Interview Question

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---1st round interview questions---etl global

how you managing your task in jira

code first or data base first

stack for both
what component in ado dot net
diff between data adapter and data reading
diff between exec query and exec non query
types of inheritance in c#
what is interface
access modifiers used in your project
can we use property in interface
what is boxing and unboxing
can we create object of abstract class
sealed class
can we create object of sealed class
can we create object of static class
diff iquarable and iunmerable
current project,project structure
did hv expr in payment getway
mvc lifecycle
filters in mvc
hv experience in authorization filter
types of result available in mvc
want to ridden a file which result should be used
how to manage session in mvc
diff between view bag and view data
what is purpose of partial view
can we apply layout in partial view
how many types of routing in mvc
diff between rest and soap api
how to authonicate in web api
how to secure web api..headers parameters
what are constraints
diff between primary and unique key
how many times we can store null vale in unique
diff between sp and function
how many types of trigger in sql
main purpose of trigger
what is view
suppose i hv 2 table employee(id,name,deprtmentid,salary) and
department(id,name)employee name belongs to which department...list
higest top 5 or 5th salary from employee table
have experiance on web form(asp dot net)
1st round interview question shubash jadhav--conet

diff between var and dynamic

how do we maintain session state in mvc
diff between view bag and temp data
what is string builder
what is inheritance
suppose classA method public,constr private
class B how can i inherit from a to b
namespaces in mvc
most basic and parent namespace required in mvc
what is system.web.async
how do declare store procedure
how to navigate from one view to another view
how to write syntax of action link
what is most difficult task you have worked on

1st round--perfect consultancy
1-role in current project
2-team size for project
3-what is oops in details
4-is encapsulation used for binding data
5-advatages of oops
6-diff bet overriding and overloading
7-same method with same parameter it is overloading or overriding
8-how to handle exception ??what is finally block
9-what is mvc and mvc life cycle
10-how many return type in mvc
11-redirection to action return type
12-which assembly used in mvc
13-diff veiw data and veiw bag-ca view pass cotroller to cotroller
14-how do you use output cashing what is benefit of this using
15-how many types of filters in mvc
16-diff between authentication and otherization
17-do used view start
18-how many types of join in sql
19-what is right cross join is riht join and right outer join same
if left side a b c and right side a b what is o/p
20-how many types of sql relationship server
21-diff betwwen primary key and foreign key..can we use multiple foreign key in one
22-use of unique key
23-suppose 1 crore records how to show that data
24- 4 table department,employee,designation,salary query in sql to top 5 employee
by salary
SELECT, designation.title, salary.amount

FROM employee
INNER JOIN designation ON employee.designation_id =
INNER JOIN salary ON = salary.employee_id
ORDER BY salary.amount DESC

1st round
1.diff between db first and code first
2-what is model view validation in db first
3.i want to declare primary key on modal can i do in entity framework-code first
4.benifit of core on mvc
5.what is mvc transfe tecnique used to data transfer
7.diff between view data and veiw bag--other type of data transfer
8.what are session management technique
9.what is cashing did you used in your project..explain it
10.what are helpers
11.what is razor enginee
12.what are authentication you used in your project
13.what is jwt token
14.what is abstract class and interface in c#..diff between them
15.what is dependance inversion what is use and how to implement them
16.front end technology you are currently working on
17.did work on store procedure what is store procedure..advantage to access store procedure data in mvc web api application what is procedure
19.exec non query and exec scalar operation in build method
20.what is temp table use of temp table..diff between local and global temp table
21.know about cte explain
22.types of join diff between max table can join using join is there any
1.explain your project..first..functional module..then technical to help user your project(is it for normal person or other)..i can use it
3.which type of inventory you have
4.which technology used for project cycle in mvc detail
6.differet type of routing in mvc
7.different type of action result in mvc to pass data from controller to view..can we pass view to controller
9.diff between view and veiw bag can share data between both controller
11.diff between view and partial view..can we load partial view dynamically
12.diff feature of linq
13.used for database connection..
14.diff betwee authentication and autherization we perform authorization in mvc
16.what is dependancy injection
17.what is diff between model and view model
1.intro have you used all technologies
2.features of web api used..features
3.test web api
4.input string and return the count words using function
5.convert string to array
2.why do you leave current job
3.what is oops concept
4.did you use in your project
5.why we use interface
6.diff bet protected and internal
7.types access modifiers
8.array and array list
9.string and string builder
10.dependancy injection
11.controller action method in mvc return type
12.if i have int=10 and function can i return is prime or not in true false
13.mvc created project all module created i want to ristrict for india how it work
14.filter in mvc
15.what is ajax.begin
16.did you work on ajax
17.what is partial view in mvc

18.html action and render html action

19.what is view data and temp data can view data view into partial view using mvc
21.what is get and post in ajax
22.what is layout page in mvc
23.what is use of render body
24.what is diff var and dynamic
25.primary key in sql
26.diff between clstered and non clustered index
27.can i use multiple column in clustered index
28.did use pagination query
29.diff between where and having
30.higest salary from employye write query
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////yadul patel
2.what is overlaoding and overriding
3.what is readonly and constant
4. what ref and out
5.what is inumerable and iquarable
6.what private constructor
7.authorize attribute
8.remote attribute--and which parameter will check
9.on attribute in mvc
10.jwt token and token are used for
11.what is dependancy injection to find error in webapi and handle error
13.diff errore codes
14.what is veiw bag and view data implementation send features
17.singletone design pattern
18.database connection
19.diff between stored proc and function
20.temp table in sql
21.what is local and global temp table
22.diff between temp table and table variable
23.what is singleton design pattern
24.what is repository design pattern
25.what is json
26.diff between json and xml

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