthetic to proceed, hence a reduction in
carbohydrate reserves in the plant consequently its ability to replenish
8.When determining the frequency and intensity of defoliation, as well as leaf longevity, it is possible
to estimate grazing efficiency (CARVALHO et al.,2007). The relevance of knowing grazing
efficiency lies in the fact that pasture usage is a premise for its transformation into an animal
product(PONTES et al., 2004).
9.The difference in the defoliation patterns of tillers in the horizontal plane of the sward although little
understood, determines horizontal sward structure, which affects forage plant growth (Santo et al.,
10. Population recovery after tiller death at flowering is mostly suffered by temperate grasses and is
influenced by the grazing regime (Mathew et al., 2013), extension agencies like Cedara should put
this variable into consideration when developing animal husbandry recommendations for farmers

1. David D. Briske and James H. Richards, PLANT RESPONSES TO DEFOLIATION: A

2. Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos1*, Dilermando Miranda da Fonseca2, Guilherme Porte Silva2,
Thiago Gomes dos Santos Braz2, Virgilio Mesquita Gomes2 and Simone Pedro da Silva3. Defoliation
patterns in signal grass tillers with varying heights in the same pasture. Acta Scientiarum. Animal
Sciences Maringá, v. 35, n. 3, p. 259-265, July-Sept., 2013
3. M.J. Trlica, Grass Growth and Response to Grazing. Colorado State University professor, rangeland
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5. Cory Matthew A, Mónica G Agnusdei B, Silvia G Assuero C, André F Sbrissia D, Omar Scheneiter E
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